All 4 online dates flaked. Escortcelling is the only way to get laid



Dec 14, 2021
I give up on trying to lose my virginity using OLD. Ive already had at least 10 girls give me their phone number and agree to a date only to ghost me or flake last minute. Im supposed to have a date tomorrow but shes left me on read all day. My date today cancelled last minute. She offered to reschedule but I know she will do the same thing again.

ITS OVER. Im gonna have to go somewhere where prostituion is legal to lose my virginity. I just wanted to kiss a girl so I would at least not be kissless but even that is impossible.
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Reactions: squirrelcel, nobodyspecial369, subhuman to mtn and 24 others
You got more numbers then me, must be the way your texting them, nothing wrong with an escort, plus they will most likely be hotter then a regular girl you’d lose it to.
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Weren’t you an ex mod on lookism since 2015
Basically almost an entire decade
And you’ve learned literally NOTHING
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Reactions: nobodyspecial369, GetShrekt, Danish_Retard and 20 others
just fly to the philippines bruh
Incel in canada = chad in sea esp if ur white just jbw maxx
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How old are you bhai? Also what app?
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I give up on trying to lose my virginity using OLD. Ive already had at least 10 girls give me their phone number and agree to a date only to ghost me or flake last minute. Im supposed to have a date tomorrow but shes left me on read all day. My date today cancelled last minute. She offered to reschedule but I know she will do the same thing again.

ITS OVER. Im gonna have to go somewhere where prostituion is legal to lose my virginity. I just wanted to kiss a girl so I would at least not be kissless but even that is impossible.
Lol I was in your shoes 3 months ago. In April I gave up officially and realised online dating doesn’t work. Jsut go to night clubs (doesn’t work either but they at least kiss you there) escorts are the only way to get laid in 2022

At least you tried
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Reactions: nobodyspecial369, Kingcel32, Deleted member 18244 and 2 others
I give up on trying to lose my virginity using OLD. Ive already had at least 10 girls give me their phone number and agree to a date only to ghost me or flake last minute. Im supposed to have a date tomorrow but shes left me on read all day. My date today cancelled last minute. She offered to reschedule but I know she will do the same thing again.

ITS OVER. Im gonna have to go somewhere where prostituion is legal to lose my virginity. I just wanted to kiss a girl so I would at least not be kissless but even that is impossible.
What's your physique like?
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Reactions: Deleted member 17735 and Ken
I give up on trying to lose my virginity using OLD. Ive already had at least 10 girls give me their phone number and agree to a date only to ghost me or flake last minute. Im supposed to have a date tomorrow but shes left me on read all day. My date today cancelled last minute. She offered to reschedule but I know she will do the same thing again.

ITS OVER. Im gonna have to go somewhere where prostituion is legal to lose my virginity. I just wanted to kiss a girl so I would at least not be kissless but even that is impossible.
Are you fully looksmaxxed? I.e. below 15% body fat and muscular? If not, go monkmode for 6 months and try again
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Reactions: Kingcel32 and Ken
R u ugly or short or low smv somehow
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OLD worked for me but i feel like it won't work anymore.
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Can OP or anyone explain to my why women do this? I can buy the racking up matches for dopamine/attention/validation... but going so far as to make a date then flake seems to be a juice not worth the squeeze. What gives?
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Reactions: GetShrekt, Lawton88, Patient A and 4 others
Can OP or anyone explain to my why women do this? I can buy the racking up matches for dopamine/attention/validation... but going so far as to make a date then flake seems to be a juice not worth the squeeze. What gives?
I have no idea, they must just like the validation of getting text notifactions from guys. My theory is that they plan multiple dates a day and go out with whoever seems funnest or just stay home if they all seem boring.
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Reactions: Deleted member 16853, Danish_Retard, Patient A and 2 others
IM 6'1" 165lbs around 15% bodyfat. Im working on improving my phsique, I was 145lbs a year ago.
R u ugly
You got more numbers then me, must be the way your texting them, nothing wrong with an escort, plus they will most likely be hotter then a regular girl you’d lose it to.
It might be. I always to try to go the boyfriend route. I look like a nice guy in my pics so I cant go for a ONS. I would prefer an LTR anyway.
It might be. I always to try to go the boyfriend route. I look like a nice guy in my pics so I cant go for a ONS. I would prefer an LTR anyway.
Start with the presumption of FWB or ONS so they don’t think your desperate. LTR comes after one of the two usually.
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Average looking. Ive asked people on Omegle to rate me, guys say im "a good looking guy" and girls say im cute which means average. People on lookism rated me average years ago.
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Start with the presumption of FWB or ONS so they don’t think your desperate. LTR comes after one of the two usually.
Ive tried but immediatley get ghosted or unmatched. I guess I need better pics. Right now my pics give off cuck boyfriend vibes.
IM 6'1" 165lbs around 15% bodyfat. Im working on improving my phsique, I was 145lbs a year ago.
I was 10% bf with an elite natty phsyique and yet still incel

