a conversation between two women i heard while walking the dogs

If any of you believe this made up LARP from this mentally ill clown...I have bad news for your IQ. Just look at the wordage he used and the context. Females don't even talk in this PSL SPECIFIC HIGHLY autistic vernacular. Dude's larping. This didn't happen.

He's projecting about his baldness/insecurities and skinny fat body...in a weird self Hating/Cucked story form. I.e mental illness
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  • JFL
Reactions: gamma, 5'8manlet and Deleted member 5786
Then the only way to get sex for you would be through LTRs - girlfriends/wives or paying escorts, pumping and dumping is for Chads only...
no its not, my best mate is 5ft9 high tier normie with blue eyes halo and has had 6 different gfs in the past 3 years and has cheated and everything else and pumped and dumped chicks, muh chads slay only is a meme, there are normies that cheat everyday
If any of you believe this made up LARP from this mentally ill clown...I have bad news for your IQ. Just look at the wordage he used and the context. Females don't even talk in this PSL SPECIFIC HIGHLY autistic vernacular. Dude's larping. This didn't happen.

He's projecting about his baldness/insecurities and skinny fat body...in a weird self Hating/Cucked story form. I.e mental illness
this happened yesterday when i was walking both the dogs, your just retarted and never leave the house, my sisters friends have talked about cheating on there partners openly while im near them, your just a retard
this happened yesterday when i was walking both the dogs, your just retarted and never leave the house, my sisters friends have talked about cheating on there partners openly while im near them, your just a retard
You are a larping retarded aspie. 99% of Chicks don't talk in this clearly AUTISTIC/Spergy manner...accustomed to looksmaxxers.

Not only Is it oddly specific. You just happened to come across two friends using PSL esque "black pill" like language in their black pill discussion, while they were jogging and you were dog walking. Out of all the times they could discuss it.

Also, you said "This was a huge awakening for me because i didn't really know women cheated". LIES FROM THE PIT. All people know woman cheat. Feigning ignorance to try and make your story seem more genuine. YOU also just said that your sister's friends have talked openly about cheating before, which means that happened before this experience...where you just claimed you didn't know woman cheated. ????? Which one is it?

Keep digging the hole deeper by lying and contradicting yourself you retard. Just admit you were larping.
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You are a larping retarded aspie. 99% of Chicks don't talk in this clearly AUTISTIC/Spergy manner...accustomed to looksmaxxers.
they never once said any psl lingo
Not only Is it oddly specific. You just happened to come across two friends using PSL esque "black pill" like language in their black pill discussion, while they were jogging. Out of all the times they could discuss it.
they weren't jogging they were just walking at a slow pace and again not once did they say any blackpill slang, they said there husbands were pudgy and had baldspots and couldn't last long in bed, they never once said anything like ' browridge' or 'wide jaw' or ' manlet' read the story, this 100% happened
Also, you said "This was a huge awakening for me because i didn't really know women cheated". LIES FROM THE PIT. Feigning ignorance to try and make your story seem more genuine. YOU also just said that your sister's friends have talked openly about cheating before, which means that happened before this experience...where you just claimed you didn't know woman cheated. ?????
when i said that i meant i didn't know they talk about it openly and out loud for everybody to hear since i was almost right behind them and could hear them clearly
Keep digging the hole deeper by lying and contradicting yourself you retard. Just admit you were larping.
read the story again, you seem to think they were using psl lingo, read what i said they said there was no psl slang or anything of the sort, is pudgy, balding and ' bad in bed' psl slang now?

get real and go outside women are whores nowadays
they weren't jogging they were just walking at a slow pace and again not once did they say any blackpill slang, they said there husbands were pudgy and had baldspots and couldn't last long in bed, they never once said anything like ' browridge' or 'wide jaw' or ' manlet' read the story, this 100% happened
Not "lingo" you dumbass. The autistic specificness of their "discussion" and the context/environment is PSL/black pill like.

"Then one woman talks about the guy she is cheating on her husband with, she said she has cheated 2 times and once with a gardener who came to the house, she was talking about how he had a good body and he had visable abs and she said" literally cliche porno plot. That you autistically typed out in your head. You can tell. This isn't natural conversation flow for a non autistic person.
Same with this line.

"how her husband eats her out but it annoys her because her husband has a huge baldspot on his head and it ' turns her off 'and there is ' nothing more gross then a big bald spot'"
Autistically specific and hyperfocused for the context
"they both agreed they don't like fat or skinny or skinny fat guys"
Never have I heard a female autistically split body categories into 3 types when discussing attraction. Most chicks don't even know wtf "skinny fat" is.

