A message for waqui


Deleted member 15246

Sep 8, 2021
@waqui98 why do you keep living your miserable life in west, when you can drown in pussy in curryland.

You are a moslem, in curryland you will easy mog 99% of Moslems, you are educated + tall + west accent halo will make you a killer here. Moslem wahmen in curryland are great, they look good, they are not shallow, you can easily find a good looking faithful life in curryland, why do you keep suffering in the USA, also known as the hell hole for men of color.

Just moneymaxx and immigrate back to where you belong.

A penguin cannot live among zebras, we humans are same, we are tribalists, you just live in a wrong tribe, move back to your tribe and all your problems will be solved.

Stop insulting curries or curry race/ culture, your problem is that you live among the wrong people/ tribe.

West is not that great, other than money, there is nothing good about west.

Being rich in india > mogs being rich in west anyday.

There is no competition in india either.
@waqui98 why do you keep living your miserable life in west, when you can drown in pussy in curryland.

You are a moslem, in curryland you will easy mog 99% of Moslems, you are educated + tall + west accent halo will make you a killer here. Moslem wahmen in curryland are great, they look good, they are not shallow, you can easily find a good looking faithful life in curryland, why do you keep suffering in the USA, also known as the hell hole for men of color.

Just moneymaxx and immigrate back to where you belong.

A penguin cannot live among zebras, we humans are same, we are tribalists, you just live in a wrong tribe, move back to your tribe and all your problems will be solved.

Stop insulting curries or curry race/ culture, your problem is that you live among the wrong people/ tribe.

West is not that great, other than money, there is nothing good about west.

Being rich in india > mogs being rich in west anyday.

There is no competition in india either.

Normally if i had gotten this in my messages, i would've just ignored this tripe because its the rantings a retarded greycel who clearly doesn't have the wisdom/iq to see the value of my posts, but since you called me out like this publicly im gonna look like a faggot if i just let it go, and then everyone else is just going to think im a bitch if i dont respond + assume that your are right when you're not, so now ill give you the attention that you want. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

"@waqui98 why do you keep living your miserable life in west, when you can drown in pussy in curryland."

Because first world living standards and lifestyle mogs, compared to LITERALLY "drowning" in POOP covered filthy streets covered by a massive amount of other garbage everywhere else plus entirely overflowing with a bunch of overpopulated LITERAL subhumans who have absolutely no concept of hygiene nor any concept of personal space, and also no concept of social behavior and will literally just hardcore creepily stare at you without any shame. Only a stupid curry fob maybe such as yourself and every other retarded curry potential fob in the mainland would think that pussy is the ONLY reason to move to another place. But after having the misfortune of coming across many degenerate sexually peverted written scenarios on quora written by curries, i can safely assume that an uncomfortable amount of you people are actually like this.

This video was taken LAST YEAR. And before you go on about how this might be a "poor" neighborhood, i can gurantee you that not even ghettos in america are overflowing with such trash and filthy subhumans everywhere to the point where you cant even see the street anymore. They are dilapidated looking sure, but that is honestly the extent of it. I would rather indias main streets look like dalipdated ghettos that aren't over flowing with subhumans and garbage and nose pollution everywhere, than what they are right now.


Need i say more??? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

"You are a moslem, in curryland you will easy mog 99% of Moslems, you are educated + tall + west accent halo will make you a killer here.

Dumbass you seem to have forgot to mention skin color, as if that wasn't the literal most important factor for evaluating a persons worth in south asia πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. You can fool the white retards on this site, but you cant fool me. Unless, they have now started hiring tons of normal brown and dark brown actors into bollywood to portray the sexy heros/heroines that everyone looks up to now and wants to be with???:unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure::lul::lul::lul::lul:, lmfao thats what i thought. I am brown normally, just straight up normally, without any sun exposure, i have a deep permatan that covers my face, neck, and forearms that doesn't go away no matter what time of the year it is. And during the summer it gets even "worse"(i.e. gets darker). Now you tell me, how do you think people will perceive or treat me in south asia, where its always hot and sunny and muggy everywhere, especially after i go from normal brown, to the DREADED dark brown skin color that everyone in south asia either hates being, or looks down on those who have it lmfao πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Jfl, i think everyone here knows the answer to that question.

