Am I just INCAPABLE of doing anything NT

Got this cute girls number, we snapped just to verify we are real, then I ask her ot text me cause I never use snap. And this happens

For non Iphone users let me clue you in, you can tell when the person u are texting has their notifications silenced or not. And apparently she immediately has to be sus'd out from me not having mine on, is this a thing guys? Is it non NT to have ur phone on silence, why would this be like the first thing she brings up? WTF

View attachment 1518548

Then her reply to my last question was "no I would be afraid of missing an emergency or something the most I will do is turn it to vibrate only"
NIGGA YOU CHILLING. She ain't sus'd. You responded well. Like fr.

If anything you showed that bitch you a busy man with a life. That's respect.
Same reason as always jfl your text game doesn't match the way you look at all.
They get offputted by how kind you are, they expect you to behave like some full blown narcissist and they smell a fraud when they read your softspoken bullied dog messages.
  • +1
Reactions: Mustascend, Hero of the Imperium, ShowerMaxxing and 1 other person
She obviously just said that because she craves your attention. Jfl at ur autistic understanding
  • +1
Reactions: Seth Walsh
You 100% have Aspergers and your an Analyst personality type. Your very logical and calculating, anybody who doesn’t share the same critical no bullshit outlook on life isn’t worthy of thinking of conversing with.
I disagree in thinking he has Aspergers or any social personality deficiency. Rather, its social anxiety and being aware of the social game and refusing to play it because of the superficiality. I have a very similar personality profile to Amnesia and I was thoroughly tested for Autism and Aspergers by my parents, and multiple child psychologists did not diagnose me with either. Rather, ironically, they said something similar to Amnesia’s psychologist: “This child is very rational and does not let emotions confound his thought processes.” Or something along the like.

An person with autism/Asperger's literally has NO/ZERO understanding of social conventions. Amnesia DOES have undersyanding of these, but has trouble acting in accordance with them. That would be social anxiety, or no disorder at all. I think his situation is similar to mine, where he sees them as childish and trivial (because they kind of are) and feels like an extraterrestrial in a human body, where the alien tries to learn human conventions but its like a human trying to learn how to live in a society of chimps. (That was a rather crude comparison, but hopefully you understand the point I’m trying to make).

I think many here are also this way, but mistake it for a social personality disorder such as aspergers.
  • +1
Reactions: Raskens1, Deleted member 5786 and Amnesia
I disagree in thinking he has Aspergers or any social personality deficiency. Rather, its social anxiety and being aware of the social game and refusing to play it because of the superficiality. I have a very similar personality profile to Amnesia and I was thoroughly tested for Autism and Aspergers by my parents, and multiple child psychologists did not diagnose me with either. Rather, ironically, they said something similar to Amnesia’s psychologist: “This child is very rational and does not let emotions confound his thought processes.” Or something along the like.

An person with autism/Asperger's literally has NO/ZERO understanding of social conventions. Amnesia DOES have undersyanding of these, but has trouble acting in accordance with them. That would be social anxiety, or no disorder at all. I think his situation is similar to mine, where he sees them as childish and trivial (because they kind of are) and feels like an extraterrestrial in a human body, where the alien tries to learn human conventions but its like a human trying to learn how to live in a society of chimps. (That was a rather crude comparison, but hopefully you understand the point I’m trying to make).

I think many here are also this way, but mistake it for a social personality disorder such as aspergers.
Yeah I have Aspergers and what you jsut said is bullshit, your lUpping us all into one as if we are all the same which just isn’t true. I can follow social cues and the like it’s a myth that all of us are weirdos also fun fact Aspergers is close to Anxiety on the spectrum yes look it up. The fact is I oftentimes feel like this and to me most of these things are trivial it took me
Three years to learn how to flirt and I’m still terrible at it as to me it makes no logical sense. A girl leaving me on read after we jsut agreed to meet may be understandable to Normies but to me it’s bizarre and confusing as my brain doesn’t work like that I’d never leave somebody on read in the middle of a convo. As I said to OP, it’s best to view Normies as NPCs from a video game if he looks at them as programs then he won’t waste time trying to understand the actions Normies do just being real here bud

