A few copes

Agreed with all of em. Good stuff. People here unfortunately won't agree to some of em
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Good thread but this one i have to disagree with. Height and face are like 50/50. Also, face is subjective because not every woman will be attracted to your face, meanwhile if you're tall(at least 6'2 or 6'3), you're always tall to the vast majority of women. For example, not every woman will think Tom Cruise is attractive, but the vast majority of women will see Chris Hemsworth as tall.
honestly u make a great point. I dont disagree with this
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Good thread but this one i have to disagree with. Height and face are like 50/50. Also, face is subjective because not every woman will be attracted to your face, meanwhile if you're tall(at least 6'2 or 6'3), you're always tall to the vast majority of women. For example, not every woman will think Tom Cruise is attractive, but the vast majority of women will see Chris Hemsworth as tall.
once you reach a certain point of attractiveness objectively
face trumps height but if below that point then height mogs
i think this point is around low CL
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A few copes I see here that I think is retarded

1) Slaying is cope. Thinking that once u start fucking lots of different women (or men) often will make you happy is retarded dead serious. If anything it will negatively impact your physical and mental health. Obviously, I understand wanting to be attractive and valued for your genetics, however, fucking loads of different ppl for "fun" 1: gets old quickly and 2: is soulless and will leave you feeling empty and lonelier than ever idc what any slayer on here says connections and bonds are more important then muhhhh slay. Slaying can never beat having sex with a girl u have a real connection.

2) Thinking NT doesn't matter is GIGA cope. Even if ur HTN+, ur life experiences, and opportunities will be hindered and limited if you aren't at least somewhat NT

3) Thinking Once you reach a certain looks level, women will always flock to you with no effort. This one is somewhat true in that SOME women will approach you at certain looks levels. But ppl don't realize u still will need to do the vast majority of starting conversations and making that first move with most women it's just how it is with women. This doesn't mean they won't make it easier for u to approach via IOIs and things like that, but its cope to think once ur HTN+ women will just come to u constantly in large amounts and droves while u don't have to do anything but exist (this is different if u have status halo tho). Setting matters a lot too. Perhaps you will get approached a lot more at bars and clubs if ur chadlite+, but in day to day life u still need to initiate the convos and realize when women are showing indicators of interest and make that first move. If u don't care about meeting women outside clubs and bars then this doesn't matter as much to you, but if you do want to meet women outside clubs and bars you need to understand that even if u are good looking u still need to approach it wont be enough to just be good looking the vast majority of the time.

4) Thinking diet is cope. This is retarded dead serious and I won't elaborate. U cant be maxxed on ur looks if you arent lean (as a man), so thinking diet is cope and won't impact that is stupid

5) Thinking gym is cope and that lifting weights and cardio will hurt your body. This one is also mega retarded and I wont elaborate, just know that most chads are gymmaxxed or at least have some sort of muscle mass and are lean. Also its on u if u lift with no proper form and over exert yourself without gradually building up over time. Most of you are just lazy f*cks ngl looking for an excuse to not improve.

6) Thinking money is cope. I mean just come the f*ck on.

7) Thinking all women are whores. This isn't true there are good women out there. Men are hypocritical in that they won't settle for a woman of a lower looks level even if shes a good woman that has ideal personality and values, yet constantly shit on women for doing the same thing. Similar to women, both genders want the best-looking person they can get (men less so than women but the amount of standard cel men on this site is insane) that ALSO has a great personality and values they want and this makes things more complicated. Also dating apps blow and ur not gonna meet good women on there for the most part, rather you should meet them naturally via school, uni, social circles, hobbies and things of that nature (again this is another reason why NT is important too).

8) Thinking that you need to be HTN+ to get attractive women is cope. Obviously the better looking you are, the more it helps, but a large amount of men are average or even somewhat below average looking and still get in healthy relationships with women of decent looks levels. Chronically online individuals think its all about looks when things like personality and NT unironically will help you land a girl too. I admit it wont be as helpful as being good looking but it still is a factor and shouldn't be disregarded completely like ppl do on these spaces.

9) Race is somewhat cope. Im not gonna say that its completely cope because ppl have preferences and on average certain races are viewed more favorably in the general public compared to other races, however, one of the biggest incel traits is thinking u mog a HTN+ "ethnic" just because ur white even tho ur a MTN at best. HTN+ men don't have issues with race "failo" and ethnic "tax" IRL, yet most incels would rather cope with their race and phenotype thinking they are better or worse because of it, vs just accepting that they arent even good looking to begin with. Same shit with height btw. Most n*ggas rather blame their avg tier height vs accepting they are avg looking at best or more likely just too ugly to attract women. Also its mind-boggling to me the amount of ppl that think a chadlite ethnic gets mogged by ur average white dude u can find on the street how delusional can you be tbh. This right here is the highest form of coping as ppl need something to feel like they have value and use race help them with that.

10) Thinking height matters more then face. In my opinion, height is the second most important marker of physical attractiveness in men. But when it comes to what's most important, I think for both genders face beats all. The vast majority of men are within the average height range or just barely below or barely above it, so truly height isn't the issue for most men, its the fact that they are average height and average face combined. Of course if you are 6'2 and MTN ur chances with women improve a lot, but its GIGA cope to think 6'2 MTN mogs an average height chadlite or even solid HTN tbh, as once you are within the average height range, how good looking you are will boost your chances much more with women then ur height. I get that the taller you are the more quantity of partners u can date, but for quality (which is more important genetically speaking), ur gonna need to have a good face more than having a good height. Not only are true good-looking faces much more rare then good heights, they also show more health indicators and signal higher (or lower) signs of genetic fitness to potential partners through features like facial symmetry, clear skin and even skin tone, metabolic indicators, hormonal indicators, chance of fighting success and pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, which are interpreted as signs of good genes, proper development during crucial stages, and overall health, making an individual appear more desirable as a potential mate from an evolutionary perspective. Again I'm not saying height doesn't matter, it still matters a lot. You need to not be a manlet (below 5'7-5'8 IMO, maybe 5'9 depending on where u live) in order to not get ur smv nuked, but like I said most men are within that average height range and would stand to benefit much more from having a HTN+ face vs being 6'1-6'2+ but average face. And if u think height is more important because u need to not be manlet to get ur smv nuked, same can be said about face in that u need to not be LTN in order to have your smv nuked.
I agree with everything except 7. All women are whores. Kill urself faggot

