A few copes



5.5 PSL Persian Incel
Oct 8, 2022
A few copes I see here that I think is retarded

1) Slaying is cope. Thinking that once u start fucking lots of different women (or men) often will make you happy is retarded dead serious. If anything it will negatively impact your physical and mental health. Obviously, I understand wanting to be attractive and valued for your genetics, however, fucking loads of different ppl for "fun" 1: gets old quickly and 2: is soulless and will leave you feeling empty and lonelier than ever idc what any slayer on here says connections and bonds are more important then muhhhh slay. Slaying can never beat having sex with a girl u have a real connection.

2) Thinking NT doesn't matter is GIGA cope. Even if ur HTN+, ur life experiences, and opportunities will be hindered and limited if you aren't at least somewhat NT

3) Thinking Once you reach a certain looks level, women will always flock to you with no effort. This one is somewhat true in that SOME women will approach you at certain looks levels. But ppl don't realize u still will need to do the vast majority of starting conversations and making that first move with most women it's just how it is with women. This doesn't mean they won't make it easier for u to approach via IOIs and things like that, but its cope to think once ur HTN+ women will just come to u constantly in large amounts and droves while u don't have to do anything but exist (this is different if u have status halo tho). Setting matters a lot too. Perhaps you will get approached a lot more at bars and clubs if ur chadlite+, but in day to day life u still need to initiate the convos and realize when women are showing indicators of interest and make that first move. If u don't care about meeting women outside clubs and bars then this doesn't matter as much to you, but if you do want to meet women outside clubs and bars you need to understand that even if u are good looking u still need to approach it wont be enough to just be good looking the vast majority of the time.

4) Thinking diet is cope. This is retarded dead serious and I won't elaborate. U cant be maxxed on ur looks if you arent lean (as a man), so thinking diet is cope and won't impact that is stupid

5) Thinking gym is cope and that lifting weights and cardio will hurt your body. This one is also mega retarded and I wont elaborate, just know that most chads are gymmaxxed or at least have some sort of muscle mass and are lean. Also its on u if u lift with no proper form and over exert yourself without gradually building up over time. Most of you are just lazy f*cks ngl looking for an excuse to not improve.

6) Thinking money is cope. I mean just come the f*ck on.

7) Thinking all women are whores. This isn't true there are good women out there. Men are hypocritical in that they won't settle for a woman of a lower looks level even if shes a good woman that has ideal personality and values, yet constantly shit on women for doing the same thing. Similar to women, both genders want the best-looking person they can get (men less so than women but the amount of standard cel men on this site is insane) that ALSO has a great personality and values they want and this makes things more complicated. Also dating apps blow and ur not gonna meet good women on there for the most part, rather you should meet them naturally via school, uni, social circles, hobbies and things of that nature (again this is another reason why NT is important too).

8) Thinking that you need to be HTN+ to get attractive women is cope. Obviously the better looking you are, the more it helps, but a large amount of men are average or even somewhat below average looking and still get in healthy relationships with women of decent looks levels. Chronically online individuals think its all about looks when things like personality and NT unironically will help you land a girl too. I admit it wont be as helpful as being good looking but it still is a factor and shouldn't be disregarded completely like ppl do on these spaces.

9) Race is somewhat cope. Im not gonna say that its completely cope because ppl have preferences and on average certain races are viewed more favorably in the general public compared to other races, however, one of the biggest incel traits is thinking u mog a HTN+ "ethnic" just because ur white even tho ur a MTN at best. HTN+ men don't have issues with race "failo" and ethnic "tax" IRL, yet most incels would rather cope with their race and phenotype thinking they are better or worse because of it, vs just accepting that they arent even good looking to begin with. Same shit with height btw. Most n*ggas rather blame their avg tier height vs accepting they are avg looking at best or more likely just too ugly to attract women. Also its mind-boggling to me the amount of ppl that think a chadlite ethnic gets mogged by ur average white dude u can find on the street how delusional can you be tbh. This right here is the highest form of coping as ppl need something to feel like they have value and use race help them with that.

10) Thinking height matters more then face. In my opinion, height is the second most important marker of physical attractiveness in men. But when it comes to what's most important, I think for both genders face beats all. The vast majority of men are within the average height range or just barely below or barely above it, so truly height isn't the issue for most men, its the fact that they are average height and average face combined. Of course if you are 6'2 and MTN ur chances with women improve a lot, but its GIGA cope to think 6'2 MTN mogs an average height chadlite or even solid HTN tbh, as once you are within the average height range, how good looking you are will boost your chances much more with women then ur height. I get that the taller you are the more quantity of partners u can date, but for quality (which is more important genetically speaking), ur gonna need to have a good face more than having a good height. Not only are true good-looking faces much more rare then good heights, they also show more health indicators and signal higher (or lower) signs of genetic fitness to potential partners through features like facial symmetry, clear skin and even skin tone, metabolic indicators, hormonal indicators, chance of fighting success and pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, which are interpreted as signs of good genes, proper development during crucial stages, and overall health, making an individual appear more desirable as a potential mate from an evolutionary perspective. Again I'm not saying height doesn't matter, it still matters a lot. You need to not be a manlet (below 5'7-5'8 IMO, maybe 5'9 depending on where u live) in order to not get ur smv nuked, but like I said most men are within that average height range and would stand to benefit much more from having a HTN+ face vs being 6'1-6'2+ but average face. And if u think height is more important because u need to not be manlet to get ur smv nuked, same can be said about face in that u need to not be LTN in order to have your smv nuked.
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i agree with everything here tbh
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Men are hypocritical in that they won't settle for a woman of a lower looks level even if shes a good woman that has ideal personality and values, yet constantly shit on women for doing the same thing. Similar to women, both genders want the best-looking person they can get
Oh wait I disagree with this. I see plenty of mtns/htns with 350 pound landwhales I imagine it’s 1000x worse in Texas
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I agree with your list as well, very good thread, I always said you are a good user, proving it rn