"Moslem wahmen in curryland are great, they look good, they are not shallow, you can easily find a good looking faithful life in curryland, why do you keep suffering in the USA, also known as the hell hole for men of color.""

Muslim curry women are definitely better looking that their hindu women counterparts on average, ok... and, so? Lmao they are still women and they still have the behavior and thought process that comes natural to ALL WOMEN. You are literally RETARDED. NOT SHALLOW? FAITHFUL? Just lol, i thought this was suppose to be a blackpilled looksmaxxing website, whats with you bluepilled retards running amok lately? Fine, ill spell it out again. ALL. Women. Are. Like. That. Clearly you must've not heard, or maybe have forgotten. Do you really think that 1400 years of religion (4000 years if we are going to trace back all the way to Judaism), is enough to override that natural instinctual thought process and female HYPERGAMY that formed over the course of MILLIONS OF YEARS OF EVOLUTION. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Do you not think, that muslim women have the same wants and desires of physical attraction, that i dont know, literally ALL WOMEN have, just because they call themselves "muslim"?

" why do you keep suffering in the USA, also known as the hell hole for men of color."

Actually this is just observably false, black and latino men actually do pretty decent here, ESPECIALLY BLACK MEN, they have the entirety of society plus social media plus rap/hip-hop status constantly artificially inflating their smv making them desirable to all women. Hell even now east asians are STARTING to somewhat pickup due to anime becoming more and more widespread, plus K-POP halo.

No lmao, this is nothing against "men of color" lmao, this is against CURRIES, SPECIFICALLY, full stop. No other race on this planet, (not even really arabs or other middle easteners tbh, because they themselves can be decent looking on average plus run badboy terrorist halo.) has it THIS BAD, that there is absolutely nothing redeemable about them in a sexual appeal sense.

"Just moneymaxx and immigrate back to where you belong."

AKA just get enough money to betabuxx and immigrate to a 3rd world shithole just so you can arrange marriage some currywhore and live in a dead bedroom and be able to post on the deadbedrooms subreddit for my entire life. Uh huh, yeah no i rather either live the rest of life out as a virgin living with 1st world living standards or just straight up kill myself. THANKFULLY i wont be doing EITHER, and will instead be "moneymaxxing" to get surgeries and other looksmaxxing things done.

"West is not that great, other than money, there is nothing good about west."

Yeah nothing great about the west, except you know literally almost everything (besides obviously liberal LGBT degeneracy). Jfl the west literally mogs you CORRUPT subhumans in almost every facet of life plus nation building and governance. When it come to listing things about how much better the west does in comparision to you, i wouldnt even know where to begin jfl :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:. I bet you're one of those retards that says "mUH inDIA SUperPOWER 2020!!!".

"Stop insulting curries or curry race/ culture, your problem is that you live among the wrong people/ tribe."

Ill keep insulting anyone i want lmao. When their are balkan niggas on here and other eastern european people on here that have no problem shit talking their own home countries which are 100x better than any country in south asia, and are filled with people who are on average 100x better looking than your average curry, what makes you think that i wont shit talk one of the most garbage regions on the planet JFL. What have you people done to earn the right to NOT be shit talked about jfl. Ill do it especially cause i have the fucking misfortune of having to be related to you people just like every other western curry does. Also i dont consider hindus to be my "people", and the last time i checked, they unfortunately made up the majority population of south asia. Hinduism is a garbage retarded religion with weird beliefs followed by a subhuman people called curries that have subhuman behaviours that come naturally to being raised in that shithole environment. Muslim curries are people who do have, (or well HAD) similiar beliefs to what i once had (im an atheist), but still have all the subhuman mannerism and behavior that comes from being from that region of the world, so i cant really relate with them either. My "problem" is that im forced to live in the body of a curry, while having the mentality and mannerisms of a westener.

