Adding works to Salvation will not save you.

Your misunderstanding of Orthodox theology on salvation and works is glaring. It’s not about continually striving to earn favor through good deeds, as you simplistically suggest. Orthodox doctrine, like that of many Christian traditions, emphasizes that salvation is a gift received through faith in Christ.

Yes, Ephesians 2:8-9 is clear that we are saved by grace through faith alone. However, your dismissal of James 2:14-26 as if it’s inconsequential reveals a narrow grasp of biblical theology. James explicitly states that genuine faith is evidenced by works. It’s not a matter of earning salvation but of living out the transformative power of faith.

As for your reliance on YouTube critiques of Orthodox beliefs, it’s intellectually lazy. Those videos often distort complex theological discussions to fit their biased narratives, hardly representing the nuanced views of Orthodox theologians and believers.

Ultimately, your insistence on reducing salvation to a simplistic formula of faith alone without acknowledging its transformative implications is not only intellectually shallow but also disrespectful to the rich theological heritage of Christianity.

And just to clarify, I’m not Orthodox, but your misunderstandings of their beliefs is simply wrong.
Romans 4:5 say's even if I do no work, let's say. I am righteous already by faith.

Notice Ephesians 2:8-9 makes a distintion also between faith and works. They aren't the same.

James refers to dead faith as in unprofitable.

The Bible make's it abundantly clear, that even if we are Faithless, God remains Faithful.

2 Timothy 2:13
"if we are faithless, he remains faithful."

Notice, Faithless is not even dead or asleep faith like James says, no no, it's nonexistent. FaithLESS.


@PsychoH @PrinceLuenLeoncur
Romans 4:5 say's even if I do no work, let's say. I am righteous already by faith.

Notice Ephesians 2:8-9 makes a distintion also between faith and works. They aren't the same.

James refers to dead faith as in unprofitable.

The Bible make's it abundantly clear, that even if we are Faithless, God remains Faithful.

2 Timothy 2:13
"if we are faithless, he remains faithful."

Notice, Faithless is not even dead or asleep faith like James says, no no, it's nonexistent. FaithLESS.


@PsychoH @PrinceLuenLeoncur
your vision is wrong end of point. dont tag me
  • +1
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no but how would you know?

does that prove there is none? bro counting good deeds only if they're on tape now THATS hipocrisy @i_love_roosters saying you only do good deeds since its filmed. Fking manchild that you are.
Wont ruin my post-rep to try and argue with a heresyfollowing idiot
Lol no it's proof of your work, and nobody in real life or on film see any evidence of your Orthodox's saving faith like you claim.

You're mad now because I called you out. Orthodox even admit it to us, on film, and text, they don't evangelize like us. You said it yourself too.

But you're such a liar, you now claim they do it but it's just never filmed? Wow this is what you call the fruit of hypocrisy!

your vision is wrong end of point. dont tag me
You can't refute anything I said, but it's cool you aren't His sheep, the Father didn't predestine you it seems. Like what other explaination.

Don't seem to be mean either, you seem like a nice guy I feel I'm too harsh but if you preach a different Gospel you may be accursed.
Lol no it's proof of your work, and nobody in real life or on film see any evidence of your Orthodox's saving faith like you claim.

You're mad now because I called you out. Orthodox even admit it to us, on film, and text, they don't evangelize like us. You said it yourself too.
alright so what?
But you're such a liar, you now claim they do it but it's just never filmed?
yes ofcourse idiot
Wow this is what you call the fruit of hypocrisy!
you're a KHHV for sure the way you talk
You can't refute anything I said,
i can but i dont give a single fuck about you
but it's cool you aren't His sheep,
again, you arent the one to determine that stupid fucking dog
the Father didn't predestine you it seems.
:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: BRO IS CALVINIST @i_love_roosters @halloweed LMFAO if it aint the irony such heresy and talking like we arent PREDESTINED LMFAO
Like what other explaination.
uhmm maybe the fact ur just wrong?
Don't seem to be mean either, you seem like a nice guy I feel I'm too harsh
😱😔 @PsychoDsk he is too harsh on me oh no :trepidation:😥 wa ne loser
but if you preach a different Gospel you may be accursed.
says the calvinist, you are the guy yourself ur talking about here
and now ill let this thread die off
  • +1
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Romans 4:5 say's even if I do no work, let's say. I am righteous already by faith.

