Actionable Steps to Reclaim Europe Tier List

Warmer, I love how you corrected the "you're" too, good job
It's funny how you're trying to larp some sort of cool, level-headed character now as if you weren't screaming your head off like some raging baboon just a few hours ago. Accept the hard truth. You'll be deported to whatever shithole you hail from and out of the West in no time. You can cope however you want, but it won't change reality.
  • JFL
DNR + Cope
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: goober55, Sodoku and darodcel
It's funny how you're trying to larp some sort of cool, level-headed character now as if you weren't screaming your head off like some raging baboon just a few hours ago.
I CAN STILL SCREAM CRACKER :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

At no point was I screaming, typing in all caps and spamming laughing emojis is just funny cause it gets you mad

Accept the hard truth. You'll be deported to whatever shithole you hail from and out of the West in no time. You can cope however you want, but it won't change reality.
Repeating it won't make it come true :ROFLMAO: NIGGAAAAAAA :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: goober55 and cromagnon
I CAN STILL SCREAM CRACKER :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

At no point was I screaming, typing in all caps and spamming laughing emojis is just funny cause it gets you mad

Repeating it won't make it come true :ROFLMAO:
I'm not mad at all. I'm incredibly calm, and happy, knowing that every single disgusting deathnic (you) will be deported from the West ASAP. :feelshah:
I'm not mad at all. I'm incredibly calm, and happy, knowing that every single disgusting deathnic (you) will be deported from the West ASAP. :feelshah:
You know what this reminds me of?

When foids do manifestation by repeating shit over and over in the hope it comes true.

Who knows, maybe it'll work, keep at it
  • +1
Reactions: goober55
You know what this reminds me of?

When foids do manifestation by repeating shit over and over in the hope it comes true.

Who knows, maybe it'll work, keep at it
It will work

Look at how much seething ethnics are in this thread

Gathered to all ramble on about how muh whiteys finna go extinct

  • JFL
Reactions: darodcel
I'm not mad at all. I'm incredibly calm, and happy, knowing that every single disgusting deathnic (you) will be deported from the West ASAP. :feelshah:
Bro no chance they will be deported but they will die very soon yk
  • +1
Reactions: cromagnon
Chad doesnt have a race
  • +1
Reactions: goober55 and Olivecel
thoughts on going to businesses run by southern and eastern europeans?
  • JFL
Reactions: Olivecel
Tier 1 and 2 white people have been doing for centuries. White people literally invented racism and various forms of anti-ethnic sentiment (even against their own kind, for example the Irish and Slav).
Honestly fuck white people (specifically the Western ones). I understand why jooz hate them so much and want to see them fall. They’re like stuck-up, spoiled brats like you faggot.
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  • +1
Reactions: lightskinniggga and goober55
thoughts on going to businesses run by southern and eastern europeans?
If y’all gotta question their whiteness then that means they’re not white enough in the first place.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: infini
If y’all gotta question their whiteness then that means they’re not white enough in the first place.
Nobody questions EE whiteness except niggers curries and mutts

Meds on the other hand u already know
  • +1
Reactions: Olivecel
Nobody questions EE whiteness except niggers curries and mutts

Meds on the other hand u already know
A lot of people do for some reason but I agree it’s dumb.
Southern Europeans simply are not white because it’s so fucking obvious just by looking at a handful of them. Ironically they are the most racist and pro-Western ones which is why I don’t like them that much.
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  • +1
A lot of people do for some reason but I agree it’s dumb.
Southern Europeans simply are not white because it’s so fucking obvious just by looking at a handful of them. Ironically they are the most racist and pro-Western ones which is why I don’t like them that much.
South = subhumanity