Nice thread
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i didn’t know you were high iq nigga
all great takes
thanks man i troll and say stupid shit too much for reps i wanted to try and be serious today and see what happens

Agreed with all of em. Good stuff. People here unfortunately won't agree to some of em
alot of what i said is subjective too. For instance i cant prove why face is > height i can only say why i think it is based on theoretical stuff so it makes sense ppl would disagree there is nothing wrong with that
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All water until you reach the race thing, obviously race is super important
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  • JFL
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A few copes I see here that I think is retarded

1) Slaying is cope. Thinking that once u start fucking lots of different women (or men) often will make you happy is retarded dead serious. If anything it will negatively impact your physical and mental health. Obviously, I understand wanting to be attractive and valued for your genetics, however, fucking loads of different ppl for "fun" 1: gets old quickly and 2: is soulless and will leave you feeling empty and lonelier than ever idc what any slayer on here says connections and bonds are more important then muhhhh slay. Slaying can never beat having sex with a girl u have a real connection.

2) Thinking NT doesn't matter is GIGA cope. Even if ur HTN+, ur life experiences, and opportunities will be hindered and limited if you aren't at least somewhat NT

3) Thinking Once you reach a certain looks level, women will always flock to you with no effort. This one is somewhat true in that SOME women will approach you at certain looks levels. But ppl don't realize u still will need to do the vast majority of starting conversations and making that first move with most women it's just how it is with women. This doesn't mean they won't make it easier for u to approach via IOIs and things like that, but its cope to think once ur HTN+ women will just come to u constantly in large amounts and droves while u don't have to do anything but exist (this is different if u have status halo tho). Setting matters a lot too. Perhaps you will get approached a lot more at bars and clubs if ur chadlite+, but in day to day life u still need to initiate the convos and realize when women are showing indicators of interest and make that first move. If u don't care about meeting women outside clubs and bars then this doesn't matter as much to you, but if you do want to meet women outside clubs and bars you need to understand that even if u are good looking u still need to approach it wont be enough to just be good looking the vast majority of the time.

4) Thinking diet is cope. This is retarded dead serious and I won't elaborate. U cant be maxxed on ur looks if you arent lean (as a man), so thinking diet is cope and won't impact that is stupid

5) Thinking gym is cope and that lifting weights and cardio will hurt your body. This one is also mega retarded and I wont elaborate, just know that most chads are gymmaxxed or at least have some sort of muscle mass and are lean. Also its on u if u lift with no proper form and over exert yourself without gradually building up over time. Most of you are just lazy f*cks ngl looking for an excuse to not improve.

6) Thinking money is cope. I mean just come the f*ck on.

7) Thinking all women are whores. This isn't true there are good women out there. Men are hypocritical in that they won't settle for a woman of a lower looks level even if shes a good woman that has ideal personality and values, yet constantly shit on women for doing the same thing. Similar to women, both genders want the best-looking person they can get (men less so than women but the amount of standard cel men on this site is insane) that ALSO has a great personality and values they want and this makes things more complicated. Also dating apps blow and ur not gonna meet good women on there for the most part, rather you should meet them naturally via school, uni, social circles, hobbies and things of that nature (again this is another reason why NT is important too).

8) Thinking that you need to be HTN+ to get attractive women is cope. Obviously the better looking you are, the more it helps, but a large amount of men are average or even somewhat below average looking and still get in healthy relationships with women of decent looks levels. Chronically online individuals think its all about looks when things like personality and NT unironically will help you land a girl too. I admit it wont be as helpful as being good looking but it still is a factor and shouldn't be disregarded completely like ppl do on these spaces.

9) Race is somewhat cope. Im not gonna say that its completely cope because ppl have preferences and on average certain races are viewed more favorably in the general public compared to other races, however, one of the biggest incel traits is thinking u mog a HTN+ "ethnic" just because ur white even tho ur a MTN at best. HTN+ men don't have issues with race "failo" and ethnic "tax" IRL, yet most incels would rather cope with their race and phenotype thinking they are better or worse because of it, vs just accepting that they arent even good looking to begin with. Same shit with height btw. Most n*ggas rather blame their avg tier height vs accepting they are avg looking at best or more likely just too ugly to attract women. Also its mind-boggling to me the amount of ppl that think a chadlite ethnic gets mogged by ur average white dude u can find on the street how delusional can you be tbh. This right here is the highest form of coping as ppl need something to feel like they have value and use race help them with that.

10) Thinking height matters more then face. In my opinion, height is the second most important marker of physical attractiveness in men. But when it comes to what's most important, I think for both genders face beats all. The vast majority of men are within the average height range or just barely below or barely above it, so truly height isn't the issue for most men, its the fact that they are average height and average face combined. Of course if you are 6'2 and MTN ur chances with women improve a lot, but its GIGA cope to think 6'2 MTN mogs an average height chadlite or even solid HTN tbh, as once you are within the average height range, how good looking you are will boost your chances much more with women then ur height. I get that the taller you are the more quantity of partners u can date, but for quality (which is more important genetically speaking), ur gonna need to have a good face more than having a good height. Not only are true good-looking faces much more rare then good heights, they also show more health indicators and signal higher (or lower) signs of genetic fitness to potential partners through features like facial symmetry, clear skin and even skin tone, metabolic indicators, hormonal indicators, chance of fighting success and pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, which are interpreted as signs of good genes, proper development during crucial stages, and overall health, making an individual appear more desirable as a potential mate from an evolutionary perspective. Again I'm not saying height doesn't matter, it still matters a lot. You need to not be a manlet (below 5'7-5'8 IMO, maybe 5'9 depending on where u live) in order to not get ur smv nuked, but like I said most men are within that average height range and would stand to benefit much more from having a HTN+ face vs being 6'1-6'2+ but average face. And if u think height is more important because u need to not be manlet to get ur smv nuked, same can be said about face in that u need to not be LTN in order to have your smv nuked.
good thread OP
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9) Race is somewhat cope. Im not gonna say that its completely cope because ppl have preferences and on average certain races are viewed more favorably in the general public compared to other races, however, one of the biggest incel traits is thinking u mog a HTN+ "ethnic" just because ur white even tho ur a MTN at best. HTN+ men don't have issues with race "failo" and ethnic "tax" IRL, yet most incels would rather cope with their race and phenotype thinking they are better or worse because of it, vs just accepting that they arent even good looking to begin with. Same shit with height btw. Most n*ggas rather blame their avg tier height vs accepting they are avg looking at best or more likely just too ugly to attract women. Also its mind-boggling to me the amount of ppl that think a chadlite ethnic gets mogged by ur average white dude u can find on the street how delusional can you be tbh. This right here is the highest form of coping as ppl need something to feel like they have value and use race help them with that.

