All white people are sociopaths 100% srs



Jan 2, 2019
How else can you explain white people behaving as they do? Completely degenerate culture as well as a total lack of regard for others of their own kind. Imagine if other countries elsewhere in the world suffered terrorist attacks by other races or if the level of sexual/LGBT decadence reached the same levels there would literally be riots in the streets. But in the west whites don't give a single shit unless it effects them personally. Society falling a part because of degeneracy? Doesn't effect me! (which is false btw). Terrorists blew up a school somewhere? It wasn't my school! In fact "how does this effect me?" is literally the excuse they use 90% of the time when somebody rants about socially undesirable behavior lmao. Also consider how poorly white people treat their parents compared to other races where taking care of your family is considered important. Just face it whites are natural born sociopaths.
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true wisdom from the philosopher of our time
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never bothered to read a single thread from u
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i would rather say most people are selfish as fuck but whites are degenerate for sure. Western europe that is, degenerate in a different manner to the street shitters though
Haven't you made this thread before?

You seem to be running out of material.
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Haven't you made this thread before?

You seem to be running out of material.
Wouldn’t be surprised. He makes threads everyday
How else can you explain white people behaving as they do? Completely degenerate culture as well as a total lack of regard for others of their own kind. Imagine if other countries elsewhere in the world suffered terrorist attacks by other races or if the level of sexual/LGBT decadence reached the same levels there would literally be riots in the streets. But in the west whites don't give a single shit unless it effects them personally. Society falling a part because of degeneracy? Doesn't effect me! (which is false btw). Terrorists blew up a school somewhere? It wasn't my school! In fact "how does this effect me?" is literally the excuse they use 90% of the time when somebody rants about socially undesirable behavior lmao. Also consider how poorly white people treat their parents compared to other races where taking care of your family is considered important. Just face it whites are natural born sociopaths.
I disagree OP. It’s not that white people are sociopathic. It’s that western culture is sociopathic.

White people in Latin America and Eastern Europe value community and the upholding of their culture. They care about issues that affect their country at large and not just themselves. They tend to not tolerate degeneracy either (the ones that do are westernized).

There’s also the fact that other races in the west tend to behave in the way that is no different from westernized whites. Its culture, not race.
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How else can you explain white people behaving as they do? Completely degenerate culture as well as a total lack of regard for others of their own kind. Imagine if other countries elsewhere in the world suffered terrorist attacks by other races or if the level of sexual/LGBT decadence reached the same levels there would literally be riots in the streets. But in the west whites don't give a single shit unless it effects them personally. Society falling a part because of degeneracy? Doesn't effect me! (which is false btw). Terrorists blew up a school somewhere? It wasn't my school! In fact "how does this effect me?" is literally the excuse they use 90% of the time when somebody rants about socially undesirable behavior lmao. Also consider how poorly white people treat their parents compared to other races where taking care of your family is considered important. Just face it whites are natural born sociopaths.

yet whites pay for 90% of welfare for none whites to go to school
whites donate to Africa
we accept none whites into our countries so they can have a better life

low IQ thread
How else can you explain white people behaving as they do? Completely degenerate culture as well as a total lack of regard for others of their own kind. Imagine if other countries elsewhere in the world suffered terrorist attacks by other races or if the level of sexual/LGBT decadence reached the same levels there would literally be riots in the streets. But in the west whites don't give a single shit unless it effects them personally. Society falling a part because of degeneracy? Doesn't effect me! (which is false btw). Terrorists blew up a school somewhere? It wasn't my school! In fact "how does this effect me?" is literally the excuse they use 90% of the time when somebody rants about socially undesirable behavior lmao. Also consider how poorly white people treat their parents compared to other races where taking care of your family is considered important. Just face it whites are natural born sociopaths.
LOL @ terrorists of other races. All terrorists are white and those who aren't are muslim who are all paid by whites and the ones who aren't are paid by governments supported by whites such as Saudi, Israel or Turkey.
yet whites pay for 90% of welfare for none whites to go to school
whites donate to Africa
we accept none whites into our countries so they can have a better life

low IQ thread
OP is actually a white racist but your illiterate double digit IQ brain didn't notice.

