alt-righters are pathetic losers and hating Islam is cucked

Just lol, a narrow Skull=Neanderthal
dn rd it tbh . do you ever shut up???
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Literally 90% of alt-right posts on the internet consists of whining about muslims.
Who? Where are you reading this? No true Alt righter I know has a problem with Muslims beyond immigration. But we have problems with that for anyone besides us.
No true Alt righter I know has a problem with Muslims beyond immigration.

"We don't hate you. We just don't want you anywhere near us."

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Literally everything Islam does, the alt-right would do anyway if they had the chance. They just hate muslims because they are brown. I use to support the alt-right and hate Islam but the more I think about this shit the more I can see how utterly pathetic and sad these degenerates really are. While the left may be massively deluded about Islam they are right about one thing: Most alt-righters are indeed just low IQ bigots. The alt-right does not care about "western values". Before Islamic migration most of the alt-right openly championed for most of the same things Islam does (nationalism, traditionalism, anti-gay etc). But now because brown people are advocating those same things suddenly they are the arbiters of western liberal values? LOL!

Fuck the alt-right seriously. I would rather become an uncucked Muslim than a cucked alt-righter that defends western "values" most of whom suck anyway.
islam is based af
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"We don't hate you. We just don't want you anywhere near us."

How retarded. We don't want immigration because it's being forced on us, and our numbers are rapidly declining. Whites will be a minority in my country that was founded by whites, by 2035-2045. So because I wanna stop my displacement at the hands of the Jewish elite, you're upset?
You need to lay off the blue pill. You're fucking stupid. You're a grug. Go actually research any of this.I don't give a fuck about anyone as much as I give a fuck about my people. And if you dont like that, fine.. you're an indoctrinated fag.
How retarded. We don't want immigration because it's being forced on us, and our numbers are rapidly declining. Whites will be a minority in my country that was founded by whites, by 2035-2045. So because I wanna stop my displacement at the hands of the Jewish elite, you're upset?
You need to lay off the blue pill. You're fucking stupid. You're a grug. Go actually research any of this.I don't give a fuck about anyone as much as I give a fuck about my people. And if you dont like that, fine.. you're an indoctrinated fag.

The reason you are getting swamped is because rich whites realized they have nothing in common with the lower IQ lower class whites and thus don't give a shit if 90% of the lower class is non-white. It doesn't affect them in anyway. They don't care if their slaves are white or brown. I find it hilarious how the alt-right calls these people traitors while failing to realize that they never even regarded themselves as belonging to the same entity as the other more inferior whites.

Low IQ white: Muh white race!
Higher IQ rich white: Don't care it just means more servants mowing my lawn lol
  • +1
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The reason you are getting swamped is because rich whites realized they have nothing in common with the lower IQ lower class whites and thus don't give a shit if 90% of the lower class is non-white. It doesn't affect them in anyway. They don't care if their slaves are white or brown. I find it hilarious how the alt-right calls these people traitors while failing to realize that they never even regarded themselves as belonging to the same entity as the other more inferior whites.

Low IQ white: Muh white race!
Higher IQ rich white: Don't care it just means more servants mowing my lawn lol
No. The reason we're getting swamped is Israeli lobby groups pay our politicians as low as local level, and as high as congress to mold our laws into accepting these people, and the mainstream media who is Jewish ran tells whites we're trash if we don't allow foreigners in, illegally mind you. There's tons of advocacy funds that are willing to pay anyone who aids white displacement. It's blatantly fucking obvious. I'm gonna guess you're not an American because you're so clueless and blue pilled about this. Jews are cheaters. Jews created Usury, it's in their genetic code to survive in small tribes embedded in large nations that don't belong to them. They have adapted by at first, making sure they own banks, they created the act of loaning money and being paid back with interest. They then moved to printing press, then institutions of political power. If you own the money and the narrative in the news, you can win office. If you can win office, you can grant the right to other Jews to come over in droves, and they're the most nepotistic, ethnocentric people in the world and it's actually proven by statistics. They know Whites are their only hindrance to full global domination. That's why they want us gone. It's as simple as that. They don't want another Adolf Hitler rising up and taking his land back from them.

