was by far the most incel-relevant site there was

There're opportunities, but I've applied to hundreds of positions and all the companies that exists here... I'm just too ugly.
Do you have any experience working in your field? Or none? Most companies only want highly experienced people
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Do you have any experience working in your field? Or none? Most companies only want highly experienced people
I do. 1 year in energy sector as industrial heating boiler/centralized heating system plc programmer. Lots of random other small stuff.
I apply to junior positions or positions which I meet the requirements of...
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I was going to give you some motivational advice or some shit but after reading 30 the only thing I could think of is

It's over
JFL at this doomer POV

anyway, a jobless electrical engineer, very very strange
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I do. 1 year in energy sector as industrial heating boiler/centralized heating system plc programmer. Lots of random other small stuff.
I apply to junior positions or positions which I meet the requirements of...
Damn is competition harsh or are there some other factors preventing you from advancing further?(not accounting physical appearance)
  • +1
JFL at this doomer POV

anyway, a jobless electrical engineer, very very strange
Well if he is a 30-year-old friendless virgin do you really think he can magically catch up to all the stuff he missed out on? Do you?
Let us be realistic.
  • +1
JFL at this doomer POV

anyway, a jobless electrical engineer, very very strange
I'm not jobless. I work as electrician. But this is just retarded.
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Damn is competition harsh or are there some other factors preventing you from advancing further?(not accounting physical appearance)
Idk... I go to interviews. They go well. They like me and tell me they'd like to employ me. And that's the last I hear from them. Sometimes they tell me they found "a more suitable person for the position", while keeping the position open for months on end...
Well if he is a 30-year-old friendless virgin do you really think he can magically catch up to all the stuff he missed out on? Do you?
Let us be realistic.
ahhh ok, I misunderstood you, thinked were another " after 30 it's over " in general. Being friendless at 30 is brutal, I don't killed myself only because I have a lot of friends
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Idk... I go to interviews. They go well. They like me and tell me they'd like to employ me. And that's the last I hear from them. Sometimes they tell me they found "a more suitable person for the position", while keeping the position open for months on end...
Damn have you considered maybe moving to some country where your job is urgently needed?
  • +1
It’s one of the most well written and researched black pill manuscripts that I’ve had the misery of be acquainted with.

I’m not sure how the culture is in other places in the world, but in western countries the whole “only deal with who you know” thing is utterly devastating to those who have been unable to establish connections early on in life. I never got to, I coped thinking I could later on, but it never happened. Furthermore, the mental effects aren’t understated, they’re real. I’m experiencing them and it’s getting worse. It’s just a symptom of the situation. It’s not just depression either. It’s total apathy and despondence towards life, to the point where it at times almost humours you to think of how it got so over.

I have actually made a post similar to this I believe a while ago, and I firmly believe that friendships are in this society 90% made by forced circumstances such as school where you are put in a room with other Normans for hours a day, weeks a month, months a year and years a decade where you can’t help but form connections with those around you. Normies never needed social skills to make friends, that’s a meme. They simply were forced to spend time around other Normans and through exposure made friends. Even after school when a normie goes to college, often those friends are friends one forms to not be alone, but come break time and they go back to their home town they will forget their newly acquired comrades and revert right back to their friends they made in their FORMATIVE YEARS. As Dr Dunbar wrote in his research papers about friendship, the most important factor is time spent. And for a “good friend” one requires at least 100 hours to be spent with them. This is easily facilitated by school environment, but is extremely hard to attain such a commitment after that where jobs and other adult aspects of life inhibit it. I’ve spent well over 100 hours on this forum, I guess that means all these OG users here are my good friends :feelsokman:

View attachment 958206
Did this guy really rope
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This is water.
This is so brutal, man. Really hits close to home, literally me for the past 7 years...

I never had any difficulty making friends early in life and was plenty popular, but then i just fell into the introvert-meme and started neglecting my friendships until no one bothered with me anymore.

Girls can be very intrested at first but then when they see your empty facebook page with 12 friends and not tagged in a single post or photo or anything they go cold as ice on you.
Last edited:
  • +1
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This is so brutal, man. Really hits close to home, literally me for the past 7 years...

I never had any difficulty making friends early in life and was plenty popular, but then i just fell into the introvert-meme and started neglecting my friendships until no one bothered with me anymore.