Not to sound rude
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Yeah I have Aspergers and what you jsut said is bullshit, your lUpping us all into one as if we are all the same which just isn’t true. I can follow social cues and the like it’s a myth that all of us are weirdos also fun fact Aspergers is close to Anxiety on the spectrum yes look it up. The fact is I oftentimes feel like this and to me most of these things are trivial it took me
Three years to learn how to flirt and I’m still terrible at it as to me it makes no logical sense. A girl leaving me on read after we jsut agreed to meet may be understandable to Normies but to me it’s bizarre and confusing as my brain doesn’t work like that I’d never leave somebody on read in the middle of a convo. As I said to OP, it’s best to view Normies as NPCs from a video game if he looks at them as programs then he won’t waste time trying to understand the actions Normies do just being real here bud

Not to sound rude
Have you been professionally tested? (You could lie, but be honest with yourself. You're claiming to have this trait).

Viewing people as “NPCs” is very dangerous. It fails to take into account population diversity and harbors egoism indirectly by assuming your view of the world is somehow “superior.” It is not. Truthfully, all perspectives carry equal weight. Why would a woman’s perspective be morally inferior to yours? I’d like to hear the argument.

Don’t get me wrong, I don't see the value in most others perspectives either. But that doesn't mean they in themselves aren't valuable.
Have you been professionally tested? (You could lie, but be honest with yourself. You're claiming to have this trait).

Viewing people as “NPCs” is very dangerous. It fails to take into account population diversity and harbors egoism indirectly by assuming your view of the world is somehow “superior.” It is not. Truthfully, all perspectives carry equal weight. Why would a woman’s perspective be morally inferior to yours? I’d like to hear the argument.

Don’t get me wrong, I don't see the value in most others perspectives either. But that doesn't mean they in themselves aren't valuable.
I have been tested it’s mild ASS burgers

Women perplex my mind, they act within a set of parameters with clear instructions, that being said the instructions they choose within the said parameter is randomly chosen. This leads m women to be somewhat chaotic neutral in aspect and thinking something I abhor. I like clarity and this is something women cannot provide therefore they are my antithesis. Their emotional reasoning also doesn’t sit well with me as I’m a logical person. And yes I am bitter towards them even when girls swoon for me when I’m looking good I am in pain as I know if k were fat or ugly I’d be ignored and ridiculed, once your blackpilled it’s impossible to like women only understand them

I’ll agree I do like human diversity in every aspect HOWEVER my gripe comes from the fact that I must conform to these Assholes mannerisms and customs to be accepted is what peeves me it is something I cannot avoid.
  • +1
Reactions: chadison
I have been tested it’s mild ASS burgers

Women perplex my mind, they act within a set of parameters with clear instructions, that being said the instructions they choose within the said parameter is randomly chosen. This leads m women to be somewhat chaotic neutral in aspect and thinking something I abhor. I like clarity and this is something women cannot provide therefore they are my antithesis. Their emotional reasoning also doesn’t sit well with me as I’m a logical person. And yes I am bitter towards them even when girls swoon for me when I’m looking good I am in pain as I know if k were fat or ugly I’d be ignored and ridiculed, once your blackpilled it’s impossible to like women only understand them

I’ll agree I do like human diversity in every aspect HOWEVER my gripe comes from the fact that I must conform to these Assholes mannerisms and customs to be accepted is what peeves me it is something I cannot avoid.
We’re a lot more similar than you think. I share the exact same sentiments you just described. In fact, that’s my biggest struggle right now: trying to accept the superficial and cruel nature of humanity. I will say, I think the one difference between us is that I have been trying to reconcile this with my spiritual beliefs, and that is why I still have hope and some positivity instead of falling into nihilism. I would encourage you to try this as well.

