A Girl And Her Friends At The Movie Theatre Made Fun Of Me For Having "Prey Eyes"

It's bad when even normies are insulting you with incel terms
This took my place in the UK and me and my friends are 15 years old

Yesterday I went to the movie theatre to watch Gran Turismo with my 2 friends. Before the film we are getting snacks and we run into group of 5 girls, 2 of the girls go to the same school as me and my friends. Trailers before the film are starting but my friends are talking to the girls, I am anxious on my phone because I just want to watch Gran Turismo (I like to play Forza and video games in general so I was really excited to watch this film).

My friend says something to one of the girls from our school making fun of her forehead so the girls start insulting him and my other friend who is defending him. I just want to watch my fucking film, Gran Turismo.

I walk back a bit to my friends to say "Guys, lets go to our seats now. " because we're still in the lobby and I think trailers might be over. But my friends keep on arguing with the girls trying to flirt with them secretly I think making fun of eachothers appearances.

I say again: "guys, Gran Turismo is going to start. These girls arent worth it".

Then one of the girls not from my school says "WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO? LOOK AT YOUR EYES. YOU HAVE PREY EYES". All of her friends laugh, I think all of them know of this term from TikTok. My adrenaline shot up because Im insecure and didnt even think people in real life could tell but I didnt even say anything and just went into the theatre alone. :(

My adrenaline was still shot up for half the movie and I was so traumatised and hurt I was like this in my seat:

View attachment 2376546

I didnt even think people in real life could tell or knew about this...

My friends only came in to the film HALF AN HOUR after it begun and said they got added one of their SnapChats (I was not even impressed all the girls were mid) 😔

But the movie was still good, recommend it. (y)

Lmao Ive had a girls say im ugly because im Indian?? Its so over for curries in usa
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 19766 and Michael Myers
I got prey eyes/cuck eyes/bug eyes too.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 19766
i made no money off of this and I got no followers so youre treating me like I am the devil when there's people who have done worse than me I'm just a cog in the machine like everyone else here I contributed less than 5% to all of this
that's even worse you inbred mutt, you sold out this forum for literal nothing, you're not only a traitor dog but also a cucked loser who can't get any shit done right lmao
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Reactions: Deleted member 19766
did she actually say that? lmao

There are so many good comebacks for this line. "You're the prey, I'm the predator. Check behind you when you're walking down the street at night."
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 19766
that's even worse you inbred mutt, you sold out this forum for literal nothing, you're not only a traitor dog but also a cucked loser who can't get any shit done right lmao
i did nothing wrong and never promoted this forum at all
jesus dude im so sorry that this happened to you I had a similar experience in 2022 it fucking sucks to be picked apart for your looks for sure man but the only looksmaxxing thing they know is prey eyes that's why they said it man trust me it's just a tiktok trend they'll always know about it but it will fade man.

i am not the one to blame though for this I didn't start the whole looksmaxxing trend nor did I ever talk about prey/hunter eyes on my short tiktok run I was too doped up on coke and meth during the whole ordeal all I did was record myself smashing my face and it made the whole looksmaxxing community look weird schizo and stupid

there are way worse people promoting it than me I got no followers no money no "ladies" out of any of this. i literally had my life ruined from this shit now I can never get a job again and my cousin called me a monster and said she couldn't believe she played tag with me when I was 5 after she found out about the whole shtick

I lost all of my family they disowned me all of my online friends here the only friends I had dropped me. yeah dude I may have contributed like 5% or less, but I get I still fucked up and I got what I deserved 3 days after I stopped posting I got doxxed 3 times & swatted + numerous pizza sent to my apartment since then.

this is traumatizing for you I'm sure, but the only way we're going to be able to get out of this shit is to work a job for a few months go to turkey go get eye surgery and then you'll look back on this in the future and be like damn people are fucking assholes but at least I mog.

nah nvm fuck that u dont even need surgery just bonesmash icehood eyelidpull you'll be able to mog I used to have prey eyes as well and I did all of those methods, I bet if u were gymcelled they wouldn't have said shit. those girls who are teenagers prolly dont even want hunter eyes it's just a meme to them they were fucking with u bro so don't beat yourself up about it.

i know you are angry and you have every right to be after a similar situation happened at my old job last year I was livid furious, but I am not the one to take my anger out I already paid my dues for what I did and I am no longer promoting anything related I never name dropped this website once, there are far worse influencers at hand I was just a junky out of my mind for that small period of time

but there are tiktokkers who have constantly been promoting it non stop making money clout etc. you're gonna get thru this bro I'm gonna manifest it for you. don't rope or suicide your life matters too much for that and your potential is outmatched this is the story of the underdog and what happened at the movies is your story your truth so prove all of these mother fuckers wrong and ascend I believe in you

and if you want to write me more mean messages go ahead you have every right to be upset after what just happened to you.
mirin empathy
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