Having a good phsyique is bare minimum

You need everything

Fucking everything to be successful with girls in 2022

Low inhb
Loud NT extoverted personality
Elite physique
Good frame
Good clothing
Good social circle
Ruthless escalation skills
Elite OLD pics (blend of social, aesthetic, party pics, physoque pic)
Elite Instagram with 800 followers minimum, pics at parties with girls and at least 20 posts of you around the globe, mogging everyone in your pics

These were the requirements for me
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Reactions: APJ, copemaxxeer, thereallegend and 9 others
I was 10% bf with an elite natty phsyique and yet still incel

Having a good phsyique is bare minimum

You need everything

Fucking everything to be successful with girls in 2022

Low inhb
Loud NT extoverted personality
Elite physique
Good frame
Good clothing
Good social circle
Ruthless escalation skills
Elite OLD pics (blend of social, aesthetic, party pics, physoque pic)
Elite Instagram with 800 followers minimum, pics at parties with girls and at least 20 posts of you around the globe, mogging everyone in your pics

These were the requirements for me

How long did it take you to achieve all this?

Ive been working on this stuff but by the time I achieve them I will be an oldcel. If you arent maxxing all this stuff since your early teen years its really hard to catch up.
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Reactions: Thinking_Machine
How long did it take you to achieve all this?

Ive been working on this stuff but by the time I achieve them I will be an oldcel. If you arent maxxing all this stuff since your early teen years its really hard to catch up.

The physique alone took 3-4 years, but I started off fat as fuck

Maxxing inhb and all the other stuff took fucking ages too

I think I already detailed it in my AMA

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Reactions: Ken
I was 10% bf with an elite natty phsyique and yet still incel

Having a good phsyique is bare minimum

You need everything

Fucking everything to be successful with girls in 2022

Low inhb
Loud NT extoverted personality
Elite physique
Good frame
Good clothing
Good social circle
Ruthless escalation skills
Elite OLD pics (blend of social, aesthetic, party pics, physoque pic)
Elite Instagram with 800 followers minimum, pics at parties with girls and at least 20 posts of you around the globe, mogging everyone in your pics

These were the requirements for me

meanwhile chad uploads one selfie in his cum stained bed and has the whole country on a leash
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: GetShrekt, Ethniframementalcel, Hirekdr and 3 others
Weren’t you an ex mod on lookism since 2015
Basically almost an entire decade
And you’ve learned literally NOTHING
Yes, I got severe acne a year after discovering it and gave up on life. It wasnt until I met my oneitis 2 years ago that I finally started improving. When she rejected me 5 months ago was when I really became dedicated to losing my virginity.
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Reactions: Patient A and Deleted member 9670
Can OP or anyone explain to my why women do this? I can buy the racking up matches for dopamine/attention/validation... but going so far as to make a date then flake seems to be a juice not worth the squeeze. What gives?
The long and short of it it is simply that a lot of women on these apps are competing for the same guys, getting completely disrespected/flaked on around by these guys, and then the women get mad about it and take it out on the next "lesser" guy or use them for validation for their insecurities caused by this treatment. This is why you have to be the best option for her or else you get the second-rate treatment and make threads like Ken just did.

I can't stress how many times I saw Hinge prompts that were basically painting by "negative space". For example, a common answer to the "Green flags I look for" prompt was something like this:

-Texts me regularly
-"Hey, I made dinner reservations for 8pm at this restaurant"
-Doesn't cancel

These are all things "the last guy" did. I remember seeing the profiles of some of these smoking hot girls with prompt answers like that and thinking that the dudes who flake and dick them around must be so good looking with so many options that they don't even care. And the women instinctively know this, but due to wanting the best genes possible they'd rather continuously try and fail with Chad than give Eugene a chance. In the meantime, they can take it out on other lower-value guys.

The best part was that girls I had brutally rejected on my last Maherfish proceeded to like his profile again and attempt more flirting. Just lol.
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Reactions: Deleted member 19551, Danish_Retard, Patient A and 6 others
The long and short of it it is simply that a lot of women on these apps are competing for the same guys, getting completely disrespected/flaked on around by these guys, and then the women get mad about it and take it out on the next "lesser" guy or use them for validation for their insecurities. This is why you have to be the best option for her or else you get the second-rate treatment and make threads like Ken just did.

I can't stress how many times I saw Hinge prompts that were basically painting by "negative space". For example, a common answer to the "Green flags I look for" prompt was something like this:

-Texts me regularly
-"Hey, I made dinner reservations for 8pm at this restaurant"
-Doesn't cancel

These are all things "the last guy" did. I remember seeing the profiles of some of these smoking hot girls with prompt answers like that and thinking that the dudes who flake and dick them around must be so good looking with so many options that they don't even care. And the women instinctively know this, but due to wanting the best genes possible they'd rather continuously try and fail with Chad than give Eugene a chance. In the meantime, they can take it out on other lower-value guys.

The best part was that girls I had brutally rejected on my last Maherfish proceeded to like his profile again and attempt more flirting. Just lol.
That makes a lot of sense. I do ignore messages from landwhales but I would never make plans with them if I knew I wasnt gonna follow through. Females are cruel.
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Reactions: Patient A, Moggie and cvzvvc
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Reactions: subhuman to mtn, cvzvvc, Danish_Retard and 6 others
I give up on trying to lose my virginity using OLD. Ive already had at least 10 girls give me their phone number and agree to a date only to ghost me or flake last minute. Im supposed to have a date tomorrow but shes left me on read all day. My date today cancelled last minute. She offered to reschedule but I know she will do the same thing again.

