A warning to the neurotypicals of the world



Apr 19, 2019
Quote:The researchers say the results of the surveys lend further support to their earlier work showing people have two brain networks -- one for empathy and one for analytic thinking -- that are in tension with each other. In healthy people, their thought process cycles between the two, choosing the appropriate network for different issues they consider.

But in the religious dogmatist's mind, the empathetic network appears to dominate while in the nonreligious dogmatist's mind, the analytic network appears to rule.
Our actual reality is a wrathful and vengeful actual reality; it has no mercy for the disbelievers. Actual reality shall smite the children of the disbelievers!


Quote:In 2009, Kent Schaible, the two-year-old son of Herbert and Catherine Schaible, contracted bacterial pneumonia. Kent could have been saved by doctors, but his parents didn’t give him that chance. Instead, they prayed for ten days… and, to nobody’s surprise, that didn’t help. A few doses of Tylenol could have saved Kent’s life, but his parents decided they had a better solution in mind.
The horrors of actual reality are bountiful indeed. A plague of flooding unto the disbelievers in actual reality shall be!

[Image: A_Flood_on_Java_1865-1876_Raden_Saleh.jpg]


Quote:Floods are the most common (and among the most deadly) natural disasters in the United States. They have brought destruction to every state and nearly every county, and in many areas they are getting worse. As global warming continues to exacerbate sea level rise and extreme weather, our nation’s floodplains are expected to grow by approximately 45 percent by century’s end. Here’s how climate change plays a role in flooding, and how we can better keep our heads above water.
A pox unto the disbelievers in actual reality shall be!

[Image: 391px-RougeoleDP.jpg]

Actual reality manifests extreme indifference to the fiction materials of the believers in the false realities!


Quote:The last dozen years have seen a massive transnational mobilization of the legal, political, and research communities in response to the worrisome hypothesis that vaccines could have a link to childhood autism and other developmental conditions. Vaccine critics, some already organized and some composed of newly galvanized parents, developed an alternate world of internally legitimating studies, blogs, conferences, publications, and spokespeople to affirm a connection.
Quote:As I have noted above, there is indeed a complex community of researchers, journals, and articles to point to, facts to recite, conferences to attend, and professional groups to connect with that supply a great deal of internal legitimacy
[Image: Screen-Shot-2014-12-15-at-4.41.07-PM.png...=917%2C665]

[Image: Screen-Shot-2014-12-15-at-4.44.19-PM.png...=908%2C422]

[Image: Screen-Shot-2014-12-15-at-4.47.23-PM.png...=914%2C647]
Quake ye in fear of the almighty power of actual reality! There be no escape from the truth of the true existence! Chaos in the streets of ye who dareth disbelieve in the word of actual reality!

[Image: crime-clipart-crime-clipart-kicking-cartoon1.jpg]


Quote:The link between the homicide rate and the amount of resources given to drug prohibition. A study of sample precincts in New York City, for example, found that three-quarters of drug-related homicides resulted from drug-trade disputes. Eliminating drug prohibition would probably reduce homicide in the United States by 25 to 75 percent.
Disease and sickness unto the doubters of the truth of the true existence (containeth which not the fiction materials of any disbeliever)!

[Image: we-cant-end-aids-until-we-end-the-drug-war.jpeg]


Quote:Reduced incidence of HIV/AIDS. The number of new HIV and AIDS diagnoses have fallen considerably. Between 2000 and 2013, new HIV cases among people who use drugs declined from 1,575 to 78. The number of new AIDS cases declined from 626 to 74.
There be not mercy unto the children of the disbelievers in the truth of actual reality!

[Image: 7-75321_the-crying-boy-drawing-computer-...lipart.png]


Quote:Could making child pornography legal lead to lower rates of child sex abuse? It could well do, according to a new study by Milton Diamond, from the University of Hawaii, and colleagues.