I agree heavily on the slaying one too

lesbian sex
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I’m ngl so do i. First time. @St.TikTokcel voice opinions
thanks brah i tried to be fair about it too and not black and white. I have more stuff i could have written about but it would really start to get too long i want ppl to still read this
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My J.E.W.S theory thread will mog this tho ngl
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Oh wait I disagree with this. I see plenty of mtns/htns with 350 pound landwhales I imagine it’s 1000x worse in Texas
yea not HTNs but true ive seen MTNs do this. I was more so referring to the standard cels on this site when it comes to this
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First serious post from this guy
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I’m ngl so do i. First time. @St.TikTokcel voice opinions
All that matters is looking like this and being healthy.
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First serious post from this guy
i got alot of serious shit to post about in my bag ngl. Obviously a lot of this stuff is water but to many people I'm bluepilled and delusional for saying this stuff
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you are one of the few ppl in touch with reality tbh,very refreshing to see bro
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. Dnrd
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you are one of the few ppl in touch with reality tbh,very refreshing to see bro
thanks brah and too be fair alot of ppl on this site are young. I have experience IRL so its not like I'm some smart guy or something just saying it how it is IRL
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Yea incels put sex on such an extreme pedestal, as a young teen I cared so much what other people thought and wanted to lose my virginity as soon as possible to not seem like a loser. There were 2 girls who liked me and I had to date one of them, 1 was more attractive and her parents were wealthy etc and the other was mid but she was more slutty and I knew she would want to fuck right away so I dated her instead and lost my virginity on my 14th bday and when I did I was like 'that was it?' they build sex up as this giant life changing experience when it isn't. There are countless other things in life that you will derive greater happiness from than sex, especially with random women you don't feel romantic feelings for
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1, 9 & 10.

OP you're wrong about those. Dead fucking wrong.
You just are.

Agree with the rest to some extent.
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Yea incels put sex on such an extreme pedestal, as a young teen I cared so much what other people thought and wanted to lose my virginity as soon as possible to not seem like a loser. There were 2 girls who liked me and I had to date one of them, 1 was more attractive and her parents were wealthy etc and the other was mid but she was more slutty and I knew she would want to fuck right away so I dated her instead and lost my virginity on my 14th bday and when I did I was like 'that was it?' they build sex up as this giant life changing experience when it isn't. There are countless other things in life that you will derive greater happiness from than sex, especially with random women you don't feel romantic feelings for
well said brah i was the same when i was a teen. Many are
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1, 9 & 10.

OP you're wrong about those. Dead fucking wrong.
You just are.

Agree with the rest to some extent.
fair enough i highly doubt most will agree with everything i say and that's a good thing. Just speaking my mind on topics i think users get wrong from my perspective. Doesnt make it true or false objectively. Discourse on these subjects in a serious manner is a good thing imo
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I find all these questions on what attracts women and what attributes might effect your chances negativly and which might increase them trivial and boring.
Is it even possible to make objective general statements about that based on anecdotal evidence? I think not and still everyone here does this constantly.
I lost interest in women recently and Iam more interested in matters of intellectual inquiry.
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Thing about 7 is even "good" women are wired a certain way and that is to want chad dick. It's just their brain. We are wired different, I barely think about women and would be fine if I just had some becky to fuck everyday and unload my cum. But from day 1 women fantasize about chads, young males fantasize about being superheroes or DBZ characters, young females fantasize about being princesses and getting some chad prince into them.
Male entertainment is just fighting and stuff (obviously pussy is still there but as a side thing)
while female entertainment is primarily romance
Women are wired to want chad dick, its from birth, its like god to them. Their only life purpose. Maybe she won't physically cheat on you out of morals if she has access to some chad, but she will fantasize about him and lose affection for you
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JFL Nigga copy pasted in both the forums. Good thread
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What looks level to have girls approach u cuz I’ve had girls come up to me before
  • Hmm...
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Thing about 7 is even "good" women are wired a certain way and that is to want chad dick. It's just their brain. We are wired different, I barely think about women and would be fine if I just had some becky to fuck everyday and unload my cum. But from day 1 women fantasize about chads, young males fantasize about being superheroes or DBZ characters, young females fantasize about being princesses and getting some chad prince into them.
Male entertainment is just fighting and stuff (obviously pussy is still there but as a side thing)
while female entertainment is primarily romance
Women are wired to want chad dick, its from birth, its like god to them. Their only life purpose. Maybe she won't physically cheat on you out of morals if she has access to some chad, but she will fantasize about him and lose affection for you
i dont disagree but what i will say is we are both slaves to our biology and DNA. Men crave to spread their seed and fuck genetically superior women of all kinds and types too its in our biology its not just women that "crave chad dick" while men are chill and don't have cravings of their own. The difference is women have the ability to be picky and choose who they want that's the best option to them while men don't have that luxury these days. That doesn't mean men don't have those thoughts or desires either. Also rather then criticize both sides for having these subconscious desires and thoughts we should understand that its just the way biology works we all crave the best genetics and DNA possible. Both sides should just improve themselves best they can physically and mentally and spiritually so both sides in a relationship can be as happy as possible with themselves and each other. And if u wanna be in a loyal relationship u need to control ur self and understand its ok to find other ppl attractive and want to fuck them, but what is important is both sides acting in a fair and appropriate fashion where 1) they don't cheat (if that's the type of relationship that was agreed upon) 2) they don't treat their partners with any less respect and love then before. Obviously a lot of this stuff is idealistic thinking and in reality ppl are corrupted by their biology and don't even want or try to control themselves and channel those urges. But i also think its wrong to think that its impossible to acknowledge those subconscious thoughts and feelings and still control how u act and behave if u truly wanted to.

