All western main protagonists are 6'0-6'2, these are the optimal main character heights

Where do you got this information from? Most are 5'9 to 5'11 actually.
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send it again? the study u sent earlier literally showed bejing niggas are 5ft9

No retard, it showed Beijing was above 5’10 and only growing. This is the study showing China overall is 5’9 and only growing

just accept the more north you are, the taller, richer, higher iq u are
and the more south u are, the shorter, poorer, lower iq u are

Japan is way shorter than south and central China. Central Asia is way lower IQ than East Asia. Not how it works

u will always be inferior to whites

You will always be inferior to East Asians in every conceivable aspect. Your race is going extinct and becoming minorities in your own countries, you’re making less and less money compared to them in your own countries, you’re getting shorter and shorter compared to them, your technology and economy and military is stagnating hard behind them, AMWF outnumbers WMAF worldwide at an ever increasing rate as they breed you out like all other ethnics are doing.

This is just a return to the old way of the world when whites were living in mud huts for 99% of history while getting dominated and raped by Asian conquerors so hard that Asian male YDNA is all across North and East Europe with almost zero Asian female mtDNA through Huns, Avars, Mongols, Turkics, and Sino-Uralics conquering and raping and genociding Europe for eons. Even government officials, intelligence officials, Pentagon scientists, US defense experts, world leaders, the richest billionaires, etc. all agree that China is taking over and dominating in every single aspect as I show in the link below. Meanwhile the entire white race is going extinct and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Curry leaders literally rule your entire country as we speak, meanwhile France is reliving the Arab invasions lmao.

richest east asians 5ft8 avg and shrinking. while whites are 5ft11-6ft1 avg and growing

North Chinese average 5’10 and are only growing at the fastest rate of any race, Chinese average 5’9 and are only growing at the fastest rate of any race. Even in the past few centuries, whites grew not even a fraction of the amount that Asians grew. How can you explain the fact that Asians were taller for 99% of history up until the 1800s? You also haven’t provided a single source that whites are growing while I’ve provided many that they are shrinking. I’ve asked you for a source like 50 times already nigga

keep in mind ive slayed loads of his women at this subhuman height

even more embarrassing for him

But you’ve slayed loads of women in the UK too according to yourself, so what’s the difference? Tbh almost definitely LARP lmao

doesnt happen

You’ve overdosed on too much PSL autism, it does happen. No girl will reject a 6’4 guy for his height but some will definitely choose 6’2 over 6’4. Same way you want a thin girl but not anorexic thin, or you don’t want a girl too tall or too short, or how you don’t want to be roid buffed nor stick thin

Where do you got this information from? Most are 5'9 to 5'11 actually.

Nope, not today. Assassin’s Creed protagonists are all 6ft. GTA protagonists are all around 6ft. Search up romance movie main male actors, all around 6ft. Search up lead superhero movie actors, all around 6’0-6’3 except manlets like Spiderman
Why aren't they taller? It has always made me think tbh.
5’10-6’1 true main character height
6’1.5 is the god height praying I grow .5 inches more to reach it at 17

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