Act alpha even if your not



Aug 17, 2019
Most of you guys here want to be more NT. This is basically the same thing as acting alpha and it's honestly the only way to have good smv. even if you're attractive you'll never slay unless you act alpha.

I know a 6psl guy thst got cucked by a 4psl recently. why? the 6psl has no muscle and terrible confidence so he acts super needy (beta) and the 4psl has a good frame and muscle which boosted his confidence which makes him act more nt.

Being confident and acting alpha is honestly a huge halo now since normally the only guys that act like this now are chads. Media tricks people into thinking acting beta is good so every guy that isn't swimming in women will always have these beta traits.

I made this post because my gf told me these guys (I'm friends with them but they aren't the squad) were talking shit about me and when I asked her what it was she said it's because they think I'm not good enough for her JFL.

They think I'm not good enough for her because I ignore her sometimes and talk about other attractive girls in class so I'm not giving her the respect she deserves. these guys are so fucking dumb.

It's not even their fault. Media hardwired these guys into thinking treating women with respect is the way to go but I can guarantee you that If I acted like that this girl wouldn't be making my lunch for me every day for school.

long post but it's necessary tbh. no one talks about how important personality is and you guys normally laugh at it. personality is just as important as looks. I'm not on about being funny or some shit like that but acting alpha even when you're not is crucial to get respect from women. they don't respect betas and will cheat and give you dead fish sex if you act like one
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  • JFL
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None of this matters. one. bit. just look good.
  • JFL
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Personality types:

1 NT

2 non NT

thats literally it
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  • Ugh..
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None of this matters. one. bit. just look good.
cope. women don't want to go near your needy white knight ass even if it's 6psl.
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Yeah some rules here

1. Never say to a girl I love you first, say it 1/2 times every 3 times she says it
2. Don’t do her any favours, don’t hold doors for her unless you’re going ahead of her
3. Don’t reply quick to texts
4. Don’t call her attractive outright
5. Don’t spend money on her for dates
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Most of you guys here want to be more NT. This is basically the same thing as acting alpha and it's honestly the only way to have good smv. even if you're attractive you'll never slay unless you act alpha.

I know a 6psl guy thst got cucked by a 4psl recently. why? the 6psl has no muscle and terrible confidence so he acts super needy (beta) and the 4psl has a good frame and muscle which boosted his confidence which makes him act more nt.

Being confident and acting alpha is honestly a huge halo now since normally the only guys that act like this now are chads. Media tricks people into thinking acting beta is good so every guy that isn't swimming in women will always have these beta traits.

I made this post because my gf told me these guys (I'm friends with them but they aren't the squad) were talking shit about me and when I asked her what it was she said it's because they think I'm not good enough for her JFL.

They think I'm not good enough for her because I ignore her sometimes and talk about other attractive girls in class so I'm not giving her the respect she deserves. these guys are so fucking dumb.

It's not even their fault. Media hardwired these guys into thinking treating women with respect is the way to go but I can guarantee you that If I acted like that this girl wouldn't be making my lunch for me every day for school.

long post but it's necessary tbh. no one talks about how important personality is and you guys normally laugh at it. personality is just as important as looks. I'm not on about being funny or some shit like that but acting alpha even when you're not is crucial to get respect from women. they don't respect betas and will cheat and give you dead fish sex if you act like one
woah woah woah buddy. yoi have gf? gtfo off this site now!
  • JFL
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This is redpill 101.
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Personality types:

1 NT

2 non NT

thats literally it
NT/Alpha chad like behaviour can be developed but it takes months. You litteraly need to fake it and slowly as you develop new neurons in your brain you'll subconsciously start to act this way.

getting stronger and going gym improves your strength which further increases confidence and NT behaviour.
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  • +1
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for once,we agree.
yeah man as a fellow 9 incher myself i can agree my big dick makes me high inhib ngl, what if i damage her insides? so scary i dont wanna hurt women with my massive cock
  • JFL
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Not a single piece of your noble scripture graced itself across my conscience
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  • JFL
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I should've went more in detail. even if you act alpha you not getting shit at 3psl but really girls will take a 5psl high tier normie that acts alpha over a 6psl chadlite that still acts beta. this is rare though because normally 6psl guys naturally develop alpha behaviour
  • +1
Reactions: turkproducer
This is redpill 101.
Ur dumb it’s not like the blackpill is 100% truth, the correct way to look at life is a mixture of red and black, and to lean towards more towards black for knowing your place and to never to trust women, and red for self improvement
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2658
Most of you guys here want to be more NT. This is basically the same thing as acting alpha and it's honestly the only way to have good smv. even if you're attractive you'll never slay unless you act alpha.