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I disagree OP. It’s not that white people are sociopathic. It’s that western culture is sociopathic.

White people in Latin America and Eastern Europe value community and the upholding of their culture. They care about issues that affect their country at large and not just themselves. They tend to not tolerate degeneracy either (the ones that do are westernized).

There’s also the fact that other races in the west tend to behave in the way that is no different from westernized whites. Its culture, not race.

Disagree. Eastern Europe is slowly catching up with the west in regards to decadence. And slavs are technically their own separate sub-race.

As for the race vs culture thing...

I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but the 2 are literally the same thing. Race is a collection of biological traits that dictate behavior and appearance. These behaviors and appearance are then responsible for shaping the culture. Race IS culture. The difference between me and the various alt-right faggots however is that I don't look at white culture with rose tinted goggles and in fact actually think it's a massive piece of shit.

For example, you claim other races living in the west behave the same as whites because they are "westernized". This is utterly untrue. African-Americans don't behave the same as White-Americans, who in turn don't behave the same as Asian-Americans. Even individual sub-groups of whites arguably aren't all the same with the Irish being a good example. In fact even just the concept of all Europeans being the same race is a new concept since in the past whites use to have far more racial categories (Ango-Saxons, Nordics, Aryans, Slavs etc) each with their own stereotypes attached to them.

This is a massive part of the reason for why I believe that once whites have committed collective suicide at their own hands the world will be taken over by the Asians. Asians are by nature conformist, conservative, nationalistic and cold/calculated. They are also intelligent with a high IQ on average. Basically whites will slowly vanish, and then once Hispanics and Africans have taken over the west they won't be able to compete against the likes of China and will be slowly taken over. What happens afterward is anybody's guess.
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Disagree. Eastern Europe is slowly catching up with the west in regards to decadence. And slavs are technically their own separate sub-race.

As for the race vs culture thing...

I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but the 2 are literally the same thing. Race is a collection of biological traits that dictate behavior and appearance. These behaviors and appearance are then responsible for shaping the culture. Race IS culture. The difference between me and the various alt-right faggots however is that I don't look at white culture with rose tinted goggles and in fact actually think it's a massive piece of shit.

For example, you claim other races living in the west behave the same as whites because they are "westernized". This is utterly untrue. African-Americans don't behave the same as White-Americans, who in turn don't behave the same as Asian-Americans. Even individual sub-groups of whites arguably aren't all the same with the Irish being a good example. In fact even just the concept of all Europeans being the same race is a new concept since in the past whites use to have far more racial categories (Ango-Saxons, Nordics, Aryans, Slavs etc) each with their own stereotypes attached to them.

This is a massive part of the reason for why I believe that once whites have committed collective suicide at their own hands the world will be taken over by the Asians. Asians are by nature conformist, conservative, nationalistic and cold/calculated. They are also intelligent with a high IQ on average. Basically whites will slowly vanish, and then once Hispanics and Africans have taken over the west they won't be able to compete against the likes of China and will be slowly taken over. What happens afterward is anybody's guess.
Eastern Europe has only begun to catch up with the west in this regard due to their westernization and their exposure to neo-liberal capitalism. Even with this, the process is slow due to their culture being completely different compared to the one of the west.

African Americans of middle class and higher background do behave in the same way that whites do. Same goes for Hispanics and Asian Americans. Go to any college campus or any multi-racial neighbourhood that isn’t poor. You will see that everyone there regardless of race subscribes to the same brand of consumerism, individualism and decadence that whites do according to you. Immigrants are the exception to this rule but their children almost always end up becoming indistinguishable from whites when it comes to these types of social attitudes and behaviour.

