Addressing The Orbiters For The First and Last Time

wish u both good luck, tried to read but i have low attention span and stopped at big font
It is over, well like I said this wasn't really meant for the forum to read, I typically don't even think about this kind of stuff, I just know there's a few dudes who are really obsessed and angry with me jfl, so decided to address their "points" since I finished working out and studying and didn't know what else to do rn.
  • +1
Reactions: Zercic and needsolution
Does she go out alone? Doe she have westernized leftist bad influence girl friends?
No, she doesn't go out alone, she does have some questionable female friends I will admit but they don't really talk much, they're more like old friends from highschool. Her views are VERY VERY different from them btw.
  • +1
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No, she doesn't go out alone, she does have some questionable female friends I will admit but they don't really talk much, they're more like old friends from highschool. Her views are VERY VERY different from them btw.
That's good. Yeah I'd be wary of any friends of that sort.
You should probably impregnate her soon to keep her busy in the household with the baby so she doesn't even get the chance to be unfaithful.
not even a word you fag
not even a word you fag

That's good. Yeah I'd be wary of any friends of that sort.
You should probably impregnate her soon to keep her busy in the household with the baby so she doesn't even get the chance to be unfaithful.
Before we have kids want to get a house first, it's a bit hard because of some of the covid stuff which i'll admit caused some delays in terms of buying a home, but I already have something set up so that should be happening soon ish, wont give too much details tho.
I liked her porno.
  • JFL
Reactions: balding17yomanletcel
i didn’t even read most of this tbh but

you are married and still post here? if i ever fucked a girl i’d probably leave immediately tbh
  • +1
Reactions: LampPostPrime
i didn’t even read most of this tbh but

you are married and still post here? if i ever fucked a girl i’d probably leave immediately tbh
I make money by selling things online, I workout and study for a combined 2-3 hours a day, there really aint much to do with my free time when i'm not doing stuff with her.
I read the first paragraph and the first 2 lines of the second paragraph but then I got bored
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Reactions: BrendioEEE
So some of you may or may not know, I have a group of around 4-6 people who are really really obsessed with my wife, and very upset about the fact that we're together, and she's dedicated to me, etc. They primarily use /r9k/ and to document their e-stalking of her and she has deleted many many accounts to try and avoid them, but these dudes are so dedicated they somehow manage to infiltrate just about everything she does online, including creating fake personas, creating accounts on here (albeit that hasn't happened in awhile), etc.

There are also a few other groups who have caused shit/trouble, including a r9k e-girl grooming server filled with pedos which somehow hasn't been banned, fakecel degenerates I have already mentioned on several occassions, some of the old lookism staff/users, pagans, some gay tik tok fags, it almost always ends up that they have a connection to /r9k/ aswell, it's kinda crazy.

These guys are so upset that I am with a girl they have been obsessing over, for a really long time, and that they will never ever be with her that they literally make threads about us just about every single day on /r9k/. Now, I don't go on /r9k/, I stopped using it around the time I joined when was, which I believe was in mid 2018/2019? But I did used to run a pretty big server called /chan/ on discord before discord cracked down a lot of far right discord servers, which had a lot of people from /r9k/ on there, i'm still friends with a lot of them, and at it's hayday it had thousands of members, a lot of people were using my server instead of /r9k/ because, /r9k/ had become really gay and degenerate at the time, and people were looking for different places to migrate, I found, some people found my server, some people found other servers, some people went to /pol/, all kinds of shit, now on my server there were no girls or orbiters or any mention of that shit ever allowed, any of that shit, so for the longest time I never even knew who Tahlia was, the groups of people I hung out with were the types of people who hated orbiters and people obsessed with them in any way, whether it be to try and manipulate and fuck them or troll them or whatever, it's all still a form of orbiting, and pretty cucked simp behavior.

Now some of you may already know how she met me, this was after the initial statusboost with Jesse Lee Peterson, but before the Jubilee video aired, she found my YouTube channel, became of a fan, created an account on, larped as an incel to try and get me bully her on a separate account on discord, we ended up hitting it off, etc etc, this shit ends up getting banned despite the fact I learned about the larp too late and at the time it was long distance, and I never even knew about her orbiters or how she was obsessed over by a few dudes really up until she went public with the relationship.