This is different for femboys, I believe we have even more race halo than women, the reason? brown femboys look 99% like homeless dudes, being white is almost a prerequisite for being considered cute

For masculine dudes it's different because brown guys can easily look more masculine than white boys
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This is different for femboys, I believe we have even more race halo than women, the reason? brown femboys look 99% like homeless dudes

For masculine dudes it's different because brown guys can easily look more masculine than white boys
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I agree with everything esp the nt one
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good thread broski
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Height is generally everything, if you were 5'5 what would you do ? 3 inch lifts can get you to 5'8, but again this is only 5'7 as everyone else also gains 1 inches when they wear any normal shoes, is 5'7 after shoes alright or it should be 5'8 after shoes ? The fuck I am so confused.
A few copes I see here that I think is retarded

1) Slaying is cope. Thinking that once u start fucking lots of different women (or men) often will make you happy is retarded dead serious. If anything it will negatively impact your physical and mental health. Obviously, I understand wanting to be attractive and valued for your genetics, however, fucking loads of different ppl for "fun" 1: gets old quickly and 2: is soulless and will leave you feeling empty and lonelier than ever idc what any slayer on here says connections and bonds are more important then muhhhh slay. Slaying can never beat having sex with a girl u have a real connection.

2) Thinking NT doesn't matter is GIGA cope. Even if ur HTN+, ur life experiences, and opportunities will be hindered and limited if you aren't at least somewhat NT

3) Thinking Once you reach a certain looks level, women will always flock to you with no effort. This one is somewhat true in that SOME women will approach you at certain looks levels. But ppl don't realize u still will need to do the vast majority of starting conversations and making that first move with most women it's just how it is with women. This doesn't mean they won't make it easier for u to approach via IOIs and things like that, but its cope to think once ur HTN+ women will just come to u constantly in large amounts and droves while u don't have to do anything but exist (this is different if u have status halo tho). Setting matters a lot too. Perhaps you will get approached a lot more at bars and clubs if ur chadlite+, but in day to day life u still need to initiate the convos and realize when women are showing indicators of interest and make that first move. If u don't care about meeting women outside clubs and bars then this doesn't matter as much to you, but if you do want to meet women outside clubs and bars you need to understand that even if u are good looking u still need to approach it wont be enough to just be good looking the vast majority of the time.

4) Thinking diet is cope. This is retarded dead serious and I won't elaborate. U cant be maxxed on ur looks if you arent lean (as a man), so thinking diet is cope and won't impact that is stupid

5) Thinking gym is cope and that lifting weights and cardio will hurt your body. This one is also mega retarded and I wont elaborate, just know that most chads are gymmaxxed or at least have some sort of muscle mass and are lean. Also its on u if u lift with no proper form and over exert yourself without gradually building up over time. Most of you are just lazy f*cks ngl looking for an excuse to not improve.

6) Thinking money is cope. I mean just come the f*ck on.

7) Thinking all women are whores. This isn't true there are good women out there. Men are hypocritical in that they won't settle for a woman of a lower looks level even if shes a good woman that has ideal personality and values, yet constantly shit on women for doing the same thing. Similar to women, both genders want the best-looking person they can get (men less so than women but the amount of standard cel men on this site is insane) that ALSO has a great personality and values they want and this makes things more complicated. Also dating apps blow and ur not gonna meet good women on there for the most part, rather you should meet them naturally via school, uni, social circles, hobbies and things of that nature (again this is another reason why NT is important too).

8) Thinking that you need to be HTN+ to get attractive women is cope. Obviously the better looking you are, the more it helps, but a large amount of men are average or even somewhat below average looking and still get in healthy relationships with women of decent looks levels. Chronically online individuals think its all about looks when things like personality and NT unironically will help you land a girl too. I admit it wont be as helpful as being good looking but it still is a factor and shouldn't be disregarded completely like ppl do on these spaces.

9) Race is somewhat cope. Im not gonna say that its completely cope because ppl have preferences and on average certain races are viewed more favorably in the general public compared to other races, however, one of the biggest incel traits is thinking u mog a HTN+ "ethnic" just because ur white even tho ur a MTN at best. HTN+ men don't have issues with race "failo" and ethnic "tax" IRL, yet most incels would rather cope with their race and phenotype thinking they are better or worse because of it, vs just accepting that they arent even good looking to begin with. Same shit with height btw. Most n*ggas rather blame their avg tier height vs accepting they are avg looking at best or more likely just too ugly to attract women. Also its mind-boggling to me the amount of ppl that think a chadlite ethnic gets mogged by ur average white dude u can find on the street how delusional can you be tbh. This right here is the highest form of coping as ppl need something to feel like they have value and use race help them with that.

10) Thinking height matters more then face. In my opinion, height is the second most important marker of physical attractiveness in men. But when it comes to what's most important, I think for both genders face beats all. The vast majority of men are within the average height range or just barely below or barely above it, so truly height isn't the issue for most men, its the fact that they are average height and average face combined. Of course if you are 6'2 and MTN ur chances with women improve a lot, but its GIGA cope to think 6'2 MTN mogs an average height chadlite or even solid HTN tbh, as once you are within the average height range, how good looking you are will boost your chances much more with women then ur height. I get that the taller you are the more quantity of partners u can date, but for quality (which is more important genetically speaking), ur gonna need to have a good face more than having a good height. Not only are true good-looking faces much more rare then good heights, they also show more health indicators and signal higher (or lower) signs of genetic fitness to potential partners through features like facial symmetry, clear skin and even skin tone, metabolic indicators, hormonal indicators, chance of fighting success and pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, which are interpreted as signs of good genes, proper development during crucial stages, and overall health, making an individual appear more desirable as a potential mate from an evolutionary perspective. Again I'm not saying height doesn't matter, it still matters a lot. You need to not be a manlet (below 5'7-5'8 IMO, maybe 5'9 depending on where u live) in order to not get ur smv nuked, but like I said most men are within that average height range and would stand to benefit much more from having a HTN+ face vs being 6'1-6'2+ but average face. And if u think height is more important because u need to not be manlet to get ur smv nuked, same can be said about face in that u need to not be LTN in order to have your smv nuked.
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really good thread brah
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Chronically online individuals think its all about looks when things like personality and NT unironically will help you land a girl too
Personality is a cope, actually. When women see you, they see looks and phenotype, and sexual spark is instant - it either happens in the stop or never happens, it's not something you can negotiate based on personality.