I know a 6psl guy thst got cucked by a 4psl recently. why? the 6psl has no muscle and terrible confidence so he acts super needy (beta) and the 4psl has a good frame and muscle which boosted his confidence which makes him act more nt.

Being confident and acting alpha is honestly a huge halo now since normally the only guys that act like this now are chads. Media tricks people into thinking acting beta is good so every guy that isn't swimming in women will always have these beta traits.

I made this post because my gf told me these guys (I'm friends with them but they aren't the squad) were talking shit about me and when I asked her what it was she said it's because they think I'm not good enough for her JFL.

They think I'm not good enough for her because I ignore her sometimes and talk about other attractive girls in class so I'm not giving her the respect she deserves. these guys are so fucking dumb.

It's not even their fault. Media hardwired these guys into thinking treating women with respect is the way to go but I can guarantee you that If I acted like that this girl wouldn't be making my lunch for me every day for school.

long post but it's necessary tbh. no one talks about how important personality is and you guys normally laugh at it. personality is just as important as looks. I'm not on about being funny or some shit like that but acting alpha even when you're not is crucial to get respect from women. they don't respect betas and will cheat and give you dead fish sex if you act like one

"You don't deserve her" they have a thing for your girl and might be running some type of game mog them asap broski
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personality matters. which is basically being nt. nt can compensate for about 1 psl point.

just be chill, don’t take shit to heart, learn how to banter.

and yeah, soooo many guys R bluepilled JFL. so many times i’ve heard with my own two ears that women like assholes and are attracted to them. being bluepilled is a pussy drier. the average guy is an orbiter srs. he can’t take clues and signs and keeps trying even tho the girl wants nothing to do with him. it’s so funny tbh.
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Reactions: JustTrynaGrow and Deleted member 2581
NT/Alpha chad like behaviour can be developed but it takes months. You litteraly need to take it and slowly as you develop new neurons in your brain you'll subconsciously start to act this way.

getting stronger and going gym improves your strength which further increases confidence and NT behaviour.
being NT is a combination of positive responces in your life if you are good looking you are gona get treated well if you have a big cock you are gona get respected (and its genetic)

being non NT is also genetic because everyone will either ignore you or give you negative responses thus developing an antisocial personality
  • +1
Reactions: Highrise
"You don't deserve her" they have a thing for your girl and might be running some type of game mog them asap broski
100% this. guys are jealous of me bc they like my gf and “i’m in the way” so they try to undermine the relationship.
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yeah man as a fellow 9 incher myself i can agree my big dick makes me high inhib ngl, what if i damage her insides? so scary i dont wanna hurt women with my massive cock

the duality of man
  • So Sad
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You can't act like an alpha male if you aren't one.

It will not work.
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Will not work if you dont have the looks to back it up with.

If this guy acts alpha, he will get laughed at for being a tryhard

Meanwhile if this guy acts alpha he will be seen as a badboy
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Ur dumb it’s not like the blackpill is 100% truth, the correct way to look at life is a mixture of red and black, and to lean towards more towards black for knowing your place and to never to trust women, and red for self improvement
What does your comment have to do with me and my beliefs, you schizo? I'm merely reminding OP this is common sense among certain idealogues.
dont agree.Women are stupid and will beleve you if you fraud it.
Lol, women can sense who is the real alpha.

Imagine Ben Stiller acting like Scarface. Women will just laugh at him.
What does your comment have to do with me and my beliefs, you schizo? I'm merely reminding OP this is common sense among certain idealogues.
What sort of insult is that Lol schizo U a bum
Fake it till u ...
Lol, women can sense who is the real alpha.

