6 Feet Is Enough - Period [illustration]

  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2227 and Deleted member 2486
I wish i was 5'9
This is true. We get so caught up the mental charades of the numbers but we have no visuals on how tall 6’ is. It’s just a number to us. We don’t have a visual in front of us when we say “I’m 6’”.

Most people here have inferior complex and it makes them feel shorter. Example @Pietrosiek. He’s 6’2 (6’1 and a half) and he thinks he’s short. He doesn’t understand how tall he actually is because he’s mentally ill.

6’ is tall. We just want to say we are 6’3, 6’4 for the status of saying “I’m 6’3”. When you spend all your time on PSL, you deluded yourself from reality. You spend hours looking at male models who are 6’2, 6’3, you look at Tyler Maher and other 6’5 mogging machines who are actually big because they have MUSCLE MASS and large frames to begin with.

If you’re above 5’10 and you live anywhere but the Netherlands and you think you’re short, you have inferiority complex. There’s plenty of guys who are shorter than you but you pay no attention to them because they’re invisible to you. You just try to find an excuse to make yourself feel like shit because you have anxiety and delude yourself from reality on these forums.

I see dudes when I’m out in public that look tall from 20-30 feet away and then when we walk past each other, we are the same height (our eyes align with each other). I have actually been genuinely surprised when Im out walking around and see a tall dude and we get closer and closer and it turns out we are the same height.

2 inches of height is not enough to “mog” or be ashamed of yourself. 5’10 to 6’ is easily fraudable if you have a good frame and wear shoes. I have the suspicion a lot of you guys suck at guessing guys’ height as well, especially if they are large (muscle).

You also need to remember that your eye level isn’t your height. It’s your eye level AND like ~3 inches. If you are considering LL and you’re above 5’10, you have inferiority complex and are mentally ill.
Indeed. An unfrauded 6’2” is noticeably tall even to me.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2227
Between 6'1" to 6'5" is ideal. Period.
6ft 1 is just enough.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 3202, SteveRogers and BackFromTheMogging
Just be at least 8" taller than the girl you want to go for, and don't be below average.

Girls report greatest levels of satisfaction when their partner is 8" taller.
I was out walking last night in the rich part of town that had a big Christmas carnival, lots of tourists and no cars were plying on the road, everyone was walking, tons of people. I wasn't heightmogged once (I'm 6ft and wore shoes with 1" heels and 1" lifts)
that said, it was just enough to not be the short guy next to tall girls in heels and other regular 5'11-6'0 guys. Being 6'2-6'4 barefoot is true lifefuel and makes a big difference when it comes to mogging, especially in the West.
  • +1
Reactions: SteveRogers, BackFromTheMogging and SixFootManlet
In Sweden the average male height is 5 ft 11 1⁄2 so no 6ft is not enough
its more about my desire to be taller than majority
if you call yourself tall under 6'3"

just end it
  • Ugh..
  • +1
Reactions: Brazitard, Tony and AraTe
On this forum, many claim that 6 feet is not enough, so lets make this clear:

6 feet is not enough - if you are a mentally ill
, walking around comparing and trying
to mog other men. Only 5% of men are 6'2, and this is how it compares :
(click on the image to view normal)

View attachment 204052

As you can see - the difference is noticble, but donesn't get the "mog" status.
And only 5% men will be this high. And this is not taking into account the fact
you can use lifts/elevator shoes making your barefoot height 6'1. So walking
around the city - you will be feeling completely fine 95% of the time.
Your mental problem is noticing the remaining 5% only.

The average height of women is USA is 5'4. That means you are 8 inches
This is how it compares :
View attachment 204058

This is a significant difference. Some will say that being 3 inches taller than the women is enough.
It is indeed. But this forum is all about mogging - isn't it? So comment below, and tell me - are 8
inches of height difference - not enough?

6 feet is the equivalent of PSL 4 face. It's funny how people here consider psl 4 face invisible tier, yet do mental gymnastics to accept bare 6 feet as an okay height.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Vasco-v2, SixFootManlet and AraTe
ngl 5’10 and over height isn’t a problem
On this forum, many claim that 6 feet is not enough, so lets make this clear:

6 feet is not enough - if you are a mentally ill
, walking around comparing and trying
to mog other men. Only 5% of men are 6'2, and this is how it compares :
(click on the image to view normal)

View attachment 204052

As you can see - the difference is noticble, but donesn't get the "mog" status.
And only 5% men will be this high. And this is not taking into account the fact
you can use lifts/elevator shoes making your barefoot height 6'1. So walking
around the city - you will be feeling completely fine 95% of the time.
Your mental problem is noticing the remaining 5% only.