I don’t think you have Aspergers either. You are like me, highly analytical and somewhat fearful of uncertainty. It’s something that can be “fixed,” (or, “balanced”) to an extent.
She said that shit because you prolly didn't reply fast lmao. You can't tell if another persons phone is on silence :lul:
He has been saying for weeks that he has an iphone 8 already, minor issue.
JFL, over if you don’t have an iPhone XR at least.
She said that shit because you prolly didn't reply fast lmao. You can't tell if another persons phone is on silence :lul:
But you can lol, have you ever used iMessage?
We’re a lot more similar than you think. I share the exact same sentiments you just described. In fact, that’s my biggest struggle right now: trying to accept the superficial and cruel nature of humanity. I will say, I think the one difference between us is that I have been trying to reconcile this with my spiritual beliefs, and that is why I still have hope and some positivity instead of falling into nihilism. I would encourage you to try this as well.

I don’t think you have Aspergers either. You are like me, highly analytical and somewhat fearful of uncertainty. It’s something that can be “fixed,” (or, “balanced”) to an extent.
I have been tested it’s mild ASS burgers

Women perplex my mind, they act within a set of parameters with clear instructions, that being said the instructions they choose within the said parameter is randomly chosen. This leads m women to be somewhat chaotic neutral in aspect and thinking something I abhor. I like clarity and this is something women cannot provide therefore they are my antithesis. Their emotional reasoning also doesn’t sit well with me as I’m a logical person. And yes I am bitter towards them even when girls swoon for me when I’m looking good I am in pain as I know if k were fat or ugly I’d be ignored and ridiculed, once your blackpilled it’s impossible to like women only understand them

I’ll agree I do like human diversity in every aspect HOWEVER my gripe comes from the fact that I must conform to these Assholes mannerisms and customs to be accepted is what peeves me it is something I cannot avoid.
I'm very similar to both of you. But i agree with @PrinceLuenLeoncur , it's most likely mild aspergers, not just being analytical. Aspergers is somewhat genetic so you should look at how your direct family is and in my case males from my father side is probably to blame, some of the symptoms (not all) from the asp spectrum carried over.

As an non-NT you'll never fully connect with NT people, but you can still get pretty close so it's good to get as much experience as you can. I've noticed that it's not even that you're too autistic to connect with other people, it's just a matter of that other people got more experience, it's more natural for them and they want to meet other people throughout their life so it's obviosu they have gotten way more life experience than you. Being analytical is not 100% bad, because if you have enough knowledge you can analyse social situations as good or even better than NT-people. The problem is participating in them, but here only the experience can save you.
  • +1
Reactions: chadison and PrinceLuenLeoncur
I disagree in thinking he has Aspergers or any social personality deficiency. Rather, its social anxiety and being aware of the social game and refusing to play it because of the superficiality. I have a very similar personality profile to Amnesia and I was thoroughly tested for Autism and Aspergers by my parents, and multiple child psychologists did not diagnose me with either. Rather, ironically, they said something similar to Amnesia’s psychologist: “This child is very rational and does not let emotions confound his thought processes.” Or something along the like.

An person with autism/Asperger's literally has NO/ZERO understanding of social conventions. Amnesia DOES have undersyanding of these, but has trouble acting in accordance with them. That would be social anxiety, or no disorder at all. I think his situation is similar to mine, where he sees them as childish and trivial (because they kind of are) and feels like an extraterrestrial in a human body, where the alien tries to learn human conventions but its like a human trying to learn how to live in a society of chimps. (That was a rather crude comparison, but hopefully you understand the point I’m trying to make).

I think many here are also this way, but mistake it for a social personality disorder such as aspergers.

Yeah I have Aspergers and what you jsut said is bullshit, your lUpping us all into one as if we are all the same which just isn’t true. I can follow social cues and the like it’s a myth that all of us are weirdos also fun fact Aspergers is close to Anxiety on the spectrum yes look it up. The fact is I oftentimes feel like this and to me most of these things are trivial it took me
Three years to learn how to flirt and I’m still terrible at it as to me it makes no logical sense. A girl leaving me on read after we jsut agreed to meet may be understandable to Normies but to me it’s bizarre and confusing as my brain doesn’t work like that I’d never leave somebody on read in the middle of a convo. As I said to OP, it’s best to view Normies as NPCs from a video game if he looks at them as programs then he won’t waste time trying to understand the actions Normies do just being real here bud

Not to sound rude
I'm very similar to both of you. But i agree with @PrinceLuenLeoncur , it's most likely mild aspergers, not just being analytical. Aspergers is somewhat genetic so you should look at how your direct family is and in my case males from my father side is probably to blame, some of the symptoms (not all) from the asp spectrum carried over.

