38 Ads total in 2016 promoting WHITES and BLACKS to RACE MIX

its funny because ukrainian nationalism is built on idealization of nazi ww2 collaborators
Yet Ukrainian nationalists support Zelensky and Bandera supported some Jews
Yet Ukrainian nationalists support Zelensky and Bandera supported some Jews
exactly showcasing that ukrainian nationalism is a literal clown affair that can't be taken seriously with no basis in reality
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exactly showcasing that ukrainian nationalism is a literal clown affair that can't be taken seriously with no basis in reality
I’d say Ukrainian nationalism literally just wants an independent Ukraine free from Russian influence they’re not really concerned with ethnicity per se
amazing, interracial is the future boyos. no more racism, time to be one, i do not see anything bad with it.
  • JFL
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TBH. I do have a fetish for Black women.
an independent Ukraine free from Russian influence
which is nonsensical product of early soviet brainwashing that will never be sustainable (it isnt now) unless ukraine gives up its eastern part
  • +1
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which is nonsensical product of early soviet brainwashing that will never be sustainable (it isnt now) unless ukraine gives up its eastern part
Ukraine pretty much has
Ukraine pretty much has
I don't mean Lughansk, I mean cities such as Kharkiv which are oustensibly pro-russian and Kiev which has a large split.
I don't mean Lughansk, I mean cities such as Kharkiv which are oustensibly pro-russian and Kiev which has a large split.
I haven’t been to Ukraine in years but I’d love to go back
  • +1
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islam is not a threat in the slightest
its usually based and i have respect for most muslims

does female gentialia mutilation, non believer beheadings, rape grooming gangs, overall a violent intolerant society seem based to you? do foreign barbarians garner your respect?

dont take it from me, take all the muslim refugees in europe, what good have they brought? grooming rape gangs, rise in sexual assualt of women, knife epidemia in the UK and Sweden? Refugee Christians leaving Germany because of death threats from isis supporting "moderate" muslims?


i have no respect for these people. They would burn Europe to the ground if they could.

If this is not a threat to Europe and its people, then tell me who is? U would be beheaded for not believing in their non moralic religion, they want to turn you into a submissive puppet.
  • +1
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, non believer beheadings, rape grooming gangs, overall a violent intolerant society seem based to you? do foreign barbarians garner your respect?
Ugh yes its based, if it happens in their countries
and wym by intoelrant? they hate fags and women? well we have something in common then
calling them barbarians while the west is the neoliberal shithole infiltrated by jews and homos is no better
does female gentialia mutilation, non believer beheadings, rape grooming gangs, overall a violent intolerant society seem based to you? do foreign barbarians garner your respect?

dont take it from me, take all the muslim refugees in europe, what good have they brought? grooming rape gangs, rise in sexual assualt of women, knife epidemia in the UK and Sweden? Refugee Christians leaving Germany because of death threats from isis supporting "moderate" muslims?

View attachment 1125659

i have no respect for these people. They would burn Europe to the ground if they could.
most refugees are low iq minorities, not a genuine threat
you're overexaggerating the problem, it's not 2016 anymore
Racemixing should be illegal
  • +1
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does female gentialia mutilation, non believer beheadings, rape grooming gangs, overall a violent intolerant society seem based to you? do foreign barbarians garner your respect?

dont take it from me, take all the muslim refugees in europe, what good have they brought? grooming rape gangs, rise in sexual assualt of women, knife epidemia in the UK and Sweden? Refugee Christians leaving Germany because of death threats from isis supporting "moderate" muslims?

View attachment 1125659

i have no respect for these people. They would burn Europe to the ground if they could.

If this is not a threat to Europe and its people, then tell me who is? U would be beheaded for not believing in their non moralic religion, they want to turn you into a submissive puppet.
It’s also an issue of assimilation into European values and ideas. Europe has lots of Hindu, Sikh, and Jewish communities and they assimilate well and some cause trouble. Not all Muslims are anti western but a lot are

In the uk 2/3 of Muslims won’t tell the police if they know someone who will commit terrorism. Within the Muslim community there is attempts at reformation but they’re sidelined
  • +1
Reactions: DesperadoRatado
It's funny how some the people who talk about Jews wanting to europeans to racemix are either running or want to run jbw.
Extremly low iq take jfl.
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  • JFL
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why though?
Someone can want to fuck a women of any ethnicity and can be againist race mixing at the same time since he doesnt want to foreigners to fuck his women jfl. What is wrong with that ? Isnt that actual human nature ?
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Warlow and Deleted member 10987
These are the cheap bitches tho and getting laid is not such a big deal if you are not a slayer tbh
This site distorts how easy sex is tbh. It’s not hard to get laid but everyone here claims it is
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They want a unique docile race to easily rule
  • +1
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Someone can want to fuck a women of any ethnicity and can be againist race mixing at the same time since he doesnt want to foreigners to fuck his women jfl. What is wrong with that ? Isnt that actual human nature ?
Only the men of my race should racemix
  • +1
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Someone can want to fuck a women of any ethnicity and can be againist race mixing at the same time since he doesnt want to foreigners to fuck his women jfl. What is wrong with that ? Isnt that actual human nature ?
Lol then you really aren't against race mixing then, it's just mate guarding cause you want to have more options without women of your group also getting more options.

