advice for getting lean with minimal effort



dead inside
Aug 11, 2019
If I eat a "normal" diet, I tend to eat way more calories and not get and stay full for as long as when I eat like this:

- high fruit content, any sugar cravings are satisfied with ripe fruits (get the majority of calories from fruits)
- lean meat or fish if I feel like I need some protein, goes well with stewed veg such as spinach (we don't need as much protein as we're made to believe)
- high dose of vitamin C as ascorbic acid dissolved in water 3x per day (decreases my appetite and is important for immune system, mineral absorption and collagen synthesis)
- fat only if I feel like I need it (rarely), only together with protein, NEVER with sugar/carbohydrates (e.g. butter, cheese, fatty fish or meat, eggs)

Even eating a shitload of fruit sugar, my average daily caloric intake is MUCH lower than usual because I don't satisfy sugar cravings with foods anymore that are also loaded with fat, I stay full longer because I eat as much sugar as I need to function optimally and I get much more fiber (and water) than with a standard diet with dehydrated, processed foods

- eating this way combats water retention due to high potassium and low sodium intake
- sugar is not the enemy and eating enough of it means more energy, less cravings and binge-eating
- I don't need to count calories at all if I listen to my body and still eat as much as I want/need while losing weight
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Stop eating. Drink water
That's it.
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don't ever eat fruit, in fact fructose is even more harmful than saccarose

vegetables are rich in vitamins and contain low calories and almost no sugar
  • JFL
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don't ever eat fruit, in fact fructose is even more harmful than saccarose

vegetables are rich in vitamins and contain low calories and almost no sugar
Sugar is not your enemy
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Bruh just use clenbuterol.
why mess with symphatetic agonists and feel irritable if I lose fat effortlessly already?
Do one cycle to really get lean without losing muscle mass.
This tbh, jfl if you think that fruit makes you fat. It's a meme. When I lost weight (gained it all back now jfl) I ate like 90% fruit.
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This tbh, jfl if you think that fruit makes you fat. It's a meme. When I lost weight (gained it all back now jfl) I ate like 90% fruit.
Too many calories make you fat, not any food per se. This simple "diet" also addresses the causes for consumption of too many calories one of which is that most processed foods are unsuitable to satisfy (completely normal) sugar cravings due to their fat (and protein) content which means more total calories with less benefit, whereas fruits, most of which consist almost solely of sugar, water, micronutrients and fiber, are ideal to get the sugar we need
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why mess with symphatetic agonists and feel irritable if I lose fat effortlessly already?
I'm running Clen right now but you don't just use it with minimal effort. Will also increase your shakiness and anxiety. On 50mcg atm. Gonna run 60mcg per day at most. Intense weight training, HIIT and sauna everyday
I'm running Clen right now but you don't just use it with minimal effort. Will also increase your shakiness and anxiety. On 50mcg atm. Gonna run 60mcg per day at most. Intense weight training, HIIT and sauna everyday
that's why I wouldn't even bother with it when I don't need PEDs to help with fat loss anyway
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Basically eat low calorie, dense foods. Water is wet.
that's why I wouldn't even bother with it when I don't need PEDs to help with fat loss anyway
Yeah I don't advise people use it. I only use it for keeping muscle when getting lean. Only using it because of corona lockdown and can't go to college or do normal things. Wouldn't ever use it otherwise. Going around like a parkinson's syndrome patient isn't the best look
I'm running Clen right now but you don't just use it with minimal effort. Will also increase your shakiness and anxiety. On 50mcg atm. Gonna run 60mcg per day at most. Intense weight training, HIIT and sauna everyday
What bf% are you currently?
Basically eat low calorie, dense foods. Water is wet.
basically eat as much (sugar) as you want while eating as few calories as possible
Ye keep spiking those blood sugar levels up and down like a yo-yo
Ye keep spiking those blood sugar levels up and down like a yo-yo
I feel good and can go many hours without eating anything and don't experience any blood sugar crashes like I did years ago when I was overweight. Fibre and secondary plant substances balance out the sugar content + fructose has a low glycemic index and balances out the glucose perfectly.
I halved my bf% and lost 4stone without clen or anything. Energy deficit + exercise over time is what makes the difference.