I do agree that whites have fucked themselves though
utter shit. as expected from OP.
LOL @ terrorists of other races. All terrorists are white and those who aren't are muslim who are all paid by whites and the ones who aren't are paid by governments supported by whites such as Saudi, Israel or Turkey.

OP is actually a white racist but your illiterate double digit IQ brain didn't notice.

Yeah because the terrorism over religion in the Middle East that’s been going on since practically the dinosaur age is all white people right. Same with the Africans pillaging villages and creating militias over their governments large income equality :lul::forcedsmile:

Istanbul airport bombings, Sunni Muslims war on other Muslims and paki - Indian relations are all muh bad white man right??

Below freezing IQ
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Yeah because the terrorism over religion in the Middle East that’s been going on since practically the dinosaur age is all white people right. Same with the Africans pillaging villages and creating militias over their governments large income equality :lul::forcedsmile:

Istanbul airport bombings, Sunni Muslims war on other Muslims and paki - Indian relations are all muh bad white man right??

Below freezing IQ
The Middle East and Africa are controlled by the West. Either directly or economically. Whenever the Arabs/Persians/Turks brought in someone enlightened (Ataturk, Mossadeq, Nasser, Kassem, Ali Bhutto, Taraki) the West did as much as they could to bring them back to the stone age. There is a reason the biggest terrorists in the Middle East (Saudi, Emirates, Israel, Turkey) are all supported by the West or are outright part of the West.

War on terror is a sham and modern day terrorism is synthetic. There is a reason the Soviet Union did not need either the war on terror or the war on drugs. Without Western liberalism you wouldn't have Islamist retards blowing themselves up and don't worry this won't last either as the West is in a steady decline. Without your tax money there will not be any terrorists, I mean "moderate opposition". After decades of pure Anglo dominance it really looks Assad might just win this one.

But yeah keep reading Sam Harris you "intellectual".
The Middle East and Africa are controlled by the West. Either directly or economically. Whenever the Arabs/Persians/Turks brought in someone enlightened (Ataturk, Mossadeq, Nasser, Kassem, Ali Bhutto, Taraki) the West did as much as they could to bring them back to the stone age. There is a reason the biggest terrorists in the Middle East (Saudi, Emirates, Israel, Turkey) are all supported by the West or are outright part of the West.

War on terror is a sham and modern day terrorism is synthetic. There is a reason the Soviet Union did not need either the war on terror or the war on drugs. Without Western liberalism you wouldn't have Islamist retards blowing themselves up and don't worry this won't last either as the West is in a steady decline. Without your tax money there will not be any terrorists, I mean "moderate opposition". After decades of pure Anglo dominance it really looks Assad might just win this one.

But yeah keep reading Sam Harris you "intellectual".
Lmao at this lunatic conspiracy theorist. Keep being a neckbeard from your basement thinking you’re more enlightened than everyone else making fun of people in higher education.
Lmao at this lunatic conspiracy theorist. Keep being a neckbeard from your basement thinking you’re more enlightened than everyone else making fun of people in higher education.
He’s not wrong. The west has been meddling in the Middle East for decades, if not centuries. modern day Islamic terror is just a by-product of that.

All the secular Arab political leaders who kept radical islamists at bay were either directly deposed of (Hussein) or were thrown out in coups by western backed opposition (Mosaddegh)
He’s not wrong. The west has been meddling in the Middle East for decades, if not centuries. modern day Islamic terror is just a by-product of that.

All the secular Arab political leaders who kept radical islamists at bay were either directly deposed of (Hussein) or were thrown out in coups by western backed opposition (Mosaddegh)
I would argue that Islam hates the west more for it's degeneracy and out of fear towards the idea that said degeneracy will spread to the middle east. A perfectly valid thing to believe tbh.

I'm actually siding with Islam because I hate western "culture" so much srs.
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He’s not wrong. The west has been meddling in the Middle East for decades, if not centuries. modern day Islamic terror is just a by-product of that.

