Accepted into a top Uni, all awaits me is betabuxx...

The HTN doctor will always beat the MTN doctor. We're just back to square one.
HTNs are rare, do you think most of them will be lucky enough to be this high in looks and become a doctor? When I go to the hospital or my local medical agency I've seen way more MTNs / LTNs than anything else.
These guys are LTN-MTN only one is Chadlite and his girlfriend is not the most attractive out of the bunch, however, they have the typical finance bro "swagger" that has similar appeal to old money, basically just how they dress, expensive watches, Patagonia vests.

The girls are playing the long game but this isn't as terrible as it sounds on paper, they are young or same age and know they are dating a guy with education and status and will not leave him because of it. They will for sure have pre nups and it isn't as taboo as in this field its expected
How did these guys do in college?
How did these guys do in college?
minimum 3.5 GPA, however, they did study business some finance so its not that hard to do. How they landed investment banking jobs/ high finance was through networking, internships and co ops
HTNs are rare, do you think most of them will be lucky enough to be this high in looks and become a doctor? When I go to the hospital or my local medical agency I've seen way more MTNs / LTNs than anything else.
It's not about luck, it's about the need to compensate. The LTN/MTNs need this job to survive in the social and dating market, while the chad can just sit on his winnings. And if the chad decides he wants to go for more? Forget about it, there's nothing we can do.

And the LTN/MTNs need to overcome having to watch the chadlites/chads take everything easily in their earlier years. I'm still dealing with that.
minimum 3.5 GPA, however, they did study business some finance so its not that hard to do. How they landed investment banking jobs/ high finance was through networking, internships and co ops
Mostly wondering about their social/dating lives in college, before the prestige of being bankers gave them the boost.
Mostly wondering about their social/dating lives in college, before the prestige of being bankers gave them the boost.
From talking with them it didnt sound like they were slaying in crazy amounts, they lived normie lives before the banker prestige and weren't incel but weren't slaying new girls weekly. They mostly had LTRs through uni with girls they met in social circles or clubs
From talking with them it didnt sound like they were slaying in crazy amounts, they lived normie lives before the banker prestige and weren't incel but weren't slaying new girls weekly. They mostly had LTRs through uni with girls they met in social circles or clubs
I am really unlucky with the social circles or clubs I go to. There is no friend group, there's just a bunch of disconnected people who do the activity and just leave. I'm left wondering where all of the social clubs are in college. About to become a senior too with nothing to show for it, I'm honestly really lost.
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I am really unlucky with the social circles or clubs I go to. There is no friend group, there's just a bunch of disconnected people who do the activity and just leave. I'm left wondering where all of the social clubs are in college. About to become a senior too with nothing to show for it, I'm honestly really lost.
Brutal man, what country is this btw? It might be because its a medical field where I don't think knowing the right people is as essential, unlike finance or law. They might not socialize cause they don't need too
I cant even savor this moment cause I think about what this leads too

-good uni
-good gpa (studycelling)
-pipeline to mid-high 6 fig jobs

-will probably be able to find a decent MTB or HTB to LTR by 30 because of presumed betabuxx

best case scenario is if I can find the best looking girl I can within my presumed tax bracket or professional job environment so at least she wont be a total leech

Im MTN easily so it shouldn't be too ridiculous to attempt this but its so cucked I hate thinking about it. It has to be a HTB for me to be fucked over like this

Happy Antonio Banderas GIF
Or become mcafee chad use that money on drug fueled trips
- Get hot asian/latina babe at 40
-party every weekend
-Be creative and high energy
Or become mcafee chad use that money on drug fueled trips
- Get hot asian/latina babe at 40
-party every weekend
-Be creative and high energy
I wont get close to becoming a billionaire, maybe 7-8 figures in networth by the time I'm 60 :feelswhy::feelswhy:
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Branch into something you can do to become a business owner.
Work somewhere for 2 years.
Learn the ropes, then do it yourself!

No point in being overworked cuck til you die
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I wont get close to becoming a billionaire, maybe 7-8 figures in networth by the time I'm 60 :feelswhy::feelswhy:
Lmao, his lifestyle were pretty cheap over there, unless you want a big house
Brutal man, what country is this btw? It might be because its a medical field where I don't think knowing the right people is as essential, unlike finance or law. They might not socialize cause they don't need too
In the US. People in our premed cohort socialize alright. I know that I'm definitely p art of the problem, but I daresay some of it was out of my control. My ethnicity decreasing my SMV, being a 1.5 generation immigrant, inability to smile properly due to jaw deformity and only recently getting braces (at fucking 20 btw, brutal)
What country did you spend your new graduate years in? Over here its not ridiculous to try to go down this path
UK I've always been here.
Should that chad be mad he didn't get to fuck her when her highschool bf fucked her at the start of her prime?
We should be mad because we didn’t get to fuck anybody in their prime. I wouldn’t mind dating someone who’s had a few bfs when she was younger if I had the same experience of fucking around in high school and college. But I don’t, and it’s eating me up inside, knowing that my one and only taste will be of leftovers that have been chewed up and spat out multiple times.

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