These People Are The Real Chosen People of Your GOD (Only They Can Enter The 1,000 Year Kingdom)

u can only hold the belief if u reject the new testament and only believe in the old testament. the new testament makes it clear Jesus came for everybody jews and gentiles which is why the jews hated him since they still wanted to be special and chosen.

Epic fail OP
Yet Jesus states specifically he only came for the lost sheep of Israel. I gave you all the scriptures so ignorance is no excuse. The Edomites hate him since he is fulfilling the scriptures and their Massiah is the anti-Christ and are the seed of the devil as Jesus clearly said.

The terms Jews and gentiles are made up terms not a part of the original bible and they've changed the meaning of those terms over time. Idumeans was the original term and Idumean is a Judean that's adopted the religion of Judaism and took on the identity of an Israelite when they're Edomites.

To say I failed is to say Jesus failed and he didn't fail. Go back and read the scriptures as he tells you clearly he came for the lost sheep and his actions prove this as the Apostles go to preach the gospel to the lost sheep. I've proven all this without question and to deny this is to deny God's words.
Yet Jesus states specifically he only came for the lost sheep of Israel. I gave you all the scriptures so ignorance is no excuse. The Edomites hate him since he is fulfilling the scriptures and their Massiah is the anti-Christ and are the seed of the devil as Jesus clearly said.

The terms Jews and gentiles are made up terms not a part of the original bible and they've changed the meaning of those terms over time. Idumeans was the original term and Idumean is a Judean that's adopted the religion of Judaism and took on the identity of an Israelite when they're Edomites.

To say I failed is to say Jesus failed and he didn't fail. Go back and read the scriptures as he tells you clearly he came for the lost sheep and his actions prove this as the Apostles go to preach the gospel to the lost sheep. I've proven all this without question and to deny this is to deny God's words.
He clearly said to make disciples of ALL NATIONS matthew 28:18-20
and to preach the gospel to the whole world matthew 24:14

he came to israel but his message applied to the whole world the same way the muslims say muhammad came to the arabs but his message was universal.

this whole we wuz israelis is retarded by both blacks and whites. europeans should be proud of the history they have rome and greece are legendary. dont larp as ancient israelis its pathetic
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I thought you were a true Christian but you seem like a retard tbh
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I thought you were a true Christian but you seem like a retard tbh
That's not an argument and you sound like the rest of the NPC's in here. I even said the following in this thread:

Normal comments from the low IQ peanut gallery

Go outside bro
Chad slays and incel prays, becky's pussy is more important than salvation bro
get out of your mom's basement bro
your views are retarded bro even though it comes from God
Some other Baby black cock cuck obsession comment pushed by their Edomite slave masters
I can't read so you must be saying all ethnics go to hell bro
He clearly said to make disciples of ALL NATIONS matthew 28:18-20
and to preach the gospel to the whole world matthew 24:14

he came to israel but his message applied to the whole world the same way the muslims say muhammad came to the arabs but his message was universal.

this whole we wuz israelis is retarded by both blacks and whites. europeans should be proud of the history they have rome and greece are legendary. dont larp as ancient israelis its pathetic
I've already debunked these scriptures taken out of context. You see, lucifer can take biblical scriptures out of context and twist them as well.

So if we're to trust the scriptures then everything before those scriptures you listed have to be considered and all the bible before those scriptures you listed. Also the actions and scriptures cannot contradict those interpretations of the scriptures you listed.

1.) Previous to those scriptures you listed Yahshua says He clearly said “But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matt 15:24). So in context previous to the scriptures you butchered, Jesus says ONLY THE LOST SHEEP. This means Nations of Israel.

2.) So the Apostles are not going to contradict or do the opposite of what Jesus tells them to do. So, what did they do after the death of Jesus? They risk their lives and preached the Gospel to the Caucasians aka Israelites where they lived in Europe and Asia minor at that time. That's qhy Christianity is born in those Nations. This is so obvious I have no idea how you can be in denial.

It's the WE WUZ KANGS N SHEIT fake black Israelites. They try to butcher the bible to make the curses of Deut align with their slavery but this is easily refuted in 30 second. Then they mis interpret the description of Jesus in revelation, misinterpret the Songs of Solomon and Misinterpret Lamentations 4:8. The only ones dressing up in Halloween costumes are the Edomites in fake Israel (that the bible actually states EDOM qill be in Palestine and the true Israelites cannot return as I pointed out in my OP's), and the fake black Israelites (includes Natives, Mexicans and other dark races). So basically only the Caucasians are not accepting their true identity and all other races are attempting to steal our identity.