Your looks dictate how your personality is perceived. If you are ugly but with a very nice personality, no one will ever know, because no one will ever give you a chance to introduce your "personality".
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I really like your posts and appreciate you as an individual
I'm still random here so I might be wrong when I say that you don't post often, but you should more.
reppin this gem
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I really like your posts and appreciate you as an individual
I'm still random here so I might be wrong when I say that you don't post often, but you should more.
reppin this gem
hey man i genuinely appreciate that thank you bud
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Socrates here
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bookmarking this thread so I can comeback and weep again, thanks bhai
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A few copes I see here that I think is retarded

1) Slaying is cope. Thinking that once u start fucking lots of different women (or men) often will make you happy is retarded dead serious. If anything it will negatively impact your physical and mental health. Obviously, I understand wanting to be attractive and valued for your genetics, however, fucking loads of different ppl for "fun" 1: gets old quickly and 2: is soulless and will leave you feeling empty and lonelier than ever idc what any slayer on here says connections and bonds are more important then muhhhh slay. Slaying can never beat having sex with a girl u have a real connection.

2) Thinking NT doesn't matter is GIGA cope. Even if ur HTN+, ur life experiences, and opportunities will be hindered and limited if you aren't at least somewhat NT

3) Thinking Once you reach a certain looks level, women will always flock to you with no effort. This one is somewhat true in that SOME women will approach you at certain looks levels. But ppl don't realize u still will need to do the vast majority of starting conversations and making that first move with most women it's just how it is with women. This doesn't mean they won't make it easier for u to approach via IOIs and things like that, but its cope to think once ur HTN+ women will just come to u constantly in large amounts and droves while u don't have to do anything but exist (this is different if u have status halo tho). Setting matters a lot too. Perhaps you will get approached a lot more at bars and clubs if ur chadlite+, but in day to day life u still need to initiate the convos and realize when women are showing indicators of interest and make that first move. If u don't care about meeting women outside clubs and bars then this doesn't matter as much to you, but if you do want to meet women outside clubs and bars you need to understand that even if u are good looking u still need to approach it wont be enough to just be good looking the vast majority of the time.

4) Thinking diet is cope. This is retarded dead serious and I won't elaborate. U cant be maxxed on ur looks if you arent lean (as a man), so thinking diet is cope and won't impact that is stupid

5) Thinking gym is cope and that lifting weights and cardio will hurt your body. This one is also mega retarded and I wont elaborate, just know that most chads are gymmaxxed or at least have some sort of muscle mass and are lean. Also its on u if u lift with no proper form and over exert yourself without gradually building up over time. Most of you are just lazy f*cks ngl looking for an excuse to not improve.

6) Thinking money is cope. I mean just come the f*ck on.

7) Thinking all women are whores. This isn't true there are good women out there. Men are hypocritical in that they won't settle for a woman of a lower looks level even if shes a good woman that has ideal personality and values, yet constantly shit on women for doing the same thing. Similar to women, both genders want the best-looking person they can get (men less so than women but the amount of standard cel men on this site is insane) that ALSO has a great personality and values they want and this makes things more complicated. Also dating apps blow and ur not gonna meet good women on there for the most part, rather you should meet them naturally via school, uni, social circles, hobbies and things of that nature (again this is another reason why NT is important too).

8) Thinking that you need to be HTN+ to get attractive women is cope. Obviously the better looking you are, the more it helps, but a large amount of men are average or even somewhat below average looking and still get in healthy relationships with women of decent looks levels. Chronically online individuals think its all about looks when things like personality and NT unironically will help you land a girl too. I admit it wont be as helpful as being good looking but it still is a factor and shouldn't be disregarded completely like ppl do on these spaces.

9) Race is somewhat cope. Im not gonna say that its completely cope because ppl have preferences and on average certain races are viewed more favorably in the general public compared to other races, however, one of the biggest incel traits is thinking u mog a HTN+ "ethnic" just because ur white even tho ur a MTN at best. HTN+ men don't have issues with race "failo" and ethnic "tax" IRL, yet most incels would rather cope with their race and phenotype thinking they are better or worse because of it, vs just accepting that they arent even good looking to begin with. Same shit with height btw. Most n*ggas rather blame their avg tier height vs accepting they are avg looking at best or more likely just too ugly to attract women. Also its mind-boggling to me the amount of ppl that think a chadlite ethnic gets mogged by ur average white dude u can find on the street how delusional can you be tbh. This right here is the highest form of coping as ppl need something to feel like they have value and use race help them with that.

10) Thinking height matters more then face. In my opinion, height is the second most important marker of physical attractiveness in men. But when it comes to what's most important, I think for both genders face beats all. The vast majority of men are within the average height range or just barely below or barely above it, so truly height isn't the issue for most men, its the fact that they are average height and average face combined. Of course if you are 6'2 and MTN ur chances with women improve a lot, but its GIGA cope to think 6'2 MTN mogs an average height chadlite or even solid HTN tbh, as once you are within the average height range, how good looking you are will boost your chances much more with women then ur height. I get that the taller you are the more quantity of partners u can date, but for quality (which is more important genetically speaking), ur gonna need to have a good face more than having a good height. Not only are true good-looking faces much more rare then good heights, they also show more health indicators and signal higher (or lower) signs of genetic fitness to potential partners through features like facial symmetry, clear skin and even skin tone, metabolic indicators, hormonal indicators, chance of fighting success and pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, which are interpreted as signs of good genes, proper development during crucial stages, and overall health, making an individual appear more desirable as a potential mate from an evolutionary perspective. Again I'm not saying height doesn't matter, it still matters a lot. You need to not be a manlet (below 5'7-5'8 IMO, maybe 5'9 depending on where u live) in order to not get ur smv nuked, but like I said most men are within that average height range and would stand to benefit much more from having a HTN+ face vs being 6'1-6'2+ but average face. And if u think height is more important because u need to not be manlet to get ur smv nuked, same can be said about face in that u need to not be LTN in order to have your smv nuked.
Quality list overall. The only nit picks I have are that being ethnic does negatively tamper your appeal, and that money is cope in a sense. I, along with everybody else should not aim for gold digging whores. Obviously it does matter if you dirt poor but that isn’t the general median
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A few copes I see here that I think is retarded