That's not really relevant, that story has already been told, now you may be asking, why am I talking about any of this? This post isn't really for any of YOU guys, i'm sure you'll just post epic "didn't read" and "0" and shit, these orbiters are so obsessed that they actually look at every single thing I post on here, I am so rent free in their minds they're going to deadass probably read everything I write here, twice over.

You see sadly, when /chan/ initially got banned and throttled and everything went downhill, some users, even ones I still talk to sadly ended up going back to /r9k/, people are creatures of habit, it just be like that sometimes, some of em recognize my name, Brendio/Derrick, in some of these orbiting threads, and tell me about it, sometimes have sent me a link to it.

These dudes are fucking using hardcore bumping techniques to get their threads to the top and staying at the top, I know because I used to do the same thing back when I advertised servers, and created bait posts, my threads would always be one of if not the top thread, I don't know how it's been over 2 years and the shitty mods on 4chan haven't figured out how to stop or recognize that shit, especially when you bump threads on multiple IP's as the same exact person, jfl.

You should see some of the shit they post too, some of it's directly taking screenshots from stuff I have posted here, out of context memes, edgy shit, etc, they're trying real hard to make me look bad, but nobody believes it, and neither do they. Tahlia has even fucked with them several times and they've fallen for all kinds of bait while we laugh about it behind the scenes.

Well where to begin it's hard to remember a lot of these meme arguments, they aren't even actual arguments in good faith, they just throw anything to see what sticks, let's see I guess i'll address everything I can remember in Chronology from when I met Tahlia.

>She was 17 When you met so you're a pedo and groomed her!
Alright, when we met, she was indeed 17 years old, I was 22, yeah that's a 5 year age difference. Here's the thing tho, where I live the age of consent is 18, i'm gonna be completely straight with you guys, when we met I told her, I wanted to be in a relationship her, however if she wants that, we can't do anything, like no pics, no talking about anything, nothing, we can act like slightly flirtatious, but i'm not risking any jailtime, or anything because of my governments shitty laws until she turns 18.

And so for the first few months of our relationship, was pretty wholesome, we did say that we loved eachother, hell we even both kinda fell in love pretty quickly, but nothing ever happened for about 2 and a half months until she turned 18.

It was at this point where yunno, things did progress a little bit, wont go into any details, but nothing abormal or illegal, we did express affection, our desire to get married, etc. Several months pass, we get Married, things have obviously been done between us, don't want to brag or anything, but yeah she's 18, i'm 23, we're in love, it's pretty normal stuff, we're both adults, saving up a ton of money for our future, all kinds of stuff.

Well what's next uhh, ah.
>You're an abusive controller because...she's into TRADITIONALISM! MUH BDSM!
Okay well, you really can tell these guys are really grasping at straws here. I am the head the head of our relationship, that's true, but there's no abuse going on, it's normal traditional gender roles. I make money by selling stuff online, she does girly stuff like crafts and cooking, I have never abused my power with her. Here's a pretty good example, I really don't like her parents, I think what they have done to her is fucking sickening, and abusive, and honestly i'd prefer it if she didn't talk to or spend time with her mother, because what her mother has done to her and us is pretty vile. I wont get into all the details but, mother in law be a pretty nasty cunt, but I let her talk to her, altho she almost always regrets it.

Oh and then there's the whole "You don't let her talk with guys" no shit sherlock, every single time a guy has tried to just talk to her or be friends with her or something they end up confessing their love for her and trying to manipulate the shit out of her. Luckily she's a pretty smart girl, and we've even ended up trolling some of these dudes before.

But yeah no, she's not allowed to talk to other guys unless it's absolutely necessary, that's not abusive, that's a normal healthy relationship, even some normies have that rule, not all, but ones that have lasting relationships do, and there are literally no good arguments as to otherwise.