U gotta understand that its important to control what u can control. Women and men fantasizing about other ppl is purely nature and shouldn't be viewed as some evil thing because its pure biology. U need to judge the actions of the person because the brutal truth is there is always a bigger fish and ppl always subconsciously are attracted to those have have optimal genetics. As long as u understand that reality which is we are all slaves to our biology ur free to choose whatever u wanna do when it comes to relationships. But u should at least be fair and understand that actions matter more then thoughts and subconscious desires
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What looks level to have girls approach u cuz I’ve had girls come up to me before
I dont think ppl below MTN get approached tbh so ur minimum MTN prob HTN
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a few copes

- Psl
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I find all these questions on what attracts women and what attributes might effect your chances negativly and which might increase them trivial and boring.
Is it even possible to make objective general statements about that based on anecdotal evidence? I think not and still everyone here does this constantly.
I lost interest in women recently and Iam more interested in matters of intellectual inquiry.
I think the fact that its hard to be 100 percent conclusive and objective about certain aspects of that makes it more fun and interesting. But to each their own
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A few copes I see here that I think is retarded

1) Slaying is cope. Thinking that once u start fucking lots of different women (or men) often will make you happy is retarded dead serious. If anything it will negatively impact your physical and mental health. Obviously, I understand wanting to be attractive and valued for your genetics, however, fucking loads of different ppl for "fun" 1: gets old quickly and 2: is soulless and will leave you feeling empty and lonelier than ever idc what any slayer on here says connections and bonds are more important then muhhhh slay. Slaying can never beat having sex with a girl u have a real connection.

2) Thinking NT doesn't matter is GIGA cope. Even if ur HTN+, ur life experiences, and opportunities will be hindered and limited if you aren't at least somewhat NT

3) Thinking Once you reach a certain looks level, women will always flock to you with no effort. This one is somewhat true in that SOME women will approach you at certain looks levels. But ppl don't realize u still will need to do the vast majority of starting conversations and making that first move with most women it's just how it is with women. This doesn't mean they won't make it easier for u to approach via IOIs and things like that, but its cope to think once ur HTN+ women will just come to u constantly in large amounts and droves while u don't have to do anything but exist (this is different if u have status halo tho). Setting matters a lot too. Perhaps you will get approached a lot more at bars and clubs if ur chadlite+, but in day to day life u still need to initiate the convos and realize when women are showing indicators of interest and make that first move. If u don't care about meeting women outside clubs and bars then this doesn't matter as much to you, but if you do want to meet women outside clubs and bars you need to understand that even if u are good looking u still need to approach it wont be enough to just be good looking the vast majority of the time.

4) Thinking diet is cope. This is retarded dead serious and I won't elaborate. U cant be maxxed on ur looks if you arent lean (as a man), so thinking diet is cope and won't impact that is stupid

5) Thinking gym is cope and that lifting weights and cardio will hurt your body. This one is also mega retarded and I wont elaborate, just know that most chads are gymmaxxed or at least have some sort of muscle mass and are lean. Also its on u if u lift with no proper form and over exert yourself without gradually building up over time. Most of you are just lazy f*cks ngl looking for an excuse to not improve.

6) Thinking money is cope. I mean just come the f*ck on.

7) Thinking all women are whores. This isn't true there are good women out there. Men are hypocritical in that they won't settle for a woman of a lower looks level even if shes a good woman that has ideal personality and values, yet constantly shit on women for doing the same thing. Similar to women, both genders want the best-looking person they can get (men less so than women but the amount of standard cel men on this site is insane) that ALSO has a great personality and values they want and this makes things more complicated. Also dating apps blow and ur not gonna meet good women on there for the most part, rather you should meet them naturally via school, uni, social circles, hobbies and things of that nature (again this is another reason why NT is important too).

8) Thinking that you need to be HTN+ to get attractive women is cope. Obviously the better looking you are, the more it helps, but a large amount of men are average or even somewhat below average looking and still get in healthy relationships with women of decent looks levels. Chronically online individuals think its all about looks when things like personality and NT unironically will help you land a girl too. I admit it wont be as helpful as being good looking but it still is a factor and shouldn't be disregarded completely like ppl do on these spaces.

9) Race is somewhat cope. Im not gonna say that its completely cope because ppl have preferences and on average certain races are viewed more favorably in the general public compared to other races, however, one of the biggest incel traits is thinking u mog a HTN+ "ethnic" just because ur white even tho ur a MTN at best. HTN+ men don't have issues with race "failo" and ethnic "tax" IRL, yet most incels would rather cope with their race and phenotype thinking they are better or worse because of it, vs just accepting that they arent even good looking to begin with. Same shit with height btw. Most n*ggas rather blame their avg tier height vs accepting they are avg looking at best or more likely just too ugly to attract women. Also its mind-boggling to me the amount of ppl that think a chadlite ethnic gets mogged by ur average white dude u can find on the street how delusional can you be tbh. This right here is the highest form of coping as ppl need something to feel like they have value and use race help them with that.

