A really random thing my oneitis did

Deleted member 209

Deleted member 209

Aug 25, 2018
We got off the bus and she started sucking her bus ticket. I tell her to stop cause the ink is bad for the health and she said she feels like sucking it. Women are truly children I guess.

Then she told me that she does stupid things like this all the time especially when drunk. She said that she once jumped in a fountain because she felt like it and she wasn't even drunk.

This girl for some reason always brought up how crazy she is and how she drinks a lot. One other time she told me that she was drinking a lot at home and her father told her she is alcocholic. I don't know why she had to display this so much. Every story she told me involved her getting drunk.
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Jfl this woman has the IQ of a mental handicapped person
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Jfl this woman has the IQ of a mental handicapped person

It was always as if she were two people. Either she was very witty and classy or super trashy and degenerate
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It was always as if she were two people. Either she was very witty and classy or super trashy and degenerate
Yeah women tend to flip like that when they get drunk
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Yeah women tend to flip like that when they get drunk

She was never drunk with me actually. She was always sober.
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Then why she act autistic
You mean like sucking the bus ticket? Idk. She said she "felt like it". I think she had some sort of disorder otherwise she wouldn't put up with me
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You mean like sucking the bus ticket? Idk. She said she "felt like it". I think she had some sort of disorder otherwise she wouldn't put up with me
Yeah I agree. It's just a weird thing to do and probably did have a mental disorder idk maybe add or adhd
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Yeah I agree. It's just a weird thing to do and probably did have a mental disorder idk maybe add or adhd

Actually she was extremely aspie in HS and said weird stuff the few times she spooke. Kinda like those things that autistic guys are told to talk about in order to socialize.

And then in 2016, she claimed she 'changed' because of some 28 yo dude she met. But did she?
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Actually she was extremely aspie in HS and said weird stuff the few times she spooke. Kinda like those things that autistic guys are told to talk about in order to socialize.

And then in 2016, she claimed she 'changed' because of some 28 yo dude she met. But did she?
Yeah I've been there dude lol.

No she didn't change she just had more of a reason to be a thot
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Yeah I've been there dude lol.

No she didn't change she just had more of a reason to be a thot

What do you mean 'more of a reason to be a thot'?
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Mine is mentally ill too,that's why i love her even more,but i hope she suffers for her sins.
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I mean he gave her a reason to act stupid and be a hoe

To me, she was aowasy very sarcastic squinted at me a lot and always looked down on me and made feel inferior.
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To me, she was aowasy very sarcastic squinted at me a lot and always looked down on me and made feel inferior.
Yeah told u she was a bitch. You were 2 good for her your fuckbuddy prolly mogs her
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Mine is mentally ill too,that's why i love her even more,but i hope she suffers for her sins.
We wouldnt care about them if they weren't mentally ill
Yeah told u she was a bitch. You were 2 good for her your fuckbuddy prolly mogs her

Lol, most girls here in Netherlands mog her
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true that,they would be out of our reach,but if i wasn't mentally ill during my middle school and high school,i would've mogged her easily,i was super smart in school and good at soccer,everyone praised me
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true that,they would be out of our reach,but if i wasn't mentally ill during my middle school and high school,i would've mogged her easily,i was super smart in school and good at soccer,everyone praised me

They are out of our reach regardless. My oneitis mogged me no mattr what I did
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Crestfallen95 before there was a Crestfallen95
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