As an non-NT you'll never fully connect with NT people, but you can still get pretty close so it's good to get as much experience as you can. I've noticed that it's not even that you're too autistic to connect with other people, it's just a matter of that other people got more experience, it's more natural for them and they want to meet other people throughout their life so it's obviosu they have gotten way more life experience than you. Being analytical is not 100% bad, because if you have enough knowledge you can analyse social situations as good or even better than NT-people. The problem is participating in them, but here only the experience can save you.

Interesting discussion from all three of you.

Whether or not it's aspergers I don't know. I know my sister has similar feelings towards "normies" as I do and find a lot of their thought process foreign. She also is very logical (INTJ fwiw) and for a girl that's very abnormal. She also doesn't ever wants kids, and is an avid /pol/ browser and is super into politics @M3R my dad is also semi "autistic" in some of his tendencies (thrives off routine, does the same thing every day at the same time, eats the same thing at the same times, etc. ) However he was very successful career wise and was the CFO of a financial company in San Francisco. So when I say he's autistic I don't mean low IQ.

@chadison @M3R I definitely do view others as almost another species. I just find so much of what others do and act so foreign to my own behavior. However, they also find some of the things I do weird as well. For example, I do intermittent fasting where I only eat one meal a day because I have issues with binge eating so it helps me with that only eating one meal a day. But I will take it to the extreme and then in a social situation absolutely refuse to eat like some snacks everyone else is because in my mind I have to follow this strict rule set I have so it makes me look like an asshole. Or sometimes I only keep food in my house for the next day so a girl comes over and sees my apartment fridge completely empty and she is like WTF. Or the fact in my room I have blackout curtains covering the windows and I drape sheets over the door to my bedroom to also block every bit of light that peers through the cracks so it's always pitch black even in the middle of the day when i frequently also sleep. I definitely have many behaviors I admit fall outside the typical bell curve of most people.

In social situations stopped caring a long time ago though trying to fit in cause every time I did I didn't do it right and people could tell anyway so why even play the game. I have accepted I am different and live accordingly now. I do overthink in social situations so that's why they are draining to me rather than relaxing like most other normies. That's the main difference I think is that a lot of people "blow off steam" by going out with friends and having some drinks or whatever, but to me that anything but relaxing. It means I have to constantly be on edge making sure I don't do or say something that falls totally out of the bounds of social acceptance. Add to the fact all this looks knowledge it also means I am constantly trying to stand up straight as to appear tall, keep my head up so I don't slouch my submental area and create a double chin, keep the good looking girls to my right (cause it's my better looking side of my face) and all that lol. It's like I pretend I am under constant surveillance so I have to be on my best behavior the entire social event time.

The brief time I went on Yubo, the app mostly for teens and younger people was eye opening. The way they texted and on live streams just the way younger people talk to each other was so different to me. I dont know how else to describe it other than like lower IQ and lotta bantz that if I attempted would be extremely cringe or awkward, but the way some other guys did it definitely charmed or made girls laugh. It was like an entire case study on a different species.

Also I don't hate NTs or hate women even, I just accept them as different. But admittedly get annoyed when they question some of my behavior that I view as perfectly rational or logical even after I have explained exactly why it is I do what I do.
  • +1
Reactions: Patient A, GreenHat500, Deleted member 5786 and 1 other person
Interesting discussion from all three of you.

Whether or not it's aspergers I don't know. I know my sister has similar feelings towards "normies" as I do and find a lot of their thought process foreign. She also is very logical (INTJ fwiw) and for a girl that's very abnormal. She also doesn't ever wants kids, and is an avid /pol/ browser and is super into politics @M3R my dad is also semi "autistic" in some of his tendencies (thrives off routine, does the same thing every day at the same time, eats the same thing at the same times, etc. ) However he was very successful career wise and was the CFO of a financial company in San Francisco. So when I say he's autistic I don't mean low IQ.