Notice Ephesians 2:8-9 makes a distintion also between faith and works. They aren't the same.

James refers to dead faith as in unprofitable.

The Bible make's it abundantly clear, that even if we are Faithless, God remains Faithful.

2 Timothy 2:13
"if we are faithless, he remains faithful."

Notice, Faithless is not even dead or asleep faith like James says, no no, it's nonexistent. FaithLESS.


@PsychoH @PrinceLuenLeoncur
You’re cherry-picking verses to fit your view, but the Bible’s not that black and white. Romans 4:5 says we’re made righteous by faith alone, but James 2:14-26 tells us faith without works is dead. It’s not about earning salvation but showing real faith through actions.

Ephesians 2:8-9 clearly says we’re saved by grace through faith, not by what we do. But James says if your faith doesn’t show in what you do, it’s dead—it doesn’t count.

As for once saved, always saved—that’s up for debate. 2 Timothy 2:13 says God stays faithful even if we mess up, but it doesn’t mean we can do whatever we want once we’re saved.

Trying to twist verses to fit your idea doesn’t make your view the only right one. The Bible’s bigger than that.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
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You’re cherry-picking verses to fit your view, but the Bible’s not that black and white. Romans 4:5 says we’re made righteous by faith alone, but James 2:14-26 tells us faith without works is dead. It’s not about earning salvation but showing real faith through actions.

Ephesians 2:8-9 clearly says we’re saved by grace through faith, not by what we do. But James says if your faith doesn’t show in what you do, it’s dead—it doesn’t count.

As for once saved, always saved—that’s up for debate. 2 Timothy 2:13 says God stays faithful even if we mess up, but it doesn’t mean we can do whatever we want once we’re saved.

Trying to twist verses to fit your idea doesn’t make your view the only right one. The Bible’s bigger than that.
So James 2 is about Salvation? So that means Romans 4:5 contridicts James 2 according to you.

If Salvation is a Free Gift, aka Salvation then anything I do to try to keep or earn it makes it no longer a Free Gift.What logically is so hard to grasp?

Can you explain that?
alright so what?

yes ofcourse idiot

you're a KHHV for sure the way you talk

i can but i dont give a single fuck about you

again, you arent the one to determine that stupid fucking dog

:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: BRO IS CALVINIST @i_love_roosters @halloweed LMFAO if it aint the irony such heresy and talking like we arent PREDESTINED LMFAO

uhmm maybe the fact ur just wrong?

😱😔 @PsychoDsk he is too harsh on me oh no :trepidation:😥 wa ne loser

says the calvinist, you are the guy yourself ur talking about here
and now ill let this thread die off
Calvinism is a joke
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: PsychoDsk, PrinceLuenLeoncur, PsychoH and 1 other person
alright so what?

yes ofcourse idiot

you're a KHHV for sure the way you talk

i can but i dont give a single fuck about you

again, you arent the one to determine that stupid fucking dog

:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: BRO IS CALVINIST @i_love_roosters @halloweed LMFAO if it aint the irony such heresy and talking like we arent PREDESTINED LMFAO

uhmm maybe the fact ur just wrong?

😱😔 @PsychoDsk he is too harsh on me oh no :trepidation:😥 wa ne loser

says the calvinist, you are the guy yourself ur talking about here
and now ill let this thread die off
How can you be so shameless? You preach true faith is works, but your entire Church failed it. I have family members who are Orthodox, and none of them evangelize, the entire Orthodox Church is a meme, and unknown worldwide.
:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: BRO IS CALVINIST @i_love_roosters @halloweed LMFAO if it aint the irony such heresy and talking like we arent PREDESTINED LMFAO
Oh hell nah, it's about time we leave this guy, we have 2 different beliefs.
  • +1
  • JFL
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  • +1
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yep, now stop replying aint even gonna give this guy some rep
Calvinism is a joke
I have one question I want to ask off the bat.