Girls can be very intrested at first but then when they see your empty facebook page with 12 friends and not tagged in a single post or photo or anything.
PSL autists can say whatever they want, but having 0 social circle is probably the biggest death sentence

Even if you were very good looking, if a foid discovered you have low amount of friends, she would think youre pathetic
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if a foid discovered you have low amount of friends, she would think youre pathetic
This so much I'm always telling this and the majority of users on here agree with me but there is always an overly autistic minority that screams that good looks and height is the only thing one needs in life nothing more nothing else jfl.

I'm very well received by people in the beginning but soon enough they become repulsed by me when they realize that I don't act socially towards them.

Truth is that social skills are an integral part of being human if one lacks in them or doesn't even have them then can one be considered human?

One should stop coping with surgeries/supplements/Gym/etc. Instead one should improve socially as best one can then everything else can come into play.
  • +1
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This so much I'm always telling this and the majority of users on here agree with me but there is always an overly autistic minority that screams that good looks and height is the only thing one needs in life nothing more nothing else jfl.

I'm very well received by people in the beginning but soon enough they become repulsed by me when they realize that I don't act socially towards them.

Truth is that social skills are an integral part of being human if one lacks in them or doesn't even have them then can one be considered human?

One should stop coping with surgeries/supplements/Gym/etc. Instead one should improve socially as best one can then everything else can come into play.
its not even about the social skills - all that matters is social proof

ive seen plenty of autists with freidngroup and they do just fine socially - but without those groups they would be fucked

vast majority of men just rely on their midde school/HS/uni friendgroup their whole lives and never learn the skillset to make new friends
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High IQ but you forgot you are on
Too bad the site has been off for some time now. it's still accessible via, so you should check it out, its straightforward, no bs. Great site.

It's quite a long thread so if you have the attention span of a five-year-old stay clear.

Some excerpts:

Examining the lives of loner adults who have given up on putting effort into making friends and finding partners/relationships
After being rejected socially for years, loners will often quit trying to talk to people and no longer seek friendships and relationships. The pain associated with being unwanted, combined with the years of wasted effort that have been invested in trying to make friends and gain relationships often leads to them concluding that trying is not worth it anymore. They have invited people, asked about plans, texted people with no reply, had people flake on them, and waste their time so often and so consistently that they essentially say “the hell with it”. Women are tired of hot guys disappearing after sex and men are tired of putting effort into people and getting nothing in return

How do a loner’s behavior and looks change after they have given up?

Loners (both men and women) will typically stop caring about their appearance. They no longer bother trying to dress nice and instead dress comfy. They may also not put effort into personal grooming. The biggest factor is weight gain. If there is no social benefit to be derived from controlling their eating and spending money on their appearance, then why restrict oneself for nothing? No matter how hard they try the result is the same: rejection, loneliness, and wasted effort.

Along with the weight gain and physical appearance changes, the loner’s personality will often change for the worse. They become bitter and more selfish. They will be less likely to feel empathy for other people. They also will grow more paranoid of other people – sometimes even thinking that someone or some authority (police) are out to get them. Some will begin to gain paranoia over potential health problems, being a victim or a crime, or other fears.

As the loner gives up, and as their appearance and personality go downhill, they will sometimes look to professionals for help. Often medication such as antidepressants is prescribed to help deal with the isolation in their lives. In 2014, drugs like Wellbutrin, Lexapro/Cipralex are being prescribed more and more often to chemically replace the happiness missing from social interaction.

Defensiveness in the attitudes of adult loners with no friends

Loners not only project bitterness towards other people, but they also, as a defense mechanism to being perceived as a failure, be the first people to declare how happy, successful, or well off they are. This bragging not only comes across as unusual (and pathetic) to normal people, it is normally seen as an indicator of weakness. People who are happy with their lives don’t have to go out of their way to try to tell people – they are too busy being happy.

Trying to overcompensate for what their lives are lacking not only signals to the world that the person is an obvious weak-minded loser, it also makes the person even more unlikable. This becomes another part of the cycle as the person grows fatter, more bitter, more annoying, and less likable.

Does being a loner and facing constant rejection lead to mental illness?