All in all, none of this sounds like something a female would genuinely say. Sounds like something a guy LARPING would say females said.

when i said that i meant i didn't know they talk about it openly and out loud for everybody to hear since i was almost right behind them and could hear them clearly
This doesn't even make SENSE. "I didn't know woman cheated" and "I didn't know they talk about it openly out loud for everybody to hear" are literally completely different contextually and NOT SIMILIAR AT ALL LMAOOOOO. How could that be what you were trying to say? You literally just told on yourself again by contradicting yourself AND saying shit that doesn't even make sense.

YOU don't even know what you're saying anymore...because I called you out for larping...you're just making shit up at this point.
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  • JFL
Reactions: gamma
they never once said any psl lingo

they weren't jogging they were just walking at a slow pace and again not once did they say any blackpill slang, they said there husbands were pudgy and had baldspots and couldn't last long in bed, they never once said anything like ' browridge' or 'wide jaw' or ' manlet' read the story, this 100% happened

when i said that i meant i didn't know they talk about it openly and out loud for everybody to hear since i was almost right behind them and could hear them clearly

read the story again, you seem to think they were using psl lingo, read what i said they said there was no psl slang or anything of the sort, is pudgy, balding and ' bad in bed' psl slang now?

get real and go outside women are whores nowadays
Just admit you larped and I'll stop embarrassing you. Ok bud?
Not "lingo" you dumbass. The autistic specificness of their "discussion" and the context/environment is PSL/black pill like.

"Then one woman talks about the guy she is cheating on her husband with, she said she has cheated 2 times and once with a gardener who came to the house, she was talking about how he had a good body and he had visable abs and she said" literally cliche porno plot. That you autistically typed out in your head. You can tell. This isn't natural conversation flow for a non autistic person.
Same with this line.

"how her husband eats her out but it annoys her because her husband has a huge baldspot on his head and it ' turns her off 'and there is ' nothing more gross then a big bald spot'"
Autistically specific and hyperfocused for the context
"they both agreed they don't like fat or skinny or skinny fat guys"
Never have I heard a female autistically split body categories into 3 types when discussing attraction. Most chicks don't even know wtf "skinny fat" is.

All in all, none of this sounds like something a female would genuinely say. Sounds like something a guy LARPING would say females said.

This doesn't even make SENSE. "I didn't know woman cheated" and "I didn't know they talk about it openly out loud for everybody to hear" are literally not related/similiar in any WAY LMAOOOOO. How could that be what you were trying to say? You literally just told on yourself again by contradicting yourself AND saying shit that doesn't even make sense.

YOU don't even know what you're saying anymore...because I called you out for larping...you're just making shit up at this point.
Just admit you larped and I'll stop embarrassing you. Ok bud?
im not your ' bud' and you ain't embarrasing anybody boy, you can keep crying son
im not your ' bud' and you ain't embarrasing anybody boy, you can keep crying son
QNJfi1k9ZlSH w1phokZAh4ulDgpQnOemD4pgBdWsFc

Me vs You.
i was walking the dogs in this really nice part of my town in a big estate with really good houses and these two roasties are walking behind me and i pretty much don't exist and these bitches are talking out loud while im infornt of them and my goodness the amount of blackpills

these two bitches were about early 30s and they were friends im guessing and they were both talking about how they were cheating on there partners and one was even talking about cheating with the neighbour lmao, then they were describing what they like in men, they both agreed they don't like fat or skinny or skinny fat guys and were complaining about there pudgy partners and there were also some dickpills in there one woman even says, word for word ' noah is so bad at sex he lasts for 5 minutes and doesn't make me finish and he just lies on top and slowly humps me and its unenjoyable, i hate his body its chubby and he has bigger hips then me' the other roastie talks about how her husband eats her out but it annoys her because her husband has a huge baldspot on his head and it ' turns her off ' and there is ' nothing more gross then a big bald spot'

then one woman talks about the guy she is cheating on her husband with, she said she has cheated 2 times and once with a gardener who came to the house, she was talking about how he had a good body and he had visable abs and she said ' it feels good to have hair to play with' im guessing she is refering to head hair because this is the same woman with the husband that has a big bald spot

this was a huge awakening for me because i didn't really know women cheated and for them to just casually talk about it like there talking about good memories, women like this should be beaten but the men are to blame aswell, they should get better at sex and do something about the balding and lose weight and drop body fat, from what it seems women don't even really ask for much, just a guy with hair, that has a nice body and has a good enough penis and is good in the bedroom and isn't boring with sex

hope you all enjoyed, its amazing what people will say around strangers and how common this shit is
None of them ever mention about chiseled jaws or high cheekbones or hunter eyes right?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
None of them ever mention about chiseled jaws or high cheekbones or hunter eyes right?
nope, but lower third is very important
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 8853
How can anyone feel sorry for a woman when she is brutally killed? Answer me that.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
HA HA HA. That's nothing. I used to be a bartender- the shit I have heard women say and seen them do after a few drinks is just disgusting.