@chadison @M3R I definitely do view others as almost another species. I just find so much of what others do and act so foreign to my own behavior. However, they also find some of the things I do weird as well. For example, I do intermittent fasting where I only eat one meal a day because I have issues with binge eating so it helps me with that only eating one meal a day. But I will take it to the extreme and then in a social situation absolutely refuse to eat like some snacks everyone else is because in my mind I have to follow this strict rule set I have so it makes me look like an asshole. Or sometimes I only keep food in my house for the next day so a girl comes over and sees my apartment fridge completely empty and she is like WTF. Or the fact in my room I have blackout curtains covering the windows and I drape sheets over the door to my bedroom to also block every bit of light that peers through the cracks so it's always pitch black even in the middle of the day when i frequently also sleep. I definitely have many behaviors I admit fall outside the typical bell curve of most people.

In social situations stopped caring a long time ago though trying to fit in cause every time I did I didn't do it right and people could tell anyway so why even play the game. I have accepted I am different and live accordingly now. I do overthink in social situations so that's why they are draining to me rather than relaxing like most other normies. That's the main difference I think is that a lot of people "blow off steam" by going out with friends and having some drinks or whatever, but to me that anything but relaxing. It means I have to constantly be on edge making sure I don't do or say something that falls totally out of the bounds of social acceptance. Add to the fact all this looks knowledge it also means I am constantly trying to stand up straight as to appear tall, keep my head up so I don't slouch my submental area and create a double chin, keep the good looking girls to my right (cause it's my better looking side of my face) and all that lol. It's like I pretend I am under constant surveillance so I have to be on my best behavior the entire social event time.

The brief time I went on Yubo, the app mostly for teens and younger people was eye opening. The way they texted and on live streams just the way younger people talk to each other was so different to me. I dont know how else to describe it other than like lower IQ and lotta bantz that if I attempted would be extremely cringe or awkward, but the way some other guys did it definitely charmed or made girls laugh. It was like an entire case study on a different species.

Also I don't hate NTs or hate women even, I just accept them as different. But admittedly get annoyed when they question some of my behavior that I view as perfectly rational or logical even after I have explained exactly why it is I do what I do.
I’m also INTJ, I also have the same intermittent fasting thing you do and when our clubbing in usually pressured to drink even though I make it clear I can’t drink due to my diet so what I do is I restrict my calories to 500 all day then go out and drink the extra 1k calories.

im glad you came to the same conclusion as I did there’s no point lying, normies are not the same as you and that’s fine just don’t try to be like them i know what it’s like to be outed so I don’t bother anymore. what you see is what you get also like you I also keep my curtains done even in the day I jsut don’t like the thought of prying eyes and it calms me but my mum won’t let that happen anymore.

normies hate asking people to explain stuff they cannot comprehend, it’s beyond them, I often get asked why I’m dieting as I’m not fat… I’m 24% bodyfat rn btw, In My mind this is sensible anybody above 15% should be dieting constantly but to normies you have to have a second chin before you should diet their brains are fucked. But like you I don’t even hate them slll I just view them as differnt closer to the NPCs in GTA5 ever since then I haven’t been annoyed with them
  • +1
Reactions: Amnesia and chadison
Got this cute girls number, we snapped just to verify we are real, then I ask her ot text me cause I never use snap. And this happens

For non Iphone users let me clue you in, you can tell when the person u are texting has their notifications silenced or not. And apparently she immediately has to be sus'd out from me not having mine on, is this a thing guys? Is it non NT to have ur phone on silence, why would this be like the first thing she brings up? WTF

View attachment 1518548

Then her reply to my last question was "no I would be afraid of missing an emergency or something the most I will do is turn it to vibrate only"
just serialkiller maxx at this point dude
Interesting discussion from all three of you.

Whether or not it's aspergers I don't know. I know my sister has similar feelings towards "normies" as I do and find a lot of their thought process foreign. She also is very logical (INTJ fwiw) and for a girl that's very abnormal. She also doesn't ever wants kids, and is an avid /pol/ browser and is super into politics @M3R my dad is also semi "autistic" in some of his tendencies (thrives off routine, does the same thing every day at the same time, eats the same thing at the same times, etc. ) However he was very successful career wise and was the CFO of a financial company in San Francisco. So when I say he's autistic I don't mean low IQ.

