Advice: If you want to get ripped, you need to cut the carbs

@Carnivore Hey bro, you got me interested, what your typical day of keto eating looks like? Do you run Intermittent Fasting game as well? I think I would be able to pull off keto game basing on shit-ton of meat, eggs and nuts
Yep that's what I'm doing and it's going really well. Keeping workouts very high intensity and heavy weight with moderate reps too. Just not going high on volume as it's not so important while cutting. Heavy resistance training is crucial for staying as anti-catabolic as possible.

Once I'm down to <12% and still cutting I'll cycle clen and start supplementing with glutamine and try to find ways to keep a neutral or slightly positive nitrogen balance, which I know probably isn't possible while in a deficit but the combination of the clen, glutamine and meticulous protein intake and training style will give my best chances of holding onto as much muscle as possible before I finish my diet and start eating at maintenance again. From experience, clen is a fucking amazing anti catabolic agent. I'll just use that at the end of my cut though, maybe x2 2 week on 2 week off cycles.
Why not try SARMS instead of clen? Should be much more effective and safer.
@Carnivore Hey bro, you got me interested, what your typical day of keto eating looks like? Do you run Intermittent Fasting game as well? I think I would be able to pull off keto game basing on shit-ton of meat, eggs and nuts
I eat carnivore, where I just eat meat, it's a more extreme version. Keto works great, too, no need to go as extreme as carnivore unless you have some health issues you need resolved.

I eat around 2400 calories a day right now for fat loss. I eat 2 x 400g of high fat ground meat in one sitting. I also eat about 100g of liver twice a week for my weekly vitamin A intake. I like eating mid day, then exercising later in the day. sometimes I train fasted.

Meat, salt and water, that's all I ingest.
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Meat, salt and water, that's all I ingest.

Fuark, that's some simplicity. How do you prepare your meat, do you steam/fry/grill it?
Why not try SARMS instead of clen? Should be much more effective and safer.

I eat carnivore, where I just eat meat, it's a more extreme version. Keto works great, too, no need to go as extreme as carnivore unless you have some health issues you need resolved.

I eat around 2400 calories a day right now for fat loss. I eat 2 x 400g of high fat ground meat in one sitting. I also eat about 100g of liver twice a week for my weekly vitamin A intake. I like eating mid day, then exercising later in the day. sometimes I train fasted.

Meat, salt and water, that's all I ingest.
Nah I'm never going near sarms or steroids.
Fuark, that's some simplicity. How do you prepare your meat, do you steam/fry/grill it?
I sculpture the grounded meat into patties, put them in the pan and turn on the heat. I can't keep the heat too high or I end up with fat everywhere.
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Calories IN vs Calories OUT is legit for sure but Keto diet is more efficient and gets shit done quicker

I've done Keto diet and know how effective it is
Why not try SARMS instead of clen? Should be much more effective and safer.

I eat carnivore, where I just eat meat, it's a more extreme version. Keto works great, too, no need to go as extreme as carnivore unless you have some health issues you need resolved.

I eat around 2400 calories a day right now for fat loss. I eat 2 x 400g of high fat ground meat in one sitting. I also eat about 100g of liver twice a week for my weekly vitamin A intake. I like eating mid day, then exercising later in the day. sometimes I train fasted.

Meat, salt and water, that's all I ingest.
Are you able to add more muscle mass on this diet? Or it is possible to only lose fat?
Are you able to add more muscle mass on this diet? Or it is possible to only lose fat?
I have no idea. I'll find out when I get to that point. I haven't lost any muscle at least.

if it's true that you need carbs to build muscle, then I'll add some carbs, maybe I'll do carb cycling. I'll see when that time comes.