10) Thinking height matters more then face. In my opinion, height is the second most important marker of physical attractiveness in men. But when it comes to what's most important, I think for both genders face beats all. The vast majority of men are within the average height range or just barely below or barely above it, so truly height isn't the issue for most men, its the fact that they are average height and average face combined. Of course if you are 6'2 and MTN ur chances with women improve a lot, but its GIGA cope to think 6'2 MTN mogs an average height chadlite or even solid HTN tbh, as once you are within the average height range, how good looking you are will boost your chances much more with women then ur height. I get that the taller you are the more quantity of partners u can date, but for quality (which is more important genetically speaking), ur gonna need to have a good face more than having a good height. Not only are true good-looking faces much more rare then good heights, they also show more health indicators and signal higher (or lower) signs of genetic fitness to potential partners through features like facial symmetry, clear skin and even skin tone, metabolic indicators, hormonal indicators, chance of fighting success and pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, which are interpreted as signs of good genes, proper development during crucial stages, and overall health, making an individual appear more desirable as a potential mate from an evolutionary perspective. Again I'm not saying height doesn't matter, it still matters a lot. You need to not be a manlet (below 5'7-5'8 IMO, maybe 5'9 depending on where u live) in order to not get ur smv nuked, but like I said most men are within that average height range and would stand to benefit much more from having a HTN+ face vs being 6'1-6'2+ but average face. And if u think height is more important because u need to not be manlet to get ur smv nuked, same can be said about face in that u need to not be LTN in order to have your smv nuked.
i saw a video on tiktok where a girl dabbed up guys that were 10s the first guy he dabbed up was pretty nigger with average height probably 5'10 with a build body and very good looking face then most of the other guys she dabbed up were hella tall 6'2 6'4 shit like that and the most liked comment on that vid was whats the first ones @? + most comments were talking about the first guy which just proves face>height
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i dont disagree but what i will say is we are both slaves to our biology and DNA. Men crave to spread their seed and fuck genetically superior women of all kinds and types too its in our biology its not just women that "crave chad dick" while men are chill and don't have cravings of their own. The difference is women have the ability to be picky and choose who they want that's the best option to them while men don't have that luxury these days. That doesn't mean men don't have those thoughts or desires either. Also rather then criticize both sides for having these subconscious desires and thoughts we should understand that its just the way biology works we all crave the best genetics and DNA possible. Both sides should just improve themselves best they can physically and mentally and spiritually so both sides in a relationship can be as happy as possible with themselves and each other. And if u wanna be in a loyal relationship u need to control ur self and understand its ok to find other ppl attractive and want to fuck them, but what is important is both sides acting in a fair and appropriate fashion where 1) they don't cheat (if that's the type of relationship that was agreed upon) 2) they don't treat their partners with any less respect and love then before. Obviously a lot of this stuff is idealistic thinking and in reality ppl are corrupted by their biology and don't even want or try to control themselves and channel those urges. But i also think its wrong to think that its impossible to acknowledge those subconscious thoughts and feelings and still control how u act and behave if u truly wanted to.

U gotta understand that its important to control what u can control. Women and men fantasizing about other ppl is purely nature and shouldn't be viewed as some evil thing because its pure biology. U need to judge the actions of the person because the brutal truth is there is always a bigger fish and ppl always subconsciously are attracted to those have have optimal genetics. As long as u understand that reality which is we are all slaves to our biology ur free to choose whatever u wanna do when it comes to relationships. But u should at least be fair and understand that actions matter more then thoughts and subconscious desires
Well I agree both men andn women are the same and driven by biology but we're different
its the same reason why women are much pickier than men
like honestly would you complain if you had some becky with a good body that put out every night?
To me, ideal situation
Gf that never talks to me. Doesn't cheat on me. We just fuck regularly and that's it.
But women don't want or like that. So it is what it is.
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i saw a video on tiktok where a girl dabbed up guys that were 10s the first guy he dabbed up was pretty nigger with average height probably 5'10 with a build body and very good looking face then most of the other guys she dabbed up were hella tall 6'2 6'4 shit like that and the most liked comment on that vid was whats the first ones @? + most comments were talking about the first guy which just proves face>height
i mean thats a highly anecdotal and situational thing that doesn't prove face>height and there is no way of truly proving one is greater then the other however it do believe face matters more for the reasons i listed. But there's no way to prove it tbh
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Well I agree both men andn women are the same and driven by biology but we're different
its the same reason why women are much pickier than men
like honestly would you complain if you had some becky with a good body that put out every night?
To me, ideal situation
Gf that never talks to me. Doesn't cheat on me. We just fuck regularly and that's it.
But women don't want or like that. So it is what it is.
nah i totally agree with this bruv alls i was saying is there are good women out there. Not every single woman is a whore who will leave u first chance u get and sometimes maybe some of us guys should reduce our sky high standards (the ones on this site) to pick the loyal virtuous girl vs the promiscuous and egotistical hot babe.

and to answer ur question yes id be happy with becky with good body not even a question to me
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too much text nigger
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A few copes I see here that I think is retarded

1) Slaying is cope. Thinking that once u start fucking lots of different women (or men) often will make you happy is retarded dead serious. If anything it will negatively impact your physical and mental health. Obviously, I understand wanting to be attractive and valued for your genetics, however, fucking loads of different ppl for "fun" 1: gets old quickly and 2: is soulless and will leave you feeling empty and lonelier than ever idc what any slayer on here says connections and bonds are more important then muhhhh slay. Slaying can never beat having sex with a girl u have a real connection.

2) Thinking NT doesn't matter is GIGA cope. Even if ur HTN+, ur life experiences, and opportunities will be hindered and limited if you aren't at least somewhat NT

3) Thinking Once you reach a certain looks level, women will always flock to you with no effort. This one is somewhat true in that SOME women will approach you at certain looks levels. But ppl don't realize u still will need to do the vast majority of starting conversations and making that first move with most women it's just how it is with women. This doesn't mean they won't make it easier for u to approach via IOIs and things like that, but its cope to think once ur HTN+ women will just come to u constantly in large amounts and droves while u don't have to do anything but exist (this is different if u have status halo tho). Setting matters a lot too. Perhaps you will get approached a lot more at bars and clubs if ur chadlite+, but in day to day life u still need to initiate the convos and realize when women are showing indicators of interest and make that first move. If u don't care about meeting women outside clubs and bars then this doesn't matter as much to you, but if you do want to meet women outside clubs and bars you need to understand that even if u are good looking u still need to approach it wont be enough to just be good looking the vast majority of the time.

