20mm mandible advancement



Mar 23, 2022
Had a visit today and the doc told me I probably need some form of jaw surgery because just by looking at me he said I probably suffer from sleep apnea. (And i probably do).

He told me he can only advance 20mm, and from the morph it looks kinda like underwhelming and not enough, at least aesthetically speaking.
Also the whole surgery is quite.time and effort consuming since i would need to wear braces for like 2 years.
Good thing is that it would be covered by health system.
Bad part is that my front wouldnt change at all, only side profile would be slightly better
I might pm the morph to some top users
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20mm would make you a whole new person
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Ik im not a top user but can you pm me it im really curious i feel like a 20mm advancement would change someone a bunch but the way you are describing it doesnt make it seem that crazy
this is 9mm (5mm BSSO + 4mm genio):


this is 18mm (12mm BSSO + 6mm genio):

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enjor ur relapse and permanent nerve damage. jfl
enjor ur relapse and permanent nerve damage. jfl
I mean im not sure if ill.do it or.not. you think is that dangerous? At this point i would do it more for sleep apnea reason than anything since my front face is basicly identical
I mean im not sure if ill.do it or.not. you think is that dangerous? At this point i would do it more for sleep apnea reason than anything since my front face is basicly identical
20mm on only the mandible is a huge ton, you should expect relapse and nerve dmg
idk why he wants this much unless you mean its combined with genio
20mm on only the mandible is a huge ton, you should expect relapse and nerve dmg
idk why he wants this much unless you mean its combined with genio
Yea it is combined with genio
20mm on only the mandible is a huge ton, you should expect relapse and nerve dmg
idk why he wants this much unless you mean its combined with genio
When does the risk of nerve damage & relapse rly start?
I had around 20mm on Pog after Trimax. Made a hugeeeee difference.

This is 30mm ( 25 bsso+ 5 genio)

It doesn't even look dramatic.

I kinda think 35-40 is needed.
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View attachment 2813649
This is 30mm ( 25 bsso+ 5 genio)

It doesn't even look dramatic.

I kinda think 35-40 is needed.
who was this guys surgeon?

this is great result but hes lucky because his midface was vert advanced so he could tolerate lower advancement too without looking like a dog
View attachment 2813649
This is 30mm ( 25 bsso+ 5 genio)

It doesn't even look dramatic.

I kinda think 35-40 is needed.
Yea the morph he made looks decent but i feel like 5-10 mm more would do me good.

Btw this result is crazy from LTN to HTN, i had already seen it on instagram
View attachment 2813649
This is 30mm ( 25 bsso+ 5 genio)

It doesn't even look dramatic.

I kinda think 35-40 is needed.
The after pic is more horizontal whereas the before pic is in between horizontal and 3/4, so he does not look as recessed as he actually was. He looked much worse than this in reality.
who was this guys surgeon?

this is great result but hes lucky because his midface was vert advanced so he could tolerate lower advancement too without looking like a dog

He is known for 30+ advancements.

He stole some concepts from @RealSurgerymax tho.
at least he can walk around in public
well he went from being visible but in a bad way, to invisible. its like choosing which degree of pain you would like to be in for your whole life. I would rather be visible but in a good way and enjoy a high-quality life. that's why I am so into looksamxing. Because the existing solutions do not cut it for the average person.
well he went from being visible but in a bad way, to invisible. its like choosing which degree of pain you would like to be in for your whole life. I would rather be visible but in a good way and enjoy a high-quality life. that's why I am so into looksamxing. Because the existing solutions do not cut it for the average person.
He still improved dramatically. Aside from his hairline there isn’t much else he can work on. Besides he’s probably breathing a lot better too
He still improved dramatically. Aside from his hairline there isn’t much else he can work on. Besides he’s probably breathing a lot better too
He looks way fucking better and could easily get laid at a bar by women his age (mid 30s?) whereas before he would disgust them. These Chad or nothing retards are retards. They probably unironically post on r/truerateme.
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Had a visit today and the doc told me I probably need some form of jaw surgery because just by looking at me he said I probably suffer from sleep apnea. (And i probably do).

He told me he can only advance 20mm, and from the morph it looks kinda like underwhelming and not enough, at least aesthetically speaking.
Also the whole surgery is quite.time and effort consuming since i would need to wear braces for like 2 years.
Good thing is that it would be covered by health system.
Bad part is that my front wouldnt change at all, only side profile would be slightly better
I might pm the morph to some top users
Pm me
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