"Being rich in india > mogs being rich in west anyday."

Being rich in india means living in a gated 1 acre community that looks nice with everything IN it, but the very moment you step outside of it, you walk back into the reality of the shithole country you are ACTUALLY living in :lul::lul::lul:. Yeah, i rather live in the west where a normal suburban middle class area looks like an upper class wealthy neighborhood to you subhumans. "Being rich in india > mogs being rich in west anyday." JFL if you subhumans actually even got to see what its like to be ACTUALLY rich in the west, your little curry heads wouldn't even be able to comprehend it and they would explode. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

"There is no competition in india either"

Yes, because being able to compete among other subhumans will definitely make me feel better. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Bro i really hope this was a troll, i know that average IQ of curryland is borderline retarded, but your logic makes you sound like you are an escapee from an insane asylum.
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Normally if i had gotten this in my messages, i would've just ignored this tripe because its the rantings a retarded greycel who clearly doesn't have the wisdom/iq to see the value of my posts, but since you called me out like this publicly im gonna look like a faggot if i just let it go, and then everyone else is just going to think im a bitch if i dont respond + assume that your are right when you're not, so now ill give you the attention that you want. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

"@waqui98 why do you keep living your miserable life in west, when you can drown in pussy in curryland."

Because first world living standards and lifestyle mogs, compared to LITERALLY "drowning" in POOP covered filthy streets covered by a massive amount of other garbage everywhere else plus entirely overflowing with a bunch of overpopulated LITERAL subhumans who have absolutely no concept of hygiene nor any concept of personal space, and also no concept of social behavior and will literally just hardcore creepily stare at you without any shame. Only a stupid curry fob maybe such as yourself and every other retarded curry potential fob in the mainland would think that pussy is the ONLY reason to move to another place. But after having the misfortune of coming across many degenerate sexually peverted written scenarios on quora written by curries, i can safely assume that an uncomfortable amount of you people are actually like this.

This video was taken LAST YEAR. And before you go on about how this might be a "poor" neighborhood, i can gurantee you that not even ghettos in america are overflowing with such trash and filthy subhumans everywhere to the point where you cant even see the street anymore. They are dilapidated looking sure, but that is honestly the extent of it. I would rather indias main streets look like dalipdated ghettos that aren't over flowing with subhumans and garbage and nose pollution everywhere, than what they are right now.


Need i say more??? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

"You are a moslem, in curryland you will easy mog 99% of Moslems, you are educated + tall + west accent halo will make you a killer here.

Dumbass you seem to have forgot to mention skin color, as if that wasn't the literal most important factor for evaluating a persons worth in south asia πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. You can fool the white retards on this site, but you cant fool me. Unless, they have now started hiring tons of normal brown and dark brown actors into bollywood to portray the sexy heros/heroines that everyone looks up to now and wants to be with???:unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure::lul::lul::lul::lul:, lmfao thats what i thought. I am brown normally, just straight up normally, without any sun exposure, i have a deep permatan that covers my face, neck, and forearms that doesn't go away no matter what time of the year it is. And during the summer it gets even "worse"(i.e. gets darker). Now you tell me, how do you think people will perceive or treat me in south asia, where its always hot and sunny and muggy everywhere, especially after i go from normal brown, to the DREADED dark brown skin color that everyone in south asia either hates being, or looks down on those who have it lmfao πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Jfl, i think everyone here knows the answer to that question.

"Moslem wahmen in curryland are great, they look good, they are not shallow, you can easily find a good looking faithful life in curryland, why do you keep suffering in the USA, also known as the hell hole for men of color.""