1) Slaying is cope. Thinking that once u start fucking lots of different women (or men) often will make you happy is retarded dead serious. If anything it will negatively impact your physical and mental health. Obviously, I understand wanting to be attractive and valued for your genetics, however, fucking loads of different ppl for "fun" 1: gets old quickly and 2: is soulless and will leave you feeling empty and lonelier than ever idc what any slayer on here says connections and bonds are more important then muhhhh slay. Slaying can never beat having sex with a girl u have a real connection.

2) Thinking NT doesn't matter is GIGA cope. Even if ur HTN+, ur life experiences, and opportunities will be hindered and limited if you aren't at least somewhat NT

3) Thinking Once you reach a certain looks level, women will always flock to you with no effort. This one is somewhat true in that SOME women will approach you at certain looks levels. But ppl don't realize u still will need to do the vast majority of starting conversations and making that first move with most women it's just how it is with women. This doesn't mean they won't make it easier for u to approach via IOIs and things like that, but its cope to think once ur HTN+ women will just come to u constantly in large amounts and droves while u don't have to do anything but exist (this is different if u have status halo tho). Setting matters a lot too. Perhaps you will get approached a lot more at bars and clubs if ur chadlite+, but in day to day life u still need to initiate the convos and realize when women are showing indicators of interest and make that first move. If u don't care about meeting women outside clubs and bars then this doesn't matter as much to you, but if you do want to meet women outside clubs and bars you need to understand that even if u are good looking u still need to approach it wont be enough to just be good looking the vast majority of the time.

4) Thinking diet is cope. This is retarded dead serious and I won't elaborate. U cant be maxxed on ur looks if you arent lean (as a man), so thinking diet is cope and won't impact that is stupid

5) Thinking gym is cope and that lifting weights and cardio will hurt your body. This one is also mega retarded and I wont elaborate, just know that most chads are gymmaxxed or at least have some sort of muscle mass and are lean. Also its on u if u lift with no proper form and over exert yourself without gradually building up over time. Most of you are just lazy f*cks ngl looking for an excuse to not improve.

6) Thinking money is cope. I mean just come the f*ck on.

7) Thinking all women are whores. This isn't true there are good women out there. Men are hypocritical in that they won't settle for a woman of a lower looks level even if shes a good woman that has ideal personality and values, yet constantly shit on women for doing the same thing. Similar to women, both genders want the best-looking person they can get (men less so than women but the amount of standard cel men on this site is insane) that ALSO has a great personality and values they want and this makes things more complicated. Also dating apps blow and ur not gonna meet good women on there for the most part, rather you should meet them naturally via school, uni, social circles, hobbies and things of that nature (again this is another reason why NT is important too).

8) Thinking that you need to be HTN+ to get attractive women is cope. Obviously the better looking you are, the more it helps, but a large amount of men are average or even somewhat below average looking and still get in healthy relationships with women of decent looks levels. Chronically online individuals think its all about looks when things like personality and NT unironically will help you land a girl too. I admit it wont be as helpful as being good looking but it still is a factor and shouldn't be disregarded completely like ppl do on these spaces.

9) Race is somewhat cope. Im not gonna say that its completely cope because ppl have preferences and on average certain races are viewed more favorably in the general public compared to other races, however, one of the biggest incel traits is thinking u mog a HTN+ "ethnic" just because ur white even tho ur a MTN at best. HTN+ men don't have issues with race "failo" and ethnic "tax" IRL, yet most incels would rather cope with their race and phenotype thinking they are better or worse because of it, vs just accepting that they arent even good looking to begin with. Same shit with height btw. Most n*ggas rather blame their avg tier height vs accepting they are avg looking at best or more likely just too ugly to attract women. Also its mind-boggling to me the amount of ppl that think a chadlite ethnic gets mogged by ur average white dude u can find on the street how delusional can you be tbh. This right here is the highest form of coping as ppl need something to feel like they have value and use race help them with that.

10) Thinking height matters more then face. In my opinion, height is the second most important marker of physical attractiveness in men. But when it comes to what's most important, I think for both genders face beats all. The vast majority of men are within the average height range or just barely below or barely above it, so truly height isn't the issue for most men, its the fact that they are average height and average face combined. Of course if you are 6'2 and MTN ur chances with women improve a lot, but its GIGA cope to think 6'2 MTN mogs an average height chadlite or even solid HTN tbh, as once you are within the average height range, how good looking you are will boost your chances much more with women then ur height. I get that the taller you are the more quantity of partners u can date, but for quality (which is more important genetically speaking), ur gonna need to have a good face more than having a good height. Not only are true good-looking faces much more rare then good heights, they also show more health indicators and signal higher (or lower) signs of genetic fitness to potential partners through features like facial symmetry, clear skin and even skin tone, metabolic indicators, hormonal indicators, chance of fighting success and pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, which are interpreted as signs of good genes, proper development during crucial stages, and overall health, making an individual appear more desirable as a potential mate from an evolutionary perspective. Again I'm not saying height doesn't matter, it still matters a lot. You need to not be a manlet (below 5'7-5'8 IMO, maybe 5'9 depending on where u live) in order to not get ur smv nuked, but like I said most men are within that average height range and would stand to benefit much more from having a HTN+ face vs being 6'1-6'2+ but average face. And if u think height is more important because u need to not be manlet to get ur smv nuked, same can be said about face in that u need to not be LTN in order to have your smv nuked.
ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES. Only thing I disagree on is 7. We need to enslave all women.
  • JFL
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Agree with everything. Though I will say, for 6, money matters more as you age. For example for a guy in his teens to early 20s, it doesn't really matter that much but when you're late 20s and older then it becomes much more important. Being more attractive can also somewhat compensate for less money.