@chadison @M3R I definitely do view others as almost another species. I just find so much of what others do and act so foreign to my own behavior. However, they also find some of the things I do weird as well. For example, I do intermittent fasting where I only eat one meal a day because I have issues with binge eating so it helps me with that only eating one meal a day. But I will take it to the extreme and then in a social situation absolutely refuse to eat like some snacks everyone else is because in my mind I have to follow this strict rule set I have so it makes me look like an asshole. Or sometimes I only keep food in my house for the next day so a girl comes over and sees my apartment fridge completely empty and she is like WTF. Or the fact in my room I have blackout curtains covering the windows and I drape sheets over the door to my bedroom to also block every bit of light that peers through the cracks so it's always pitch black even in the middle of the day when i frequently also sleep. I definitely have many behaviors I admit fall outside the typical bell curve of most people.

In social situations stopped caring a long time ago though trying to fit in cause every time I did I didn't do it right and people could tell anyway so why even play the game. I have accepted I am different and live accordingly now. I do overthink in social situations so that's why they are draining to me rather than relaxing like most other normies. That's the main difference I think is that a lot of people "blow off steam" by going out with friends and having some drinks or whatever, but to me that anything but relaxing. It means I have to constantly be on edge making sure I don't do or say something that falls totally out of the bounds of social acceptance. Add to the fact all this looks knowledge it also means I am constantly trying to stand up straight as to appear tall, keep my head up so I don't slouch my submental area and create a double chin, keep the good looking girls to my right (cause it's my better looking side of my face) and all that lol. It's like I pretend I am under constant surveillance so I have to be on my best behavior the entire social event time.

The brief time I went on Yubo, the app mostly for teens and younger people was eye opening. The way they texted and on live streams just the way younger people talk to each other was so different to me. I dont know how else to describe it other than like lower IQ and lotta bantz that if I attempted would be extremely cringe or awkward, but the way some other guys did it definitely charmed or made girls laugh. It was like an entire case study on a different species.

Also I don't hate NTs or hate women even, I just accept them as different. But admittedly get annoyed when they question some of my behavior that I view as perfectly rational or logical even after I have explained exactly why it is I do what I do.
This is good information to share as it further confirms we are both share the same personality distortion. I have similar behavior patterns, I am not as strict with eating but I get up at 5am every day, even if I sleep 3 hours, just to lift and stay on routine. Everything is planned, scheduled and thrown into an advanced queue-style To-Do list that makes a normal person’s to-do list look like first grade math compared to linear algebra. I take nootropics to further my focus, etc, etc. (you get the point). I also do the exact same “stand up straight, widen shoulders, watch body language” shit you do. It felt like was reading a diary entry (lol).

We are not like “normal” people. It was as if when people “plugged in” to the matrix of life at birth, someone left one of the auxillary cords unplugged for us few. The veiling process was not completed, and as a result we can sense the strangeness of the world and menial repitition of life. We are blessed with awareness and the potential for success, but sacrifice the bliss of naivety in the process by being aware of the ugly truths of the world.

I believe I have discovered a potential solution, although it may seem trivial: You must live authentically, radiating yourself. Even if most reject you, self-acceptance and radiance allows self-love, and in the process, makes it easier to love others. When you are able to begin to love others, being “NT” becomes rather meaningless. You stop worrying about yourself (beyond staying healthy) and become interested in others. You stop worrying about making potential mistakes, and start to focus on making others’ day to day life better. I’ve realized looks and intelligence privilege carries a lot of responsibility, because it can easily be abused. Most “Chads” I know are exactly what you expect: narcissistic and selfish. To have an abundance of resources and still be selfless is a powerful testament to morality, and, even when people reject you, you don’t hate yourself. You find ways to improve and not make the same mistake again.

