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Anonymous 09/04/21(Sat)11:15:11 No.4986174 [Reply]▶
>>4987557 >>4987573 >>4987581 >>4987600
>*a-ahheem* this ceremony today is held for this loss of life for this poor soul who couldn’t handle the abuse from being called names on online forums.
>we stand here today to cherish and remember the magnificent life of trannyjak who had brought us all joy over the years.
>between the bbc threads and tiny pecker posts a lot of us didn’t recognize a precious moment until we lost it forever
>and to this we say farewell dear trannyjak, you will be missed
>and for now we will sing “amazing grace” by Rick flair
> Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
>That saved a wretch like me
>I once was lost, but now am found
>Was blind but now I see
>Was Grace that taught my heart to fear
>And Grace, my fears relieved
>How precious did that Grace appear
>The hour I first believed
>Through many dangers, toils and snares
>We have already come
>T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far
>And Grace will lead us home
>And Grace will lead us home
>Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
>That saved a wretch like me
>I once was lost but now am found
>Was blind but now I see
>Was blind, but now I see