Has some pretty impressive physiques, but most probably already built their physique in terms of muscles before going carnivore and then carnivore helped them get effortlessly lean.
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Agree, but forget about getting ripped until you have at least 2 years of consistent gymceling.
You need some good amount of muscle mass to be lean and still look like you lift in clothes
Fucks your heart, lowers your T4 to T3 and gives you really bad cramps for about a 7% increase in BMR (if your BMR is 2k calories, that's 140 calories), sounds like a good idea :unsure:

Increases BMR about 7% at exactly what dosage?
Increases BMR about 7% at exactly what dosage?
I don't think you get much more out of it over the normal dose. You start at a low dose, then you need to increase the dose every other day because you build up a tolerance, but the more you take, the worse it is for your heart.
I don't think you get much more out of it over the normal dose. You start at a low dose, then you need to increase the dose every other day because you build up a tolerance, but the more you take, the worse it is for your heart.

Clen is a serious fat burning tool. I'd say 15% is a better estimate. That's enough of a calorie deficit to continue eating like you are and lose weight at the same rate as someone on a standard 400kcal diet.
Clen is a serious fat burning tool. I'd say 15% is a better estimate. That's enough of a calorie deficit to continue eating like you are and lose weight at the same rate as someone on a standard 400kcal diet.
It's definitely not as high as 15%... The estimate is somewhere between 5-10%, so 10% at most.

A regular diet is about a 500 calorie deficit. Let's use your 15% number of a person with a 2k BMR, that's 300 calories and you can only use it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off because of the tolerance, that makes it an average of 150 calories a day throughout the month, not very impressive for the strain you put on your heart. if my number of 7% is more correct, it would be half of that. It's useless unless paired with T3, which increases BMR even further making it more effective, and it's anti-catabolic properties, as T3 is very catabolic.
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It's definitely not as high as 15%... The estimate is somewhere between 5-10%, so 10% at most.

It's also your BMR, not your overall calories expended for that day, and you can only use it 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off.

You can use Clen for 6-8 weeks. Not to mention clen is best used with T3, they have synergy. Clen is also rumoured to be muscle sparring but I'm not 100% sure about that because there is conflicting evidence.
You can use Clen for 6-8 weeks. Not to mention clen is best used with T3, they have synergy. Clen is also rumoured to be muscle sparring but I'm not 100% sure about that because there is conflicting evidence.
You will have to continue to up and up the dose if you are going to use it for 6 weeks, and that will put a huge strain on your heart. People use it for 3 weeks at a time at most and it's normal to take as much time off as you spent on for the tolerance to go away. You're not going to use it for 6-8 weeks.

if you want an effective fat loss drug, just use ephedrine. It will increase your BMR by only a small amount, but it makes it easier for your body to tap into body fat, gives a ton of energy and work as an appetite suppressant, exactly what you want while dieting. I've used it before and it's good shit, really helps when you're starting to get lethargic and the hunger is out of control. It's really only dangerous if you already have high blood pressure.

Unless you're some bodybuilder using T3 and trying to get shredded while preserving muscle mass, clen is pretty much useless.
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You will have to continue to up and up the dose if you are going to use it for 6 weeks, and that will put a huge strain on your heart. People use it for 3 weeks at a time at most and it's normal to take as much time off as you spent on for the tolerance to go away. You're not going to use it for 6-8 weeks.

if you want an effective fat loss drug, just use ephedrine. It will increase your BMR by only a small amount, but it makes it easier for your body to tap into body fat, gives a ton of energy and is appetite suppressant, exactly what you want while dieting.

Buddy who said you can't use Clen for 8 weeks 😂

Most people would be able to hack it. It's not nearly as bad as people say it is (in terms of how it feels anyways idk about biologically). Loads of people have done it.
The side effects of almost every drug out there is overrated.

I used DNP at 400mg for 3 weeks.


1 month later: (Using different model camera and light bulb so not completely fair comparison)

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Buddy who said you can't use Clen for 8 weeks 😂

Most people would be able to hack it. It's not nearly as bad as people say it is (in terms of how it feels anyways idk about biologically). Loads of people have done it.
The side effects of almost every drug out there is overrated. I used DNP at 400mg for 3 weeks.

View attachment 59437

1 month later: (Using different model camera and light bulb so not completely fair comparison)

View attachment 59439
Maybe you should focus more on just dieting instead of relying on DNP? I would even go as far as to say that DNP is safer than clen, seeing as it has no known long term side-effects and actually has a beneficial effect on insulin resistance. The side-effects you get with clen aren't going to be felt for years, it's not like you'll suddenly have a heart attack in your 20s.