We all want what we ain’t got. Isn’t it about time we start to focus on what we do have, and how we can help others get what they want? That’s my view. The nihilists and atheists may disagree, and so they may. In truth, no one knows the intent and purpose of life. But I think part of the goal is to achieve understanding what I wrote, to the point you live it everyday.
  • +1
Reactions: Amnesia
Got this cute girls number, we snapped just to verify we are real, then I ask her ot text me cause I never use snap. And this happens

For non Iphone users let me clue you in, you can tell when the person u are texting has their notifications silenced or not. And apparently she immediately has to be sus'd out from me not having mine on, is this a thing guys? Is it non NT to have ur phone on silence, why would this be like the first thing she brings up? WTF

View attachment 1518548

Then her reply to my last question was "no I would be afraid of missing an emergency or something the most I will do is turn it to vibrate only"
That’s a dry ass convo lol.
Interesting discussion from all three of you.

Whether or not it's aspergers I don't know. I know my sister has similar feelings towards "normies" as I do and find a lot of their thought process foreign. She also is very logical (INTJ fwiw) and for a girl that's very abnormal. She also doesn't ever wants kids, and is an avid /pol/ browser and is super into politics @M3R my dad is also semi "autistic" in some of his tendencies (thrives off routine, does the same thing every day at the same time, eats the same thing at the same times, etc. ) However he was very successful career wise and was the CFO of a financial company in San Francisco. So when I say he's autistic I don't mean low IQ.

@chadison @M3R I definitely do view others as almost another species. I just find so much of what others do and act so foreign to my own behavior. However, they also find some of the things I do weird as well. For example, I do intermittent fasting where I only eat one meal a day because I have issues with binge eating so it helps me with that only eating one meal a day. But I will take it to the extreme and then in a social situation absolutely refuse to eat like some snacks everyone else is because in my mind I have to follow this strict rule set I have so it makes me look like an asshole. Or sometimes I only keep food in my house for the next day so a girl comes over and sees my apartment fridge completely empty and she is like WTF. Or the fact in my room I have blackout curtains covering the windows and I drape sheets over the door to my bedroom to also block every bit of light that peers through the cracks so it's always pitch black even in the middle of the day when i frequently also sleep. I definitely have many behaviors I admit fall outside the typical bell curve of most people.

In social situations stopped caring a long time ago though trying to fit in cause every time I did I didn't do it right and people could tell anyway so why even play the game. I have accepted I am different and live accordingly now. I do overthink in social situations so that's why they are draining to me rather than relaxing like most other normies. That's the main difference I think is that a lot of people "blow off steam" by going out with friends and having some drinks or whatever, but to me that anything but relaxing. It means I have to constantly be on edge making sure I don't do or say something that falls totally out of the bounds of social acceptance. Add to the fact all this looks knowledge it also means I am constantly trying to stand up straight as to appear tall, keep my head up so I don't slouch my submental area and create a double chin, keep the good looking girls to my right (cause it's my better looking side of my face) and all that lol. It's like I pretend I am under constant surveillance so I have to be on my best behavior the entire social event time.

The brief time I went on Yubo, the app mostly for teens and younger people was eye opening. The way they texted and on live streams just the way younger people talk to each other was so different to me. I dont know how else to describe it other than like lower IQ and lotta bantz that if I attempted would be extremely cringe or awkward, but the way some other guys did it definitely charmed or made girls laugh. It was like an entire case study on a different species.

Also I don't hate NTs or hate women even, I just accept them as different. But admittedly get annoyed when they question some of my behavior that I view as perfectly rational or logical even after I have explained exactly why it is I do what I do.
My father is similar, although I'd say he's a solid aspergers, but with ability to form relations with other people. He was a lawyer and right now he's entrepreneur with a few businesses. I feel like people with aspergers generally do well in career life.

Genetics are very interesting. I have a lot of traits of a aspie, from my father and a lot of normie-ish traits from my mother. My mbti type is INTP, but on the abstract side of things, not the logical one. I don't know if i won the genetic lottery or lost it when it comes to personality, because I am analytical/abstract but also neurotic because of my moms genes and at the same time not as autistic as full on aspergers because I understand social dynamics and everything well, I just have a problem with applying it when i interact.