Weirdly, I'm using the Clen as a sort of hormetic stressor for my adrenals, and to try see how I manage for a period of time using an anxiogenic (when I can afford to bear the sides). Obviously the main reason is to stay very anti-catabolic while continuing to lose fat.

Also want to see how a plyometric style workout works with Clen, as I have an assumption that Clen has epigenetic impacts on ACTN3, allowing fast-twitch fibers to hypertrophy ahead of slow-twitch.

Clen also *might* activate mTOR during exercise due to is agonism on GCPRs, but I have no real evidence to prove that other than the fact that mTOR can be activated through GCPR agonism as well as through Insulin binding to the RTKs and phosphorlating.
I feel good and can go many hours without eating anything and don't experience any blood sugar crashes like I did years ago when I was overweight. Fibre and secondary plant substances balance out the sugar content + fructose has a low glycemic index and balances out the glucose perfectly.
You go to school/work and then go to the gym and then do some sort of somewhat active hobby? If you're just staring at yourself in the mirror all day of course you don't feel the need to eat
vegetables mog fruits
You go to school/work and then go to the gym and then do some sort of somewhat active hobby? If you're just staring at yourself in the mirror all day of course you don't feel the need to eat
I'm busy all day long from Mon till Fri and have no problems not eating anything for eight hours straight when I eat like this. When I eat "normally" I get hungry much more often and have to eat much more calories to get full without really feeling satisfied completely. This is because a normal diet provides less sugar, fiber, water and more fat and protein.
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I halved my bf% and lost 4stone without clen or anything. Energy deficit + exercise over time is what makes the difference.

Weirdly, I'm using the Clen as a sort of hormetic stressor for my adrenals, and to try see how I manage for a period of time using an anxiogenic (when I can afford to bear the sides). Obviously the main reason is to stay very anti-catabolic while continuing to lose fat.

Also want to see how a plyometric style workout works with Clen, as I have an assumption that Clen has epigenetic impacts on ACTN3, allowing fast-twitch fibers to hypertrophy ahead of slow-twitch.

Clen also *might* activate mTOR during exercise due to is agonism on GCPRs, but I have no real evidence to prove that other than the fact that mTOR can be activated through GCPR agonism as well as through Insulin binding to the RTKs and phosphorlating.
Outline what you did for fat loss pls
Count calories
1 g per protein per pound of body weight
1g of fat per Kg of body weight

rest carbs

deceese calories until you lose:
0.5kg a week of you want to keep your muscle mass and as you get closer to low body fat it will be even less
1kg a week If you don’t mind losing a bit of muscle but more fat as wel

Outline what you did for fat loss pls
Ate less, less carbs, more exercise, intermittent fasting, HIIT, lots of smoked salmon, eggs, tuna etc... Dipped in and out of keto, made my body more fat adapted and insulin sensitive. Always made sure my insulin levels were low.

Exercised more, ate less, ate better, slept better

Over time
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Ate less, less carbs, more exercise, intermittent fasting, HIIT, lots of smoked salmon, eggs, tuna etc... Dipped in and out of keto, made my body more fat adapted and insulin sensitive. Always made sure my insulin levels were low.

Exercised more, ate less, ate better, slept better

Over time
You lifted for muscle gain too?
Ate less, less carbs, more exercise, intermittent fasting, HIIT, lots of smoked salmon, eggs, tuna etc... Dipped in and out of keto, made my body more fat adapted and insulin sensitive. Always made sure my insulin levels were low.

