+5 cm would expand my dating pool by 30%

Man don't waste your money and time with bullshit LL surgery. You really want to have months of therapy and not be able to run anymore? Look at least have common sense and try lifts shoes to see if it actually makes women want you more before doing that dumb shit.
LL is quite invasive.
Move to a shorter country.
I ve had some experiences like this. I am 179 but fraud 180-181 with very small lifts and shoes. And had some chicks who were below 160 comment that I am not that much taller than them. Implying that they preferred I was even taller
It is funny cause when I was walking down the street with one of them she was so much shorter than me that I had to bend down a little to be able to hear what the dumb slut is saying (it was noisy due to the traffic). If I was 190 I think we wouldn’t be able to communicate at all in that situation lol
I once dated a Girl that was 1'40m. I'm 176cm Tall, and I always wear boots to get a few extra Cm. She always said "You would be perfect if you were taller, you are a bit short for me". I was one entire head taller than her, and it still wasn't enough, girls are truly retarded these days.
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I once dated a Girl that was 1'40m. I'm 176cm Tall, and I always wear boots to get a few extra Cm. She always said "You would be perfect if you were taller, you are a bit short for me". I was one entire head taller than her, and it still wasn't enough, girls are truly retarded these days.
she’s nearly a clinical midget and she said said that? JFL @ the IQ of femoids in 2019.
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Good thing I abused vitamin K at the right time and I went from 5'9 to 5'11
Redpill me on this, how old were you when you started taking vitamin K?
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she’s nearly a clinical midget and she said said that? JFL @ the IQ of femoids in 2019.
Yeah, she was a SouthAmerican bitch, the ones that are black/brown and look like literal midgets. I was his first guy(according to her at least), and I mogged the fuck out of her, both in Height and Face, and it still was not enough. Life on hard mode man.
Redpill me on this, how old were you when you started taking vitamin K?
About 14 1/2. Ive gotten to a normal weight/started hitting the gym everyday and mewing. I took K with vitamin D but only started taking calcium recently. I also wanna point out that my jaw now is godly thanks to that.
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Yeah, she was a SouthAmerican bitch, the ones that are black/brown and look like literal midgets. I was his first guy(according to her at least), and I mogged the fuck out of her, both in Height and Face, and it still was not enough. Life on hard mode man.
Are you white or of the same background as the female?
About 14 1/2. Ive gotten to a normal weight/started hitting the gym everyday and mewing. I took K with vitamin D but only started taking calcium recently. I also wanna point out that my jaw now is godly thanks to that.
How old are you now?
Nice man, do you think the calcium helped much?
Cant tell. Only started taking it with magnesium and d3 recently. Il update you if anything happens
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100% women and 20% transgenders. Getting laid is guaranteed
and if 120% it's not enough,just approach 30% more bro
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Keep coping buddy boyo. I see only tall guys with women here tbh. But yeah they probably look good facially too.
Keep coping buddy boyo. I see only tall guys with women here tbh. But yeah they probably look good facially too.
Those tall guys you see out in public with girls are just betabuxers, in the sheets girls go for Chadlets with top tier faces
Those tall guys you see out in public with girls are just betabuxers, in the sheets girls go for Chadlets with top tier faces
I dont think so. Cuz generally I see foids with betabuxers near, or friends, or relatives but with tall guys they behave themselves different that with other guys. They legit look happy.
I dont think so. Cuz generally I see foids with betabuxers near, or friends, or relatives but with tall guys they behave themselves different that with other guys. They legit look happy.
(it was a joke)
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Bullshit graph.

Taller = better as long as not deformed.
Cant tell. Only started taking it with magnesium and d3 recently. Il update you if anything happens
what was you k dose?
Which type?
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if you are posturecel from vidya games and always sitting, you could get up to 2 inches from posturemaxing depends on how severe your posture problem is
@Alexanderr what do you think best height for mass appeal would be in the Netherlands?
cheesecake IQ graph. watch what they DO, not what they SAY. they are too afraid to admit that they want tallfags.

JFL at believing attraction goes down after 6ft

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