4) Thinking diet is cope. This is retarded dead serious and I won't elaborate. U cant be maxxed on ur looks if you arent lean (as a man), so thinking diet is cope and won't impact that is stupid

5) Thinking gym is cope and that lifting weights and cardio will hurt your body. This one is also mega retarded and I wont elaborate, just know that most chads are gymmaxxed or at least have some sort of muscle mass and are lean. Also its on u if u lift with no proper form and over exert yourself without gradually building up over time. Most of you are just lazy f*cks ngl looking for an excuse to not improve.

6) Thinking money is cope. I mean just come the f*ck on.

7) Thinking all women are whores. This isn't true there are good women out there. Men are hypocritical in that they won't settle for a woman of a lower looks level even if shes a good woman that has ideal personality and values, yet constantly shit on women for doing the same thing. Similar to women, both genders want the best-looking person they can get (men less so than women but the amount of standard cel men on this site is insane) that ALSO has a great personality and values they want and this makes things more complicated. Also dating apps blow and ur not gonna meet good women on there for the most part, rather you should meet them naturally via school, uni, social circles, hobbies and things of that nature (again this is another reason why NT is important too).

8) Thinking that you need to be HTN+ to get attractive women is cope. Obviously the better looking you are, the more it helps, but a large amount of men are average or even somewhat below average looking and still get in healthy relationships with women of decent looks levels. Chronically online individuals think its all about looks when things like personality and NT unironically will help you land a girl too. I admit it wont be as helpful as being good looking but it still is a factor and shouldn't be disregarded completely like ppl do on these spaces.

9) Race is somewhat cope. Im not gonna say that its completely cope because ppl have preferences and on average certain races are viewed more favorably in the general public compared to other races, however, one of the biggest incel traits is thinking u mog a HTN+ "ethnic" just because ur white even tho ur a MTN at best. HTN+ men don't have issues with race "failo" and ethnic "tax" IRL, yet most incels would rather cope with their race and phenotype thinking they are better or worse because of it, vs just accepting that they arent even good looking to begin with. Same shit with height btw. Most n*ggas rather blame their avg tier height vs accepting they are avg looking at best or more likely just too ugly to attract women. Also its mind-boggling to me the amount of ppl that think a chadlite ethnic gets mogged by ur average white dude u can find on the street how delusional can you be tbh. This right here is the highest form of coping as ppl need something to feel like they have value and use race help them with that.

10) Thinking height matters more then face. In my opinion, height is the second most important marker of physical attractiveness in men. But when it comes to what's most important, I think for both genders face beats all. The vast majority of men are within the average height range or just barely below or barely above it, so truly height isn't the issue for most men, its the fact that they are average height and average face combined. Of course if you are 6'2 and MTN ur chances with women improve a lot, but its GIGA cope to think 6'2 MTN mogs an average height chadlite or even solid HTN tbh, as once you are within the average height range, how good looking you are will boost your chances much more with women then ur height. I get that the taller you are the more quantity of partners u can date, but for quality (which is more important genetically speaking), ur gonna need to have a good face more than having a good height. Not only are true good-looking faces much more rare then good heights, they also show more health indicators and signal higher (or lower) signs of genetic fitness to potential partners through features like facial symmetry, clear skin and even skin tone, metabolic indicators, hormonal indicators, chance of fighting success and pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, which are interpreted as signs of good genes, proper development during crucial stages, and overall health, making an individual appear more desirable as a potential mate from an evolutionary perspective. Again I'm not saying height doesn't matter, it still matters a lot. You need to not be a manlet (below 5'7-5'8 IMO, maybe 5'9 depending on where u live) in order to not get ur smv nuked, but like I said most men are within that average height range and would stand to benefit much more from having a HTN+ face vs being 6'1-6'2+ but average face. And if u think height is more important because u need to not be manlet to get ur smv nuked, same can be said about face in that u need to not be LTN in order to have your smv nuked.
agreed smart man
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i agree with this high iq thread bhai :D
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agreed smart man
i agree with this high iq thread bhai :D
damn ppl being nice didnt expect it tbh. thanks guys :love:

Again I'm not tryna act like i know more or I'm better then anyone, simply stating my thoughts on things that are either taken for granted or highly exaggerated on this site in my own personal opinion.
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A few copes I see here that I think is retarded

1) Slaying is cope. Thinking that once u start fucking lots of different women (or men) often will make you happy is retarded dead serious. If anything it will negatively impact your physical and mental health. Obviously, I understand wanting to be attractive and valued for your genetics, however, fucking loads of different ppl for "fun" 1: gets old quickly and 2: is soulless and will leave you feeling empty and lonelier than ever idc what any slayer on here says connections and bonds are more important then muhhhh slay. Slaying can never beat having sex with a girl u have a real connection.

2) Thinking NT doesn't matter is GIGA cope. Even if ur HTN+, ur life experiences, and opportunities will be hindered and limited if you aren't at least somewhat NT

3) Thinking Once you reach a certain looks level, women will always flock to you with no effort. This one is somewhat true in that SOME women will approach you at certain looks levels. But ppl don't realize u still will need to do the vast majority of starting conversations and making that first move with most women it's just how it is with women. This doesn't mean they won't make it easier for u to approach via IOIs and things like that, but its cope to think once ur HTN+ women will just come to u constantly in large amounts and droves while u don't have to do anything but exist (this is different if u have status halo tho). Setting matters a lot too. Perhaps you will get approached a lot more at bars and clubs if ur chadlite+, but in day to day life u still need to initiate the convos and realize when women are showing indicators of interest and make that first move. If u don't care about meeting women outside clubs and bars then this doesn't matter as much to you, but if you do want to meet women outside clubs and bars you need to understand that even if u are good looking u still need to approach it wont be enough to just be good looking the vast majority of the time.

