"21M" I'm curious how 'attractive' am I. Feel free to rate me.

you need a tan, slightly better eyes and maybe a slightly better jaw as well as a hair transplant
before that ur a 3/10
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side salludon tier but front…
im sorry op we both are cursed by low prenatal T.

Things that tell me that are your narrow chin and weak browridge projection

is your index finger longer than your ring finger?
Yeah this sites not for you, check botb and save some stuff then delete your acc.
This site is for me, my adore internet mental asylum
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What does that mean
if your index finger is longer than your ring finger it means you werent exposed to enough testosterone in the womb. The only advantage it has, according to studies, is lower chances of prostrate cancer, other than that, it never began ( lack of facial dimorphism, short dick etc )
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if your index finger is longer than your ring finger it means you werent exposed to enough testosterone in the womb
is it evidence-based or broscience shit from incel sites?
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if your index finger is longer than your ring finger it means you werent exposed to enough testosterone in the womb. The only advantage it has, according to studies, is lower chances of prostrate cancer, other than that, it never began ( lack of facial dimorphism, short dick etc )
lifefuel nonetheless, my fucker finger is much more longer than index one. But imo its a giga cope tbh
Not ugly but you are mostly invisible to women physically. You have an NPC appearance. Like movie extra. Just extremely bland face.

The only way you could become attractive is probably lots of surgery and possibly steroids.
prey eyes + narrow subhuman skull always keep you in ltn range OP. Get HT and you will be in that range. You are bottom 1% in height also so its over for u for these reasons.
I've been doing skincare but nothing really helps.. I'm kinda late in puberty I didnt had any acne in my teen years and now on my late years they be popping from time to time and even washing cleansing and moisturizer isnt helping
incel genetics.. fuck. u need hair and a better skin. and try to use other types of glasses that do not make you look so "old".
im 22 and you look like you could be my father
Accutane fixes skin most of the time, but be careful with side effects. In super mild cases something like 10mg eod over a long time period might already be enough. Noticeable hepatotoxicity with higher dosage and dries your skin out like a dry frier.

Also I think lighting and camera distance are making your skin look worse than it actually is.
Nice body, it isn't going to save your subhuman face. A true 3.5PSL with no room for ascension

I can list off a bunch of failos but it all comes down to the fact that you have no forward growth whatsoever and without me refraining myself from cracking a lefort 4 joke there is nothing you can do to fix this. Not even bimax will help because your chin is only recessed as the rest of your face is. Your forward growth is completely mogged by this woman's and nearly rivals that of the average asian male. And for a caucasian male that's bad news

WeirdFam profile

You actually have a decent eye area, good PFL, good IPD, decent lashes, full brows. While not mogger they're pretty good

WeirdFam eyes

Just a shame that they won't matter because your head is too recessed to bring them out. It's seriously over. Time to offer my bluepilled advice of find a hobby. You won't have any luck here. Can't make any morphs as there's nothing that can be improved unless a Lefort 4 goes from meme to reality
You actually have a decent eye area, good PFL, good IPD, decent lashes, full brows. While not mogger they're pretty good
His eyes are too big vertically, to the point where the sclera is showing.
His eyes are too big vertically, to the point where the sclera is showing.
Sclera show alone isn't a death sentence. It's why I wouldn't rate them being mogger but they're not bad
Nice body, it isn't going to save your subhuman face. A true 3.5PSL with no room for ascension

I can list off a bunch of failos but it all comes down to the fact that you have no forward growth whatsoever and without me refraining myself from cracking a lefort 4 joke there is nothing you can do to fix this. Not even bimax will help because your chin is only recessed as the rest of your face is. Your forward growth is completely mogged by this woman's and nearly rivals that of the average asian male. And for a caucasian male that's bad news

View attachment 1856983

You actually have a decent eye area, good PFL, good IPD, decent lashes, full brows. While not mogger they're pretty good

View attachment 1856991

Just a shame that they won't matter because your head is too recessed to bring them out. It's seriously over. Time to offer my bluepilled advice of find a hobby. You won't have any luck here. Can't make any morphs as there's nothing that can be improved unless a Lefort 4 goes from meme to reality
Women are more forward grown than men on average if you didn’t know. If a man forward grown mogs a women, it’s a subhuman trait.
Women are more forward grown than men on average if you didn’t know. If a man forward grown mogs a women, it’s a subhuman trait.

How is mogging in forward growth a subhuman trait for men. Forward growth is the quintessential basis for good looks in men and women. Forward growth will only look subhuman if forward grown features are paired with recessed features

Complete forward growth:


Slightly unattractive forward growth because the lower third isn't forward grown enough to match their top third:

1000 F 86257624 XtqoBTsPVNldhOuGuGQkipT4HwYpcU3z

Casey Neistat has some decent forward grown upper and lower thirds but their nasal base is so recessed that they become subhuman:

Casey neistat profile
How is mogging in forward growth a subhuman trait for men. Forward growth is the quintessential basis for good looks in men and women. Forward growth will only look subhuman if forward grown features are paired with recessed features

Complete forward growth:

View attachment 1857011

Slightly unattractive forward growth because the lower third isn't forward grown enough to match their top third:

View attachment 1857013

Casey Neistat has some decent forward grown upper and lower thirds but their nasal base is so recessed that they become subhuman:

View attachment 1857015
It wasn’t what I said.
You proposed that it is a negative trait if you are less forward grown than women, which is not the case.
looks ltn overall atm
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It wasn’t what I said.
You proposed that it is a negative trait if you are less forward grown than women, which is not the case.
You just said if a man forward growth mogs a woman it's a subhuman trait

Though it doesn't really matter whether you're forward growth mogged by a man or woman nor was I aware that women on average have more forward growth since I mostly specialise with analysing male faces. Having no forward growth is a subhuman trait in general
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I honestly dont care if people insult me lmao im used to it since I was a fat kid in middle and high school and I grew up being bullied so nothing new to me
Brutal!! Same thing happened to me bro :feelsbadman::feelsbadman:
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Check maxilla part
Low IQ thread and I alread pointed out the problem in an earlier response. The guy on the right here looks bad for the same reason the woman above them also looks bad. Although the man below has a slightly stronger maxilla than the lady above they both suffer from lacking equal forward growth from the rest of their facial thirds. The guy and girl on the left both have insane forward growth and are both mogger. I don't know what the OP on this thread was thinking they literally posted a pic that contradicted what they were saying

If your maxilla is too forward grown in comparison to your brow, forehad and chin then you're a bird cel. If you have a strong brow and chin but lack a maxilla then you can end up like Casey Neistat. Everything must be equally forward grown to be considered attractive. Some recession can be fixed, but when your entire face lacks forward growth then it's officially over like ratings OP

Forward growth

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