Is any Gift worked for to Keep or Receive?

Because you and other people on twitter, tell me that we need to do good works and obedience to mantain salvation the Free Gift.

"We claim that works must be done in order for salvation to continue. To not have the Holy Spirit removed."

"Salvation happens by faith alone. Salvation preserves by works and obedience."

These are the words of Orthodox on twitter.
How can you be so shameless? You preach true faith is works, but your entire Church failed it. I have family members who are Orthodox, and none of them evangelize, the entire Orthodox Church is a meme, and unknown worldwide.
That’s not very nice brother. Us brothers in Christ must defend and protect eachother. It’s true that Orthdoxo church sucks at evangelising commercially but our initiates are trained and usualy more knowledgeable about our faith than other denominations you have to agree with this. Unlike Catholics and Protestants which is why our sect converts to Islam the least and why we suffer the least from the rot of Atheism and secularism liberalism.

Each sect has its upsides and downsides even yours but hurting the body of Christ is painful brother. Go repent and pray for you are hurting Christ by causing division which isn’t nice god loves all of us
  • +1
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In my opinion, faith alone is not enough for salvation in Christianity. You can't just keep sinning if you truly have faith. Good works are a demonstration of genuine faith.

I discussed with him in this thread.
Since I was mentioned I will copypaste some of my points from there.

Matt 5, and Rev 21 don't teach losing salvation. Jesus is making a point, not saying we need to be righteous. We can't. We need His later Sacrifice.
Matt 5:20 states "For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."

I don't see why this would not mean that if your righteousness is higher than "that Pharisees and the teachers of the law" that you can be certain you won't enter heaven. Jesus is saying that your righteousness must exceed something, not that faith is all it takes.
I don't know if to really think a person cannot become just. Obviously we have all sinned and fallen short, but whether a person actually can't stop sinning, I don't know if the Bible actually teaches sin is impossible to overcome.

The Revelation quotes I used are not a good of an example, apart from Rev 3:5
"If you conquer, you will be clothed like them in white robes, and I will not erase your name from the book of life; I will confess your name before my Father and before his angels."

You may take the conquering to mean just belief, but I don't think even that is in line with faith alone teachings which also says that once you become saved you will always be saved. This verse describes an act of conquering, or persisting in order to achieve eternal life. And that only if you fulfill this condition your name will not be erased. There being an act of someone's name being erased which means salvation is not at the beginning point of faith.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God."

I think what Paul is saying is clear. Those practicing mentioned sins will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. If the point was to merely say, "do not do this, you are saved and therefore should do better".
Then Paul would have not said: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived".

Jesus indeed cleanses us of our sins, He sanctified and justified us. Yet our faith in Him does not excuse us of continuing sin. Those who stay unrighteous will not inherit heaven. I believe the Bible is clear on this.

So here's the deal, "Those who stay unrighteous." That's now a work to keep a Free Gift. It's now relying on our own self.
I don't see the problem of having to do something in order to receive something. Saying that it's not a gift because you have to be in a certain state of righteousness is pointless semantics. It's not relying yourself because you're not the one giving yourself salvation.
What do you think of all the passages I've quotes that clearly support what I'm saying? Are they all negated because of your definition of what a free gift is? It's not like the claims I'm making are my own empty words with no basing on scripture, I'm just attempting to reiterate it to you. Maybe it'd make sense to argue what constitutes a free gift if there were no other relevant scriptures, but that is not the case.

The entire point of Jesus dying for our sins is His righteousness is Imputed onto us believers, His sheep, who don't deserve it.
Think of all the things you can justify doing with this while still receiving salvation, you will end up like this:

That means nothing more than that you were forgiving, this was not intent on saying you were washed from judgement.

It has nothing to do with their Salvation but all to do with punishment and chastisment here on earth which God does to those He Loves.
If it was punishment on earth Paul wouldn't have said "if you do this you will not inherit the kingdom of God"
  • +1
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So James 2 is about Salvation? So that means Romans 4:5 contridicts James 2 according to you.

If Salvation is a Free Gift, aka Salvation then anything I do to try to keep or earn it makes it no longer a Free Gift.What logically is so hard to grasp?