Chicks are gross
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
HA HA HA. That's nothing. I used to be a bartender- the shit I have heard women say and seen them do after a few drinks is just disgusting.

Chicks are gross
tell some stories bro and go into detail, im ready to be hear lmao this shit just makes me hate women even more
this just proves your a giga incel probably an asiancel aswell, fucking faggot with your gay ass cartoons
This entire larping post proves you're a turboultra faggot with autism that needs to be shot in the streets like the stray dog you are.

If I posted a BLACKED meme pic saying ME vs you. What race do you think I am? You 20 IQ FUCKING stray dog that has zero deductive reasoning skills. Give me your address so I can fuck a hole in your throat and piss down it.
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tell some stories bro and go into detail, im ready to be hear lmao this shit just makes me hate women even more
He wants to jerk his micro to the stories. Tbh. Don't do it @Ethniframementalcel
This entire larping post proves you're a turboultra faggot with autism that needs to be shot in the streets like the stray dog you are.

If I posted a BLACKED meme pic saying ME vs you. What race do you think I am? You 20 IQ FUCKING stray dog that has zero deductive reasoning skills. Give me your address so I can fuck a hole in your throat and piss down it.
:lul::lul::lul: another coping blackcel, most blacks are ugly as fuck and get no pussy unless there giga nt and since you use this site its safe to say your no looker and your most likely not nt

:soy: blacked

what a fucking faggot, a black guy who watches gay ass animie cartoons, end it already
Wahmen have nothing better to do, all they can do it.

Talk about bad boy Chads

Create plans to destroy life of some innocent man ( wahmen are sociopaths with no heart, they generally pick a weak beta male target, because they know he won't retaliate)

Since they have no heart, they don't even care about Chad's, they forget you you within 2 days

They are not afraid to call big Daddy government on you, they recognise their powers and abuse it all the time.

If your a men of color, you will probably be shot dead in USA by some white American cop, just because your girl falsely acuused you of harrasment/ assualt.

70 years of brutal feminism and still, guess what, wahmen have literally 0 contribution towards the betterment of society and civilization, even after so much feminism it's just men who are doing it all.

70% of college students are now wahmen, still guess what? They haven't achieved anything more than bare mediocrity.

You should never ever support your government/state/country.

Your are low IQ asf, if in this generation you support your country or if you are a nationalist.

Why? Your country works only for wahmen, not YOU, you are just a mere slave for the state.

Nationalism or loyalty to your race/ ethnicity/ community = LOW IQ cuck.
What a retard
C440D4AC 88BA 4A4E 9B7B D8AA502AF146

So you also worship your big Daddy gynocentric government?
No, stop strawmanning, it makes you look low IQ.

Nationalists societies are patriarchal and
Socially conservative.

You’re arguments are so dumb
“Caring about your community is cucked because women bad”

1. Hating women while being black pilled is retarded since the black pill is the natural order of things and is consistent with Darwinian selection

2. If we use your arguments at a different period of time we can see that they hold no merit

“the vikings are invading!!!!!!”

“NOOO don’t do anything to stop them because that would make you a cuck:soy::soy:

it seems you are just spiteful because you can’t get laid lol.
  • +1
Reactions: .👽.
No, stop strawmanning, it makes you look low IQ.

Nationalists societies are patriarchal and
Socially conservative.

You’re arguments are so dumb
“Caring about your community is cucked because women bad”

1. Hating women while being black pilled is retarded since the black pill is the natural order of things and is consistent with Darwinian selection

2. If we use your arguments at a different period of time we can see that they hold no merit

“the vikings are invading!!!!!!”

“NOOO don’t do anything to stop them because that would make you a cuck:soy::soy:

it seems you are just spiteful because you can’t get laid lol.
Exactly, why would you stop anyone from invading unless they are attacking you personally?
bruh dont act like its something brandnew you discovered. its almost 2022. everyone is cheating. loyalty is rare:pepefrown:
  • +1
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:lul::lul::lul: another coping blackcel, most blacks are ugly as fuck and get no pussy unless there giga nt and since you use this site its safe to say your no looker and your most likely not nt

:soy: blacked

what a fucking faggot, a black guy who watches gay ass animie cartoons, end it already
Cope. I signed up to bully faggots like you into a coma. It literally gets my dick hard when I bully insecure little coping racist incels into suicidal ideation and back. My T levels demand it.