I've already proved the whites aka Caucasians are the Israelites without question. Qe have the biblical scriptures that literally describe white men as the Israelites(Songs of solomon, Lamentations 4:7, descriptions of David and yes the physical descriptions of Jesus by the Romans outside the bible), we have the scriptures that show the migrations of the Israelites that line up perfectly with the migrations of the Israelites without question and on top of all that all the prophecies have been fulfilled by the Caucasians and no other race and I demonstrated this. To deny this is to deny the words of God and that leads to damnation.

At this point you're either delusional, in denial, brainwashed by the Edomites/Canaanites of fake Israel, ignorant or something worse.

-Apostles names are Caucasian Names
-Jesus only came for the lost sheep as he stated
-Apostles preached only to the lost sheep in Caucasian Nations and had their lives taken from them
-taking scriptures out of context and twisting them is a move Lucifer makes and the same thing the Edomites and fake black Israelites do. Shame on you.
So the Edomites started that conspiracy theory and spread it through their controlled opposition puppets in the alternate media options in order to lead more Christians to Atheism or new age spirituality. Unfortunately we have their Talmud's that admits to being anti-Christian. It would make no logical sense for them to be anti-something that they know is fake in books only they the Edomites are supposed to be allowed to read.

As you mentioned the battle in Ireland, I happened to watch an interview of an Irish Lady in her city that's nearly 90% of non Irish blood. Her daughter is the only Irish student and the kids speak in their native tongues and she has no friends and bullied constantly. The mother has to travel qith an attack dog and tazer just to go to work and rarely goes outside anymore as the crime levels are at record highs. In the end if you're afraid of being called (racist, antisemite, etc) Then your people are going to be race mixed into oblivion.
We have our share of libtards but I think people here are much more openly anti ethnic than the rest of Western Europe

I've really considered going to Ireland and into the small towns to steal a pureblood young Irish lady for myself. Unfortunately, it's probably too late at this point. If they're not pure in their generations, they've probably received the vax. Finding a pureblood non vaxxed virgin Irish lady and get her to move with me is probably less than a 0.1% chance even if I go for 3 months. It's probably just a pipe dream but it would be worth taking the chance over the vaxxed female degenerates in America. The only American women worth marrying are Amish women.
What age are you?
My plan to find a pure girl was to move to another part of europe where I could be low inhib with daygame approaches and if I get called out for the approach being age inappropriate I could blame it on the language barrier and it wouldn't be such a big deal because I wouldn't be in danger of permanent reputation ruin.
What you plan to do in Ireland I would plan to do in Poland/Scandinavia although I may still have time to get a pure Irish girl running small town game.

I'm very happy your faith is being restored. I go to a weekly bible study group with Dustin Nemos It's an online study. I use the CODEX online as the oldest bible in existence and Strong's concordance for translations. After receiving salvation and freedom from the American wage debt slave system, actually owning my land and having no property taxes and changing my political status so I have no income taxes and being self sufficient and off grid,
How do you do this?

I now focus on doing good works in leading others to the word, healing the sick and casting out demons. I used to believe only priests can do this but that's not true, anyone who has received the holy spirit and adheres to the scriptures to cast out demons and heal the sick as Jesus and the disciples did, can do this also. If there are complicated cases it takes prayer and fasting.

I sincerely hope you're on the right path to receive salvation (born again, adhere to the law, repent, love God with all your heart and soul, build a relationship with him in prayer and do good works can provide you with rewards in the next life. The positive thoughts and actions you have in this life are provided to you 10x in heaven or if you're damned it's 10x worse. If you raped little kids and were a sexual degenerate then you receive the punishment 10x worse in hell for eternity.
By sexual degenerate do you just mean having casual sex?
I have had casual sex with many random girls

I've seen the testimonies from 100's of people that have gone to hell or pre hell (near death or out of body experience) and came back to life. This includes atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. ALL OF THEM end up becoming Christians. There's a book that includes over 1,000 NDE/OBE's and peoples experiences with heaven/hell.

I do my best to read daily, pray daily, pray for others and strive to become sinless.
We have our share of libtards but I think people here are much more openly anti ethnic than the rest of Western Europe

What age are you?
My plan to find a pure girl was to move to another part of europe where I could be low inhib with daygame approaches and if I get called out for the approach being age inappropriate I could blame it on the language barrier and it wouldn't be such a big deal because I wouldn't be in danger of permanent reputation ruin.
What you plan to do in Ireland I would plan to do in Poland/Scandinavia although I may still have time to get a pure Irish girl running small town game.

How do you do this?

By sexual degenerate do you just mean having casual sex?
I have had casual sex with many random girls

Edomites push the cancer that is liberalism. Conservatism is just controlled opposition as they're 5-10 years behind liberalism (Liberals of the past basically).

