3 Years as a Blackpiller, Realizing Bluepill Is Better All Along



narrow-orbits brachy-skull ogre
May 16, 2020
For longer than 3 years, I’ve been blackpilled in terms of my understanding of sexual attraction and in terms of my overarching worldview.

My blackpill mindset’s fundamental principle was to pursue rationality and fight against emotional bias (such as a bias or tendency towards positive copes over harsh truths) at all costs. I strived towards developing a worldview that utterly ignores positivity/negativity and instead is laser-focused on truth over untruth. It was a mindset about “truth mogs false” no matter how negative, brutal, or harsh the truth may be.

I rejected the irrational positivity of the normies who were more positive and much happier than I was; I refused to be a coper who put feelings ahead of facts. I took pride in being a highly rational thinker, a man who never again would ever think a single bluepilled thought.

Turns out that my anti-cope mentality is the biggest cope of them all. It lowered my happiness. Anti-cope became a habit; my brain instantly thought of the “broootal reality” about nearly every situation. This is not natural or healthy for humans to do. Humans are irrational and emotional creatures; it’s why we cope in the 1st place. If you train your brain to always see the negative side as well as the positive side of things and to assign equal weights to the negatives and the positives, you just end up sadder and angrier than most people are. The objective I was striving towards—to be able to face brutal realities without feeling anything—was just too unrealistic for humans because we always feel emotions in response to information whether we want to or not. It’s just not possible to become such a rational person that you feel nothing in response to brutal realities.

Striving to minimize bias sounds good but is really just a happiness-reducing mentality. Most people focus more on positives than on negatives. I wanted to focus on positives and negatives equally since I thought any lean towards either end of the spectrum (especially towards the positive end) is emotional bias and cope. It’s actually super dumb. If there’s a beautiful flower and a pile of shit, it makes sense for you to spend way more time looking at the beautiful flower and take no more than a quick glance at the shit. What I was doing was spending equal time staring at the shit and at the flower—and sometimes spending more time staring at the shit just to make sure I wasn’t looking at the flower longer than the shit (‘cause that’s muh bluepilled positivity). Retardation.

I realized that being a blackpiller—aside from the practical knowledge about looks—is utterly pointless. The bluepill is the answer all along.
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Ignorance is bliss ngl

It’s better to live life ignoring the fact that you’re ugly than life knowing it but not doing anything about it.

Being blackpilled is only a positive if you have a good base or have significant money for surgery
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blackpilled bump
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Ignorance is bliss ngl

It’s better to live life ignoring the fact that you’re ugly than life knowing it but not doing anything about it.

Being blackpilled is only a positive if you have a good base or have significant money for surgery
Nah. It depends on the person. For me, being ugly makes me more willing to go out and smash chicks right in front of chads to make them jealous that an ugly guy like me just took their oneitis. The more ugly i realize i am the more im willing to compensate and conquer women. I if was a good looking white guy and i see ugly ethnics with gl white girls, i would be astonished and self confidence would drop to zero. But since im just an ugly ethnic it doesnt matter to me so im more engaged in risk situations and approaching women
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Nah. It depends on the person. For me, being ugly makes me more willing to go out and smash chicks right in front of chads to make them jealous that an ugly guy like me just took their oneitis. The more ugly i realize i am the more im willing to compensate and conquer women. I if was a good looking white guy and i see ugly ethnics with gl white girls, i would be astonished and self confidence would drop to zero. But since im just an ugly ethnic it doesnt matter to me so im more engaged in risk situations and approaching women
Another schizo
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@hormonetherapy @8PSLcel Blackpill is giga useful for transmaxing. Don’t take the sex inequality bluepill that says males have more privilege than females. Sex inequality is a topic everyone ought to be blackpilled on. Go ahead and return to bluepill in every other topic, but never be bluepilled about sex inequality.
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@BrahminBoss nietzsche shit innit
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Most people focus more on positives than on negatives.
this only works if your basic needs are already fulfilled, having a decent sex life included.
I mean you can also go to a homeless dude and tell him just focus on positive things bro!