Yes allowing your girlfriend to talk to or befriend guys in completely normal circumstances is 100% cucked, and you should be ashamed of yourself if you allow that to happen. I don't do anything bad to her to prevent her from doing this, I just tell her straight up, no, you can't do this, and don't expect to do this in the future. I made that clear from the beginning when we met that if she was going to be with me, there'd be no guys in her life.

If you have a problem with that go straight /r/cuckhold and find a bull faggot.

Look I understand that when a simp cuck is in a loverage with a girl he can never be with his IQ drops by 20-40 points but i'll try and explain. Let's address them in order huh?

1. "Muh BBC" I rarely admit this, but it should be pretty fucking obvious, i'm a troll, I have been since like 2014, I have been doing shit on 4chan, video games, and other websites just to fuck with people, it's a fun passtime, and I have no limits other than something being illegal that I wont do to fuck with people. Now some forms of trolling, actually help promote certain political agendas aswell, which as some of you might know, i'm very political.

BBC Shitposting, posting ethnics with white women, etc, it has a purpose, it a purpose, it enrages and sickens people, particularly white men, as it should, you don't want to see ethnics fucking your women, you don't want to see any of that shit, whether it be on 4chan, this forum, anywhere, people who get off to it are the lowest of the low, and you know why it's good to make people sick and angry of this shit? Because it makes people hate the porn, the racemixed couples, it builds up a negativity in their soul, and mind, a negativity which they SHOULD rightly have, and it's also fucking hilarious to see people rage about it. The amount of OC that has been made about the BBC Shitposting I do is hysterical, and i'm not gonna stop doing it, keep crying for me.
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2. "Gore" Okay well none of my threads are gore threads, and most gore isn't really meant to do a political message or anything it's more to desensitize people and make them aware of the grim dark realities of the world. It's called shock propaganda, well all of this is. You see the world is getting real fucking bad nowadays, I want people to be ready for it, you might say, "who will you be getting ready on a looksmaxxing forum" jfl if you think this is just a looksmaxxing forum, if you merely think this just about looksmaxxing you aren't even being genuine.

3. "Porn" There's literally less porn videos in any of my threads than even gore first of all, second of all, ANY porn that is posted typically really extreme degenerate shit meant to make people truly fucking mad and disgusted at the porn industry, which you should be, the porn industry is run by (((them))) and this shit shouldn't be happening, we just either just laugh at it joker style/and/or be disgusted by it and then do what we can to prevent it from happening in the future.

4. "Edgy Videos" Edgy videos are just male humor in general, how is this an argument? If you don't find edgy humor funny, you aren't a man, you're a high e beta male cuck, then again, considering you're all orbiting a female you'll never be with, that was kind of a given wasn't it? I'd suggest killing yourself straight away.

I posted several images from a bait folder of mine, which btw, none of these images are illegal in the united states of america, they're meant to again, be really edgy hentai images to make people sick, aswell as make a joke about how they're "censored" and not actually NSFW because they're "censored" i'm not even gonna shy away from posting what I posted, you're legit retarded if you think this is somehow porn I fap to, no amount of pretending I do will ever seem legitimate.

For anyone interested here's what I posted from my bait folder.
The one that they single out is the pregnant one, but if you actually pay attention to why these images are gross and why they're all grouped to together as bait images, it has to do with the fact they're all being fucked by absolute fucking subhumans, these images were primarily meant to be used in NSFW 2D realms to piss of certain coomers who were trying to nut it basically and then get bombarded with ugly bastard porn instead.

Now another thing i'll address in the same realm is the fact they say because I posted "BASED" in a Napoleon De Geso thread, where he was talking about 14/15 year old girls or something that also means i'm a pedo, first of all, I posted based in every Napoleon De Geso thread, regardless of what it was, regardless of what he said, many people did, it was a running joke because he wrote some really low IQ shit sometimes. Check for yourself, me writing based in one of his threads or in reply to his posts wasn't an endorsement, but you already knew that, you're just pretending like you didn't.