All the secular Arab political leaders who kept radical islamists at bay were either directly deposed of (Hussein) or were thrown out in coups by western backed opposition (Mosaddegh)
Two uneducated basement dwelling NEETs trying to tell me about history jfl

Gotta remember to talk about looks only on this website from now on before being bombarded by pseudo intellectuals whove been bullied and discriminated by whites for being an uglier inferior race
Two uneducated basement dwelling NEETs trying to tell me about history jfl

Gotta remember to talk about looks only on this website from now on before being bombarded by pseudo intellectuals whove been bullied and discriminated by whites for being an uglier inferior race
Wtf? What’s your problem bro. I’m just stating an opinion
Lmao at this lunatic conspiracy theorist. Keep being a neckbeard from your basement thinking you’re more enlightened than everyone else making fun of people in higher education.
Where is the conspiracy theory? The fact that you have not heard any of these names doesn't mean I am making fun of educated people, you are not educated. The only fool made fun of here is you. Sam Harris is a pseudo-intellectual celebrity on par with Peterson, he is not an expert on the Middle East.
Wtf? What’s your problem bro. I’m just stating an opinion
He is a low IQ racist moron who can only run ad hominems. I'd be surprised if he has even read one book in his entire life.
I am not a sociopath.
I have never read a better description of white people, if I was white I would probably kill myself after reading this.
Where is the conspiracy theory? The fact that you have not heard any of these names doesn't mean I am making fun of educated people, you are not educated. The only fool made fun of here is you. Sam Harris is a pseudo-intellectual celebrity on par with Peterson, he is not an expert on the Middle East.

He is a low IQ racist moron who can only run ad hominems. I'd be surprised if he has even read one book in his entire life.
Keep projecting that you know all the preachers in the NEET starter pack

The full extent of your “knowledge” is internet conspiracies lol

No point in arguing with pseudo intellectual neckbeards with IQ’s of 90
Keep projecting that you know all the preachers in the NEET starter pack

The full extent of your “knowledge” is internet conspiracies lol

No point in arguing with pseudo intellectual neckbeards with IQ’s of 90
More ad hominems, no arguments. In fact nothing I wrote in my last post could ever qualify as a conspiracy theory. It's obvious who won this "debate".

Stop embarrassing yourself moron.
I have never read a better description of white people, if I was white I would probably kill myself after reading this.
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More ad hominems, no arguments. In fact nothing I wrote in my last post could ever qualify as a conspiracy theory. It's obvious who won this "debate".

Stop embarrassing yourself moron.
I didn’t participate in this debate...Another argument the other side didn’t participate in because they didn’t find you suitable enough to even have the conversation to mark off on your wall of semen :lul:

Muh evil white people, “they’re the reason my African country has the biggest income equality in the world and why I’m still a Virgin”

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I didn’t participate in this debate...Another argument the other side didn’t participate in because they didn’t find you suitable enough to even have the conversation to mark off on your wall of semen :lul:
The reason you didn't participate was simple, you had nothing substantial to add and now you're just backpedaling. In fact your very first post here baffled me how irrelevant it was and how it did not even directly answer anything in my post. I hope you are not a native English speaker with that reading comprehension. As soon as I elaborated you became shook, started your barely coherent mumbling about "muh conspiracy theories" (thinking what I wrote even fit the term) and retreated back into conversations about maxillas and mandibles since that is all your subhuman double digit IQ brain can do.
The reason you didn't participate was simple, you had nothing substantial to add and now you're just backpedaling. In fact your very first post here baffled me how irrelevant it was and how it did not even directly answer anything in my post. I hope you are not a native English speaker with that reading comprehension. As soon as I elaborated you became shook, started your barely coherent mumbling about "muh conspiracy theories" (thinking what I wrote even fit the term) and retreated back into conversations about maxillas and mandibles since that is all your subhuman double digit IQ brain can do.