It won’t work
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Another loser who had to capitulate to the masses because he was too afraid to stand on his own beliefs. Sad to see.
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bluepill music
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I think the real pill here is that the black and blue pill are nearly the same thing but bluepillers have better mental health
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I think the real pill here is that the black and blue pill are nearly the same thing but bluepillers have better mental health
This is legit -

Everyone knows the importance of looks in life, even 8 year olds, It’s only a minority of extremely ugly people who actually cope that looks aren’t important - even then normally they know the importance of looks but just choose not to spend endless amounts of time dwelling on it because you only get one life so they just try their best to be happy

Literally 90% of people are ‘blackpilled’
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Reactions: falcon1, TAChipmunk, Ruben and 7 others
This is legit -

Everyone knows the importance of looks in life, even 8 year olds, It’s only a minority of extremely ugly people who actually cope that looks aren’t important - even then normally they know the importance of looks but just choose not to spend endless amounts of time dwelling on it because you only get one life so they just try their best to be happy

Literally 90% of people are ‘blackpilled’
The biggest thing I’ve learned from the blackpill isn’t that looks matter cause course they do; I was just shocked at how many options even average women have in the west. Normies have always believed in pretty privilege…
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The biggest thing I’ve learned from the blackpill isn’t that looks matter cause course they do; I was just shocked at how many options even average women have in the west. Normies have always believed in pretty privilege…
Legit it is shocking- stuff like that some normies are unaware of
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Like….yes and no - Yesnt

Ik a bunch of guys ugly af 2.5PSL zero appeal living their life and I have no intention to ever Blackpill them.

Because WHY? Why would I put their mental health at trouble for no reason? They already have a good life and a promising career. Let them live, let them die.

At the same time, whenever I see a zoomer who is tryna looksmaxx or get more chicks and is a guy in the radar and gl, I would indirectly Blackpill them. Why not? We both are friends, have some kind of a same goal and are at the top criteria already and lending out the knowledge would only benefit more, so yeah.
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I am taking parnate atm and it has bluepilled me a shit tonne.

bluepill > blackpill

ofc looks matter ALOT but healthy neurotransmitters are king
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Liking all your posts so youll let me hit after transitioning
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this only works if your basic needs are already fulfilled, having a decent sex life included.
I mean you can also go to a homeless dude and tell him just focus on positive things bro!

It won’t work

But there are severely disabled people who seem happy. And most disabled people look less unhappy than most incels are.
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True, blackpill is a meme. Take showers + be confident to get women
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Another loser who had to capitulate to the masses because he was too afraid to stand on his own beliefs. Sad to see.

Cope. The whole point is that it’s not worthwhile for me to stand so hardcorely on my beliefs if they just make me unhappy and don’t benefit my life.
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Cope. The whole point is that it’s not worthwhile for me to stand so hardcorely on my beliefs if they just make me unhappy and don’t benefit my life.
You have fallen into the bluepill, nothing can save you now
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But there are severely disabled people who seem happy. And most disabled people look less unhappy than most incels are.
Well yeah, I agree with you, especially disabled women look happy most the time. At least in the western society, middle aged sub 5 men are the bottom of the barrel in our society. A young disabled woman has a higher social status and gets treated better than a sub 5man. And how people treat you in your everyday life has a big influence on your mood. Incels are the bottom of barrel in our society and literally nobody is nice to them.
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For longer than 3 years, I’ve been blackpilled in terms of my understanding of sexual attraction and in terms of my overarching worldview.

My blackpill mindset’s fundamental principle was to pursue rationality and fight against emotional bias (such as a bias or tendency towards positive copes over harsh truths) at all costs. I strived towards developing a worldview that utterly ignores positivity/negativity and instead is laser-focused on truth over untruth. It was a mindset about “truth mogs false” no matter how negative, brutal, or harsh the truth may be.

I rejected the irrational positivity of the normies who were more positive and much happier than I was; I refused to be a coper who put feelings ahead of facts. I took pride in being a highly rational thinker, a man who never again would ever think a single bluepilled thought.