IMG 2123
IMG 2124
Keep laughing but remember it is whites who borrowed from Mediterranean civilizations, but now decide to hate them suddenly.
Also you SlavoMacddonians try to steal Greek history all the time because you have no real history 😂. Eastern Europe is literal trash. And Western Europe is only developed because of Mediterranean civilizations. Now they are getting raped by other ethnics because Jooz (another Mediterranean people) are orchestrating it all. Mediterraneans/Middle Easterners have been orchestrating you whites since the very beginning. Romans burned your forests, and now Jooz are importing blacks.
Good luck whitey.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: goober55 and NORDEN SLAVORUM
Keep laughing but remember it is whites who borrowed from Mediterranean civilizations, but now decide to hate them suddenly.
Also you SlavoMacddonians try to steal Greek history all the time because you have no real history 😂. Eastern Europe is literal trash. And Western Europe is only developed because of Mediterranean civilizations. Now they are getting raped by other ethnics because Jooz (another Mediterranean people) are orchestrating it all. Mediterraneans/Middle Easterners have been orchestrating you whites since the beginning.
Fuck balkan niggerrs I come from villages 0 med DNA in me
Fuck balkan niggerrs I come from villages 0 med DNA in me
Sorry to hear that bro. Maybe in the next life you will have based Balkan genes.
Not the Slavic kind but the med kind.
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  • JFL
  • JFL
this wouldn't work on many ethnics, for example if theyre like me

they already know theyre unwanted in Europe its not a secret that just exists between you whites lol,

I already know that europeans don't want Arabs there LOL and I don't care, I'm not sensitive about that kind of stuff

'oh but they don't like your kind :soy:' like alright, you don't have to like me but I'm still gonna be here if I like the place lol.

Also there are enough people of their own race in the diaspora to hang with who would accept them such that they wouldn't feel ostracised.

most non whites prefer to hang out with ppl of their own non white race anyway

won't work, lol
go home abdul
  • JFL
Reactions: yeeyeeslayer
irish people are ethnic
Mentally I already see the return to my peak physique as inevitable since I am bulking again on a high protein diet and using a proper gym and gaining strength each session. I'm gonna squeeze out natty rebound gains until I plateau then roid

Yes I am all of those things but I dont declare myself a mogger while in a discussion with a mogger unless they grant me permission to claim it
Submissive autistic fag
None of this would work
  • +1
Reactions: goober55
what the entire social order is structured around is the prevention of whites realizing that by collectivising and committing violence they will drive out all jews and non whites within a week. this is why they must push race blind meritocracy, "but some ethnics are cool, right?", no, they all need to get out. this is why they must make racism and discrimination the biggest social evils imaginable so whenever white people think about solutions to the problem of nigger fatigue, the jew that has supplanted their conscience will chide them for being intolerant.
>harassing minorities
>never mentions making white families and consolidating wealth

whites are the dumbest animals on the planet, they think their autistic eunuch savants like newton and hitler are warrants for their sterile, suicide inducing states.
American high class WASPs are the best because the maintain the ambitious and free spirit of the original colonists
correct, and yet morgan stanley was outplayed by goldman sachs.
The Jews have already won, there is no more hope for the white race. It’s fucking over.
Disagree. Look at how much the left is now anti-Jew and anti-Israel. They're losing control of their stormtroopers. Ukraine is also fucked for them.
low i
If you are a European living in Europe, here is what you can do:

Tier 1:
Have accounts on X, Tiktok and Instagram where you like posts/comments that support the pro white cause and like content that has anti ethnic sentiment (crime stats or memes etc)

Don't spend money in ethnic businesses, dont buy from ethnic run corner shops or food places, mock your NPC friends who constantly buy from chinese/kebab shops.
An exception can be made for ethnic barbers because it's so fucking hard to find decent barbers particularly if you move around often and looks is infinitely more important than fast food maxxing which you shouldn't even be doing but if you have a reliable white barber in your area that's ideal.

If you have a choice in Doctors only go to white doctors, only choose white dentists unless you are in a position where you need specific treatment and have no other choice than an ethnic one.