Results from the Czech Republic showed, as seen everywhere else studied (Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sweden, USA), that rape and other sex crimes have not increased following the legalization and wide availability of pornography. And most significantly, the incidence of child sex abuse has fallen considerably since 1989, when child pornography became readily accessible – a phenomenon also seen in Denmark and Japan. Their findings are published online today in Springer’s journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.

The findings support the theory that potential sexual offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex crimes against children
Only terror and misery by the disbelief!

[Image: 26-al-Qaida-AP-v2.jpg]

But all is not bleak in our world. For I have some fantastic news to share with you. Repentance can be had, and salvation from the horrors of the true reality! All that you must do is repeat after me:

"There be not truth but the empirical truth!"


Quote:Finally, we have demonstrated that attention to engaging social stimuli not only activates the DMN but also deactivates the TPN. In a subsequent study[30] it was shown that this pattern of DMN activation and TPN deactivation was present for humanizing depictions of individuals, whereas dehumanizing depictions, which are associated with decreased moral concern, either involved decreased activity in the DMN or increased activity in the TPN. Taken together, these findings suggest that we are neurologically constrained from simultaneously exercising moral concern and analytic thinking.

Quote:"These findings," Friedman continued, "are consistent with the philosophical view, espoused by (Immanuel) Kant, according to which there are two distinct types of truth: empirical and moral."
"The scientific method be the bringer of the empirical truth!"


Quote:The scientific method is an empirical method of acquiring knowledge that has characterized the development of science since at least the 17th century. It involves careful observation, applying rigorous skepticism about what is observed, given that cognitive assumptions can distort how one interprets the observation. It involves formulating hypotheses, via induction, based on such observations; experimental and measurement-based testing of deductions drawn from the hypotheses; and refinement (or elimination) of the hypotheses based on the experimental findings.
"Glory and riches be unto those who reject the teachings of the bringers of the false truths of the false realities!"


Quote:Dr. Andrew Wakefield was almost single-handedly responsible for frightening the public about a possible association between autism and the MMR vaccine. His alarmist recommendations directly led to lower vaccination rates and a resurgence of measles to endemic levels in the UK. The MMR/autism interpretation of his 1998 article in The Lancet was retracted by 10 of his 12 co-authors. The article itself was “fully retracted from the public record” by The Lancet. And now Wakefield has lost his license to practice medicine after the General Medical Council’s exhaustive 2½-year review of his ethical conduct.

Quote:Like Steve Novella, I have no doubt that Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey mean well, but I agree that it’s not enough to mean well. There’s a famous saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. My usually corollary to this saying is that good intentions coupled with misinformation and self-righteousness are the straightest and surest route to hell that I can think of, and among the best examples of this corollary are parents who have been misled by the pseudoscience of the cottage industry of autism quackery that depends on the belief that vaccines cause autism for its profitability.


Quote:The Albert Hofmann collection contains nearly seventy articles on the topic of whether or not LSD-25 causes "chromosome damage". These articles are a good example of the scientific and cultural moral panic that took place in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

In 1967, Science published an article, based on the examination of a single patient, which proposed that LSD caused chromosome breakage.1 As Peter Stafford notes in Psychedelics Encyclopedia, "By evening, the charge that LSD could break chromosomes was in all the nation's media."

Between 1967 and 1972, article after article was published, in respected peer-reviewed journals, describing the link between LSD and chromosomal damage, both in vitro and in users and their offspring. As these reports accumulated, popular media amplified the scare, leading to sensational articles decrying the mutations that would be unleashed on future generations.

"New research finds [LSD] is causing genetic damage that poses a threat of havoc now and appalling abnormalities for generations yet unborn."2

Yet, by the mid-1970s, the tide had turned and the scientific literature generally supported the revised opinion that LSD does not cause chromosomal breakage or birth defects.