Someone who is genuinely against race mixing doesn't want to see any mixed race couples at all whether the man is of your group or not, because in the end if they breed they'll create a mixed race kid in the end, which is bad if you are a ethnonationalist.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: Warlow, Deleted member 10987 and Deleted member 12344
They want a unique docile race to easily rule
I wish this stuff was fully true to make everything more exciting ngl. Something fishy is obviously going on but i dont know its extent.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10987
Lol then you really aren't against race mixing then, it's just mate guarding cause you want to have more options without women of your group also getting more options.

Someone who is genuinely against race mixing doesn't want to see any mixed race couples at all whether the man is of your group or not, because in the end if they breed they'll create a mixed race kid in the end, which is bad if you are a ethnonationalist.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Warlow and Deleted member 6273
I wish this stuff was fully true to make everything more exciting ngl. Something fishy is obviously going on but i dont know its extent.
Bro its totally true
Thats why they say nationalism = baf
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 12344
Just become Brazil theory
Don't worry buddy
When whites become less than 50% people will stop mixing races
Lol then you really aren't against race mixing then, it's just mate guarding cause you want to have more options without women of your group also getting more options.

Someone who is genuinely against race mixing doesn't want to see any mixed race couples at all whether the man is of your group or not, because in the end if they breed they'll create a mixed race kid in the end, which is bad if you are a ethnonationalist.
Nah you fuck them and leave them with the baby
And also you juStt marry and raise your race
  • JFL
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  • So Sad
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Nah you fuck them and leave them with the baby
And also you juStt marry and raise your race
Then you aren't against racemixing lol, as I said you just don't want women of your race to racemix, there's a big difference between the two, people who are anti racemixing don't want any member of their race to mix or breed with others, cause they see it as a degradation of their race.
  • +1
Reactions: Warlow
Then you aren't against racemixing lol, as I said you just don't want women of your race to racemix, there's a big difference between the two, people who are anti racemixing don't want any member of their race to mix or breed with others, cause they see it as a degradation of their race.
Racemixing for men only and in foreign countries

The base/HQ must remain pure
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6273
Then you aren't against racemixing lol, as I said you just don't want women of your race to racemix, there's a big difference between the two, people who are anti racemixing don't want any member of their race to mix or breed with others, cause they see it as a degradation of their race.
This. Most people here who are against race mixing are inconsistent
  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: Warlow, Deleted member 10987 and Deleted member 6273
Bro its totally true
Thats why they say nationalism = baf
Yeah destruction of nation states lead by international capitalists (capitalist=jew) but did they really cause feminism and shit ? Do they really want to create a global race ? These are the mystery and we dont have absolute evidence except someone like Hitler said so.
  • +1
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Yeah destruction of nation states lead by international capitalists (capitalist=jew) but did they really cause feminism and shit ? Do they really want to create a global race ? These are the mystery and we dont have absolute evidence except someone like Hitler said so.
Its all start to make sense
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 12344
This site distorts how easy sex is tbh. It’s not hard to get laid but everyone here claims it is
It is probably hard af if you are ugly and yeah sex is very easy as long as you are nt and at least average/above average looking. But still fucking high quality women is hard and this is what i care about i dont care average statistics and shit.
Its all start to make sense
It’s an evolutionary strategy
Jews have tended to be the only minority in Europe and they feel safer in diverse areas since they can pass as fully European and feel protected
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  • +1
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It is probably hard af if you are ugly and yeah sex is very easy as long as you are nt and at least average/above average looking. But still fucking high quality women is hard and this is what i care about i dont care average statistics and shit.
Not really
anyone can get sex even if you’re ugly af
Most people here want good quality women but they’re ugly
Not really
anyone can get sex even if you’re ugly af
Most people here want good quality women but they’re ugly
I dont think getting laid as an ugly man is easy and women are really chadsexual even they let some average guys to fuck them sometimes
I am proof
You are 6'3 and not ugly at all and women you ascend with are not gl also how does this change the fact women being chadsexual ?

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