I mean, the fact that you think a group of people who's DNA is primarily from Central Asia and South West Asia with small percentages of Southern or Eastern European is "white" shows you're fucking retarded. PCA charts show these people as far outside the realm of what we would consider "white". And they obviously have far different interests than us. You're just fucking retarded so you look at them and say "lOoKs WiTe To mE"

The fact that you think nasty little money grubbing, war starting, hook nosed, brittle boned Jews are superior to White is comical, and shouldget you banned from any actual Red Pill site. You probably suck nigger dicks and watch them fuck your ugly dream girlfriend because you've never had a real one.
The reason you are getting swamped is because rich whites realized they have nothing in common with the lower IQ lower class whites and thus don't give a shit if 90% of the lower class is non-white. It doesn't affect them in anyway. They don't care if their slaves are white or brown. I find it hilarious how the alt-right calls these people traitors while failing to realize that they never even regarded themselves as belonging to the same entity as the other more inferior whites.

Low IQ white: Muh white race!
Higher IQ rich white: Don't care it just means more servants mowing my lawn lol

You're upset because you started this fucking 85 IQ thread by saying something that is undeniably wrong, and I told you that you were wrong. Your ego is fueling you to keep digging your intellectual grave. You can pull up every gay study these Jews do, you can pull up every false statistic they note, and I will still walk in here with deductive logic alone and be more convincing than you.
And even if I go by your utterly ridiculous logic,
My nation and all European nations were still started by the "poor whites", meanwhile the "rich whites" were exiled from at least 109 countries in a little less than a thousand years almost solely for subversion plots. Why should I as a"poor white" let them come in and take over my institutions, put gay tranny porn in the hands of my children, enable niggers to think they're untouchable victims, tell Mestizos to invade my lands, all the while gaslighting me and telling me I'm crazy because I don't close my eyes to their disgusting actions? You defend a race of people that cuts off a quarter of their children's penis, and has an old man suck the blood from it.
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White liberals are racist to the core. Their anti-racism is just larp. They just want to import non-whites so that they can replace the native working class with even more easily controlled and even more low IQ morons to be their feudal slaves. Many of them even outright admit this with their "we need immigrants to mow our lawns and do the shitty jobs" propaganda. They also typically live in extremely white areas far away from "diversity". White liberals are the biggest fakes in human history.
Here you are admitting what I'm saying except saying "white liberals" instead of Jews. You'e a fucking faggot.
Cool strawman bro. Just look for it yourself if you don't believe me. Hitler liked Islam.

he did but he didn't want an Islamic Europe if that's what you're getting at
No. The reason we're getting swamped is Israeli lobby groups pay our politicians as low as local level, and as high as congress to mold our laws into accepting these people, and the mainstream media who is Jewish ran tells whites we're trash if we don't allow foreigners in, illegally mind you. There's tons of advocacy funds that are willing to pay anyone who aids white displacement. It's blatantly fucking obvious. I'm gonna guess you're not an American because you're so clueless and blue pilled about this. Jews are cheaters. Jews created Usury, it's in their genetic code to survive in small tribes embedded in large nations that don't belong to them. They have adapted by at first, making sure they own banks, they created the act of loaning money and being paid back with interest. They then moved to printing press, then institutions of political power. If you own the money and the narrative in the news, you can win office. If you can win office, you can grant the right to other Jews to come over in droves, and they're the most nepotistic, ethnocentric people in the world and it's actually proven by statistics. They know Whites are their only hindrance to full global domination. That's why they want us gone. It's as simple as that. They don't want another Adolf Hitler rising up and taking his land back from them.

I mean, the fact that you think a group of people who's DNA is primarily from Central Asia and South West Asia with small percentages of Southern or Eastern European is "white" shows you're fucking retarded. PCA charts show these people as far outside the realm of what we would consider "white". And they obviously have far different interests than us. You're just fucking retarded so you look at them and say "lOoKs WiTe To mE"

The fact that you think nasty little money grubbing, war starting, hook nosed, brittle boned Jews are superior to White is comical, and shouldget you banned from any actual Red Pill site. You probably suck nigger dicks and watch them fuck your ugly dream girlfriend because you've never had a real one.