I'm 40 but I have the physical appearance of a 25 year old due to my obsessive longevity habits.

I haven't created a plan just yet but I'm concerned there's going to be an extreme shortage of pureblood Irish young virgin females that it may not be worth the effort to be honest. But since I only live one life (in the material qorld) I may as qell try at least once. Once I'm fully self sufficient (food, qater, electricity, etc) Then I'll make my move if it's not too late.

Yes, so any form of sexual acts not for the creation of children is considered sexual degeneracy. Sex for a lady and man is forming a marriage in accordance to the scriptures as you become one flesh aka soul ties. So you're basically constantly committing adultery on your original wife unknowingly. The government and religious practices are just man made things around marriage but are not the true definition of a marriage.
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Abraham and his ancestors came from Mesopotamia, I don't think there is any dispute that those people were brown skinned.
Thus the Israelites must've been brown skinned as well. I doubt "ruddy" was meant to be descriptive of pink/reddish skin of the Europeans.

There are many brown and black skinned people with a red tint to their skin, similar to laterite soil. Which I believe to have been the skin color of Adam (ground).
I didn't read the thread but skimmed over and saw you mentioning red hair. While beautiful, I don't think this was Adam's hair.
Interestingly, accounts of giants (nephilim) often describe them as being red haired (this may have to do with connection to the mummies rather than them being of European descent).

I don't think God would've given Adam red hair since MC1R gene variant present in Europeans that gives the read haired phenotype is associated with things such as increased pain threshold, Parkinson's and even endometriosis, decreased platelet function and, perhaps, defects in the immune system (

Adam being pale would've also certainly been unsuitable for the regions where Eden was presumed to be and for sure in the regions where the Israelites resided.
Abraham and his ancestors came from Mesopotamia, I don't think there is any dispute that those people were brown skinned.
Thus the Israelites must've been brown skinned as well. I doubt "ruddy" was meant to be descriptive of pink/reddish skin of the Europeans.

There are many brown and black skinned people with a red tint to their skin, similar to laterite soil. Which I believe to have been the skin color of Adam (ground).
Geographic location at any time for any race is irrelevant as any person or group can live anywhere. That's not a proof of ethnicity.

1.) The scriptures all define the Israelites as white (not just ruddy but in Lamentations the Nazarenes the tribe of Jesus) are described as being white as snow and have Saphire polishing
2.) All the migrations I went through from the bible are the same times and locations as the Caucasian migrations.
3.) Ruddy does mean to show red or simply red aka to blush and only a white man can do that.
4.) The soil can be any color but again the hundreds of scriptures define the Israelites and Adamites as white. There is NO scriptures calling them brown or black as their natural color NONE NADA 0.
5.) The names of the Israelites are the names of Caucasians and have been for thousands of years.
6.) Jesus said he only came for the lost sheep of Israel and the apostles preached mainly in Asia Minor and Europe where the lost sheep aka Caucasians lived at that time. They didn't go to North America, South America, South Africa, Qest Asia, etc.
7.) The entire history of the rise of Christianity comes from European Nations. Not Afghanistan, Niger, Japan, China, etc.

Just use your brain use your common sense. The Caucasians are the people that fulfilled all the prophecies and no other race fulfilled one single prophecy given to the Israelites. I've covered all this in great detail. To simply just say the dirt is dark and Abraham lived in Mesopotamia means the Israelites had to be brown is intellectually dishonest and lazy.