Dont have any ethnic friends in your social circle, dont take part in any sports teams where you having ethnic team members.
This was easy for me because there were no ethnics where I grew up.
Exceptions can be made for a high sentience ethnic you meet through PSL or someone who is half white half ethnic but leans entirely towards his white side and dislikes ethnics and thinks ethnics make him look bad.
One uncle Tom can be allowed but only if it happens through circumstance, it remains un-ideal because you may self censor your true racism around them.
If you are in a position where you think having multiple ethnics in your social circle is fine because they're cool guys, you're missing the point and that's part of the reason why untangling the mesh of ethnics socially will prove burdensome in some regions

Tier 2:
Going through the effort of making pro white and anti ethnic content to post online without revealing your identity
Putting a high level of effort into shaming mudsharks online, multiple accounts to spam racist comments in mudsharks comment sections

Have interactions with ethnics irl and tell them that you think there are too many ethnics in your country and that you want them to leave.
If you wander around a city and spend time on public transport it's likely that ethnics will ask for your help from time to time at a bus stop or on public transport, this is an opportunity to enquire into their life a bit without it seeming bad intentioned then bring the convo to a point where you ask them if they could'nt have pursued their ambitions in their home country and tell them about all the problems the natives of your country are facing and how your culture is being diluted by immigrants. There is no need to be aggressive about it, if you are calm they may be understanding and see your POV.
Once you get a feel for such interactions you could legit run it like cold approach just getting into convos with countless ethnics on the street informing them that youd prefer if they weren't here.
Now you may say this is pointless because its not going to make a single one of them leave which may be true, but there's no point in just allowing them to have the most comfortable life imaginable. Make them have that seed of doubt in their mind where they feel like they're not wanted and that every white who refuses to make eye contact hates them and that every white who is nice to them out of necessity is just faking it.
Let them hear it from the horses mouth that at least one white person in the fucking country isnt a coward pushover who will lay down and watch them take their country without a wimper.
You could ramp up the heat of the interactions a bit on FOBs who wont do shit but if it's in your homes city you dont want to go overboard or you could get reported and caught for it although purple aki was able to get away with grabbing young guys muscles for years so you should be able to get away with convos with FOB ethnics without reprecussions.

Make white foid, ethnic male couples you see in public uncomfortable. You can do this by smirking and laughing when you approach them if they look subhuman or by giving them a dagger stare if you are a tall, gymcelled intimidating male who they sense wants to kill rather than being a butthurt incel.
If you have a mate you walk around the city with you can make a joke and laugh in the presence of mixed race couples and there likely wont be shit they will do about it.
When its two guys laughing at them, the foid will feel way more self conscious if you're both moggers because she wont be able to cope that its just incels who want to shame her.

Tier 3:
Travelling to European countries you have no intention of living in but going there solely to harass ethnics and mudsharks
You may ask what's the point in the harassment because it's not going to change anything but I look back on my memories of harassing ethnics while drunk with great fondness and I genuinely believe I could've altered their lives because of how fucking unexpected it would've been for them. I wont go into details again but bullying a Nafri WTM was the most amusing. Before you lose your shit I've harassed white WTMs while drunk as well but I aim to stop this going forward.

The amount of harassment that ethnics have engaged in as a whole towards whites in europe exceeds the inverse by an infinite magnitude so any harassment you engage in is just returning a taste of their own medicine.
I propose being well covered up in clothing to keep identity hard to determine and walking around until you encounter an ethnic and mudshark couple then start by mocking them and laughing at them then turn it into an aggressive insulting interaction while being prepared to physically escalate at all times.
You will have a means of covering your face in an instant should they whip out their phones to record you so that you can remain incognito.
This would work so much more effectively if you had a mate or even 2 or 3 lads to accompany you as it would affirm to the foid that white men are still in charge and they fucking hate her for being a race traitor regardless of her prior thinking that it wasn't social suicide based on all the cucks she interacts with in her daily life.