Depression and anxiety that accompanies being alone and rejected are mental illnesses. A person’s mental state may continue to spiral downward as they age. Many homeless people who have developed severe mental illnesses started with simply being a rejected loner. For these people, their lives become worse over time. This is why it is important for a loner to do everything they can to change their lives and develop a social life before it is too late.

The isolation that results from a culture that is afraid of strangers and only accepts new friends who are referred through social circles and other known parties

People in the US are very polite and friendly to strangers on the surface or in trivial ways. They will hold doors open for each other, say thank you, and are generally quite polite. The friendliness towards strangers goes only so far as a common courtesy however because when it comes to forming a relationship or a friendship with a stranger people are very guarded.

In America, the only acceptable way to meet someone is through a social circle, existing friends, or perhaps through school or in the workplace. Any other way of meeting someone is generally frowned upon.

Random, creepy, weird, etc. tags being applied to strangers

To actually socialize beyond small talk, or try to form a relationship with a stranger is a social taboo in America. It is considered to be breaking a social norm and often will result in the person being shunned and rejected if not done properly. Factors such as the age and attractiveness of the person attempting to be social with a stranger in public to the stranger will also determine the likeliness of success. A good looking male model type guy who approaches a female stranger is seen as confident and sexy, while a fat bald guy who does the same thing would be labeled a creepy loser.

In a lonely society that shuns social interaction by people wanting to meet others, how is that possible?

It is possible because most people are not lonely. Most people have friends and family that they interact with regularly. For these people, it is not a problem. They don’t need anyone new in their lives and do not want to socialize with strangers.

While most people have social lives, friends, and relationships, there are millions who don’t. Approximately 20% of the adult population have no friends or family with who they socialize regularly. For these people, the “trust and deal with only people you know” type culture of America is absolutely devastating. It takes friends and connections to make friends. Some will try, often in vain, to join yoga classes and partake in group activities to build relationships but often these attempts go nowhere. They are seemingly forever alone in a society where everyone else is interconnected and having a good time.

When it comes to socializing and making friends, you are either on the inside or the outside. It is an all or nothing type of social atmosphere throughout America (and Canada, UK, Australia).

Indicators of Social Rejection
Adults who are socially rejected tend to have similar experiences in dealing with people. They frequently put effort into other people and receive little or no effort in return.

This lack of effort and interest from other people typically manifests itself in several ways, most frequently:

  • People almost never text or initiate conversations first
  • People take a long time to reply to your texts or messages
  • You are rarely invited anywhere
  • In group conversations, people tend to focus on other people and not you (almost as if you aren't even there)
  • People don't reply to your text messages, or replies are short and lack enthusiasm
  • Your comments in social groups tend to go unnoticed or are not responded to
  • People you communicate with always seem to be preoccupied, busy, or have other things going on
  • Nobody ever has time for you or includes you in plans on Friday and Saturday nights
These are signs people aren't interested in you

If you can relate to some or all of the above factors, it's an indication that people are not responding to your favorably socially. They are showing little or no interest in talking to you or developing relationships with you. This is a warning sign that something is off. It may be the result of your appearance, personality, or behavior.

What to do if you are consistently rejected socially

As a loner, it is very tough to experience social rejection. Since it is natural to want to fit in and be accepted, consistent rejection will damage a person's self-confidence and self-esteem. Many demoralized losers slowly stop trying because they wish to avoid the pain of rejection. This leads to further social isolation and feelings of loneliness for these adults.

Those who don't fit in tend to be rejected the most

The first thing you should do if you want to fit in and be liked/accepted is closely examine how you are presenting yourself to other people. Ideally, you want to make sure there's nothing that makes you stand out. While standing out may lead people to believe you are an interesting person, it won't make them want to be your friend.

People will be most likely to befriend, like, and accept you if they perceive you to be similar to them in regards to three main areas:

  • personal appearance, hygiene, and dress
  • behavior and personality
  • interests, values, and beliefs
Giving off an impression that one of these factors is "off" will likely lead to social rejection. You have to go out of your way to demonstrate similarities in order to prevent people from simply writing you off socially.

Why socially isolated loners often brag about their IQ scores
There is a definite correlation between being a social reject and talking (and often lying about) about having a high IQ. While normal people regularly obtain personal satisfaction through social friendships, romantic partners, and going out/having fun, those who are unwanted as friends and romantic partners, lack this source of validation and make assertions of intellectual superiority as a way of compensating for that.