Exercised more, ate less, ate better, slept better

Over time
Big like for intermittent fasting

it’s great if you are used to big meals the dopamine rush from breaking the fast is better than IOI
Cut down all carbs
  • JFL
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How many days a week did you lift? How many did you do HIIT? Did you do both on the same day? I'm guessing you essentially body recomped. Or did you do bulk and cut cycles?
How many days a week did you lift? How many did you do HIIT? Did you do both on the same day? I'm guessing you essentially body recomped. Or did you do bulk and cut cycles?
5-6 days a week and did both. Was in a caloric deficit for sure. I was losing fat, that was my aim
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I think water fast bro, the pb is not the hunger its the psychological side effect. After 12days i couldnt sleep anymore etc i was also hitting gym

I think u dont need craqh diet for weight loss, crash diet are top1 for fatloss but if you cant handle it mentaly you will end up binging and at the end you would of lost more in nrml diet

I think carb cycling is one of the most legit diet:
1day high carb, this day u will do HIIT
2day moderate carbs, thoses days 45mns cardio
3day minimum carb, thoses days u will do 20-30mnd cardio

Repeat every week and 0cheat befor week 6 or 8
Sugar is not your enemy
sugar is the reason 60% of British adults are overweight.
sugar is as addictive as cocaine, lowers your testosterone and accelerates your aging process with free radicals
  • JFL
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sugar is the reason 60% of British adults are overweight.
sugar is as addictive as cocaine, lowers your testosterone and accelerates your aging process with free radicals
So should we fucking eat fruits or not? @Seth Walsh what’s hour opinion on this?
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So should we fucking eat fruits or not? @Seth Walsh what’s hour opinion on this?
You can eat some fruit sometimes but they're not a staple for me. I eat a lot more vegetables. Fruit in moderation is okay
I have eaten only around 300 kcal today (it's 11:34 pm where I live) and I still feel completely full because I had enough sugar before. No cravings, no lethargy and no puffy eyelids whatsoever (the latter thanks to the high potassium and low sodium content of this "diet"). I only eat when I'm hungry and then as much as I want of the in the op mentioned foods (this can sometimes be 1000 kcals in one sitting, sometimes just 100 kcal and varies greatly). This really works and I can only recommend to all of you to try it out before judging.
sugar is the reason 60% of British adults are overweight.
sugar is as addictive as cocaine, lowers your testosterone and accelerates your aging process with free radicals

Refined sugar,grains and preprocessed food, the industrial revolution has perpetuated obesity to absurd levels.
So much so that the average person now suffers from it.
Obesity is modern starvation. The irony is that many of obese/overweight people still suffer from nutritional deficiencies due to the low nutrient density of their diets.

Also people with low impulse control & dopamine induced food coping.
Refined sugar,grains and preprocessed food, the industrial revolution has perpetuated obesity to absurd levels.
So much so that the average person now suffers from it.
Obesity is modern starvation. The irony is that many of obese/overweight people still suffer from nutritional deficiencies due to the low nutrient density of their diets.

Also people with low impulse control & dopamine induced food coping.
tomorrow I'm baking zero sugar biscuits made with sweeterners (aspartame)

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Alternate day fast, eating near 0 carbs on eating days.
I'm running Clen right now but you don't just use it with minimal effort. Will also increase your shakiness and anxiety. On 50mcg atm. Gonna run 60mcg per day at most. Intense weight training, HIIT and sauna everyday
Are you a UKcel? If so, clen source?
You look lean in ur pic tho
don't ever eat fruit, in fact fructose is even more harmful than saccarose

vegetables are rich in vitamins and contain low calories and almost no sugar

JFL Don't take dietary advice from retards telling you not to eat fruit because of the "saccarose" content :lul:
Gymcell or your frame will become like zyros
I used to work out in the past but I quit two years ago. Building muscle is easy for me though and I'd put everything back on rather quick. I want to fix my face and other things first and might pick weight training up again eventually.
JFL Don't take dietary advice from retards telling you not to eat fruit because of the "saccarose" content :lul:
Fun fact is that most fruits don't even contain saccharose but fructose and glucose separately. Saccharose is found in most processed foods
otherwise do like @Slayerino who takes DNP as if it were a vitamin supplement
  • JFL
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