4) Thinking diet is cope. This is retarded dead serious and I won't elaborate. U cant be maxxed on ur looks if you arent lean (as a man), so thinking diet is cope and won't impact that is stupid

5) Thinking gym is cope and that lifting weights and cardio will hurt your body. This one is also mega retarded and I wont elaborate, just know that most chads are gymmaxxed or at least have some sort of muscle mass and are lean. Also its on u if u lift with no proper form and over exert yourself without gradually building up over time. Most of you are just lazy f*cks ngl looking for an excuse to not improve.

6) Thinking money is cope. I mean just come the f*ck on.

7) Thinking all women are whores. This isn't true there are good women out there. Men are hypocritical in that they won't settle for a woman of a lower looks level even if shes a good woman that has ideal personality and values, yet constantly shit on women for doing the same thing. Similar to women, both genders want the best-looking person they can get (men less so than women but the amount of standard cel men on this site is insane) that ALSO has a great personality and values they want and this makes things more complicated. Also dating apps blow and ur not gonna meet good women on there for the most part, rather you should meet them naturally via school, uni, social circles, hobbies and things of that nature (again this is another reason why NT is important too).

8) Thinking that you need to be HTN+ to get attractive women is cope. Obviously the better looking you are, the more it helps, but a large amount of men are average or even somewhat below average looking and still get in healthy relationships with women of decent looks levels. Chronically online individuals think its all about looks when things like personality and NT unironically will help you land a girl too. I admit it wont be as helpful as being good looking but it still is a factor and shouldn't be disregarded completely like ppl do on these spaces.

9) Race is somewhat cope. Im not gonna say that its completely cope because ppl have preferences and on average certain races are viewed more favorably in the general public compared to other races, however, one of the biggest incel traits is thinking u mog a HTN+ "ethnic" just because ur white even tho ur a MTN at best. HTN+ men don't have issues with race "failo" and ethnic "tax" IRL, yet most incels would rather cope with their race and phenotype thinking they are better or worse because of it, vs just accepting that they arent even good looking to begin with. Same shit with height btw. Most n*ggas rather blame their avg tier height vs accepting they are avg looking at best or more likely just too ugly to attract women. Also its mind-boggling to me the amount of ppl that think a chadlite ethnic gets mogged by ur average white dude u can find on the street how delusional can you be tbh. This right here is the highest form of coping as ppl need something to feel like they have value and use race help them with that.

10) Thinking height matters more then face. In my opinion, height is the second most important marker of physical attractiveness in men. But when it comes to what's most important, I think for both genders face beats all. The vast majority of men are within the average height range or just barely below or barely above it, so truly height isn't the issue for most men, its the fact that they are average height and average face combined. Of course if you are 6'2 and MTN ur chances with women improve a lot, but its GIGA cope to think 6'2 MTN mogs an average height chadlite or even solid HTN tbh, as once you are within the average height range, how good looking you are will boost your chances much more with women then ur height. I get that the taller you are the more quantity of partners u can date, but for quality (which is more important genetically speaking), ur gonna need to have a good face more than having a good height. Not only are true good-looking faces much more rare then good heights, they also show more health indicators and signal higher (or lower) signs of genetic fitness to potential partners through features like facial symmetry, clear skin and even skin tone, metabolic indicators, hormonal indicators, chance of fighting success and pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, which are interpreted as signs of good genes, proper development during crucial stages, and overall health, making an individual appear more desirable as a potential mate from an evolutionary perspective. Again I'm not saying height doesn't matter, it still matters a lot. You need to not be a manlet (below 5'7-5'8 IMO, maybe 5'9 depending on where u live) in order to not get ur smv nuked, but like I said most men are within that average height range and would stand to benefit much more from having a HTN+ face vs being 6'1-6'2+ but average face. And if u think height is more important because u need to not be manlet to get ur smv nuked, same can be said about face in that u need to not be LTN in order to have your smv nuked.
Agree with all besides 3, 9 and 10:

3: Look up the tinder chadfish experiments. People made fake tinder profiles of nazi chads and pedo chads yet they still got tons of matches and women were begging to go on a date. These women were MTB-HTB

9: If you're indian, it is extremely difficult to date a white woman and if you're white in SEA then women will throw themselves at you.

10: I see ugly tall dudes with girlfriends but don't see short handsome dudes with girlfriends. NT > Height > Race > Face
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agree w everything except not all women are whores part :lul:
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Agree with all besides 3, 9 and 10:

3: Look up the tinder chadfish experiments. People made fake tinder profiles of nazi chads and pedo chads yet they still got tons of matches and women were begging to go on a date. These women were MTB-HTB

9: If you're indian, it is extremely difficult to date a white woman and if you're white in SEA then women will throw themselves at you.