And DNP is a fuckton more effective at burning fat than clen. It's even more anti-catabolic and increase all of your calories burned and not just your BMR.

I do think anyone willing to use DNP has some sort of a body image disorder/eating disorder.

I really hope you didn't have to use roids to build that physique. I mean, it's a nice body, I'm sure the girls like it, but you lack muscle mass that can easily be built naturally.

Btw, saw your face 🥳
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Maybe you should focus more on just dieting instead of relying on DNP? I would even go as far as to say that DNP is safer than clen, seeing as it has no known long term side-effects and actually has a beneficial effect on insulin resistance. The side-effects you get with clen aren't going to be felt for years, it's not like you'll suddenly have a heart attack in your 20s.

And DNP is a fuckton more effective at burning fat than clen. It's even more anti-catabolic and increase all of your calories burned and not just your BMR.

I do think anyone willing to use DNP has some sort of a body image disorder/eating disorder.

I really hope you didn't have to use roids to build that physique. I mean, it's a nice body, I'm sure the girls like it, but you lack muscle mass that can easily be built naturally.

Btw, saw your face 🥳

I did use roids. However, my training and diet was fucked. It grew my clavicles bro. I don't know how. I must have used them during my clavical growth spurt or something and contributed all the gains to that instead of muscle (I did gain 10 clean lbs of muscle in 3 months though) 😂😂😂 no scientific evidence but I have inch thick pink stretch marks on my shoulders showing outward growth.

So much we don't know about steroid use during adolescence. I wish they would fucking conduct the research.

Yeah DNP is safer than clen but only if you use it correctly. Clen is safer than DNP if you had to use both incorrectly. Did make me lose my sense of taste for a month though. So I didn't even wanna eat shit.

(I have major body dismorphia and I know what I'm doing can be done naturally. It's just, if I don't fix my life now, I'm gonna suffer mentally for the rest of my life. Next 5 years are critical.)
I did use roids. However, my training and diet was fucked. It grew my clavicles bro. I don't know how. I must have used them during my clavical growth spurt or something and contributed all the gains to that instead of muscle (I did gain 10 clean lbs of muscle in 3 months though) 😂😂😂 no scientific evidence but I have inch thick pink stretch marks on my shoulders showing outward growth.

So much we don't know about steroid use during adolescence. I wish they would fucking conduct the research.

Yeah DNP is safer than clen but only if you use it correctly. Clen is safer than DNP if you had to use both incorrectly. Did make me lose my sense of taste for a month though. So I didn't even wanna eat shit.

(I have major body dismorphia and I know what I'm doing can be done naturally. It's just, if I don't fix my life now, I'm gonna suffer mentally for the rest of my life. Next 5 years are critical.)
Are you on roids now or did you come off? You're probably better off just exercising and focusing on your diet, without the roids. Small surplus and you'll gain muscle without much fat.
Are you on roids now or did you come off? You're probably better off just exercising and focusing on your diet, without the roids. Small surplus and you'll gain muscle without much fat.

I'm on them now. They haven't really kicked in much.
What are you taking and how much? I surely hope no more than 500mg of test.

Started 200 Test/300 Tren/300 DHB.

So a shit load. Was originally 500mg each but I was like no.

Started 4 weeks ago-ish. I can feel them, but I'll have to wait till week 8 to really see their full potential. Most people see that in 6 weeks but I do seem to respond slow esp after crashing estrogen.

It's obviously a really retarded idea, and nobody should ever do it, but whatever I'll be the guinea pig. If there was more research I wouldn't be doing this.
Started 200 Test/300 Tren/300 DHB.

So a shit load. Was originally 500mg each but I was like no.

Started 4 weeks ago-ish. I can feel them, but I'll have to wait till week 8 to really see their full potential. Most people see that in 6 weeks but I do seem to respond slow esp after crashing estrogen.