Can you explain that?
You're missing the mark here. James 2 isn't about earning salvation; it's about proving your faith through actions. Romans 4:5 talks about righteousness through faith alone, but James clarifies that real faith naturally leads to good deeds—not to earn salvation, but to demonstrate it.

Salvation is a free gift, as Ephesians 2:8-9 makes clear. But James isn't suggesting we earn it through works; he's saying genuine faith shows itself in what we do. It's not rocket science; it's about grasping the full scope of faith and works in Scripture.

Your attempt to pit Romans against James shows a shallow grasp of biblical theology. They complement each other, revealing different dimensions of how faith and works are intertwined.
  • +1
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You're missing the mark here. James 2 isn't about earning salvation; it's about proving your faith through actions. Romans 4:5 talks about righteousness through faith alone, but James clarifies that real faith naturally leads to good deeds—not to earn salvation, but to demonstrate it.

Salvation is a free gift, as Ephesians 2:8-9 makes clear. But James isn't suggesting we earn it through works; he's saying genuine faith shows itself in what we do. It's not rocket science; it's about grasping the full scope of faith and works in Scripture.

Your attempt to pit Romans against James shows a shallow grasp of biblical theology. They complement each other, revealing different dimensions of how faith and works are intertwined.
Bingo, proving our faith through action. But who are we proving it to? To God? That's retarded, He knows all things and He said Himself when we are Faithless, God remains Faithful.

So it's justifying ourselves to other brethern. Nothing to do with Salvation.

Which this also destroys your Orthodox Church because none of your leaders evangelize, and Orthodox admit it.
I don't see the problem of having to do something in order to receive something. Saying that it's not a gift because you have to be in a certain state of righteousness is pointless semantics. It's not relying yourself because you're not the one giving yourself salvation.
What do you think of all the passages I've quotes that clearly support what I'm saying? Are they all negated because of your definition of what a free gift is? It's not like the claims I'm making are my own empty words with no basing on scripture, I'm just attempting to reiterate it to you. Maybe it'd make sense to argue what constitutes a free gift if there were no other relevant scriptures, but that is not the case.
Nope sorry, the definition of a Free Gift is I do nothing to keep or receive it. You can't get around that.

In fact the Bible itself say's when I Saved yet I become faithless, He remains Faithful.

I discussed with him in this thread.
Since I was mentioned I will copypaste some of my points from there.

Matt 5:20 states "For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."

I don't see why this would not mean that if your righteousness is higher than "that Pharisees and the teachers of the law" that you can be certain you won't enter heaven. Jesus is saying that your righteousness must exceed something, not that faith is all it takes.
I don't know if to really think a person cannot become just. Obviously we have all sinned and fallen short, but whether a person actually can't stop sinning, I don't know if the Bible actually teaches sin is impossible to overcome.

The Revelation quotes I used are not a good of an example, apart from Rev 3:5
"If you conquer, you will be clothed like them in white robes, and I will not erase your name from the book of life; I will confess your name before my Father and before his angels."

You may take the conquering to mean just belief, but I don't think even that is in line with faith alone teachings which also says that once you become saved you will always be saved. This verse describes an act of conquering, or persisting in order to achieve eternal life. And that only if you fulfill this condition your name will not be erased. There being an act of someone's name being erased which means salvation is not at the beginning point of faith.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God."

I think what Paul is saying is clear. Those practicing mentioned sins will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. If the point was to merely say, "do not do this, you are saved and therefore should do better".
Then Paul would have not said: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived".

Jesus indeed cleanses us of our sins, He sanctified and justified us. Yet our faith in Him does not excuse us of continuing sin. Those who stay unrighteous will not inherit heaven. I believe the Bible is clear on this.

I don't see the problem of having to do something in order to receive something. Saying that it's not a gift because you have to be in a certain state of righteousness is pointless semantics. It's not relying yourself because you're not the one giving yourself salvation.
What do you think of all the passages I've quotes that clearly support what I'm saying? Are they all negated because of your definition of what a free gift is? It's not like the claims I'm making are my own empty words with no basing on scripture, I'm just attempting to reiterate it to you. Maybe it'd make sense to argue what constitutes a free gift if there were no other relevant scriptures, but that is not the case.