10: I see ugly tall dudes with girlfriends but don't see short handsome dudes with girlfriends. NT > Height > Race > Face
valid point on the chadfishes however im more talking about IRL settings for number 3) then online and clubs and bars. Im also not saying good looking men don't have it easier and don't get approached, they definitely due. But a lot of women IRL wont directly approach them even if they find them attractive for many reasons such as insecurity, not wanting to get rejected and wanting to feel like the one being desired ppl underestimate how shy and insecure most girls really are when they find someone IRL attraction and they arent under influence of alcohol or drugs to lower their inhib

I also didn't say race was completely cope. Like i said, ppl prefer to date within their own races (majority) and whites do have preference in beauty standards and dating market but its cope to think ur more desirable then a middle eastern or even indian chadlite just because ur white, even tho ur MTN at best. Yes JBW is very real for going to SEA and shit but ur getting used for ur status and passport, not for attraction toward u cuz of ur superior genetics. So yes race is real but its not this end all be all ppl make it out to be on this site. its still more important to be HTN+ imo

depends on ur definition of "ugly" and short" for ur last point. Ive seen the opposite happen as well even fucking giga manlets with girls. Like i said, its better to be MTN and 6'2 then MTN and 5'9 but i truly believe ur gonna get way more women lusting after you if your average height and good looking vs tall and average or tall and ugly. The rarity of a good looking face alone IMO makes it that much more valuable then height and as long as ur average height ur gonna be a decent amount taller then most girls as well in ur country and u wont appear much different at all to the other men near ur height from a visual perspective.

Just look at the ppl on this site for example. Alot of them are fairly tall and are incel due to lacking facial aesthetics, meanwhile how many on here are "short" and actually good looking and haven't had sex or been with women ever? I cant think of 1 guy who was actually HTN and lets say 5'8 and was completely incel.
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agree w everything except not all women are whores part :lul:
its a bit depressing because alot of women are way more promiscuous now but there really are good women out there trust u just need to look in places outside OLD, clubs/bars and Uni (fucking easier said then done tho)
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valid point on the chadfishes however im more talking about IRL settings for number 3) then online and clubs and bars. Im also not saying good looking men don't have it easier and don't get approached, they definitely due. But a lot of women IRL wont directly approach them even if they find them attractive for many reasons such as insecurity, not wanting to get rejected and wanting to feel like the one being desired ppl underestimate how shy and insecure most girls really are when they find someone IRL attraction and they arent under influence of alcohol or drugs to lower their inhib

I also didn't say race was completely cope. Like i said, ppl prefer to date within their own races (majority) and whites do have preference in beauty standards and dating market but its cope to think ur more desirable then a middle eastern or even indian chadlite just because ur white, even tho ur MTN at best. Yes JBW is very real for going to SEA and shit but ur getting used for ur status and passport, not for attraction toward u cuz of ur superior genetics. So yes race is real but its not this end all be all ppl make it out to be on this site. its still more important to be HTN+ imo

depends on ur definition of "ugly" and short" for ur last point. Ive seen the opposite happen as well even fucking giga manlets with girls. Like i said, its better to be MTN and 6'2 then MTN and 5'9 but i truly believe ur gonna get way more women lusting after you if your average height and good looking vs tall and average or tall and ugly. The rarity of a good looking face alone IMO makes it that much more valuable then height and as long as ur average height ur gonna be a decent amount taller then most girls as well in ur country and u wont appear much different at all to the other men near ur height from a visual perspective.

Just look at the ppl on this site for example. Alot of them are fairly tall and are incel due to lacking facial aesthetics, meanwhile how many on here are "short" and actually good looking and haven't had sex or been with women ever? I cant think of 1 guy who was actually HTN and lets say 5'8 and was completely incel.
If happened on tinder, then it happens in real life. Chads get women cold approaching them. They don't have to put in any effort.

You agree somewhat on race but my point was that white men have a lot more options than indian men. White men will have a lot more ethnic girls interested and indian men will likely only have options with indian women. White men also have the option to SEAmaxx if they are desperate enough. And yes, some SEA girls are using you for your passport and money but its definitely not all of them and there are plenty who just have a preference for white men.

For height, my point is that height can trump face. If you're 4'11 then even a chad face can't save you and if you're 6'5 but LTN facially then you're still going to have plenty of women interested. Whenever I see an ugly dude with a girlfriend, it is always because he is tall af.
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A few copes I see here that I think is retarded

1) Slaying is cope. Thinking that once u start fucking lots of different women (or men) often will make you happy is retarded dead serious. If anything it will negatively impact your physical and mental health. Obviously, I understand wanting to be attractive and valued for your genetics, however, fucking loads of different ppl for "fun" 1: gets old quickly and 2: is soulless and will leave you feeling empty and lonelier than ever idc what any slayer on here says connections and bonds are more important then muhhhh slay. Slaying can never beat having sex with a girl u have a real connection.

2) Thinking NT doesn't matter is GIGA cope. Even if ur HTN+, ur life experiences, and opportunities will be hindered and limited if you aren't at least somewhat NT

3) Thinking Once you reach a certain looks level, women will always flock to you with no effort. This one is somewhat true in that SOME women will approach you at certain looks levels. But ppl don't realize u still will need to do the vast majority of starting conversations and making that first move with most women it's just how it is with women. This doesn't mean they won't make it easier for u to approach via IOIs and things like that, but its cope to think once ur HTN+ women will just come to u constantly in large amounts and droves while u don't have to do anything but exist (this is different if u have status halo tho). Setting matters a lot too. Perhaps you will get approached a lot more at bars and clubs if ur chadlite+, but in day to day life u still need to initiate the convos and realize when women are showing indicators of interest and make that first move. If u don't care about meeting women outside clubs and bars then this doesn't matter as much to you, but if you do want to meet women outside clubs and bars you need to understand that even if u are good looking u still need to approach it wont be enough to just be good looking the vast majority of the time.

4) Thinking diet is cope. This is retarded dead serious and I won't elaborate. U cant be maxxed on ur looks if you arent lean (as a man), so thinking diet is cope and won't impact that is stupid

5) Thinking gym is cope and that lifting weights and cardio will hurt your body. This one is also mega retarded and I wont elaborate, just know that most chads are gymmaxxed or at least have some sort of muscle mass and are lean. Also its on u if u lift with no proper form and over exert yourself without gradually building up over time. Most of you are just lazy f*cks ngl looking for an excuse to not improve.