Turns out that my anti-cope mentality is the biggest cope of them all. It lowered my happiness. Anti-cope became a habit; my brain instantly thought of the “broootal reality” about nearly every situation. This is not natural or healthy for humans to do. Humans are irrational and emotional creatures; it’s why we cope in the 1st place. If you train your brain to always see the negative side as well as the positive side of things and to assign equal weights to the negatives and the positives, you just end up sadder and angrier than most people are. The objective I was striving towards—to be able to face brutal realities without feeling anything—was just too unrealistic for humans because we always feel emotions in response to information whether we want to or not. It’s just not possible to become such a rational person that you feel nothing in response to brutal realities.

Striving to minimize bias sounds good but is really just a happiness-reducing mentality. Most people focus more on positives than on negatives. I wanted to focus on positives and negatives equally since I thought any lean towards either end of the spectrum (especially towards the positive end) is emotional bias and cope. It’s actually super dumb. If there’s a beautiful flower and a pile of shit, it makes sense for you to spend way more time looking at the beautiful flower and take no more than a quick glance at the shit. What I was doing was spending equal time staring at the shit and at the flower—and sometimes spending more time staring at the shit just to make sure I wasn’t looking at the flower longer than the shit (‘cause that’s muh bluepilled positivity). Retardation.

I realized that being a blackpiller—aside from the practical knowledge about looks—is utterly pointless. The bluepill is the answer all along.

TLDR : In The Lion King, Mufasa said, “Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble.” Similar to Mufasa’s quote, I learned being blackpilled and stoic doesn’t mean you go looking for more brutal pills to swallow.
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TLDR : In The Lion King, Mufasa said, “Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble.” Similar to Mufasa’s quote, I learned being blackpilled and stoic doesn’t mean you go looking for more brutal pills to swallow.
so what are you gonna do now
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I’ve been blackpilled in terms of my understanding of sexual attraction
More like the lack thereof in your case, troony troon.
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read mo

I think the real pill here is that the black and blue pill are nearly the same thing but bluepillers have better mental health
Bluepillers don’t have better mental health, they are just not very introspective or curious about the world around them. In a way their mental health is better but only because they have isolated themselves in a bubble. Of course those who venture outside the bubble are at greater risk of averse outcomes but they are also have a greater opportunity for optimal mental health. It’s the allegory of the cave. Sure the cave is safe and comfortable but at what cost? It’s easier to die or get harmed outside the cave but you also have the chance at a real life. There is also an argument to be made that the casualties of life or the current systems of the world are more likely to stumble upon the blackpill due to their poor mental health as a result of misfortune. There is a survivorship bias going on with bluepillers, and the causality of poor mental health and the blackpill works in both directions.

Some bluepillers have great mental health, I know one in particular but he is also aware of blackpill ideas and integrates them into his understanding of the world. He will engage in rational debates on the topics and does not deny the value of physical attractiveness, the extent of female privileges, male disposability, etc. however he just isn’t very interested in these things and prefers to spend his time sperging out over history and sociology and going home to his loving gf who he plans to marry.
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Great podcast bro. Brutal to know I’m a sperg. Never began for me.
As long as you don’t stim out or refuse to wear shoes you are good
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The blackpill is killing me I wanna go back to the matrix
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this only works if your basic needs are already fulfilled, having a decent sex life included.
I mean you can also go to a homeless dude and tell him just focus on positive things bro!

It won’t work

It’s the case for the homeless dude. If his reality is 99% negative and 1% positive, he likely sees it as 90% negative and 10% positive. Still a bias towards the positive side.
It’s the case for the homeless dude. If his reality is 99% negative and 1% positive, he likely sees it as 90% negative and 10% positive. Still a bias towards the positive side.
Well then do it. Go to a homeless man an tell him he should focus on the positive things. After this, you can ask him if he feels better now.
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It's over if since birth you didn't know it's all about looks
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After surgeries, im going to become bluepilled
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Wait are you actually mtf? How well do you pass? What age did you start transitioning?
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Well then do it. Go to a homeless man an tell him he should focus on the positive things. After this, you can ask him if he feels better now.

It probably won’t work. But the homeless guy is already doing that. Don’t you agree?
Wait are you actually mtf? How well do you pass? What age did you start transitioning?
He had a head start since day 0 by being born chink
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It probably won’t work. But the homeless guy is already doing that. Don’t you agree?
Doing what? focusing on the positive things in his life? Depends on the age.
I would say that most homeless ppl just give up after being 35+yo and that they just wait to die.
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