Also for 8, yes you can get somewhat attractive women while being average but to get the actual attractive women you do need to be attractive too. Most couples are looksmatched. If the girl isn't physically attracted to you then that can cause problems in the relationship.
  • +1
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9: If you're indian, it is extremely difficult to date a white woman
This is cope. That is only true for indians who are either manlets, ugly, or not culturally similar. An average indian american that is average height and culturally similar to white people can definitely date a white woman. Especially if they are htn+ instead.
  • +1
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Good thread but this one i have to disagree with. Height and face are like 50/50. Also, face is subjective because not every woman will be attracted to your face, meanwhile if you're tall(at least 6'2 or 6'3), you're always tall to the vast majority of women. For example, not every woman will think Tom Cruise is attractive, but the vast majority of women will see Chris Hemsworth as tall.
They aren't 50/50. That is a dumb example since Cruise and Hemsworth both have great faces so obviously Hemsworth will mog due to having a height advantage. Women would always choose prime Cruise over a 6'2 truecel. This is like me saying face and height is 50/50 for girls since if you have to choose between 2 girls with good faces but 1 is much taller than you and the other is slightly shorter than you then you'd pick the shorter one.
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i used to read those threads until i became older
agree with everything
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i got alot of serious shit to post about in my bag ngl. Obviously a lot of this stuff is water but to many people I'm bluepilled and delusional for saying this stuff
The black, red and blue pill are all different truths of reality to varying degrees and anyone willingly to dismiss one thinking it's something black and white is completely clueless
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A few copes I see here that I think is retarded

1) Slaying is cope. Thinking that once u start fucking lots of different women (or men) often will make you happy is retarded dead serious. If anything it will negatively impact your physical and mental health. Obviously, I understand wanting to be attractive and valued for your genetics, however, fucking loads of different ppl for "fun" 1: gets old quickly and 2: is soulless and will leave you feeling empty and lonelier than ever idc what any slayer on here says connections and bonds are more important then muhhhh slay. Slaying can never beat having sex with a girl u have a real connection.

2) Thinking NT doesn't matter is GIGA cope. Even if ur HTN+, ur life experiences, and opportunities will be hindered and limited if you aren't at least somewhat NT

3) Thinking Once you reach a certain looks level, women will always flock to you with no effort. This one is somewhat true in that SOME women will approach you at certain looks levels. But ppl don't realize u still will need to do the vast majority of starting conversations and making that first move with most women it's just how it is with women. This doesn't mean they won't make it easier for u to approach via IOIs and things like that, but its cope to think once ur HTN+ women will just come to u constantly in large amounts and droves while u don't have to do anything but exist (this is different if u have status halo tho). Setting matters a lot too. Perhaps you will get approached a lot more at bars and clubs if ur chadlite+, but in day to day life u still need to initiate the convos and realize when women are showing indicators of interest and make that first move. If u don't care about meeting women outside clubs and bars then this doesn't matter as much to you, but if you do want to meet women outside clubs and bars you need to understand that even if u are good looking u still need to approach it wont be enough to just be good looking the vast majority of the time.

4) Thinking diet is cope. This is retarded dead serious and I won't elaborate. U cant be maxxed on ur looks if you arent lean (as a man), so thinking diet is cope and won't impact that is stupid

5) Thinking gym is cope and that lifting weights and cardio will hurt your body. This one is also mega retarded and I wont elaborate, just know that most chads are gymmaxxed or at least have some sort of muscle mass and are lean. Also its on u if u lift with no proper form and over exert yourself without gradually building up over time. Most of you are just lazy f*cks ngl looking for an excuse to not improve.

6) Thinking money is cope. I mean just come the f*ck on.

7) Thinking all women are whores. This isn't true there are good women out there. Men are hypocritical in that they won't settle for a woman of a lower looks level even if shes a good woman that has ideal personality and values, yet constantly shit on women for doing the same thing. Similar to women, both genders want the best-looking person they can get (men less so than women but the amount of standard cel men on this site is insane) that ALSO has a great personality and values they want and this makes things more complicated. Also dating apps blow and ur not gonna meet good women on there for the most part, rather you should meet them naturally via school, uni, social circles, hobbies and things of that nature (again this is another reason why NT is important too).

8) Thinking that you need to be HTN+ to get attractive women is cope. Obviously the better looking you are, the more it helps, but a large amount of men are average or even somewhat below average looking and still get in healthy relationships with women of decent looks levels. Chronically online individuals think its all about looks when things like personality and NT unironically will help you land a girl too. I admit it wont be as helpful as being good looking but it still is a factor and shouldn't be disregarded completely like ppl do on these spaces.

9) Race is somewhat cope. Im not gonna say that its completely cope because ppl have preferences and on average certain races are viewed more favorably in the general public compared to other races, however, one of the biggest incel traits is thinking u mog a HTN+ "ethnic" just because ur white even tho ur a MTN at best. HTN+ men don't have issues with race "failo" and ethnic "tax" IRL, yet most incels would rather cope with their race and phenotype thinking they are better or worse because of it, vs just accepting that they arent even good looking to begin with. Same shit with height btw. Most n*ggas rather blame their avg tier height vs accepting they are avg looking at best or more likely just too ugly to attract women. Also its mind-boggling to me the amount of ppl that think a chadlite ethnic gets mogged by ur average white dude u can find on the street how delusional can you be tbh. This right here is the highest form of coping as ppl need something to feel like they have value and use race help them with that.