It's obviously a really retarded idea, and nobody should ever do it, but whatever I'll be the guinea pig. If there was more research I wouldn't be doing this.
You do know that tren can fuck your brain up if you're young, right? BAD IDEA. You really don't need tren looking like that. I had more muscle than you when I was 15 and working out during my first year and I was 100% natural, so that should say something. I did upper/lower 4 days a week and ate a lot of food (we had a bad understanding of bulking back then, it was just about eating a lot). Guess what? I gained a ton of muscle and strength.

Cut the tren and DHB. Keep the test at 200mg and eat in a 300 kcal surplus with enough protein and do a good training program that trains each muscle 2-3 times a week. That's it. You'll make plenty gains.
You do know that tren can fuck your brain up if you're young, right? BAD IDEA. You really don't need tren looking like that. I had more muscle than you when I was 15 and working out during my first year and I was 100% natural, so that should say something. I did upper/lower 4 days a week and ate a lot of food (we had a bad understanding of bulking back then, it was just about eating a lot). Guess what? I gained a ton of muscle and strength.

Cut the tren and DHB. Keep the test at 200mg and eat in a 300 kcal surplus with enough protein and do a good training program that trains each muscle 2-3 times a week. That's it. You'll make plenty gains.

Yeah I'm genuinely considering that.

Tren fucked my head up. I had anger issues before and Tren added to that, but, It got me into so much trouble, I realised the consequences of impulsive anger. That in-turn led me to see why that anger was bad, analyse how I got angry and how I react to it, and then come up with a solution to fix it and dealing with issues I haven't spoken about my entire life. I'm still more irritable, but I'm a less angry, vindictive person because of it. My probation officer was amazed, she said "Wow, I did not expect you to just walk into here having sorted out your whole life as an independent 18 year old". And this I will carry with me even after the cycle, so I'm glad for that.
Yeah I'm genuinely considering that.

Tren fucked my head up. I had anger issues before and Tren added to that, but, It got me into so much trouble, I realised the consequences of impulsive anger. That in-turn led me to see why that anger was bad, analyse how I got angry and how I react to it, and then come up with a solution to fix it and dealing with issues I haven't spoken about my entire life. I'm still more irritable, but I'm a less angry, vindictive person because of it. My probation officer was amazed, she said "Wow, I did not expect you to just walk into here having sorted out your whole life as an independent 18 year old". And this I will carry with me even after the cycle, so I'm glad for that.
Let the tren rest for a year, it's still going to be good to use, then focus on building up your physique on low amounts of test while focusing on your diet. Perhaps when you've built some more muscle, up the test dose and do a real cycle, but for now upper dose-TRT (200mg of test) is all you need. if you cut on let's say 250mg of test in the future, you'll pretty much lose no muscle as long as protein is high enough.
Chad eats pizza, donuts and beer and still gets shredded effortlessly while incel goes on a strict carnivore diet only to plateau @ 15%bf

Life isn't fair
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Chad eats pizza, donuts and beer and still gets shredded effortlessly while incel goes on a strict carnivore diet only to plateau @ 15%bf

Life isn't fair
We're not Chad, we need all the help we can get. 15% is pretty much the body fat my body wanted to stay at before going carnivore. Carnivore made it effortless to lose weight.
Let the tren rest for a year, it's still going to be good to use, then focus on building up your physique on low amounts of test while focusing on your diet. Perhaps when you've built some more muscle, up the test dose and do a real cycle, but for now upper dose-TRT (200mg of test) is all you need. if you cut on let's say 250mg of test in the future, you'll pretty much lose no muscle as long as protein is high enough.

To be honest that's not a bad plan. I think I'm gonna continue this blast. I'm on week 4 of 12, it'd be a waste and I'm pretty stupid. But after that I'll definitely follow this advice.
I have lost weight while eating rice, so I call bullshit on the carb thing.
chad literally eats gummy bears preworkout and in n out burgers with fries post workout blasting gear great hair perfect skin and is a shredded muscled hunk jfl at this existence
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So legit, I've been carbing up after a long time on keto and I cannot stop eating this shit I can honestly eat carbs nonstop. I never have this problem with fats or protein.
Everyone who says their diet is the only way to go is retarded. Keto fags are starting to sound like vegans. Im not criticising keto, im criticising some of it's worshipers. Everything depends on a person, I've tried keto for a week and it just didn't work for me, I love myself some chocolate and ice cream and I felt like a zombie on it. But if you feel great and you arent bothering by it's food limitations then go for it. Always try and be objective, dont become a mindless fanatic.
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only thing you should be eating while cutting is meat and vegatables/coffee imo