Do socially isolated adults actually have higher IQs?

Some may, but most do not. In fact, most of the people who say they have a “high IQ” are quite average in terms of their ability to perform on an IQ test. Why do so many people lie about their IQ? They lie because it is the easiest way to get some relief from feeling like they have nothing that makes them special.

Socially rejected adults are often so perverse in their thinking that they think a high IQ score is something that normal people think/care about. Loners love the concept of “high IQ” because it is an innate trait that some people are born with and others are not. Of course, there is limited interest in IQ by the vast majority of society who care more about other innate traits such as good looks. Most normal people care about what they are going to do on the weekend or the drama associated with their social lives, not IQ scores.

Referencing a (real or false) high IQ score lets everyone know you are a loser who is desperate to feel special

Well adjusted people feel a sense of empathy for those who declare to have high IQs because they know these people are likely:

  1. Trying to compensate for years of rejection and social isolation
  2. Have nothing to feel good about and lack self-esteem
  3. Are probably of relatively average intelligence and lacking in other areas of intellectual capacity (social skills, athletic ability, etc.)
  4. Often lack other innate, more important characteristics such as good looks.
This type of boasting doesn't always present itself in the form of a "high IQ". Loners will also frequently hint at or declare their supposed smarts by making other common assertions, such as:

  1. That they knowing how to speak multiple languages
  2. That they have a superior ability to play intellectual games (card and numbers games)
  3. That they are a stock market or forex trading genius
  4. That they have excellent abilities in the sciences and mathematics
All of these are similar to high IQ declarations because they indicate an innate intellectual superiority.

Socially rejected people are desperate to have others look at them and think they are special. Please note that often a high intelligence claim is also accompanied by a false assertion that they are a person who is wealthy or rich financially.

Loners have to hide that they have no social life
Part of the problem for friendless losers is that they find themselves having to hide their lack of social life from the world. Nobody wants to be friends with someone who has no friends. The whole thing becomes a big game of hiding and pretending.

Need Friends to make friends

In the financial world, it normally takes capital or a really good idea to be successful. In the social world, it takes friends to make friends. Or, at the very least, having an existing social circle will make things a lot easier for you.

People with friends have instant credibility for new potential friends and contacts. A person who is accepted by others appears acceptable. If you are by yourself, it is much harder to find that likability and acceptance.

Having friends already also makes it much easier because you will be around other people more. When you're consistently at parties, events, and other gatherings you're chances will increase because of simple proximity.

If you've got no friends at all, it's hard to make new ones

What this all means is that if you are part of the unfortunate class of people with no local friends whatsoever, it's going to be the most difficult for you to get started. To go back to the business analogy, most new businesses fail and it's very difficult to launch a successful business from nothing.

A lot of people find themselves in situations of having no friends because they've recently moved to a new city, school, or are suffering from years of an accumulated lack of social interaction. These people face the greatest challenges because they lack the existing connections that increase the number of people they meet and provide evidence of their social value.

While being in a situation of having no friends is difficult, it is not impossible or particularly rare. It is common for people to find themselves in new environments where they are alone. In fact, there is also a certain degree of acceptance given to people who are "new in town" and alone. It's understood that since you are new you don't have any friends. There is thus a window of opportunity that comes with being new in town.

This window of opportunity, however, does not last forever. It you've lived in your city for a number of years and it still has failed to make friends or formed new relationships people may see you as a social outcast.

The solution is to lie and pretend that you have a social life

If you're not "new in town" and are still a loser, you're going to have to lie to some degree about your social life. Tell stories about friends that don't exist and fun times you never had. A phrase that is frequently given in movies and sales job presentations is: "act as if." You need to fake it until you make it. As a loser, you need to fake having friends in order to establish friendships.

If you think being dishonest is something to be ashamed of, it's not. In the social world, people lie all the time. They lie about what they're doing. They lie about being busy. Make no mistake: people always lie about their social lives. If you're a social outcast, the first step to breaking in and being successful is learning how to lie about your current situation.

I took this thread from the original poster who posted this thread is called OctopuS so all credit should go to him I just shamelessly copied and pasted it on here

Here is the link to the original if you want to read it :
Anyone got the audio files for that popular club book?

I used to have them ages ago, like 10 years ago, but I can't find them anywhere now.
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