Imagine Ben Stiller acting like Scarface. Women will just laugh at him.
Nah that’s low t cope

Just don’t be a bitch

Who cares if some guy is better looking than you are you just gonna submit like a whipped dog?

Nah bruh fuck that niggá always be confident and stand up for yourself

Fuck what they think

your all you got in this Fucked up world bro.

Are you really gonna be Everyone’s bitch just cause your insecure?
  • +1
Reactions: Highrise
personality matters. which is basically being nt. nt can compensate for about 1 psl point.

just be chill, don’t take shit to heart, learn how to banter.

and yeah, soooo many guys R bluepilled JFL. so many times i’ve heard with my own two ears that women like assholes and are attracted to them. being bluepilled is a pussy drier. the average guy is an orbiter srs. he can’t take clues and signs and keeps trying even tho the girl wants nothing to do with him. it’s so funny tbh.
This. the average guy is an orbiter. the majority are.
it's rare to find men that aren't and being one basically signals to a women that "okay this is one of the many guys I use for something"

acting NT signals to the women "okay this is the guy I love to fuck"

it's hard to be in the wanna fuck group but the thing is if you act beta you'll always be in the orbiter group no matter how good you look. Being in the "I wanna fuck him" group is a combination of acting alpha and good looks. the looks factor rises with the girls psl
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Reactions: I'mme, Deleted member 2581 and Deleted member 2846
You need to have Big Dick Energy srs.

Don’t ever act like an alpha macho man unless you’re legit 6’3, tatted up, bald, and huge.

You need to just be chill with it. Being “chill with it” comes from knowing your worth to yourself and genuinely knowing that your GF will stick by your side.

I don’t wanna hear any of you aspies say “muh Chad will come around and steal her!” Yeah, if she’s a moral-less whore she will, but you shouldn’t LTR those times anyways. Women are designed to stick with one male until another man physically dominates you or she seeks another from men and she will say she’s “loosing feelings”.. basically means she’s looking for attention bc she’s not loyal. Not LTR in the first place.

Women will stay by literal rapists and murders because she’s blinded by “love”. Then when he does something bad to HER and shows her that he used her/faked things is when her opinion will literally do a 180 and she will hate you. She won’t acknowledge that she was with you, fucked you, or anything. The murders and rapists was an extreme example but you get my point.

Say a guy disrespects his GF and shit. She will still love him, be my his side, etc. But once he cheats, she will get furious and leave and denounce the idea of them ever being a couple.

Point is: women CAN be loyal to one man until the “spark fades” and she will slowly start to branch out. Women are EXTREMELY loyal and malleable when they are in love with you. They will do everything and anything to please you. It’s their biology.
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Reactions: CarlSagan96 and Deleted member 2581
personality matters. which is basically being nt. nt can compensate for about 1 psl point.

just be chill, don’t take shit to heart, learn how to banter.

and yeah, soooo many guys R bluepilled JFL. so many times i’ve heard with my own two ears that women like assholes and are attracted to them. being bluepilled is a pussy drier. the average guy is an orbiter srs. he can’t take clues and signs and keeps trying even tho the girl wants nothing to do with him. it’s so funny tbh.
389BC7F4 017D 43EC ADBD C6D87F1F5BC9

Are you not blackpilled boy?
Fake it till u ...
no. you fake it because it takes months and months to change how you fundamentally think. even if you ugly and get some amazing surgery you'll still have the beta mindset.

you can't change how your brain works in a week
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2581
You need to have Big Dick Energy srs.

Don’t ever act like an alpha macho man unless you’re legit 6’3, tatted up, bald, and huge.

You need to just be chill with it. Being “chill with it” comes from knowing your worth to yourself and genuinely knowing that your GF will stick by your side.

I don’t wanna hear any of you aspies say “muh Chad will come around and steal her!” Yeah, if she’s a moral-less whore she will, but you shouldn’t LTR those times anyways. Women are designed to stick with one male until another man physically dominates you or she seeks another from men and she will say she’s “loosing feelings”.. basically means she’s looking for attention bc she’s not loyal. Not LTR in the first place.

Women will stay by literal rapists and murders because she’s blinded by “love”. Then when he does something bad to HER and shows her that he used her/faked things is when her opinion will literally do a 180 and she will hate you. She won’t acknowledge that she was with you, fucked you, or anything. The murders and rapists was an extreme example but you get my point.