maybe sweets if your craving it once in a while, you shoudl aways avoid salty carby foods tho,
Everyone who says their diet is the only way to go is retarded. Keto fags are starting to sound like vegans. Im not criticising keto, im criticising some of it's worshipers. Everything depends on a person, I've tried keto for a week and it just didn't work for me, I love myself some chocolate and ice cream and I felt like a zombie on it. But if you feel great and you arent bothering by it's food limitations then go for it. Always try and be objective, dont become a mindless fanatic.
If you're following a keto diet, you can still have ice cream and chocolate, there are recipes that are low sugar and high fat with sweeteners. Also, once you become fat adapted, it's very easy to switch back and forth between keto and carbs. You could easily do keto for a week and then have your ice cream at the end of the week and be back into ketosis the next day. There's also carb cycling, which allows you to take advantage of being in a state of ketosis while getting your carbs every week.
chad literally eats gummy bears preworkout and in n out burgers with fries post workout blasting gear great hair perfect skin and is a shredded muscled hunk jfl at this existence

Do you think maybe that's part environmental?

Like what if it's because one person worked out as a pre-teen in sports without correct diet and his body learnt to build muscle without optimal nutrition? People underestimate how much of a factor environment is esp under the age of 14. But say the body of an "Incel" who starts working out for the first time at 18 after years of binge eating, dungeons and dragons and watching anime Hasnt had this adaption, and has just started going to the gym on a perfect diet. If he slacks off a bit on diet, he'll get fat because his body wasn't trained to build muscle without optimal nutrition. Not to mention, if you've had muscle since childhood, potentially your body may have better muscle retention compared to someone who got muscle 6 months ago.

No science what-so-ever, 100% bro-science but I'm high as fuck right now and this is the answer I came up with.
Do you think maybe that's part environmental?

Like what if it's because one person worked out as a pre-teen in sports without correct diet and his body learnt to build muscle without optimal nutrition? People underestimate how much of a factor environment is esp under the age of 14. But say the body of an "Incel" who starts working out for the first time at 18 after years of binge eating, dungeons and dragons and watching anime Hasnt had this adaption, and has just started going to the gym on a perfect diet. If he slacks off a bit on diet, he'll get fat because his body wasn't trained to build muscle without optimal nutrition. Not to mention, if you've had muscle since childhood, potentially your body may have better muscle retention compared to someone who got muscle 6 months ago.

No science what-so-ever, 100% bro-science but I'm high as fuck right now and this is the answer I came up with.

I have no fucking clue other than to say it is genetics.. but there are many examples of brothers moging brothers of same biological parents. And they generally for the most part grew up in the same environment and had similar diets/lifestyles.

Its impossible to explain why some get to live a superhuman lifestyle while others are left to fight and suffer for normalcy/scraps but it is undoubtedly manifestly unjust.
High IQ advice. Ketogenic diets are legit and natural. Every man needs to cut the carbohydrates.
bro me and @MentalCel r strict carnivores
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bro me and @MentalCel r strict carnivores
Then there's 3 of us. It's insane how much mental clarity the diet gives. I can go so long without food and still have laser focus with a clear mind. When I was eating carbs, if I went too long without food, I would get brain fog and I wouldn't be able to focus on anything.
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To be honest that's not a bad plan. I think I'm gonna continue this blast. I'm on week 4 of 12, it'd be a waste and I'm pretty stupid. But after that I'll definitely follow this advice.
Then stop taking ai so you actually make gains. Only use a microdose of ai if you really need it. You're only on 200 test after all.
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chad literally eats gummy bears preworkout and in n out burgers with fries post workout blasting gear great hair perfect skin and is a shredded muscled hunk jfl at this existence
lmao i just ate sour patch before gym and chocolate after
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