Think of all the things you can justify doing with this while still receiving salvation, you will end up like this:

That means nothing more than that you were forgiving, this was not intent on saying you were washed from judgement.

If it was punishment on earth Paul wouldn't have said "if you do this you will not inherit the kingdom of God"
Me and you don’t agree on a lot of things esp on the laws we Christian’s should follow as you still foolishly adhere to the mosaic law despite Christ dispelling of the civic and punishment aspect of the mosaic law (we do follow the moral segement of it).

But I agree with you regarding faith vs faith and works. There is no faith without works, the same way you don’t truly love your mother if you don’t have expressions of love for your mum. True faith will ALWAYS show works
  • +1
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You're missing the mark here. James 2 isn't about earning salvation; it's about proving your faith through actions. Romans 4:5 talks about righteousness through faith alone, but James clarifies that real faith naturally leads to good deeds—not to earn salvation, but to demonstrate it.

Salvation is a free gift, as Ephesians 2:8-9 makes clear. But James isn't suggesting we earn it through works; he's saying genuine faith shows itself in what we do. It's not rocket science; it's about grasping the full scope of faith and works in Scripture.

Your attempt to pit Romans against James shows a shallow grasp of biblical theology. They complement each other, revealing different dimensions of how faith and works are intertwined.
I'm not pitting Romans against James or Paul against James, you're doing that with your false doctrine.
Me and you don’t agree on a lot of things esp on the laws we Christian’s should follow as you still foolishly adhere to the mosaic law despite Christ dispelling of the civic and punishment aspect of the mosaic law (we do follow the moral segement of it).

But I agree with you regarding faith vs faith and works. There is no faith without works, the same way you don’t truly love your mother if you don’t have expressions of love for your mum. True faith will ALWAYS show works
This is stupid.

2 Timothy 2
"When we are Faithless He remains Faithful."

Romans 4:5
"He who does Not work but TRUSTS God, who Justifies the Ungodly, his FAITH is counted as righteousness."
Bingo, proving our faith through action. But who are we proving it to? To God? That's retarded, He knows all things and He said Himself when we are Faithless, God remains Faithful.

So it's justifying ourselves to other brethern. Nothing to do with Salvation.

Which this also destroys your Orthodox Church because none of your leaders evangelize, and Orthodox admit it.
You’re missing the point again. James isn’t about proving our faith to God—who knows everything anyway—but showing it to others through our actions. It’s not about earning salvation; it’s about authenticating our faith in a tangible way.

And Calvinism? That deterministic view of predestination is just absurd. I’m Protestant too, but Calvinism’s perspective reduces human choice to nothing and portrays God as some kind of puppet master pulling our strings. It ignores the biblical emphasis on human responsibility and diminishes the true nature of God’s grace. It’s not just non-biblical—it’s a distortion of Christianity that undermines the beauty of God’s relationship with humanity.
You’re missing the point again. James isn’t about proving our faith to God—who knows everything anyway—but showing it to others through our actions. It’s not about earning salvation; it’s about authenticating our faith in a tangible way.

And Calvinism? That deterministic view of predestination is just absurd. I’m Protestant too, but Calvinism’s perspective reduces human choice to nothing and portrays God as some kind of puppet master pulling our strings. It ignores the biblical emphasis on human responsibility and diminishes the true nature of God’s grace. It’s not just non-biblical—it’s a distortion of Christianity that undermines the beauty of God’s relationship with humanity.
You don't have to be Calvinist, you can be a Free Gracer like me. The fact is, you aren't refuting what I said, you are insisting on a satanic works based Gospel.

We do the works because we are Saved, not to stay Saved. Can you please, answer my question?

If Salvation is a Free Gift, aka Salvation then anything I do to try to keep or earn it makes it no longer a Free Gift.What logically is so hard to grasp?

An Orthodox Christian told me this.