Say a guy disrespects his GF and shit. She will still love him, be my his side, etc. But once he cheats, she will get furious and leave and denounce the idea of them ever being a couple.

Point is: women CAN be loyal to one man until the “spark fades” and she will slowly start to branch out. Women are EXTREMELY loyal and malleable when they are in love with you. They will do everything and anything to please you. It’s their biology.

You can act confident without being a crazy alpha

Just be relaxed and sure of yourself

But that’s easier said than done with a lot of guys here
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: CarlSagan96, JustTrynaGrow and Deleted member 2846
View attachment 144958

Are you not blackpilled boy?
Cope. Go out IRL. There’s 4PSL’s hooking up. Being hyper NT and 5PSL can make you look 10x more attractive. People want to be around you. You get status, other girls start to notice and want to be a part of your group.
  • +1
Reactions: I'mme and Deleted member 2581
You need to have Big Dick Energy srs.

Don’t ever act like an alpha macho man unless you’re legit 6’3, tatted up, bald, and huge.

You need to just be chill with it. Being “chill with it” comes from knowing your worth to yourself and genuinely knowing that your GF will stick by your side.

I don’t wanna hear any of you aspies say “muh Chad will come around and steal her!” Yeah, if she’s a moral-less whore she will, but you shouldn’t LTR those times anyways. Women are designed to stick with one male until another man physically dominates you or she seeks another from men and she will say she’s “loosing feelings”.. basically means she’s looking for attention bc she’s not loyal. Not LTR in the first place.

Women will stay by literal rapists and murders because she’s blinded by “love”. Then when he does something bad to HER and shows her that he used her/faked things is when her opinion will literally do a 180 and she will hate you. She won’t acknowledge that she was with you, fucked you, or anything. The murders and rapists was an extreme example but you get my point.

Say a guy disrespects his GF and shit. She will still love him, be my his side, etc. But once he cheats, she will get furious and leave and denounce the idea of them ever being a couple.

Point is: women CAN be loyal to one man until the “spark fades” and she will slowly start to branch out. Women are EXTREMELY loyal and malleable when they are in love with you. They will do everything and anything to please you. It’s their biology.
The way I see it is women are designed to get the best man they can. BUT she's never gonna leave you for a marginal upgrade. it has to be a big jump.

I feel like this is why you're more attracted to faces you see more often. to stop women from immediately jumping ship when they find a guy who looks slightly better.
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this thread will be ripped apart by tomorrow
  • +1
Reactions: I'mme and Deleted member 2846
Nah that’s low t cope

Just don’t be a bitch

Who cares if some guy is better looking than you are you just gonna submit like a whipped dog?

Nah bruh fuck that niggá always be confident and stand up for yourself

Fuck what they think

your all you got in this Fucked up world bro.

Are you really gonna be Everyone’s bitch just cause your insecure?
There is a something between acting like a beta and acting like Pablo Escobar. You got to act in a way someone who is self aware would act.
  • +1
Reactions: JustTrynaGrow
this thread will be ripped apart by tomorrow
Legit just trying to help as many people as possible.
anyone who denys this way of thinking is just too far gone and destined to be a beta orbiter for life
For the rest of your life. every women thst fucks you will be fucking you in order to get money or some other benifit from you. unless you act NT you'll never have good sex.
  • +1
Reactions: I'mme and Deleted member 2581
Cope. Go out IRL. There’s 4PSL’s hooking up. Being hyper NT and 5PSL can make you look 10x more attractive. People want to be around you. You get status, other girls start to notice and want to be a part of your group.
Maybe comparing an aspie to some popular dude, the difference could be 1 PSL, however it’s impossible for about 99% of users here to reach even near that level of status. You and I can tell ourselves that it will happen one day but we know deep down, that we will never reach that level. It’s not just acting alpha btw, you also need to make people like you. Most people are missing years of formative experience interacting normally with others during their youth that they’ll never be able to catch up on
  • +1
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Maybe comparing an aspie to some popular dude, the difference could be 1 PSL, however it’s impossible for about 99% of users here to reach even near that level of status. You and I can tell ourselves that it will happen one day but we know deep down, that we will never reach that level. It’s not just acting alpha btw, you also need to make people like you. Most people are missing years of formative experience interacting normally with others during their youth that they’ll never be able to catch up on
It’s really not as difficult as you make it out to be.