The average height of women is USA is 5'4. That means you are 8 inches
This is how it compares :
View attachment 204058

This is a significant difference. Some will say that being 3 inches taller than the women is enough.
It is indeed. But this forum is all about mogging - isn't it? So comment below, and tell me - are 8
inches of height difference - not enough?
Man the more I see the imperial system the less it makes sense
Either it’s location theory or the amount of 6’2” men is much higher than 5%. I’d say 6’4” is 5%. I’m 6’2” and I’m taller than 90% of people I walk past in school
Yeah I feel the same way, it's likeevery generation is taller than the previous, or maybe that's just cause I am in a developing country
The 270 nike shoes, as well as the other high models, are giving around 3 cm.
Most people get 2-2.5 cm elevation from their shoe anyway. So these nike shoes
are not frauding - you get 0.5-1 cm boost at best.
I see dudes when I’m out in public that look tall from 20-30 feet away and then when we walk past each other, we are the same height (our eyes align with each other). I have actually been genuinely surprised when Im out walking around and see a tall dude and we get closer and closer and it turns out we are the same height.
This shit is so true, I mog like 99% of my country but this keeps happening
I agree with ever single word
In Sweden the average male height is 5 ft 11 1⁄2 so no 6ft is not enough
Yeah but in Sweden all girls are hot so every body gets a piece of cake nah ?
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In Germany 6'0 is average and this concludes the old guys 50 60 70 years etc.

The average on 15-30 guy may be even higher.
And no one wants average bro. We all search for slightly over average at least. But sure 6'0 is a decent height if you don't compare to others.
  • +1
Reactions: SixFootManlet
Either it’s location theory or the amount of 6’2” men is much higher than 5%. I’d say 6’4” is 5%. I’m 6’2” and I’m taller than 90% of people I walk past in school
You must be using Dana White's tape measure brah, I'm 6' and I mog a minimum of 80-85% of people, you're 6'1".
6' is good enough for me/ where I live. 6'1-2" ideal (for me, being reasonable), but in general anything above 6'1"+ with a good frame is ideal.
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  • +1
Reactions: Brazitard
You must be using Dana White's tape measure brah, I'm 6' and I mog a minimum of 80-85% of people, you're 6'1".
6' is good enough for me/ where I live. 6'1-2" ideal (for me, being reasonable), but in general anything above 6'1"+ with a good frame is ideal.

my frame is shitty; I need to GymMaxx tbh but need a good routine to where I can gain .25 pounds of pure muscle weekly from first year noob gains
6 feet is the equivalent of PSL 4 face. It's funny how people here consider psl 4 face invisible tier, yet do mental gymnastics to accept bare 6 feet as an okay height.

don't really agree as face rating is a complex of many variables - 4 PSL face most likely has several (not trying to be precise here) visibly below average elements.
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I dated a 6'1 women. There is nothing better than walking with a women mogging majority of guys passing by. Talking from experience.
If I were 6’5” then I’d date a girl that’s 6’1” but not a girl that can match my height or shorter by an inch
  • +1
Reactions: SteveRogers
This is true. We get so caught up the mental charades of the numbers but we have no visuals on how tall 6’ is. It’s just a number to us. We don’t have a visual in front of us when we say “I’m 6’”.

Most people here have inferior complex and it makes them feel shorter. Example @Pietrosiek. He’s 6’2 (6’1 and a half) and he thinks he’s short. He doesn’t understand how tall he actually is because he’s mentally ill.

6’ is tall. We just want to say we are 6’3, 6’4 for the status of saying “I’m 6’3”. When you spend all your time on PSL, you deluded yourself from reality. You spend hours looking at male models who are 6’2, 6’3, you look at Tyler Maher and other 6’5 mogging machines who are actually big because they have MUSCLE MASS and large frames to begin with.

If you’re above 5’10 and you live anywhere but the Netherlands and you think you’re short, you have inferiority complex. There’s plenty of guys who are shorter than you but you pay no attention to them because they’re invisible to you. You just try to find an excuse to make yourself feel like shit because you have anxiety and delude yourself from reality on these forums.

I see dudes when I’m out in public that look tall from 20-30 feet away and then when we walk past each other, we are the same height (our eyes align with each other). I have actually been genuinely surprised when Im out walking around and see a tall dude and we get closer and closer and it turns out we are the same height.

2 inches of height is not enough to “mog” or be ashamed of yourself. 5’10 to 6’ is easily fraudable if you have a good frame and wear shoes. I have the suspicion a lot of you guys suck at guessing guys’ height as well, especially if they are large (muscle).

You also need to remember that your eye level isn’t your height. It’s your eye level AND like ~3 inches. If you are considering LL and you’re above 5’10, you have inferiority complex and are mentally ill.
The distance from eye level to the top of ur head is like 4.5 inches (+- 0.1-0.2) for most people. But yeah legit
  • +1
Reactions: Salludon
Indeed. An unfrauded 6’2” is noticeably tall even to me.
Just read a chart, 6'2/1.88 is 90th in Netherlands...

I think people overreact when they see a 7ft tall guy and it stays on their hands forever, they tend to think it's common but actually is 99.9999999th or something...
I'm 6'0-6'1/1.82-1.84 (fully compressed/morning height respectively) with a very pronounced Dowager's Hump and scoliosis and in my country (Brazil) the average is like 5'7/1.70,5 from what I have read... I see guys taller than me but not a lot (and I live in a well-developed city for our parameters), I got 95th percent height.
I also got 6'3 wingspan which gives me a motion of what my true height is, my hands are +8inch/20.8cm and my feet are 11.5inch/29cm long...

I plan getting to a Chiropractor so he can help me to stretch and getting dental braces too (because posture issues starts on the teeth), I will gain height, flexibility and strength in one shot!
So all the guys around you are 6'2-6'4? Come on....
Yeah I think it's quite common that men are wrong about there height - but we honestly belive it, not a lie.

There's data about this already you can find the percentile of your height using this.

Even if your from the Netherlands being 6'4 would put you in the 95ish percentile.

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