How was it possible for this issue to progress as far as it did? In an atmosphere friendly to reports of negative consequences of LSD use, a litany of elementary scientific and research errors were ignored by the journals that published the findings. It wasn't until enough research could be conducted to counteract the initial momentum that saner opinions, and better science, prevailed.

In the collection is a copy of one of the key articles that helped end the hysteria that was taking place in peer reviewed journals and the media. The authors conclude that:

"From our own work and from a review of the literature, we believe that pure LSD ingested in moderate doses does not damage chromosomes in vivo, does not cause detectable genetic damage, and is not a teratogen or a carcinogen in man. Within these bounds, therefore, we suggest that, other than during pregnancy, there is no present contraindication to the continued controlled experimental use of pure LSD."3

The progression of this issue and its related articles is a perfect example of how dozens of journal references supporting one position may still be wrong. In many cases, only time and the evolution of knowledge can sort it out.

It would be interesting to read a retrospective on this part of psychedelic research history.

Quote:"Severe dopaminergic neurotoxicity in primates after a common recreational dose regimen of MDMA[nb 1] ("ecstasy")",[1] was a paper by Dr. George Ricaurte which was published in the leading journal Science, and later retracted. The reason was that instead of using MDMA, methamphetamine had been used in the test.[2]
Another remarkable aspect of this episode is the public endorsement of the study, at the time of its publication, by Alan Leshner, chief executive of the AAAS and former director of NIDA. It isn't clear why an officer of the AAAS should be involved at all in publicly promoting a particular result published in its journal, least of all one whose outcome was questioned at the outset by several experts. The AAAS issued the retraction late in the afternoon on Friday 5 September, resulting in low-key media coverage, which contrasts sharply with the hype surrounding the initial paper.
In an interview in The Scientist[13] British scientists Colin Blakemore and Leslie Iversen described how they expressed concerns about the article with editors at Science. "It's an outrageous scandal," Iversen told The Scientist. "It's another example of a certain breed of scientist who appear to do research on illegal drugs mainly to show what the governments want them to show. They extract large amounts of grant money from the government to do this sort of biased work."

Upon results of the review, Research Triangle Institute asserted it was impossible the vials had been mislabeled as all other vials in suspect lots were properly labeled by labeling machines and it was not possible some vials had been mislabeled while others had not as the machines use printed rolls of labels. Many have asserted Ricaurte switched the labels in order to insure the continuation of funding and his results were fraudulent rather than mistaken. NIDA and AAAS are also suspected of aiding in the fraud.[14]
[Image: allegory.png]

"The first maxim of your policy ought to be to lead the people by reason and the people's enemies by terror." - Maximilien de Robespierre
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In addition to being an unconstitutional and treasonous violation of the United States system of government, so as to render the legislation against viewing CP in fact nonexistent in the United States of America by the superiority of constitutional law, it is in fact simply detrimental to outlaw child porn, as has been scientifically demonstrated by world leading academics who published their research in field leading journals.

The scientific fact is that the Sex Cult is an establishment of religion, and it has no legitimacy whatsoever in the United States of America. It is well past time for patriots in our military to escort the traitors in our congress and supreme court who refuse to abide by the system of law of the United States of America into the prisons in which they belong.

I am sick of spending my life under the constant attack of crazy fucks who endlessly spew out fiction materials and who have seized such control of the media that I am not allowed to address them despite them daily, every single day, spamming out fucking lies and fraudulent research that has been scientifically refuted.

Engage in immediate fucking military action and restore the rule of constitutional law in our nation. If the Christians and Feminists of the United States of America would like to outlaw the viewing of child pornography, they may do so as our law dictates they may, which is by the abolition of the first amendment of our constitution, not by fabricating a false reality that doesn't exist outside of literal fiction materials, and having the members of our supreme court cite these religious scriptures as the justification for our constitutional rights being abridged.

I have had quite enough of my life being wasted by treason committing human parasites who are illegally subverting the system of law of the nation into which I was born.