"There are Protestant sects who also hold our opinion .Salvation happens by faith alone. Salvation preserves by works and obedience."
You don't have to be Calvinist, you can be a Free Gracer like me. The fact is, you aren't refuting what I said, you are insisting on a satanic works based Gospel.

We do the works because we are Saved, not to stay Saved. Can you please, answer my question?

If Salvation is a Free Gift, aka Salvation then anything I do to try to keep or earn it makes it no longer a Free Gift.What logically is so hard to grasp?

An Orthodox Christian told me this.

"There are Protestant sects who also hold our opinion .Salvation happens by faith alone. Salvation preserves by works and obedience."
You're still not getting it. Salvation is a free gift, like Ephesians 2:8-9 says. It's about trusting in Jesus, not trying to earn it by what we do. The good things we do after we believe are because we’re already saved, not to stay saved.

Saying someone promotes a "satanic works-based Gospel" is harsh and off-track. No one’s saying we earn our way to heaven by what we do. It’s more about showing our faith through actions, like James says. It’s about living out our faith for others to see.

And yeah, there are other Protestant groups that agree with this idea—salvation comes through faith alone. Doing good is just proof of our faith, not a way to earn or keep salvation.
  • Hmm...
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You're still not getting it. Salvation is a free gift, like Ephesians 2:8-9 says. It's about trusting in Jesus, not trying to earn it by what we do. The good things we do after we believe are because we’re already saved, not to stay saved.

Saying someone promotes a "satanic works-based Gospel" is harsh and off-track. No one’s saying we earn our way to heaven by what we do. It’s more about showing our faith through actions, like James says. It’s about living out our faith for others to see.

And yeah, there are other Protestant groups that agree with this idea—salvation comes through faith alone. Doing good is just proof of our faith, not a way to earn or keep salvation.
It's like this guy is speaking with AI or just trolling and copying my words to argue.

You are completely double talking, and actually contridicting what you said earlier and what @NoReedemingFeature and @PsychoH argued.

"We claim that works must be done in order for salvation to continue. To not have the Holy Spirit removed."

"Salvation happens by faith alone. Salvation preserves by works and obedience."

These are the words of Orthodox on twitter which also contridict your statement.

It seems you can't even stick to one doctrine..
It's like this guy is speaking with AI or just trolling and copying my words to argue.

You are completely double talking, and actually contridicting what you said earlier and what @NoReedemingFeature and @PsychoH argued.

"We claim that works must be done in order for salvation to continue. To not have the Holy Spirit removed."

"Salvation happens by faith alone. Salvation preserves by works and obedience."

These are the words of Orthodox on twitter which also contridict your statement.

It seems you can't even stick to one doctrine..
You’re accusing me of double-talk, but you’re cherry-picking statements without understanding the context.

Yes, I maintain that salvation is through faith alone, as Ephesians 2:8-9 clearly states. Works don’t earn salvation; they show our faith in action.

As for your quotes from Orthodox believers on Twitter, they’re highlighting a different aspect: the importance of works and obedience in the Christian life. That’s not the same as saying works earn salvation.

So no, I’m not contradicting myself. It’s about understanding that while faith saves us, works are the natural outcome of that faith. It’s not about doctrine-hopping; it’s about a balanced understanding of biblical teachings.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: lastamericanvirgin
You're still not getting it. Salvation is a free gift, like Ephesians 2:8-9 says. It's about trusting in Jesus, not trying to earn it by what we do. The good things we do after we believe are because we’re already saved, not to stay saved.

Saying someone promotes a "satanic works-based Gospel" is harsh and off-track. No one’s saying we earn our way to heaven by what we do. It’s more about showing our faith through actions, like James says. It’s about living out our faith for others to see.

And yeah, there are other Protestant groups that agree with this idea—salvation comes through faith alone. Doing good is just proof of our faith, not a way to earn or keep salvation.
You are a double talker and it's proof your doctrine crumbles when presented with valid Scripture and questions and I don't mean to sound mean or personal.

But it is a big rude to double talk in a debate.

You said this earlier.

Jesus emphasized that we should walk with Him and strive to be like Him. He said, "Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did" (1 John 2:6). Simply having faith without striving to live a Christ-like life won't lead to salvation.