As for picking on ethnics who aren't with white foids, you should target WTMs because you will likely be able to harbour a legit hatred for them and feel entirely justified when bullying them whereas if you pick on some FOB ethnic they might turn fully submissive and whimpy at which point you either just smack them as punishment for being on your land or disengage because they've already bowed before their master.

Grafitti is also an option and something that could be potent in demonstrating anti ethnic sentiment. Grafitti would be done in designated areas where it legal as nothing in this thread breaks any laws

As for online posting for tier 3 the only thing I can really see as being a benefit here is posting anti ethnic stuff with your face exposed without being moderate but revealing your true views that you are in fact racist and simply dont want muh productive taxpaying ethnics in your country because you dont want their genes muddying your land that should rightfully be an ethnostate. This is an exceptionally hard barrier to cross and I have not yet done it despite doing the bulk of everything else I've mentioned so far.

You may argue that everything I've mentioned so far wont have any impact if the borders aren't closed, of course the borders will need to be closed and mass deportations implemented, but if whites en mass just started being cunts to anyone in europe who wasn't white, would the ethnics who come here be rushing to bring their family over with them?
People forget that every ethnic who makes the journey over here alone is liable to bring over 20 family members with them who wont be subject to ANY hurdles like he was initially. If you make the biggest hurdle for the first ethnic who comes over the fact that they're treated like an actual subhuman, many of them may fall at this hurdle and try a different country instead, once other countries toughen up to the point where he bounces around europe like hes in a pinball machine and gets treated like shit everywhere he goes he may just end up going back to his home country.
Beating one ethnic dog back home into submission cant stop 20 more from walking into europe scot free.

Now in terms of organizing, going mask off and organizing around being unapolagetically racist and adhering to the national socialist worldview means we dont have to cuck or worry about optics, we are setting our stall out as we mean to go on which omits a masculine aura. Even ethnics have more respect for the fullblown nazi than the white cuck who self censors so to not be viewed as hurting the feelings of people who he owes nothing to.

Organizing within a given city and actually getting a group of guys together to meet up is far more productive than talking with people all across the continent for years online. You may have a meetup once per year if you organize with guys spread across the continent, but Ive picked the city where I know there are hoards of based motherfuckers and I'm going to be moving there and building support from the locals as well as guys online from that city and surrounding areas.
I will also be targeting the youth because the youth are far more based than self censoring politically correct millenial cucks and the youth are also far more eager for action.
Most guys who joined the IRA became members of the youth wing between the ages of 13-15.
Youngcels who have no concept of death or even care for what happens beyond 25 so are the most primed for getting stuck in because the consequences for them fucking up early in life are so much lower than the stakes for some 30 year old who has a GF and kid and cant lose his job because he's saving for a home.

One of the main objectives to come from organizing will be to demonstrate shows of force
To arrange rallies where 1000 men show up all under instruction and following their chief as opposed to protests where people rock up and are just directionless and get beaten off the street by police coz none of them are willing to get arrested by standing their ground.

Once sufficient shows of force have been made and publicized, more men line up to join when they see the momentum until the rallies are 10,000+ men strong and pose a serious threat to the security forces but we can then go the political route once a backbone that wont be beaten off the streets is established.

I will add more to this thread in future posts
low iq you can go to jail for some of things you are saying especially if your in uk
Superior by being dirty boond who steal other countries resources?
Niggas in England didn't even know what showering was 😹
“Niggas in england” invented the toilet while your kind were shitting in holes in the ground :pepefrown:
Don't spend money in ethnic businesses, dont buy from ethnic run corner shops or food places,
ngl they’re the only ones that will sell me cigs so
If you are a European living in Europe, here is what you can do:

Tier 1:
Have accounts on X, Tiktok and Instagram where you like posts/comments that support the pro white cause and like content that has anti ethnic sentiment (crime stats or memes etc)

Don't spend money in ethnic businesses, dont buy from ethnic run corner shops or food places, mock your NPC friends who constantly buy from chinese/kebab shops.
An exception can be made for ethnic barbers because it's so fucking hard to find decent barbers particularly if you move around often and looks is infinitely more important than fast food maxxing which you shouldn't even be doing but if you have a reliable white barber in your area that's ideal.