I was fat af in middle school had social anxiety and no confidence whatsoever.

Went from that after losing weight to being semi popular in high school, went to parties, and being kinda arrogant ngl

All it takes is effort to change bro and to improve that’s it.
  • +1
Reactions: I'mme, CarlSagan96 and MrGlutton
NT/Alpha chad like behaviour can be developed but it takes months. You litteraly need to take it and slowly as you develop new neurons in your brain you'll subconsciously start to act this way.

getting stronger and going gym improves your strength which further increases confidence and NT behaviour.
and try to achieve this before your brain is done developing
Only act alpha if you can defend yourself.

If you can't, you will eventually be exposed.
Maybe comparing an aspie to some popular dude, the difference could be 1 PSL, however it’s impossible for about 99% of users here to reach even near that level of status. You and I can tell ourselves that it will happen one day but we know deep down, that we will never reach that level. It’s not just acting alpha btw, you also need to make people like you. Most people are missing years of formative experience interacting normally with others during their youth that they’ll never be able to catch up on
You can always change it just takes time
Only act alpha if you can defend yourself.

If you can't, you will eventually be exposed.
you can be NT and still act humble.
just don't show beta orbiter/ white knight behaviour.

also go to the gym so you can defend yourself. Not a lot of guys do work out so it gives you a big advantage
redpill cope
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2227
Most of you guys here want to be more NT. This is basically the same thing as acting alpha and it's honestly the only way to have good smv. even if you're attractive you'll never slay unless you act alpha.

I know a 6psl guy thst got cucked by a 4psl recently. why? the 6psl has no muscle and terrible confidence so he acts super needy (beta) and the 4psl has a good frame and muscle which boosted his confidence which makes him act more nt.

Being confident and acting alpha is honestly a huge halo now since normally the only guys that act like this now are chads. Media tricks people into thinking acting beta is good so every guy that isn't swimming in women will always have these beta traits.

I made this post because my gf told me these guys (I'm friends with them but they aren't the squad) were talking shit about me and when I asked her what it was she said it's because they think I'm not good enough for her JFL.

They think I'm not good enough for her because I ignore her sometimes and talk about other attractive girls in class so I'm not giving her the respect she deserves. these guys are so fucking dumb.

It's not even their fault. Media hardwired these guys into thinking treating women with respect is the way to go but I can guarantee you that If I acted like that this girl wouldn't be making my lunch for me every day for school.

long post but it's necessary tbh. no one talks about how important personality is and you guys normally laugh at it. personality is just as important as looks. I'm not on about being funny or some shit like that but acting alpha even when you're not is crucial to get respect from women. they don't respect betas and will cheat and give you dead fish sex if you act like one
Good advice but will backfire easily if overdone. Also can look fake which is easy to spot. You need to be careful about being ''alpha'', or it will become a set of tricks pua style instead of a real personality improvement.

Examples: obsessing about who goes through a door first or who looks away first, gripping excessively hard when shaking hands, fake smiling or stopping smiling to be ''alpha''.

If done correctly, definitely good.
Took me 5 years to figure it out lmao, i was too bluepilled.
Now i know what it is but can't always do like i think i'm supposed to, maybe i need more T.

It's good to be expressive and open but within certain limits.
People have an insane amount of rules of what can be said and done acceptably.

Even small mannerisms count, being too self aware or unaware can be spotted and will hurt you.

You need to be confident but know your limits.
Don't be bossy any more than you actually can be while benefiting yourself and others just to be the ''boss''.

Being ''alpha'' can't be faked easily. It's like looks, you have it or don't have it, you can change it somewhat but not dramatically or fast.
Imagine Michael Cera walking up to a 6ft 200lb guy, acting "alpha".

He will never be seen as a threat to the stronger guy even if he gives a perfect Al Pacino impression.

Meanwhile someone like Blake Griffin could act like Meg Griffin and still be respected.
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