I mog you in every aspect of life. You'd literally swallow my piss if I ever saw you in person.

Imagine being afraid to like "cartoons" lmao imagine being that insecure and low t...that you care what other people think. LMAO couldn't be me

You larping, faggot, Cucked, stray mutt...you are nothing. You will always rot and seethe and larp on this site you mentally ill rodent. 6,000 posts and counting. End it already faggot
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 8853
Cope. I signed up to bully faggots like you into a coma. It literally gets my dick hard when I bully insecure little coping racist incels into suicidal ideation and back. My T levels demand it.

I mog you in every aspect of life. You'd literally swallow my piss if I ever saw you in person.

Imagine being afraid to like "cartoons" lmao imagine being that insecure and low t...that you care what other people think. LMAO couldn't be me

You larping, faggot, Cucked, stray mutt...you are nothing. You will always rot and seethe and larp on this site you mentally ill rodent. 6,000 posts and counting. End it already faggot
your an alt for @RopeMoreCumskins i can tell by the way you type, clearly you hate whites coz they mog you to suicide and you probably got cucked by them now you try and diss them on an incel site:lul:

bro your a faggot, you watch your little faggot cartoons and your black, you need to kill yourself
your an alt for @RopeMoreCumskins i can tell by the way you type, clearly you hate whites coz they mog you to suicide and you probably got cucked by them now you try and diss them on an incel site:lul:

bro your a faggot, you watch your little faggot cartoons and your black, you need to kill yourself
Coppppeeee. Lmao. You think I'm an alt of someone because I'm destroying your cumskin brain? Pathetic denial. Blacks mog Whites into hell and back you ugly coping eunic lmao.Even this site is proof of that. 70% white and curry.

You're getting Cucked in your own countries and your population is being bred out like the ugly diseased mutants you are lmao.
6,000+ larping incel Asperger's fueled posts and counting.

You are an ugly white incel, who will NEVER spread their genes. Hang yourself already lmao. You know you want to...just go through with it...there's no hope for you. HAHAHAH 6000 POSTS AND YOUR NAME IS "WANTTOBEATTRACTIVE" it's over for you. Life Cucked you from birth boy.
your an alt for @RopeMoreCumskins i can tell by the way you type, clearly you hate whites coz they mog you to suicide and you probably got cucked by them now you try and diss them on an incel site:lul:

bro your a faggot, you watch your little faggot cartoons and your black, you need to kill yourself
Seriously though. You're too aspie. You'll never evolve from this site. You'll Rot here forever. Just kill yourself already little guy. Maybe you'll be reincarnated with better genes. I know you have suicidal ideation regularly...go through with it. Your parents and family probably want you too aswell.
This is fucking brutal, what did the foids look like?
i was walking the dogs in this really nice part of my town in a big estate with really good houses and these two roasties are walking behind me and i pretty much don't exist and these bitches are talking out loud while im infornt of them and my goodness the amount of blackpills

these two bitches were about early 30s and they were friends im guessing and they were both talking about how they were cheating on there partners and one was even talking about cheating with the neighbour lmao, then they were describing what they like in men, they both agreed they don't like fat or skinny or skinny fat guys and were complaining about there pudgy partners and there were also some dickpills in there one woman even says, word for word ' noah is so bad at sex he lasts for 5 minutes and doesn't make me finish and he just lies on top and slowly humps me and its unenjoyable, i hate his body its chubby and he has bigger hips then me' the other roastie talks about how her husband eats her out but it annoys her because her husband has a huge baldspot on his head and it ' turns her off ' and there is ' nothing more gross then a big bald spot'

then one woman talks about the guy she is cheating on her husband with, she said she has cheated 2 times and once with a gardener who came to the house, she was talking about how he had a good body and he had visable abs and she said ' it feels good to have hair to play with' im guessing she is refering to head hair because this is the same woman with the husband that has a big bald spot

this was a huge awakening for me because i didn't really know women cheated and for them to just casually talk about it like there talking about good memories, women like this should be beaten but the men are to blame aswell, they should get better at sex and do something about the balding and lose weight and drop body fat, from what it seems women don't even really ask for much, just a guy with hair, that has a nice body and has a good enough penis and is good in the bedroom and isn't boring with sex

hope you all enjoyed, its amazing what people will say around strangers and how common this shit is
Did you tell their husbands?

If anything you should've casually walked with one of them with headphones in to see where she lives. Help your fellow man:lul:

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