Here you make it clear, we must do good works, and works are involved. Don't double talk buddy, no Free Gift is worked for to keep or receive. Jesus did the work and if we accept, We are Saved forever.
You’re accusing me of double-talk, but you’re cherry-picking statements without understanding the context.

Yes, I maintain that salvation is through faith alone, as Ephesians 2:8-9 clearly states. Works don’t earn salvation; they show our faith in action.

As for your quotes from Orthodox believers on Twitter, they’re highlighting a different aspect: the importance of works and obedience in the Christian life. That’s not the same as saying works earn salvation.

So no, I’m not contradicting myself. It’s about understanding that while faith saves us, works are the natural outcome of that faith. It’s not about doctrine-hopping; it’s about a balanced understanding of biblical teachings.
False, they literally are saying we must work to not lose the Holy Spirit and salvation. That's working and our own works to keep a


You and them are preaching works, yet you then go, "We believe in faith alone."

That's not faith alone, and you're blantantly lying which is making me mad.
False, they literally are saying we must work to not lose the Holy Spirit and salvation. That's working and our own works to keep a


You and them are preaching works, yet you then go, "We believe in faith alone."

That's not faith alone, and you're blantantly lying which is making me mad.
No point in further arguing. You're extremely delusional and you lack logic and basic understanding skills :hnghn:
Just lol at Christians playing mental gymnastics trying to decipher the bible just to end up more confused, the truth is everywhere and so simple but the conditioned mind is stuck in a delusion, misinterpreting and creating abstractions that stray further from God to comfort the ego. Your mind is literally posessed by Satan. Interpreting it from the lense of perennial philosophy however will not you confuse you but rather the opposite, you will understand it all as if you were in Christ’s own shoes. Once you unlock this perspective you create a direct union with the Divine and won’t look back
No point in further arguing. You're extremely delusional and you lack logic and basic understanding skills :hnghn:
Simple troll. You said we must work, and do works, to maintain salvation bla bla and it's NOT by faith alone.

Well a Free Gift means I do nothing to keep or receive it. No getting around that.
Just lol at Christians playing mental gymnastics trying to decipher the bible just to end up more confused, the truth is everywhere and so simple but the conditioned mind is stuck in a delusion, misinterpreting and creating abstractions that stray further from God to comfort the ego. Your mind is literally posessed by Satan. Interpreting it from the lense of perennial philosophy however will not you confuse you but rather the opposite, you will understand it all as if you were in Christ’s own shoes. Once you unlock this perspective you create a direct union with the Divine and won’t look back
The only ones playing mental gymnastics is them. Bible say's FAITH ALONE NOT OF WORKS.

That it's a FREE GIFT.

They claim we must do good works to keep ETERNAL LIFE which is a FREE GIFT.

It's like spiritual entities not of God are involved idk.
Simple troll. You said we must work, and do works, to maintain salvation bla bla and it's NOT by faith alone.

Well a Free Gift means I do nothing to keep or receive it. No getting around that.
You're just a human spam bot. I feel like I'm talking to an email bot :hnghn:
You're just a human spam bot. I feel like I'm talking to an email bot :hnghn:
You're again copying what I said about you being an AI bot.

If you're genuine then sorry I hope you well.

But it seems you're perhaps trolling me atp? Was any of our discussion genuine?
You're again copying what I said about you being an AI bot.

If you're genuine then sorry I hope you well.

But it seems you're perhaps trolling me atp? Was any of our discussion genuine?
I'm not spamming or trolling, I'm just repeating because you're simply not processing what I'm saying
The only ones playing mental gymnastics is them. Bible say's FAITH ALONE NOT OF WORKS.

That it's a FREE GIFT.

They claim we must do good works to keep ETERNAL LIFE which is a FREE GIFT.