Damn was that really it?
Well damn they have really been obsessing over me this long and this is all they have? I mean I know it's not really meant to dissuade anyone, just a circle jerk for their own eyes they endlessly bump using bump tactics but still. Anyways, i'll also just say this, you orbiters have fallen for quite a fucking large larp that you still haven't figured out yet :) good luck figuring it out jfl. Keep crying for me tho while I fuck your waifu, we're in love, we'll have happy kids, grandkids, etc and you'll die alone.
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  • JFL
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  • JFL
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I read
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:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2756
I started reading the first paragraph tbh
  • +1
Reactions: BrendioEEE
post the black bull who's railing your whore of a girlfriend.
  • JFL
Reactions: balding17yomanletcel
i started reading until it began to give me falshbacks of watching leafyishere videos

hella ironic that you found your wife on an incels forum, khhv virgins punching the air rn
  • +1
Reactions: BrendioEEE and Ritalincel
holy fuck she's a downer. I'd kill myself if I was in a relationship with her.
What a "statusmaxxing" achievement by brendio amiright
What "Jubilee" youtube video were you in?
  • +1
Reactions: Raddemon
Does she live in LA with you or is she still in AU
actually read it all hope the faggots leave u and ur wife aloen
What a "statusmaxxing" achievement by brendio amiright
Didn't realize that ignored obsessed subhuman @Dyorotic2 subhuman was in my thread.

You do realize that video was made when just a few days after she turned 16, it's pretty old.

Also don't @ me until you have gotten a looksmatched or higher white virgin wife, because your opinion is irrelevant.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2756
@BrendioEEE Read everything word even tho I hate you because you went unprepared for the debates with normies. Anyway good for you, hope you have a happy marriage. I just have a few questions: are you jewish? Is your wife tahlia?
  • +1
Reactions: Zygos4Life and Ritalincel
@BrendioEEE Read everything word even tho I hate you because you went unprepared for the debates with normies.
I didn't go unprepared they just edited it.
Anyway good for you, hope you have a happy marriage. I just have a few questions: are you jewish? Is your wife tahlia?
I am not Jewish, and yes my wife is Tahlia.
I didn't go unprepared they just edited it.

I am not Jewish, and yes my wife is Tahlia.
Bruh I thought she was a troll JFL Anyway good for you dude, I'm a bit envious ngl I'm not an incel but I never had a submissive trad girl :feelswhy:, I hope you are aware that you got her because you're white, you have good eye area, you lost weight and had status boost
  • +1
Reactions: Ritalincel
Didn't realize that ignored obsessed subhuman @Dyorotic2 subhuman was in my thread.

You do realize that video was made when just a few days after she turned 16, it's pretty old.

Also don't @ me until you have gotten a looksmatched or higher white virgin wife, because your opinion is irrelevant.
Screenshot 20200725 020438
  • JFL
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  • Love it
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Didn't realize that ignored obsessed subhuman @Dyorotic2 subhuman was in my thread.

You do realize that video was made when just a few days after she turned 16, it's pretty old.

Also don't @ me until you have gotten a looksmatched or higher white virgin wife, because your opinion is irrelevant.
  • JFL
Reactions: TheEndHasNoEnd
Wait I used to watch jessie Lee Peterson. Are you that fat short incel guy??? I literally watched that episode and thought that that guy would be a cool irl friend and he seems like a real nice guy.(was begining to get blackpilled btw)
If that's actually you then it's a hella small world son
Thats him jfl. I watched that video and the next day he appeared on this forum. Its crazy man. Also dn rd.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 8064 and Baldingman1998
Amazing old picture of me, have fun getting mogged by me for the rest of your life and only continue to get mogged the more I cardiomaxx daily. I'd suggest taking the easy way out with a rope if you can't endure that suffering.

Mog me? You don't even mog your whore wife's jaw :lul:
Screenshot 20200725 023234

Screenshot 20200725 023203  01

Testo mogged to oblivion by a foid lmfao
  • JFL
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Screenshot 20200725 020438
  • JFL
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  • +1
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This is what he "statusmaxxed" for
over lol
also heard she fucked a 30 year old when she was 16, that he came inside and left never to be seen again
  • JFL
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