Quite plainly. All patriots to the United States constitution. Point your guns at the members of our supreme court, and ask them this simple question: "Do you want to uphold the constitution of the United States of America, or do you want to die a martyr for your establishment of religion?"

The child porn legislation in the USA simply cannot persist for a single additional day. That the United States government has screwed things up so horrifically is the fault of nobody except the members of our congress who have continuously ignored scientists and cited the fiction materials of a scientifically refuted establishment of religion, in violation of our law.

Let me be clear to you, Christians and Feminists of the United States of America. We live in a constitutional nation, and although in a democracy your superior numbers would allow you to have your way, our constitution forbids it. You defrauded our supreme court with fiction materials to get your 20th century establishment of religion respected by our congress, and it is illegal and treasonous, and it will be reversed, the money your organizations have stolen from the American people will be seized from you and redistributed to the victims of your treason, and you will be grateful to be allowed to live without being shoved up against the wall that you should be shot to death against for the treason you committed by mistakenly believing that your sense of moral righteousness was the law of the United States of America.

Kill today each traitor on our supreme court who opts to die in the name of his or her establishment of religion instead of upholding the constitution of the United States of America.

I want the illegal, unconstitutional religious legislation, that our congress has illegally and treasonously passed, to be immediately removed from the law books of the United States of America, and it is my constitutional right, and it is really as simple as that.

I am done letting the psychotic sex crusade of mentally ill evangelical Christians and Feminists ruin my life. I am simple done with it. Your establishment of religion has been conclusively scientifically refuted, and the legislation you have gotten passed is invalid by the constitution of the United States of America.

The illegal and unconstitutional religious legislation can voluntarily be abolished by the members of our supreme court. Or it can be abolished after the patriots to our constitution abduct and murder the religious treason committers who sit on our supreme court, which consists of each member of our supreme court who refuses to publicly come out against the unconstitutional crusade of the Sex Cultists.

members of our supreme court are guilty of treason by their silence alone. Quite frankly, kill today the traitors on the court of the United States of America who refuse to address the complaints of the treason that has been committed by our congress in respect of a 20th century establishment of religion.

I am simply done with the constant barrage of media lies that endlessly floods across the United States of America. I was born in a free, happy, constitutional nation. I was not born in a nation in which moral panicking crazy fuck evangelical Christians and feminists can trample me to death because they are going on a crazy psychotic moral rampage based on their referencing of a nonexistent reality described in fiction materials.

I am done with your religion. Entirely.

Arrest me and take me to court for my crimes so I can put this awful chapter of my life behind me one way or another. Or abolish the illegal religious legislation. Or you will be putting me into a casket when I go to a court with an assault rifle and shoot the religious psychosis out of the head of a treason committing judge.

I don't give a fuck about the nonexistent and scientifically refuted make believe fantasy world described in the themed collection of religious fiction materials referenced by the believers in the 20th century establishment of religion that is the Sex Cult. I don't care to speak to Sex Cultists. Spare your cognitively anosognosic endless flood of rationalizing your establishment of religion, which is false and has been conclusively scientifically refuted.

I want my constitutional rights as a citizen of the United States of America to be immediately and fully enforced, and I don't give the slightest fuck how immoral evangelical Christians and feminists think it is.

Kill the treason committers on the United States supreme court who allow the religious legislation to stand a single moment longer. Rip those traitors out of their homes, and shoot their fucking brains out in defense of the United States of America's constitution.
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Imagine reading this
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Not a single word
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I have no idea what any of this is about.
  • +1
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Only looked at the pictures tbh.
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  • JFL
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@xit, You just want to be able to look at child porn and jerk off, am I right? Because that's all I am getting from your bizarre rant.
  • JFL
Reactions: maxmendietta
@xit, You just want to be able to look at child porn and jerk off, am I right? Because that's all I am getting from your bizarre rant.
didnt write
who has the time to read all this shit :lul:

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