It's like spiritual entities not of God are involved idk.
Faith is surrendering yourself.
To fall into the abyss and shed the layer of the ego. Dark Night of the Soul.
It is the hardest process a person can go through. Nothing comes remotely close. No different than dying before dying. Only is it a mental death of who you thought you were, not physical.
You will no longer remain afterwards, you shed your limited form identity and awaken to your true nature, one with Divinity. The Kingdom of God has always been inside you.
  • +1
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Yea yea jesus this jesus that
I just want my dick sucked by a russian chick
  • Hmm...
Reactions: PsychoH
Yea yea jesus this jesus that
I just want my dick sucked by a russian chick
Believe and you'll be saved! That's it. Accept His free gift for you God Himself literally died on the cross for you and your sins and rose again Utterly Humiliating the devil and them all and Defeating death.
  • JFL
Reactions: PsychoDsk
I'm just adding something I missed. It's for you :)
You are both most likely of the devil. Romans 4 and James 2 both say God imputed righteousness onto Abraham due to belief.


Works allow Abraham to boast but NOT before GOD.

That's what the Bible says. Therefore James 2 is speaking about justifying yourself before Man. Not before GOD.

He knows if you have faith.
It's by Faith Alone.

What's the will of the Father? "This is the will of Him Who sent Me, that you BELIEVE on the Son and I will lose none of you given to Me."

So this proves we can't lose salvation, and secondly the Will and Work of God is to believe in Jesus.

If you add works you're a goat not His sheep. The sheep obey. They believe.

Goats add their own filthy rags.
through faith comes works if you don’t have works then you don’t contribute being a parasite to god until death and you don’t have true faith if you don’t have works
through faith comes works if you don’t have works then you don’t contribute being a parasite to god until death and you don’t have true faith if you don’t have works
GOD doesnt need our filthy rags u stupid pharisee cock sucker. what good works do u do? even muslism do good works. atheist do "good works" u dumb faggot.

the bible considers good works feeding a fellow brother in need. and even without works, but with faith, u are saved it says romans 4:5
what good works do u do?
converting people, i’ve converted 4 people i know of; justifying god as mentioned in romans 4:5

i tithe

following christian manners to my ability

works also include your sins
the bible considers good works feeding a fellow brother in need. and even without works, but with faith, u are saved it says romans 4:5
“For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. For what does the Scripture say?

“Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.”

Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due.

And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness,”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭4‬:‭2‬-‭5

it is saying that works are not a thing to boast about because works aren’t a gift to god but are a duty to god in full context

it is also saying that the real works are the works who advance the good news
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converting people, i’ve converted 4 people i know of; justifying god as mentioned in romans 4:5

i tithe

following christian manners to my ability

works also include your sins

“For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. For what does the Scripture say?

“Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.”

Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due.

And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness,”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭4‬:‭2‬-‭5

it is saying that works are not a thing to boast about because works aren’t a gift to god but are a duty to god in full context

it is also saying that the real works are the works who advance the good news
Romans 4:5 literally say's HE who does NOT work but TRUSTS GOD who Justifies us the UNGODLY, our Faith is counted is righteousness.

ur a satanic troll literally twisting what it says. and no u didnt convert anybody ur making stuff up. if u converted anyone, then u converted them to a FALSE religion aka works based gospel.

I fed the homeless everytime i was in the city and said it's from JESUS. I knew I didn't need to to be justified before God.

Also you just proved my point to everyone reading.

"“For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. For what does the Scripture say?"

Notice Abraham was justified and could boast BEFORE MEN. but NOT BEFORE GOD. Abraham's FAITH justified HIM before GOD.

Just like Romans 4:5 and the Entire Gospel. Not of works. Bye loser kys.
Romans 4:5 literally say's HE who does NOT work but TRUSTS GOD who Justifies us the UNGODLY, our Faith is counted is righteousness.

ur a satanic troll literally twisting what it says. and no u didnt convert anybody ur making stuff up. if u converted anyone, then u converted them to a FALSE religion aka works based gospel.

I fed the homeless everytime i was in the city and said it's from JESUS. I knew I didn't need to to be justified before God.

Also you just proved my point to everyone reading.

"“For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. For what does the Scripture say?"

Notice Abraham was justified and could boast BEFORE MEN. but NOT BEFORE GOD. Abraham's FAITH justified HIM before GOD.

Just like Romans 4:5 and the Entire Gospel. Not of works. Bye loser kys.
ur calling me heretical as a protostant JFL.


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