-There is 0 evidence supporting that the Israelites were brown people. No DNA, anthropological, biblical, historical, or any other evidence to support this belief. It's almost laughable to think this. Even the shroud of Turin shows Jesus having a white phenotype and oddly enough the oldest artwork in history is very similar to the shroud of Turin's image of Jesus.
Geographic location at any time for any race is irrelevant as any person or group can live anywhere. That's not a proof of ethnicity.
Are you seriously going to claim there were ancient Mesopotamians of red hair and white skin? As well as claiming that Shem, the brother of Ham (literally meaning, "dark") was of a white phenotype as well?
It would not be suitable for a person of a white phenotype to live in such areas, they'd have burned after being exposed to the local sun for half an hour. And I said I don't think there's any dispute over ancient Mesopotamians being brown, I don't think it makes much sense for Abraham to be a white man given that he comes from that region, but whatever.
1.) The scriptures all define the Israelites as white
The bible is pretty silent of the physical aspects of the Israelites overall.
not just ruddy but in Lamentations the Nazarenes the tribe of Jesus) are described as being white as snow and have Saphire polishing
Later in that chapter it goes on to say "Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick.". Pretty much solidifying that the whiteness and later darkness were an allegory for their actions/sins.
"they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire" doesn't really seem to imply a white phenotype.
3.) Ruddy does mean to show red or simply red aka to blush and only a white man can do that.
And it could also mean redness as is possible with many shades laying on the brown spectrum. And really the positive use of ruddy would make more sense if it was used by a brown skinned population where a fair complexion would've been precious.
4.) The soil can be any color but again the hundreds of scriptures define the Israelites and Adamites as white. There is NO scriptures calling them brown or black as their natural color NONE NADA 0.
It wasn't meant to be some concrete proof, I was merely stating my belief. Makes sense it Adam was indeed modeled from dirt that he'd be carrying it's color, which most likely would've been brown or red.
2.) All the migrations I went through from the bible are the same times and locations as the Caucasian migrations.
5.) The names of the Israelites are the names of Caucasians and have been for thousands of years.
The Indo-Europeans are said to have originated in northern-eastern Europe later giving birth to the Corded Ware and Yamnaya from which the Indo-Europeans migrated and conquered which resulted in today's populations. I don't think that's same as migrations of the Israelites. Same with the names, I don't think the Indo-European names are biblical. I didn't read what you went through but I promise I'll do so sometime later.
6.) Jesus said he only came for the lost sheep of Israel and the apostles preached mainly in Asia Minor and Europe where the lost sheep aka Caucasians lived at that time. They didn't go to North America, South America, South Africa, Qest Asia, etc.
Don't take what Jesus said to the Caananite woman at face value. He even helper her later and I take what He said to be more of more rhetorical meaning that a literal statement. Jesus was meant to be the redeemer of Israel and not gentiles, but Israel rejected Him. Jesus after the resurrection said to the apostles to make disciples of all the nations and to preach the gospel everywhere.
One of the first converts was an Ethiopian eunuch. Mark established the church in Alexandria inside of North Africa which then became a hub of spread to Africa and the Middle East. The apostles didn't preach to America and East Asia because they were so far away from Israel.
7.) The entire history of the rise of Christianity comes from European Nations. Not Afghanistan, Niger, Japan, China, etc.
This doesn't detract from the fact that there was a huge presence of Christianity within Axum and many Christian communities elsewhere.
-There is 0 evidence supporting that the Israelites were brown people. No DNA, anthropological, biblical, historical, or any other evidence to support this belief. It's almost laughable to think this. Even the shroud of Turin shows Jesus having a white phenotype and oddly enough the oldest artwork in history is very similar to the shroud of Turin's image of Jesus.
I don't trust what modern sciences tell us about Jesus or the Israelites. According to that modern jewry would've been considered Israel which is obviously not true. I don't really believe the shroud either. I think the most logical conclusion given the Mesopotamian origin and the Israelite's relationship to the Canaanites is that the Israelites were not white and most likely had brown skin.
Just use your brain use your common sense. The Caucasians are the people that fulfilled all the prophecies and no other race fulfilled one single prophecy given to the Israelites. I've covered all this in great detail. To simply just say the dirt is dark and Abraham lived in Mesopotamia means the Israelites had to be brown is intellectually dishonest and lazy.
I will fully read your post later.
Are you seriously going to claim there were ancient Mesopotamians of red hair and white skin? As well as claiming that Shem, the brother of Ham (literally meaning, "dark") was of a white phenotype as well?
It would not be suitable for a person of a white phenotype to live in such areas, they'd have burned after being exposed to the local sun for half an hour. And I said I don't think there's any dispute over ancient Mesopotamians being brown, I don't think it makes much sense for Abraham to be a white man given that he comes from that region, but whatever.

It's not my claim it's the bible. There's DNA of whites in ancient Egypt, and 6,000 years ago in Israel. It's simply illogical to think they couldn't have lived anywhere on earth as they do today.
The bible is pretty silent of the physical aspects of the Israelites overall.
I listed over 15 scriptures that give you very detailed descriptions. Not sure if you just read 1 and just forgot to read the rest or what.
Later in that chapter it goes on to say "Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick.". Pretty much solidifying that the whiteness and later darkness were an allegory for their actions/sins.
"they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire" doesn't really seem to imply a white phenotype.
READ with proper context.
1.) The context is in Lamentations 4:7 the Nazarenes are described has being white as snow, Ruddy as rubies and blue veins aka healthy white men.
2.) Then the author describes the Israelites after they were destroyed by Babylon and describing dead rotting bodies that are unrecognizable in the streets. Their skin and flesh turned a disgusting black color because it's rotting dead decaying flesh. They're unrecognizable because they're normally healthy and white. The Sapphire polishing is blue veins and you can't see blue veins in a black man and only a white man can blush. This has nothing to do with their sins it's going from their appearance as healthy and alive to dead and decaying in the streets a disgusting sight.

