27 have no idea where to get started

Just visit a professional for help if you have an actual medical condition
Yea i did theres no permanent solution for it my skin just gets red and it comes and goes whenever shit sucks
Lol its actually ironic cause i just read your SkinCare guide and archived a lot of the comments you made on that post and was meaning to dm you, i currently don't have any skincare routine I have a weird skincare condition Seborrheic dermatitis that just popped out of nowhere when i was 24 and it just comes and goes so im scared of doing anything to my skin all the time and have just left it alone for these 3 years, the pics on the left and right are only taken 4 months apart and it already went away so maybe i can start up some skincare routine im hoping.
Okay so firstly, are you currently under a doctor for the seborrhoeic dermatitis? And are you currently in a flare?
We can do this over DM if you'd rather by the way- up to you.
  • +1
Reactions: DannyGreen
He liked my post pointing this out but he didn't actually edit his own post


Ye I noticed that after I warned him myself JFL
fix your posture, lose weight, go to the gym, skin care, hair.
Dont use retin a it causes hairloss
fix your posture, lose weight, go to the gym, skin care, hair.
I'm 6'3 and weigh 170 with 12% bdf i don't know about losing weight lol but i agree on the rest thanks.
Dont use retin a it causes hairloss

This is how I'm just going to start responding to these comments whenever I see them- you've been corrected enough times on this issue that by now it has moved past not knowing any better into flat out being dishonest.
  • +1
Reactions: Morpheus

This is how I'm just going to start responding to these comments whenever I see them- you've been corrected enough times on this issue that by now it has moved past not knowing any better into flat out being dishonest.
Proof or fake
Proof or fake
...you know that you've still not proved at all that they do cause hair loss. All I'm saying is that you can't make constant positive claims without any actual evidence.

But if it makes you feel any better:
Bazzano et al (1993) Effect of Retinoids on Follicular Cells
Bergfeld (1998) Retinoids and hair growth.

Those two (and their associated literature) should be enough to get you started.
  • +1
Reactions: Zdeweilx
...you know that you've still not proved at all that they do cause hair loss. All I'm saying is that you can't make constant positive claims without any actual evidence.

But if it makes you feel any better:
Bazzano et al (1993) Effect of Retinoids on Follicular Cells
Bergfeld (1998) Retinoids and hair growth.

Those two (and their associated literature) should be enough to get you started.
Fair enough
I'm 6'3 and weigh 170 with 12% bdf i don't know about losing weight lol but i agree on the rest thanks.
nice height bro, you look a bit bloated in the face thats why i said lose weight, but you seem good then.
  • +1
Reactions: DannyGreen
What are you trying to achieve? If you think that surgeries are going to make you look even remotely like the model in your pics, you need to wake up boyo. There are so many issues that make your face different from any male model. Don't even go down that route unless you have wads of cash, a high appetite for risk of injury and risk of being disappointed with the results after enduring horrible recoveries. You need craniofacial surgery, eye surgery, lip surgery, and facial implant surgery.
you look like Danny garcia lol
  • +1
Reactions: suddenurge
What are you trying to achieve? If you think that surgeries are going to make you look even remotely like the model in your pics, you need to wake up boyo. There are so many issues that make your face different from any male model. Don't even go down that route unless you have wads of cash, a high appetite for risk of injury and risk of being disappointed with the results after enduring horrible recoveries. You need craniofacial surgery, eye surgery, lip surgery, and facial implant surgery.
Im just trying to look as good as i can,reach my potential so besides working out and taking care of my self surgeries are the go to for facial peek, i have the cash and i've had surgeries before i know the recovery, why do you say i need craniofacial and what eye, lip and facial implants would you recommend
you look like Danny garcia lol
could be worse lol
View attachment 285563View attachment 285580View attachment 285562View attachment 285557View attachment 285560
I just need overall help in anything that can improve my looks
, all recommendations,tips etc. are appreciated Maybe looking for someone to help morph certain features
that people normally get Jaw implants chin wing maxilla etc
The main points that stand out to me are a lack of angularity at your zygos and ramus. Have you thought about initially using filler in these areas to see how they look with more projection?
How did you have your bf% measured? Your face would probably look better at a lower bf%.
Also, the guys here are right, a better haircut would really help.
  • +1
Reactions: DannyGreen
The main points that stand out to me are a lack of angularity at your zygos and ramus. Have you thought about initially using filler in these areas to see how they look with more projection?
How did you have your bf% measured? Your face would probably look better at a lower bf%.
Also, the guys here are right, a better haircut would really help.
I just used my scale to measure my overall bf is there a way to measure the face separately, and i had filler complications under the eye but i never tried anything in other areas, can you explain what i would ask for or what surgery would improve these areas, im looking to perform whatever procedures i can and post before and afters to help people in the future
take the earring out lmao

earrings on men are 10000% a looksmin everytime jfl

You have obvious upper eylid exposure, which you can fix with fillers.
But recessed high set supraorbitals is also part of the issue, from the side you would benefit from orbital implants.
Your eye area looks hard to fix tbh, you also have NCT, and maybe you need
some kind of orbital decompression surgery but ask a pro.

Your philtrum is very long. Lip lift can correct a long philtrum, to an extent (like, in your case, even if
you get the surgery your philtrum will still be long)

Recessed nose bridge -> Implant
Visible nostrils from the front -> Rhinoplasty
You need a jaw advancement procedure like BSSO and probably a CCW rotation of the maxilla.
You could also get other surgeries like lower eyelid retraction, otoplasty, temples implants, etc but honestly, I will be very honest with you
you don't have the base to become good looking, you can become average at best.


If you are a gym beginner, you can lose bodyfat and gain muscle at the same time, to a certain point.

Your skin looks very pale, you should strive to improve your skin tone with stuff like melanotan maybe, anyways other users gave advices already for skinmaxing

Now, your eyebrows look like...they were plucked am I right? If you do pluck them, stop doing it. First, because
it looks feminine and also slightly bushy/thick eyebrows looks attractive on men, when the eyebrows look too perfect,
it gives a gay vibe.
If it's not the case, then you need to find a way to grow them out. You can try minoxidil or eyebrow transplants but they
look fake usually.
You have no eyelashes, try latisse or eyelash transplants.

Grow your hair out and get a haircut, your skull has a weird shape and you need to fraud.

With lots of surgeries and procedures, you can achieve this:
Unnamed 7
IMG 4123
  • JFL
Reactions: DannyGreen
Most cucked eye area i've ever seen jfl

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