ITS OVER. Im gonna have to go somewhere where prostituion is legal to lose my virginity. I just wanted to kiss a girl so I would at least not be kissless but even that is impossible.
Go to Thailand
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Reactions: Patient A and Ken
Are you only swiping on skinny young mtbs that's a receipt for failure
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Reactions: thereallegend and Ken
Are you only swiping on skinny young mtbs that's a receipt for failure
Swiping right on everyone is even less successful or is associated with less success rather, only desperate bottom tier guys do it, in reality he can be selective as women only swipe right on 5% of guys max, even being selective he is swiping at least twice this ammount. Women can wait for the top quality men on the app, the user base is 85% male so that causes this bias.
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Prostitution is only legal in Nevada on a county by county basis, if the county population does not exceed 700,000, and then only in state licensed brothels. Currently it is legal in 10 of Nevada's 17 counties, and currently only 21 (down from a high of 35) state licensed brothels are in operation throughout Nevada.

Vegas it is my friend.
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  • +1
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just fly to the philippines bruh
Incel in canada = chad in sea esp if ur white just jbw maxx
Stop telling these niggas this stuff. Gonna make competition even harder
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Reactions: Deleted member 18244
You're probably doing something wrong in your texting

Got any screenshots?
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Reactions: Ken
Tbh it's very disheartening to read this thread and see how difficult it is to convert matches into dates.

I tried Tinder 3 times already and swiped 50k profiles in a big city. Got barely any matches even with physique halo.

So to hear there is a sub-5℅ match conversion rate means it is statistically over for me. The highlight of my OLD career was one of my only matches matching me just to insult my FACE

Most here are playing life on hard mode. For me it's nightmare difficulty
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Reactions: GetShrekt, cvzvvc, Moggie and 2 others
I was 10% bf with an elite natty phsyique and yet still incel

Having a good phsyique is bare minimum

You need everything

Fucking everything to be successful with girls in 2022

Low inhb
Loud NT extoverted personality
Elite physique
Good frame
Good clothing
Good social circle
Ruthless escalation skills
Elite OLD pics (blend of social, aesthetic, party pics, physoque pic)
Elite Instagram with 800 followers minimum, pics at parties with girls and at least 20 posts of you around the globe, mogging everyone in your pics

These were the requirements for me

All of this while u just needed one thing :
Mahers face.
1 word, 1 life
  • So Sad
Reactions: gtuktm
Tbh it's very disheartening to read this thread and see how difficult it is to convert matches into dates.

I tried Tinder 3 times already and swiped 50k profiles in a big city. Got barely any matches even with physique halo.

So to hear there is a sub-5℅ match conversion rate means it is statistically over for me. The highlight of my OLD career was one of my only matches matching me just to insult my FACE

Most here are playing life on hard mode. For me it's nightmare difficulty
Its not so hard bro youre being harsh on yourself
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Reactions: EverythingMattersCel
So to hear there is a sub-5℅ match conversion rate means it is statistically over for me. The highlight of my OLD career was one of my only matches matching me just to insult my FACE

This is so relatable.
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Reactions: EverythingMattersCel and Moggie
Its not so hard bro youre being harsh on yourself
Nah... it's not being harsh when I am basing it off of my experiences.

I've seen above average looking people using low effort selfies and getting more matches in 12hrs (free) than I do in a month using platinum and ok pics (dog pic, friends pic, physique pic and a selfie). Actually you are one of those people.
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All of this while u just needed one thing :
Mahers face.
1 word, 1 life
Only one guy has Maher's face so it's not that bruatl. 99% of guys online have it harder than me so I can't complain

It's like telling a low league football player, you only need Ronaldo's skill then it's easy
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Only one guy has Maher's face so it's not that bruatl. 99% of guys online have it harder than me so I can't complain

It's like telling a low league football player, you only need Ronaldo's skill then it's easy
Yes i agree, i mean most guys if they try rly hard can succeed on dating apps but very few have our grinta if you what i mean
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Reactions: the BULL, Ken and forevergymcelling
You're probably doing something wrong in your texting

Got any screenshots?
I do pretty much the same thing for all of them.

Me: I like *something about them*
Her: Thanks
Me: What are you up to?
Her: *random activity* and you?
Me: Hanging out with friends getting coffee?
Me: do you like coffee?
Her: Yes bla bla bla
Me: We should go get coffee some time
Her: Sure
Me: Whats your #?
Her: #

Text her
Me: Hey its Ken
Her: Hey
Me: When are you free to get coffee
Her: *random days*
Me: Lets go on *day* at *time*
Her: Sounds good
Me: Alright ill see you there
Her sometimes : wyd? *and we have a generic conversation

Day of date
Me: Hey Becky ill see you at *time*?
Her: Excuse or ghost
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Do any message you first?
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