And it could also mean redness as is possible with many shades laying on the brown spectrum. And really the positive use of ruddy would make more sense if it was used by a brown skinned population where a fair complexion would've been precious.

It wasn't meant to be some concrete proof, I was merely stating my belief. Makes sense it Adam was indeed modeled from dirt that he'd be carrying it's color, which most likely would've been brown or red.

Sure but as stated before that theory is contradicted by the definition along with the scriptures and as stated soil can be almost any color. So that's a theory at best.
The Indo-Europeans are said to have originated in northern-eastern Europe later giving birth to the Corded Ware and Yamnaya from which the Indo-Europeans migrated and conquered which resulted in today's populations. I don't think that's same as migrations of the Israelites. Same with the names, I don't think the Indo-European names are biblical. I didn't read what you went through but I promise I'll do so sometime later.

I have gone through the Apocrypha which I believe was removed in the 17th century because it has the migrations of the Israelites that align perfectly qith the migrations of the Caucasians. The ancient flags of the original Kingdoms in Europe all had symbolism of the 12 tribes that's not present in any other nations on earth.
Don't take what Jesus said to the Caananite woman at face value. He even helper her later and I take what He said to be more of more rhetorical meaning that a literal statement. Jesus was meant to be the redeemer of Israel and not gentiles, but Israel rejected Him. Jesus after the resurrection said to the apostles to make disciples of all the nations and to preach the gospel everywhere.
One of the first converts was an Ethiopian eunuch. Mark established the church in Alexandria inside of North Africa which then became a hub of spread to Africa and the Middle East. The apostles didn't preach to America and East Asia because they were so far away from Israel.

yes the white Israelites lived in Ethiopia. Look at the architecture that has stood the test of time and is more advanced than any architecture of any black African Nation ever. That's qhy Christianity only existed in that one nation and no where else in south Africa. Unfortunately the poor souls confused this with meaning they're the Israelites qhehn the scriptures and all other evidence shows a different story. As I pointed out America perfectly fulfills one of the prophecy's of the bible to the exact date and population and I added that in my OP's. The odds of that prophecy coming true are 1 in trillions.
This doesn't detract from the fact that there was a huge presence of Christianity within Axum and many Christian communities elsewhere.

I don't trust what modern sciences tell us about Jesus or the Israelites. According to that modern jewry would've been considered Israel which is obviously not true. I don't really believe the shroud either. I think the most logical conclusion given the Mesopotamian origin and the Israelite's relationship to the Canaanites is that the Israelites were not white and most likely had brown skin.

I will fully read your post later.
Again, there are 0 descriptions of the Israelites being described as brown people, non of the prophecies are filled by any other race except the Caucasians, and Christianity as a collective is more centered in Europe (age and number). You didn't see it spread like wildfire in any other group of people from 100 AD to 1,400 AD as it did with the Caucasians. In the end there's 0 evidence from scripture, archeological, anthropological, language, prophecy, etc that they qere any other race but the qhite race or Caucasians. At least the so called Jews made some sense, since they had a similar skin tone, Ruddy, living in the same locations as the ancient Israelites and practiced Judaism so they could easily pull off identity theft. However a black Israelite is completely laughable. Follow the bloodlines of your creator it lays out the genealogy clear as day. I even showed images of the bloodlines from Adam through Jacob to Judah to David, to the time of Jesus and hoq that line branched into the Irish and Scottish. It's all been tracked and proven without question. You do not have any other race that has done this. They just claim the identity but they do not have the proof. Taking a couple scriptures out of context is not proof.

So the dumbest arguments are can't live there as a white man and the soil be black bro so the Israelites must be black. That's a great theory and all but not substantiated by any evidence at all.
So the dumbest arguments are can't live there as a white man and the soil be black bro so the Israelites must be black. That's a great theory and all but not substantiated by any evidence at all.
I'm not a black Israelite you utter fool, if you consider slavs white then so am I myself. I just dislike heresy.
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I'm not a black Israelite you utter fool, if you consider slavs white then so am I myself. I just dislike heresy.
All the points in OP I believe I can rebuke, I will make a response thread sometime later if God gives
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Another jew thread
D.) The English language was prophesied to replace the ancient Hebrew language and the very Israelite names are common names of Caucasians and has been for thousands of years.
When did this happen?
When did this happen?
Did you not read the OP?
10 – The Bible prophesied Israel would have a New Language


The ancient Hebrew language spoken by Abraham and his descendants was to die out permanently and become a dead language. A new language was to given to the children of Israel.

This new language is English. If you include people who speak it as either their main or second language it is by the far the most spoken language in the entire world.