6) Thinking money is cope. I mean just come the f*ck on.

7) Thinking all women are whores. This isn't true there are good women out there. Men are hypocritical in that they won't settle for a woman of a lower looks level even if shes a good woman that has ideal personality and values, yet constantly shit on women for doing the same thing. Similar to women, both genders want the best-looking person they can get (men less so than women but the amount of standard cel men on this site is insane) that ALSO has a great personality and values they want and this makes things more complicated. Also dating apps blow and ur not gonna meet good women on there for the most part, rather you should meet them naturally via school, uni, social circles, hobbies and things of that nature (again this is another reason why NT is important too).

8) Thinking that you need to be HTN+ to get attractive women is cope. Obviously the better looking you are, the more it helps, but a large amount of men are average or even somewhat below average looking and still get in healthy relationships with women of decent looks levels. Chronically online individuals think its all about looks when things like personality and NT unironically will help you land a girl too. I admit it wont be as helpful as being good looking but it still is a factor and shouldn't be disregarded completely like ppl do on these spaces.

9) Race is somewhat cope. Im not gonna say that its completely cope because ppl have preferences and on average certain races are viewed more favorably in the general public compared to other races, however, one of the biggest incel traits is thinking u mog a HTN+ "ethnic" just because ur white even tho ur a MTN at best. HTN+ men don't have issues with race "failo" and ethnic "tax" IRL, yet most incels would rather cope with their race and phenotype thinking they are better or worse because of it, vs just accepting that they arent even good looking to begin with. Same shit with height btw. Most n*ggas rather blame their avg tier height vs accepting they are avg looking at best or more likely just too ugly to attract women. Also its mind-boggling to me the amount of ppl that think a chadlite ethnic gets mogged by ur average white dude u can find on the street how delusional can you be tbh. This right here is the highest form of coping as ppl need something to feel like they have value and use race help them with that.

10) Thinking height matters more then face. In my opinion, height is the second most important marker of physical attractiveness in men. But when it comes to what's most important, I think for both genders face beats all. The vast majority of men are within the average height range or just barely below or barely above it, so truly height isn't the issue for most men, its the fact that they are average height and average face combined. Of course if you are 6'2 and MTN ur chances with women improve a lot, but its GIGA cope to think 6'2 MTN mogs an average height chadlite or even solid HTN tbh, as once you are within the average height range, how good looking you are will boost your chances much more with women then ur height. I get that the taller you are the more quantity of partners u can date, but for quality (which is more important genetically speaking), ur gonna need to have a good face more than having a good height. Not only are true good-looking faces much more rare then good heights, they also show more health indicators and signal higher (or lower) signs of genetic fitness to potential partners through features like facial symmetry, clear skin and even skin tone, metabolic indicators, hormonal indicators, chance of fighting success and pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, which are interpreted as signs of good genes, proper development during crucial stages, and overall health, making an individual appear more desirable as a potential mate from an evolutionary perspective. Again I'm not saying height doesn't matter, it still matters a lot. You need to not be a manlet (below 5'7-5'8 IMO, maybe 5'9 depending on where u live) in order to not get ur smv nuked, but like I said most men are within that average height range and would stand to benefit much more from having a HTN+ face vs being 6'1-6'2+ but average face. And if u think height is more important because u need to not be manlet to get ur smv nuked, same can be said about face in that u need to not be LTN in order to have your smv nuked.
Big agree
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i didn’t know you were high iq nigga
all great takes
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10) Thinking height matters more then face.
Good thread but this one i have to disagree with. Height and face are like 50/50. Also, face is subjective because not every woman will be attracted to your face, meanwhile if you're tall(at least 6'2 or 6'3), you're always tall to the vast majority of women. For example, not every woman will think Tom Cruise is attractive, but the vast majority of women will see Chris Hemsworth as tall.
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If happened on tinder, then it happens in real life. Chads get women cold approaching them. They don't have to put in any effort.

You agree somewhat on race but my point was that white men have a lot more options than indian men. White men will have a lot more ethnic girls interested and indian men will likely only have options with indian women. White men also have the option to SEAmaxx if they are desperate enough. And yes, some SEA girls are using you for your passport and money but its definitely not all of them and there are plenty who just have a preference for white men.

For height, my point is that height can trump face. If you're 4'11 then even a chad face can't save you and if you're 6'5 but LTN facially then you're still going to have plenty of women interested. Whenever I see an ugly dude with a girlfriend, it is always because he is tall af.
tinder isnt real life bhai believe it or not. Yes Chads get cold approached by women, I didnt say they didnt. Just saying its not like groups of women are coming at them in large droves every time they step out the house. They will still pull infintely more women if they approach and because they are chad they wont get rejected often at all.

Yea i agree average white man beats avg indian man. Im not disagreeing with race the way u think i am. Rather im saying its not as important as people think relative to facial attractiveness. Like i said i think its incorrect to think a barely avg white dude mogs a strong HTN+ ethnic, thats where i think race is cope.

Yes height can trump face depending on the scenario and context. Put my point was face is more important for physical attracevtiness in men then height. I still think height is very important u cant be too short otherwise its over. And i dont agree that u can be 6'5 and legit actually a LTN ugly niger and have "plenty of women interested". They are gonna be repulsed by ur ugly ass face, no amount of height saves that except for maybe minimal exceptions. And like I said there are 5'4-5'5 men that are in relationships too, but like the true LTN face dudes its the exception not the rule and most women are disgusted by it
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