10) Thinking height matters more then face. In my opinion, height is the second most important marker of physical attractiveness in men. But when it comes to what's most important, I think for both genders face beats all. The vast majority of men are within the average height range or just barely below or barely above it, so truly height isn't the issue for most men, its the fact that they are average height and average face combined. Of course if you are 6'2 and MTN ur chances with women improve a lot, but its GIGA cope to think 6'2 MTN mogs an average height chadlite or even solid HTN tbh, as once you are within the average height range, how good looking you are will boost your chances much more with women then ur height. I get that the taller you are the more quantity of partners u can date, but for quality (which is more important genetically speaking), ur gonna need to have a good face more than having a good height. Not only are true good-looking faces much more rare then good heights, they also show more health indicators and signal higher (or lower) signs of genetic fitness to potential partners through features like facial symmetry, clear skin and even skin tone, metabolic indicators, hormonal indicators, chance of fighting success and pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, which are interpreted as signs of good genes, proper development during crucial stages, and overall health, making an individual appear more desirable as a potential mate from an evolutionary perspective. Again I'm not saying height doesn't matter, it still matters a lot. You need to not be a manlet (below 5'7-5'8 IMO, maybe 5'9 depending on where u live) in order to not get ur smv nuked, but like I said most men are within that average height range and would stand to benefit much more from having a HTN+ face vs being 6'1-6'2+ but average face. And if u think height is more important because u need to not be manlet to get ur smv nuked, same can be said about face in that u need to not be LTN in order to have your smv nuked.
nice thread bro 😎
A few copes I see here that I think is retarded

1) Slaying is cope. Thinking that once u start fucking lots of different women (or men) often will make you happy is retarded dead serious. If anything it will negatively impact your physical and mental health. Obviously, I understand wanting to be attractive and valued for your genetics, however, fucking loads of different ppl for "fun" 1: gets old quickly and 2: is soulless and will leave you feeling empty and lonelier than ever idc what any slayer on here says connections and bonds are more important then muhhhh slay. Slaying can never beat having sex with a girl u have a real connection.

2) Thinking NT doesn't matter is GIGA cope. Even if ur HTN+, ur life experiences, and opportunities will be hindered and limited if you aren't at least somewhat NT

3) Thinking Once you reach a certain looks level, women will always flock to you with no effort. This one is somewhat true in that SOME women will approach you at certain looks levels. But ppl don't realize u still will need to do the vast majority of starting conversations and making that first move with most women it's just how it is with women. This doesn't mean they won't make it easier for u to approach via IOIs and things like that, but its cope to think once ur HTN+ women will just come to u constantly in large amounts and droves while u don't have to do anything but exist (this is different if u have status halo tho). Setting matters a lot too. Perhaps you will get approached a lot more at bars and clubs if ur chadlite+, but in day to day life u still need to initiate the convos and realize when women are showing indicators of interest and make that first move. If u don't care about meeting women outside clubs and bars then this doesn't matter as much to you, but if you do want to meet women outside clubs and bars you need to understand that even if u are good looking u still need to approach it wont be enough to just be good looking the vast majority of the time.

4) Thinking diet is cope. This is retarded dead serious and I won't elaborate. U cant be maxxed on ur looks if you arent lean (as a man), so thinking diet is cope and won't impact that is stupid

5) Thinking gym is cope and that lifting weights and cardio will hurt your body. This one is also mega retarded and I wont elaborate, just know that most chads are gymmaxxed or at least have some sort of muscle mass and are lean. Also its on u if u lift with no proper form and over exert yourself without gradually building up over time. Most of you are just lazy f*cks ngl looking for an excuse to not improve.

6) Thinking money is cope. I mean just come the f*ck on.

7) Thinking all women are whores. This isn't true there are good women out there. Men are hypocritical in that they won't settle for a woman of a lower looks level even if shes a good woman that has ideal personality and values, yet constantly shit on women for doing the same thing. Similar to women, both genders want the best-looking person they can get (men less so than women but the amount of standard cel men on this site is insane) that ALSO has a great personality and values they want and this makes things more complicated. Also dating apps blow and ur not gonna meet good women on there for the most part, rather you should meet them naturally via school, uni, social circles, hobbies and things of that nature (again this is another reason why NT is important too).

8) Thinking that you need to be HTN+ to get attractive women is cope. Obviously the better looking you are, the more it helps, but a large amount of men are average or even somewhat below average looking and still get in healthy relationships with women of decent looks levels. Chronically online individuals think its all about looks when things like personality and NT unironically will help you land a girl too. I admit it wont be as helpful as being good looking but it still is a factor and shouldn't be disregarded completely like ppl do on these spaces.

9) Race is somewhat cope. Im not gonna say that its completely cope because ppl have preferences and on average certain races are viewed more favorably in the general public compared to other races, however, one of the biggest incel traits is thinking u mog a HTN+ "ethnic" just because ur white even tho ur a MTN at best. HTN+ men don't have issues with race "failo" and ethnic "tax" IRL, yet most incels would rather cope with their race and phenotype thinking they are better or worse because of it, vs just accepting that they arent even good looking to begin with. Same shit with height btw. Most n*ggas rather blame their avg tier height vs accepting they are avg looking at best or more likely just too ugly to attract women. Also its mind-boggling to me the amount of ppl that think a chadlite ethnic gets mogged by ur average white dude u can find on the street how delusional can you be tbh. This right here is the highest form of coping as ppl need something to feel like they have value and use race help them with that.

10) Thinking height matters more then face. In my opinion, height is the second most important marker of physical attractiveness in men. But when it comes to what's most important, I think for both genders face beats all. The vast majority of men are within the average height range or just barely below or barely above it, so truly height isn't the issue for most men, its the fact that they are average height and average face combined. Of course if you are 6'2 and MTN ur chances with women improve a lot, but its GIGA cope to think 6'2 MTN mogs an average height chadlite or even solid HTN tbh, as once you are within the average height range, how good looking you are will boost your chances much more with women then ur height. I get that the taller you are the more quantity of partners u can date, but for quality (which is more important genetically speaking), ur gonna need to have a good face more than having a good height. Not only are true good-looking faces much more rare then good heights, they also show more health indicators and signal higher (or lower) signs of genetic fitness to potential partners through features like facial symmetry, clear skin and even skin tone, metabolic indicators, hormonal indicators, chance of fighting success and pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, which are interpreted as signs of good genes, proper development during crucial stages, and overall health, making an individual appear more desirable as a potential mate from an evolutionary perspective. Again I'm not saying height doesn't matter, it still matters a lot. You need to not be a manlet (below 5'7-5'8 IMO, maybe 5'9 depending on where u live) in order to not get ur smv nuked, but like I said most men are within that average height range and would stand to benefit much more from having a HTN+ face vs being 6'1-6'2+ but average face. And if u think height is more important because u need to not be manlet to get ur smv nuked, same can be said about face in that u need to not be LTN in order to have your smv nuked.
I think you might be bluepilled.
You cleansed my brainrot with this thread ty bhai
Amazing cope thread.