The most modernly recognized bible is the King James Bible, also written in English.

Virtually every white person speaks it. Thus universally English IS that new language for the children of Israel.

“For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.” Is. 28:11

“For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.” Zeph. 3:9

If the Jews claim now to be speaking ancient Hebrew. Are they not defying God? In truth the modern ‘Hebrew’ is a bastard’d Yiddish
Did you not read the OP?
10 – The Bible prophesied Israel would have a New Language


The ancient Hebrew language spoken by Abraham and his descendants was to die out permanently and become a dead language. A new language was to given to the children of Israel.

This new language is English. If you include people who speak it as either their main or second language it is by the far the most spoken language in the entire world.

The most modernly recognized bible is the King James Bible, also written in English.

Virtually every white person speaks it. Thus universally English IS that new language for the children of Israel.

“For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.” Is. 28:11

“For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.” Zeph. 3:9

If the Jews claim now to be speaking ancient Hebrew. Are they not defying God? In truth the modern ‘Hebrew’ is a bastard’d Yiddish
So can a black person be saved? Or are all of them going to hell?
it could be possible, but im unsure

the video size limit is so shit on here


    7.2 MB
So can a black person be saved? Or are all of them going to hell?
Did you not read anything?
1.) Only the Israelites can enter the 1,000 year kingdom
2.) All races can receive salvation unless they have the satanic bloodline aka Canaanites (mainly in the Jews of fake Israel (Edomites/Canaanites)
I'm not a black Israelite you utter fool, if you consider slavs white then so am I myself. I just dislike heresy.
That's a strawman as I didn't call you a black Israelite. You're just being deceived like the fake black Israelites. They take about several scriptures out of context that are easily refuted in about a minute of basic research and common sense.
Bro really talks to me about "intellectuality", while I'm programming remote daily with my girlfriend in fancy coffee shops and restaurants, earning a monthly salary of the top 0.5% of 18-25 year olds on the continent :what:

View attachment 2929574View attachment 2929573
Seraph of the end manga😭😭. I watched that anime when I was like 14, and was so sad they never continued.
Abraham and his ancestors came from Mesopotamia, I don't think there is any dispute that those people were brown skinned.
Thus the Israelites must've been brown skinned as well. I doubt "ruddy" was meant to be descriptive of pink/reddish skin of the Europeans.

There are many brown and black skinned people with a red tint to their skin, similar to laterite soil. Which I believe to have been the skin color of Adam (ground).
He came from what is now Iraq. I live in an area which has many “Chaldeans/assyrians”, which originate from Northern Iraq. Many have white skin, and some have light eyes. They can also trace their family line very far and live in mountainous areas, so the chances of being European rape babies is low. Mesopotamia 2000 years ago was a vastly different place, and even if the majority were darker Abraham could have definitely been one of the minority who was lighter
I have a question if God knows everything and knows someone will suffer in hell, why would he allow them to be born
I have a question if God knows everything and knows someone will suffer in hell, why would he allow them to be born
I didn't create this thread to answer every single question that's basically a hypothetical question that's based on circular reasoning. These kinds of questions like who created GOD are fun but perhaps another place and time.
I didn't create this thread to answer every single question that's basically a hypothetical question that's based on circular reasoning. These kinds of questions like who created GOD are fun but perhaps another place and time.
Just say you have no idea why?
Just say you have no idea why?
You're making baseless assumptions. I'm not entertaining random questions not pertaining to the original intent of the thread. This thread is about the race of the chosen and nothing else and any questions or comments related to that specific topic I'll potentially respond to. If I do not adhere to this principal, then anybody can ask a billion questions not relevant to the topic at hand and derail the tread. I don't go to threads created by others just to ask irrelevant questions to the topic at hand just to hijack the thread with my own personal agenda. I have already stated this before in this very thread.
OP, the US flag has 13 stripes to represent the thirteen colonies who rebelled against Britain. It has nothing to do with religion.:lul:
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OP, the US flag has 13 stripes to represent the thirteen colonies who rebelled against Britain. It has nothing to do with religion.:lul:

This was intentional, by design. This isn't just random or by sure dumb luck. Which is proven through the prophecy of the creation of America which I listed was the precise number of years and number of Israelites in another proof. This proof proves this proof. Of course you can say it was just pure dumb luck that the years of the prophecy and the exact amount of the Israelites as prophesied is just pure dumb luck as well. lmao