If you have a choice in Doctors only go to white doctors, only choose white dentists unless you are in a position where you need specific treatment and have no other choice than an ethnic one.

Dont have any ethnic friends in your social circle, dont take part in any sports teams where you having ethnic team members.
This was easy for me because there were no ethnics where I grew up.
Exceptions can be made for a high sentience ethnic you meet through PSL or someone who is half white half ethnic but leans entirely towards his white side and dislikes ethnics and thinks ethnics make him look bad.
One uncle Tom can be allowed but only if it happens through circumstance, it remains un-ideal because you may self censor your true racism around them.
If you are in a position where you think having multiple ethnics in your social circle is fine because they're cool guys, you're missing the point and that's part of the reason why untangling the mesh of ethnics socially will prove burdensome in some regions

Tier 2:
Going through the effort of making pro white and anti ethnic content to post online without revealing your identity
Putting a high level of effort into shaming mudsharks online, multiple accounts to spam racist comments in mudsharks comment sections

Have interactions with ethnics irl and tell them that you think there are too many ethnics in your country and that you want them to leave.
If you wander around a city and spend time on public transport it's likely that ethnics will ask for your help from time to time at a bus stop or on public transport, this is an opportunity to enquire into their life a bit without it seeming bad intentioned then bring the convo to a point where you ask them if they could'nt have pursued their ambitions in their home country and tell them about all the problems the natives of your country are facing and how your culture is being diluted by immigrants. There is no need to be aggressive about it, if you are calm they may be understanding and see your POV.
Once you get a feel for such interactions you could legit run it like cold approach just getting into convos with countless ethnics on the street informing them that youd prefer if they weren't here.
Now you may say this is pointless because its not going to make a single one of them leave which may be true, but there's no point in just allowing them to have the most comfortable life imaginable. Make them have that seed of doubt in their mind where they feel like they're not wanted and that every white who refuses to make eye contact hates them and that every white who is nice to them out of necessity is just faking it.
Let them hear it from the horses mouth that at least one white person in the fucking country isnt a coward pushover who will lay down and watch them take their country without a wimper.
You could ramp up the heat of the interactions a bit on FOBs who wont do shit but if it's in your homes city you dont want to go overboard or you could get reported and caught for it although purple aki was able to get away with grabbing young guys muscles for years so you should be able to get away with convos with FOB ethnics without reprecussions.

Make white foid, ethnic male couples you see in public uncomfortable. You can do this by smirking and laughing when you approach them if they look subhuman or by giving them a dagger stare if you are a tall, gymcelled intimidating male who they sense wants to kill rather than being a butthurt incel.
If you have a mate you walk around the city with you can make a joke and laugh in the presence of mixed race couples and there likely wont be shit they will do about it.
When its two guys laughing at them, the foid will feel way more self conscious if you're both moggers because she wont be able to cope that its just incels who want to shame her.

Tier 3:
Travelling to European countries you have no intention of living in but going there solely to harass ethnics and mudsharks
You may ask what's the point in the harassment because it's not going to change anything but I look back on my memories of harassing ethnics while drunk with great fondness and I genuinely believe I could've altered their lives because of how fucking unexpected it would've been for them. I wont go into details again but bullying a Nafri WTM was the most amusing. Before you lose your shit I've harassed white WTMs while drunk as well but I aim to stop this going forward.