You're upset because you started this fucking 85 IQ thread by saying something that is undeniably wrong, and I told you that you were wrong. Your ego is fueling you to keep digging your intellectual grave. You can pull up every gay study these Jews do, you can pull up every false statistic they note, and I will still walk in here with deductive logic alone and be more convincing than you.
And even if I go by your utterly ridiculous logic,
My nation and all European nations were still started by the "poor whites", meanwhile the "rich whites" were exiled from at least 109 countries in a little less than a thousand years almost solely for subversion plots. Why should I as a"poor white" let them come in and take over my institutions, put gay tranny porn in the hands of my children, enable niggers to think they're untouchable victims, tell Mestizos to invade my lands, all the while gaslighting me and telling me I'm crazy because I don't close my eyes to their disgusting actions? You defend a race of people that cuts off a quarter of their children's penis, and has an old man suck the blood from it.
Instead of attacking these brown people why dont you simply rectify the decisions of politicians and stop mass migrations? because most white people dont give a fuck. The ones fleeing are cowards and most males and gonna establish shariah law to end this stupid hypergamy and women's rights. Fucking disease values
Ofc youd say that youre Georgian
so somehow a person from one of the first christian nations but just happens to be in the middle east is inclined to be muslim? Aren't you a curry? Islam helped a lot of curries escape the caste system.
so somehow a person from one of the first christian nations but just happens to be in the middle east is inclined to be muslim? Aren't you a curry? Islam helped a lot of curries escape the caste system.
My family is Muslim, so it could but both sides of my family are pretty powerful in curryland so i doubt it.

And yea, anything in the middle east is automatically Muslim to me.

Either way i hate Islam because the sheikh would always hit me with a stick in Sunday school.
My family is Muslim, so it could but both sides of my family are pretty powerful in curryland so i doubt it.

And yea, anything in the middle east is automatically Muslim to me.

Either way i hate Islam because the sheikh would always hit me with a stick in Sunday school.
jfl at hating the thottery repellent because some teacher would beat you with a stick. man up your forefathers mostly likely ate shit and didnt complain like a bitch

Islam provided a means to escape a system you are born into. you would be born a garbageman and remain so regardless of how high IQ you are
jfl at hating the thottery repellent because some teacher would beat you with a stick. man up your forefathers mostly likely ate shit and didnt complain like a bitch

Islam provided a means to escape a system you are born into. you would be born a garbageman and remain so regardless of how high IQ you are
Idc I dont like Muslims because of low iq they are. I view anyone who believes in religion in the same manner. I hate Muslims the modt because they keep trying to shove their shitskin religion down my throat when I don't want the cope.

But Islam is leagues better than Hinduism, I agree with you. At least Islam sees everyone as equal, Hinduism was made to control the shitskins in India. It does far more harm than good. Yet you see white people and shitskin curries talking about how peaceful the religion is.
Idc I dont like Muslims because of low iq they are. I view anyone who believes in religion in the same manner. I hate Muslims the modt because they keep trying to shove their shitskin religion down my throat when I don't want the cope.

But Islam is leagues better than Hinduism, I agree with you. At least Islam sees everyone as equal, Hinduism was made to control the shitskins in India. It does far more harm than good. Yet you see white people and shitskin curries talking about how peaceful the religion is.
Any religion that isnt islam is praised. Whites have no clue what is hinduism. They are into the hype. It is a cynical belief system. If you are a dalit it is truly over... even normies would agree. Islam got their brown asses from that shit. They converted to Islam, become doctors and then migrated to the west thinking it is for the better and abandon Islam and now their sisters are fucked daily by chad... another caste system... the eternal samsara for the non muslim curry.
Any religion that isnt islam is praised. Whites have no clue what is hinduism. They are into the hype. It is a cynical belief system. If you are a dalit it is truly over... even normies would agree. Islam got their brown asses from that shit. They converted to Islam, become doctors and then migrated to the west thinking it is for the better and abandon Islam and now their sisters are fucked daily by chad... another caste system... the eternal samsara for the non muslim curry.
Lol @ having a sister. Most curry women date within their race from what I've seen. They're subhuman so they're forced to. And the muslim foids end up being the biggest sluts compared to the hindu curries. All the girls ik that used to wear a hijab in elementary/middle school are now literal whores getting pumped and dumped by Chads.

Islam is shitskin cope
Lol @ having a sister. Most curry women date within their race from what I've seen. They're subhuman so they're forced to. And the muslim foids end up being the biggest sluts compared to the hindu curries. All the girls ik that used to wear a hijab in elementary/middle school are now literal whores getting pumped and dumped by Chads.

Islam is shitskin cope
Cope. A lot of brown women date whites. Look up the stats and around. I type "pencil dick" for lolz on reddit and one of the threads was about a brown bitch and a mayo
Cope. A lot of brown women date whites. Look up the stats and around. I type "pencil dick" for lolz on reddit and one of the threads was about a brown bitch and a mayo
That's what I've seen irl. Either way idc sincr they aren't a priority for me. But good looking curry foids can get this dick no cap

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