Muslim curry women are definitely better looking that their hindu women counterparts on average, ok... and, so? Lmao they are still women and they still have the behavior and thought process that comes natural to ALL WOMEN. You are literally RETARDED. NOT SHALLOW? FAITHFUL? Just lol, i thought this was suppose to be a blackpilled looksmaxxing website, whats with you bluepilled retards running amok lately? Fine, ill spell it out again. ALL. Women. Are. Like. That. Clearly you must've not heard, or maybe have forgotten. Do you really think that 1400 years of religion (4000 years if we are going to trace back all the way to Judaism), is enough to override that natural instinctual thought process and female HYPERGAMY that formed over the course of MILLIONS OF YEARS OF EVOLUTION. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Do you not think, that muslim women have the same wants and desires of physical attraction, that i dont know, literally ALL WOMEN have, just because they call themselves "muslim"?

" why do you keep suffering in the USA, also known as the hell hole for men of color."

Actually this is just observably false, black and latino men actually do pretty decent here, ESPECIALLY BLACK MEN, they have the entirety of society plus social media plus rap/hip-hop status constantly artificially inflating their smv making them desirable to all women. Hell even now east asians are STARTING to somewhat pickup due to anime becoming more and more widespread, plus K-POP halo.

No lmao, this is nothing against "men of color" lmao, this is against CURRIES, SPECIFICALLY, full stop. No other race on this planet, (not even really arabs or other middle easteners tbh, because they themselves can be decent looking on average plus run badboy terrorist halo.) has it THIS BAD, that there is absolutely nothing redeemable about them in a sexual appeal sense.

"Just moneymaxx and immigrate back to where you belong."

AKA just get enough money to betabuxx and immigrate to a 3rd world shithole just so you can arrange marriage some currywhore and live in a dead bedroom and be able to post on the deadbedrooms subreddit for my entire life. Uh huh, yeah no i rather either live the rest of life out as a virgin living with 1st world living standards or just straight up kill myself. THANKFULLY i wont be doing EITHER, and will instead be "moneymaxxing" to get surgeries and other looksmaxxing things done.

"West is not that great, other than money, there is nothing good about west."

Yeah nothing great about the west, except you know literally almost everything (besides obviously liberal LGBT degeneracy). Jfl the west literally mogs you CORRUPT subhumans in almost every facet of life plus nation building and governance. When it come to listing things about how much better the west does in comparision to you, i wouldnt even know where to begin jfl :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:. I bet you're one of those retards that says "mUH inDIA SUperPOWER 2020!!!".

"Stop insulting curries or curry race/ culture, your problem is that you live among the wrong people/ tribe."

Ill keep insulting anyone i want lmao. When their are balkan niggas on here and other eastern european people on here that have no problem shit talking their own home countries which are 100x better than any country in south asia, and are filled with people who are on average 100x better looking than your average curry, what makes you think that i wont shit talk one of the most garbage regions on the planet JFL. What have you people done to earn the right to NOT be shit talked about jfl. Ill do it especially cause i have the fucking misfortune of having to be related to you people just like every other western curry does. Also i dont consider hindus to be my "people", and the last time i checked, they unfortunately made up the majority population of south asia. Hinduism is a garbage retarded religion with weird beliefs followed by a subhuman people called curries that have subhuman behaviours that come naturally to being raised in that shithole environment. Muslim curries are people who do have, (or well HAD) similiar beliefs to what i once had (im an atheist), but still have all the subhuman mannerism and behavior that comes from being from that region of the world, so i cant really relate with them either. My "problem" is that im forced to live in the body of a curry, while having the mentality and mannerisms of a westener.

"Being rich in india > mogs being rich in west anyday."

Being rich in india means living in a gated 1 acre community that looks nice with everything IN it, but the very moment you step outside of it, you walk back into the reality of the shithole country you are ACTUALLY living in :lul::lul::lul:. Yeah, i rather live in the west where a normal suburban middle class area looks like an upper class wealthy neighborhood to you subhumans. "Being rich in india > mogs being rich in west anyday." JFL if you subhumans actually even got to see what its like to be ACTUALLY rich in the west, your little curry heads wouldn't even be able to comprehend it and they would explode. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

"There is no competition in india either"

Yes, because being able to compete among other subhumans will definitely make me feel better. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Bro i really hope this was a troll, i know that average IQ of curryland is borderline retarded, but your logic makes you sound like you are an escapee from an insane asylum.


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