The amount of harassment that ethnics have engaged in as a whole towards whites in europe exceeds the inverse by an infinite magnitude so any harassment you engage in is just returning a taste of their own medicine.
I propose being well covered up in clothing to keep identity hard to determine and walking around until you encounter an ethnic and mudshark couple then start by mocking them and laughing at them then turn it into an aggressive insulting interaction while being prepared to physically escalate at all times.
You will have a means of covering your face in an instant should they whip out their phones to record you so that you can remain incognito.
This would work so much more effectively if you had a mate or even 2 or 3 lads to accompany you as it would affirm to the foid that white men are still in charge and they fucking hate her for being a race traitor regardless of her prior thinking that it wasn't social suicide based on all the cucks she interacts with in her daily life.

As for picking on ethnics who aren't with white foids, you should target WTMs because you will likely be able to harbour a legit hatred for them and feel entirely justified when bullying them whereas if you pick on some FOB ethnic they might turn fully submissive and whimpy at which point you either just smack them as punishment for being on your land or disengage because they've already bowed before their master.

Grafitti is also an option and something that could be potent in demonstrating anti ethnic sentiment. Grafitti would be done in designated areas where it legal as nothing in this thread breaks any laws

As for online posting for tier 3 the only thing I can really see as being a benefit here is posting anti ethnic stuff with your face exposed without being moderate but revealing your true views that you are in fact racist and simply dont want muh productive taxpaying ethnics in your country because you dont want their genes muddying your land that should rightfully be an ethnostate. This is an exceptionally hard barrier to cross and I have not yet done it despite doing the bulk of everything else I've mentioned so far.

You may argue that everything I've mentioned so far wont have any impact if the borders aren't closed, of course the borders will need to be closed and mass deportations implemented, but if whites en mass just started being cunts to anyone in europe who wasn't white, would the ethnics who come here be rushing to bring their family over with them?
People forget that every ethnic who makes the journey over here alone is liable to bring over 20 family members with them who wont be subject to ANY hurdles like he was initially. If you make the biggest hurdle for the first ethnic who comes over the fact that they're treated like an actual subhuman, many of them may fall at this hurdle and try a different country instead, once other countries toughen up to the point where he bounces around europe like hes in a pinball machine and gets treated like shit everywhere he goes he may just end up going back to his home country.
Beating one ethnic dog back home into submission cant stop 20 more from walking into europe scot free.

Now in terms of organizing, going mask off and organizing around being unapolagetically racist and adhering to the national socialist worldview means we dont have to cuck or worry about optics, we are setting our stall out as we mean to go on which omits a masculine aura. Even ethnics have more respect for the fullblown nazi than the white cuck who self censors so to not be viewed as hurting the feelings of people who he owes nothing to.

Organizing within a given city and actually getting a group of guys together to meet up is far more productive than talking with people all across the continent for years online. You may have a meetup once per year if you organize with guys spread across the continent, but Ive picked the city where I know there are hoards of based motherfuckers and I'm going to be moving there and building support from the locals as well as guys online from that city and surrounding areas.
I will also be targeting the youth because the youth are far more based than self censoring politically correct millenial cucks and the youth are also far more eager for action.
Most guys who joined the IRA became members of the youth wing between the ages of 13-15.
Youngcels who have no concept of death or even care for what happens beyond 25 so are the most primed for getting stuck in because the consequences for them fucking up early in life are so much lower than the stakes for some 30 year old who has a GF and kid and cant lose his job because he's saving for a home.

One of the main objectives to come from organizing will be to demonstrate shows of force
To arrange rallies where 1000 men show up all under instruction and following their chief as opposed to protests where people rock up and are just directionless and get beaten off the street by police coz none of them are willing to get arrested by standing their ground.

Once sufficient shows of force have been made and publicized, more men line up to join when they see the momentum until the rallies are 10,000+ men strong and pose a serious threat to the security forces but we can then go the political route once a backbone that wont be beaten off the streets is established.

I will add more to this thread in future posts
Cope thread, rope immediately not anyones fault your inkling genetics resulted in u and ur bloodline being cucks

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