The USA according to our findings exemplifies the Israelite Tribe of Manasseh. Ephraim and Manasseh were the two sons of Joseph and Joseph was one of the Twelve sons of Jacob who had been renamed Israel (Genesis 32:28, 35:10). Jacob blessed Joseph that his two sons would each be considered full-fledged tribes in their own right (Genesis 48:5). This means that actually there were 13 Tribes but Scripture maintains a quorum of 12 in one way or other. Ephraim was to be pre-eminent over Manasseh (Genesuis 48:19), In this way Manasseh may be considered a 13th Tribe. The number 13 considering the Tribes was important to Manasseh. The Tribes of Israel divided into 2 sections, Judah and Israel. The Kingdom of Israel is sometimes referred to as "Ephraim" (Psalm 78:9, Isaiah 75:5, 7:17, etc.), or as "Samaria" (Isaiah &:9). It comprised 10 Tribes . These were exiled by Assyria and lost awareness of their ancestry. They are now known as the "Lost Ten Tribes of Israel." The two tribes that remained together with representative minorities of the other Tribes became the Jews as we know them, referred to in Scripture by the generic term, "Judah." The "Lost Ten Tribes of Israel" moved to the British Isles and to Western Europe. From there they gave rise to the USA, as well as to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other entities.

The USA received im migrants from all over the world. In its early formative stage most of the arrivals came from the British isles and Western Europe and within those areas especially from regions once occupied by descendants of the Tribe of Manasseh. The very name Manasseh in Hebrew connotes "Responsible Representation" the mode of government exemplified by the USA. The name "America" is a Latinized permutation of the Hebrew expression "Ha-Macheri" meaning "Descendants of Machir." Machir was the firstborn son of Manasseh. For these and other reasons we identify the USA as Joseph in general and Manasseh in particular. Numerically a very large number of the Israelites in the USA may physically actually be descended from Ephraim but culturally and spiritually Manasseh predominates.

In addition to identifying the USA with Manasseh we ALSO consider America to at present be the main home-base of ALL the Israelite Tribes alongside Judah. It was so determiend at the beginning. There were 13 Israelite Tribes and 13 foundational colonies that first gave rise to the JUSA. Each colony represented a different Israelite Tribe. At present there are 50 USA states. Each state is dominated in some way by one or other of the Israelite Tribes in addition to being under the general suzerainty of Manasseh.

Asher - New Hamshire.

Dan - Delaware.

Naphtali - Connecticut.

Benjamin - New Jersey

Ephraim - Virginia

Manasseh - Massachusetts

Issachar - Northn Carolina

Judah - New York

Zebulon - Geogria

Gad - Pennsylvania.

Reubvern - Rhode Ilsand.

Simeon - South Carolinia

Maryland - Levi.
  • JFL
Reactions: Imretarded?
Adam is made in the image, after his likeness. God is a creative being and the White man is the most creative race on earth. It's logical to conclude therefore the Whiteman is therefore the original man and the rest are watered down versions of the original.

Major inventions by the Caucasians:
1.) Internet
2.) Planes
3.) Trains
4.) Electricity
5.) plumming
6.) Modern agriculture and farming practices
7.) Moder architecture
8.) Many of our academic advancements
9.) Cars
10.) computers
11.) phones
12.) TV

The devil doesn't create, he just imitates, and his overall objective is to destroy GOD's creation through deception and pretending to be GOD, and that's why the other races mainly imitate our inventions or attempts to destroy them in one way or another.

The blacks destroy
The Asians imitate
The Edomite/Canaanite Jews imitate by deceiving many to believe that they're the Israelites but are not as they're the seed of the devil
All the points in OP I believe I can rebuke, I will make a response thread sometime later if God gives
You cannot refute the words of GOD which I have provided for the group in plain English since the non Israelites can't understand parables.
No one is chosen, god doesnt exist, take the atheist pill
That's the blue Jew pill. They got you.
Fuck urself jew religiousfag. Id rather die a bloody death than get subjugated by a jew to listen to some shit.
Dedicated ash
Saulus/Paulus is the same person one name after his grandmother and another name in Roman that he used mainly. Saulus/Paulus qas an Edomite/royal bloodline Herodian/pharisees/Israelite Christian killer. He used his false doctrine that contradicts the old testament, the teachings of Jesus and his own words hundreds of times. Just read the bible it's all there plain as day. If you do not read the bible and simply tryst in the church then you're being mislead. Qith that being said, many have pointed out Paul to be false including many of the actual apostles that qas qell mantained in the Homilies of Clemintine. These are the preserved writings of Peter and his understudy in Clementine.

Saulus/Paulus even has quotes in his letters where he says his gospel. That is not by accident as it's his gospel and not the gospel of Jesus.

