6’2 is statistically top 10 percentile of height

everyone above is coping, under 6ft is short PERIOD, cave men who ate shit ton of meat, and Nordic countries that have high amount s of dairy and meat have average height of 6ft. 6ft-6'3 is the ideal human height for health and pussy
Look at male model heights nigga many are 6ft including Channing Tatum and Jordan Barrett

#1: Women DONT GIVE A FUCK about statistics, if a woman has dated ( fucked ) a 6'2 man in the past, she will FEEL like anything less than that is a manlet. Remember that the TOP 10 percentile is only a Tinder, Bumble, POF swipe away....

Have you ever pulled out a 5.5 inch dick and then explained to a girl that is statistically the average and then she took it like it was a 8 inch? NOPE. Her FEELS > Actual observable reality

#2: Statistics have a lot of noise due to minorities and oldfags bringing down the overrall height, MOST guys on this forum are competing ( against young white males ) in bars/clubs, college campuses, dating apps where there are TONS and TONS of young tallfags, and sub 6'1 manlets simply dont have the MALE MODEL faces to override girl's basic desire for tall height

Go out to any bars/clubs and notice 6'2 is like 30 percentile suddenly. Manlets stay home or go to gym to improve themselves while tallfags go to bars because they dont need to diet or lift to get laid
this completely based and copes me. In height averages they include disabled people and old people who grew up with shit nutrition. Actual average height is 5'11+ anyone who says otherwise is gigacoping. Under 6ft is manlet period. 6'1+ is ideal (6ft in the morning doesn't count)
this completely based and copes me. In height averages they include disabled people and old people who grew up with shit nutrition. Actual average height is 5'11+ anyone who says otherwise is gigacoping. Under 6ft is manlet period. 6'1+ is ideal (6ft in the morning doesn't count)

Yes bro, I try my best to be as unbiased as possible

Too many people cope that face > height but face is only better than height IF you have a near male model face that is striking enough for random strangers to compilment you which is RARE and even then you can be rejected for your height

It is much more common for men to get laid due to height because height does not own a monopoly of ugly faces, most tallfags are average looking by default, so some simple leanmaxing and plastic surgery can ascend them
People take the height pill to extreme measures. Listen I lived in the Netherlands for almost 3 fucking months and at 6ft i still felt taller than most. Yes you find a lot more 6'2s and 6'3s but you think there isn't a lot of 5'9s and 5'10s? Jfl.

6'2 is very tall.
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this completely based and copes me. In height averages they include disabled people and old people who grew up with shit nutrition

yeah they also include dwarfs, people in wheelchairs and quadriplegics. plus since the scientists themselves are short incels, they actually correct the data to make it more bluepilled so they can cope (just like with penis stats). the real average among young whites is 6'4 and anything below that is LL-worthy.
People take the height pill to extreme measures. Listen I lived in the Netherlands for almost 3 fucking months and at 6ft i still felt taller than most. Yes you find a lot more 6'2s and 6'3s but you think there isn't a lot of 5'9s and 5'10s? Jfl.

6'2 is very tall.
huge COPE
under 6ft is manlet
6'2 is 1/3 forehead above average
statistic matter nothing

theory matter nothing

its all about the real world
I'm 6'2" and I do indded height mog 90% of men on the street.

But it can be easy to feel short in environment that preselects for tall men.

My current job has the most obvious bias for hiring tall men I've ever seen. I go from being 90th percentile to just barely being 60th because my company won't stop hiring 6'5 tallfags.

If I didn't heightmog large swaths of men in the street I'd lose touch with reality and feel kinda insecure about my height ngl
This is so true, I mog 99% of the people in my country. But in my school ain't no guy under 6 foot, so it goes from 99 to like 80 or some shit
keep coping average is 6ft+
Ok im top 10 percentile nice
damn bro thas crazy but ion remember asking
nibbacel=below 6foot 4

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