Just wow...
i saw a video on tiktok where a girl dabbed up guys that were 10s the first guy he dabbed up was pretty nigger with average height probably 5'10 with a build body and very good looking face then most of the other guys she dabbed up were hella tall 6'2 6'4 shit like that and the most liked comment on that vid was whats the first ones @? + most comments were talking about the first guy which just proves face>height
Yeah i've watched a lot of those dapping up 10 vids and its kinda lifefuel since most ppl in the videos are never really anything above HTN. The majority of 10s they dap up are gymmaxxed and/or tattmaxxed LTNs-HTNs that are 6ft+ with the exception of a few guys that are Strong MTN-HTN but are 5'8-5'11. Def think height matters more IRL tho
Last edited:
bumped and bookmarked, good thread
Disagree with 9, maybe it is just due to where I live
A few copes I see here that I think is retarded

1) Slaying is cope. Thinking that once u start fucking lots of different women (or men) often will make you happy is retarded dead serious. If anything it will negatively impact your physical and mental health. Obviously, I understand wanting to be attractive and valued for your genetics, however, fucking loads of different ppl for "fun" 1: gets old quickly and 2: is soulless and will leave you feeling empty and lonelier than ever idc what any slayer on here says connections and bonds are more important then muhhhh slay. Slaying can never beat having sex with a girl u have a real connection.

2) Thinking NT doesn't matter is GIGA cope. Even if ur HTN+, ur life experiences, and opportunities will be hindered and limited if you aren't at least somewhat NT

3) Thinking Once you reach a certain looks level, women will always flock to you with no effort. This one is somewhat true in that SOME women will approach you at certain looks levels. But ppl don't realize u still will need to do the vast majority of starting conversations and making that first move with most women it's just how it is with women. This doesn't mean they won't make it easier for u to approach via IOIs and things like that, but its cope to think once ur HTN+ women will just come to u constantly in large amounts and droves while u don't have to do anything but exist (this is different if u have status halo tho). Setting matters a lot too. Perhaps you will get approached a lot more at bars and clubs if ur chadlite+, but in day to day life u still need to initiate the convos and realize when women are showing indicators of interest and make that first move. If u don't care about meeting women outside clubs and bars then this doesn't matter as much to you, but if you do want to meet women outside clubs and bars you need to understand that even if u are good looking u still need to approach it wont be enough to just be good looking the vast majority of the time.

4) Thinking diet is cope. This is retarded dead serious and I won't elaborate. U cant be maxxed on ur looks if you arent lean (as a man), so thinking diet is cope and won't impact that is stupid

5) Thinking gym is cope and that lifting weights and cardio will hurt your body. This one is also mega retarded and I wont elaborate, just know that most chads are gymmaxxed or at least have some sort of muscle mass and are lean. Also its on u if u lift with no proper form and over exert yourself without gradually building up over time. Most of you are just lazy f*cks ngl looking for an excuse to not improve.

6) Thinking money is cope. I mean just come the f*ck on.

7) Thinking all women are whores. This isn't true there are good women out there. Men are hypocritical in that they won't settle for a woman of a lower looks level even if shes a good woman that has ideal personality and values, yet constantly shit on women for doing the same thing. Similar to women, both genders want the best-looking person they can get (men less so than women but the amount of standard cel men on this site is insane) that ALSO has a great personality and values they want and this makes things more complicated. Also dating apps blow and ur not gonna meet good women on there for the most part, rather you should meet them naturally via school, uni, social circles, hobbies and things of that nature (again this is another reason why NT is important too).

8) Thinking that you need to be HTN+ to get attractive women is cope. Obviously the better looking you are, the more it helps, but a large amount of men are average or even somewhat below average looking and still get in healthy relationships with women of decent looks levels. Chronically online individuals think its all about looks when things like personality and NT unironically will help you land a girl too. I admit it wont be as helpful as being good looking but it still is a factor and shouldn't be disregarded completely like ppl do on these spaces.

9) Race is somewhat cope. Im not gonna say that its completely cope because ppl have preferences and on average certain races are viewed more favorably in the general public compared to other races, however, one of the biggest incel traits is thinking u mog a HTN+ "ethnic" just because ur white even tho ur a MTN at best. HTN+ men don't have issues with race "failo" and ethnic "tax" IRL, yet most incels would rather cope with their race and phenotype thinking they are better or worse because of it, vs just accepting that they arent even good looking to begin with. Same shit with height btw. Most n*ggas rather blame their avg tier height vs accepting they are avg looking at best or more likely just too ugly to attract women. Also its mind-boggling to me the amount of ppl that think a chadlite ethnic gets mogged by ur average white dude u can find on the street how delusional can you be tbh. This right here is the highest form of coping as ppl need something to feel like they have value and use race help them with that.

10) Thinking height matters more then face. In my opinion, height is the second most important marker of physical attractiveness in men. But when it comes to what's most important, I think for both genders face beats all. The vast majority of men are within the average height range or just barely below or barely above it, so truly height isn't the issue for most men, its the fact that they are average height and average face combined. Of course if you are 6'2 and MTN ur chances with women improve a lot, but its GIGA cope to think 6'2 MTN mogs an average height chadlite or even solid HTN tbh, as once you are within the average height range, how good looking you are will boost your chances much more with women then ur height. I get that the taller you are the more quantity of partners u can date, but for quality (which is more important genetically speaking), ur gonna need to have a good face more than having a good height. Not only are true good-looking faces much more rare then good heights, they also show more health indicators and signal higher (or lower) signs of genetic fitness to potential partners through features like facial symmetry, clear skin and even skin tone, metabolic indicators, hormonal indicators, chance of fighting success and pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, which are interpreted as signs of good genes, proper development during crucial stages, and overall health, making an individual appear more desirable as a potential mate from an evolutionary perspective. Again I'm not saying height doesn't matter, it still matters a lot. You need to not be a manlet (below 5'7-5'8 IMO, maybe 5'9 depending on where u live) in order to not get ur smv nuked, but like I said most men are within that average height range and would stand to benefit much more from having a HTN+ face vs being 6'1-6'2+ but average face. And if u think height is more important because u need to not be manlet to get ur smv nuked, same can be said about face in that u need to not be LTN in order to have your smv nuked.
High IQ post

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