I didn't become shook. I just realized what a retarded loser I was talking to. It wasn't irrelevant, read what you first wrote then look how I responded to it. It was perfectly relevant to what you said.

I know for 100% sure I go to a better college than you do as well lol. More neckbearded 4chan loser talk, trying to talk down to people who mog him to death in every way on the internet.

"All terrorists who are white are not muslim" simply isn't true. Nothing more needs to be said. I originally thought you wrote "All terrorists are whites" which would have been even worse. I skimmed over it because I usually skim over what irrelevant users like yourself have to say.

You said it, it wasn't true. Conversation over lol. You are wrong, I am right. Retards don't need to be debated with.

The “muh white people” arguments are more than enough to prove your subhumanity beyond a reasonable doubt.
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I didn't become shook. I just realized what a retarded loser I was talking to. It wasn't irrelevant, read what you first wrote then look how I responded to it. It was perfectly relevant to what you said.

I know for 100% sure I go to a better college than you do lol
No it wasn't you illiterate twit. OP made a delusional post about how meek Europeans have become completely indifferent to how they are being terrorized by the hordes of ethnic Islamic terrorists. I responded by noting how all the Islamic terrorists sympathize with either nations allied to NATO governments or NATO states themselves in their fight against the secular Assad, thus effectively being tools of the West.

Then your illiterate ass came in babbling about Istanbul bombings and crime in Africa. After I elaborated on my initial post with simple history taught in every geopolitical department in the World you started crying about conspiracy theories thinking it even made sense. You are such a fucking imbecile it hurts. As I said, keep talking about jaws as you have been until now cumulating almost 3000 posts in a month and a half since you are being seriously outclassed here. Or better yet, buy some rope, neck your worthless self and stop making me respond to your verbal diarrhea every 10 minutes or so.
No it wasn't you illiterate twit. OP made a delusional post about how meek Europeans have become completely indifferent to how they are being terrorized by the hordes of ethnic Islamic terrorists. I responded by noting how all the Islamic terrorists sympathize with either nations allied to NATO governments or NATO states themselves in their fight against the secular Assad, thus effectively being tools of the West.

Then your illiterate ass came in babbling about Istanbul bombings and crime in Africa. After I elaborated on my initial post with simple history taught in every geopolitical department in the World you started crying about conspiracy theories thinking it even made sense. You are such a fucking imbecile it hurts. As I said, keep talking about jaws as you have been until now cumulating almost 3000 posts in a month and a half since you are being seriously outclassed here. Or better yet, buy some rope, neck your worthless self and stop making me respond to your verbal diarrhea every 10 minutes or so.
“LOL @ terrorists of other races”

Now you’re the one backtracking lol

Awfully pretentious for a retard who can’t even recall what he wrote a page ago

You don’t outclass a SINGLE user on this site, not one
I’m tired of seeing you spitting on white people 24/7 you little brown piece of shit. How about you go back to the shithole your family comes from ? Ooooh right, it’s better to live in a developed and relatively safe white country. Kys shitskin.
I’m tired of seeing you spitting on white people 24/7 you little brown piece of shit. How about you go back to the shithole your family comes from ? Ooooh right, it’s better to live in a developed and relatively safe white country. Kys shitskin.

I'm a blackpilled white dude living in a feminist sjw LGBT cuck infested nordic shithole. As Aryan as they come bro.
I'm a blackpilled white dude living in a feminist sjw LGBT cuck infested nordic shithole. As Aryan as they come bro.
You're a retard then.
Jfl at you whining about "muh white civilization has always been degenerate since the romans and the greeks" you stupid fuck.
You're a retard then.
Jfl at you whining about "muh white civilization has always been degenerate since the romans and the greeks" you stupid fuck.

The romans and greeks fucked little children.
The romans and greeks fucked little children.
And muslims are still doing it today, so what's your point? If white societies are degenerate then all the other ones are equally degenerate, as well as being less developped.

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