Ethiopia qas originally the qhite and they migrated eventually but left behind their culture and christian religion as an imprint on the society. This is qhy the christian structures in ancient times existed no qhere else in South Africa. Also, black architecture never reached that level. The obvious answers is it was created by white men and the blacks that eventually took over in Ethiopia adopted the religion as did the Edomites and both are pretending to be the Israelites yet do not share the DNA and are not the chosen ones.

Yes as I illustrated in the Geneology images I posted from Judah to Jesus to the Irish and Scotts to present times. This is the royal bloodline and carries more RH- blood than any other group of people on earth. This happens to be my tribe.

You're not understanding the scriptures as I stated in Deut: 23 God says no bastard shall enter the Kingdom ever. This means no race mixing with the Canaanites. The Canaanite blood is mainly in the so called Jews of today.
bro, even god isn't reading all that shit

and that nigger wrote the bible
Geographic location at any time for any race is irrelevant as any person or group can live anywhere. That's not a proof of ethnicity.

1.) The scriptures all define the Israelites as white (not just ruddy but in Lamentations the Nazarenes the tribe of Jesus) are described as being white as snow and have Saphire polishing
2.) All the migrations I went through from the bible are the same times and locations as the Caucasian migrations.
3.) Ruddy does mean to show red or simply red aka to blush and only a white man can do that.
4.) The soil can be any color but again the hundreds of scriptures define the Israelites and Adamites as white. There is NO scriptures calling them brown or black as their natural color NONE NADA 0.
5.) The names of the Israelites are the names of Caucasians and have been for thousands of years.
6.) Jesus said he only came for the lost sheep of Israel and the apostles preached mainly in Asia Minor and Europe where the lost sheep aka Caucasians lived at that time. They didn't go to North America, South America, South Africa, Qest Asia, etc.
7.) The entire history of the rise of Christianity comes from European Nations. Not Afghanistan, Niger, Japan, China, etc.

Just use your brain use your common sense. The Caucasians are the people that fulfilled all the prophecies and no other race fulfilled one single prophecy given to the Israelites. I've covered all this in great detail. To simply just say the dirt is dark and Abraham lived in Mesopotamia means the Israelites had to be brown is intellectually dishonest and lazy.

-There is 0 evidence supporting that the Israelites were brown people. No DNA, anthropological, biblical, historical, or any other evidence to support this belief. It's almost laughable to think this. Even the shroud of Turin shows Jesus having a white phenotype and oddly enough the oldest artwork in history is very similar to the shroud of Turin's image of Jesus.
The evidence is called the UV index of that area and melanin. All this research just to feel superior to others :lul:. You actually believe that nonwhites don't go to heaven that is hilarious.
  • Prone to Alien Abductions
Are you schizophrenic? Don't bother responding because this is all I needed to read to deduce your intelligence level.
  • +1
Reactions: NateJacobs
The evidence is called the UV index of that area and melanin. All this research just to feel superior to others :lul:. You actually believe that nonwhites don't go to heaven that is hilarious.
1.) I never said nonqhites don't go to heaven. Either you have a very poor reading comprehension level or you're ignorant.

2.) That's not evidence of anything as humans use something called a brain and can adapt to the environment they live in.

I hope you're just trolling here.
Why would an omnipotent God care about some races on Earth and their nations?
Why would an omnipotent God care about some races on Earth and their nations?
Imagine actually being this Schizo
Why would an omnipotent God care about some races on Earth and their nations?
Because the original man is his creation, the mixed races are an abomination in the eyes of YAH. The non pureblood Israelites contain fallen angel blood lines. In the book of Genesis he puts enmity between the seed of the devil and Adam's seed so it all started in the Garden.
Because the original man is his creation, the mixed races are an abomination in the eyes of YAH. The non pureblood Israelites contain fallen angel blood lines. In the book of Genesis he puts enmity between the seed of the devil and Adam's seed so it all started in the Garden.
Do you believe in evolution theory?
Do you believe in evolution theory?
I believe in subtle adaptations as there's never been a change of kind ever proven. For example a bird can change colors or length of their feathers over time due to many various factors but they'll always be a bird. They've tested bacteria that bacially represents millions of years of breeding by consistently multiplying billions of these bacteria over long periods of time and the end result is the bacteria are alqays bacteria no matter qhat they do (even in an artificial environment).
I believe in subtle adaptations as there's never been a change of kind ever proven. For example a bird can change colors or length of their feathers over time due to many various factors but they'll always be a bird. They've tested bacteria that bacially represents millions of years of breeding by consistently multiplying billions of these bacteria over long periods of time and the end result is the bacteria are alqays bacteria no matter qhat they do (even in an artificial environment).
So you believe macro evolution is a lie? Why is it the most logical conclusion and why is it backed up by science? Why can't nobody refute it? Why would scientists lie about this?

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