Now that i think about it, I never tried to fit in 100% and socially i don't even have a personality. I just camouflage, try to figure out someone and then "forge" a personality for that person. It's not like I am lying or pretending to be someone else, more like when i meet a guy who likes drugs, i talk with him about them, just trying to find something to hold on because small talk is a no no.
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Say anything out of the ordinary or that women might find unusual and it’s over for you. They will immediately lose interest
This is good information to share as it further confirms we are both share the same personality distortion. I have similar behavior patterns, I am not as strict with eating but I get up at 5am every day, even if I sleep 3 hours, just to lift and stay on routine. Everything is planned, scheduled and thrown into an advanced queue-style To-Do list that makes a normal person’s to-do list look like first grade math compared to linear algebra. I take nootropics to further my focus, etc, etc. (you get the point). I also do the exact same “stand up straight, widen shoulders, watch body language” shit you do. It felt like was reading a diary entry (lol).

We are not like “normal” people. It was as if when people “plugged in” to the matrix of life at birth, someone left one of the auxillary cords unplugged for us few. The veiling process was not completed, and as a result we can sense the strangeness of the world and menial repitition of life. We are blessed with awareness and the potential for success, but sacrifice the bliss of naivety in the process by being aware of the ugly truths of the world.

I believe I have discovered a potential solution, although it may seem trivial: You must live authentically, radiating yourself. Even if most reject you, self-acceptance and radiance allows self-love, and in the process, makes it easier to love others. When you are able to begin to love others, being “NT” becomes rather meaningless. You stop worrying about yourself (beyond staying healthy) and become interested in others. You stop worrying about making potential mistakes, and start to focus on making others’ day to day life better. I’ve realized looks and intelligence privilege carries a lot of responsibility, because it can easily be abused. Most “Chads” I know are exactly what you expect: narcissistic and selfish. To have an abundance of resources and still be selfless is a powerful testament to morality, and, even when people reject you, you don’t hate yourself. You find ways to improve and not make the same mistake again.

We all want what we ain’t got. Isn’t it about time we start to focus on what we do have, and how we can help others get what they want? That’s my view. The nihilists and atheists may disagree, and so they may. In truth, no one knows the intent and purpose of life. But I think part of the goal is to achieve understanding what I wrote, to the point you live it everyday.
I don't agree with that we are not like normal people. Not sure if i'm close to you or @Amnesia neurologically, because i differ in some areas like you being organised and having some routine, i'm literally the opposite i'm fully disorganised and i don't have a stable routine. But to the point, we are still in the NT spectrum, we are able to participate in some way in the society, compare yourself to fully autistic dude or someone with severe mental illness. Not saying we don't differ but with experience it's possible to function in social settings. Feeling and assuming you're non-NT seems like an excuse to not improve your social skills and not getting out there to get comfortable with yourself and other people.

The biggest problem for me was trying to fit in when in pre-covid era, you don't have to. Confidence, social skills and understanding other people is enough from what i've experienced, you can be unique in your way. Okay i'm gonna stop because i lost the thought, but overall even if you are aspie you should strive to improve yourself when it comes to interpersonal skills, it helps a lot in life and is part of being a social creature like humans.
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she is probably just a bit retarded
You should get a blood test to check your testosterone levels.

I remember on my first cut i didn't do steroids. And my libido crashed to 0, I stopped caring about anyone. My mental was kinda fucked.

maybe ur hormones are fucked tbh:feelswat:
Everything looks fine except that last bit where you asked her if she silences her sh*t. You should have just let it drop after she said it makes sense.
This. I always find it's easier to not respond to close ended responses. She's already interested so she'll reinitiate
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The brief time I went on Yubo, the app mostly for teens and younger people was eye opening. The way they texted and on live streams just the way younger people talk to each other was so different to me. I dont know how else to describe it other than like lower IQ and lotta bantz that if I attempted would be extremely cringe or awkward, but the way some other guys did it definitely charmed or made girls laugh. It was like an entire case study on a different species.
zoomers have just gotten more retarded.

Every generation have on average become more linguistically retarded and trashy than the last since the late 1800s-early 1900s. Based on old written records and videos.
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Ironically the most non-NT thing here is that you exaggerate and instantly interprets this as "omg I'm so non-NT because I have my phone always silenced", when in reality it's not abnormal at all to have it silenced.

In other words, having you phone silenced is irrelevant to being non-NT, but you reaction to this is extremely non-NT.
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