Amnesia Tinder Adventures Pt. 4

Have u had sex with a girl u met off a dating app in the last 30 days?

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 11.2%
  • No

    Votes: 96 31.6%
  • Doesn't apply to me cause I don't use dating apps/ am not trying to get laid

    Votes: 174 57.2%

  • Total voters


Mar 28, 2019
***The purpose of this thread is not to brag***

A brief description of who I am in the spoiler tag right below this

I am 32 years old that spent his teens with a very GL brother, witnessing first hand how effortless getting girls was for him. I got 2 rhinos and lower lid retraction surgery at 20 years old along with additional looksmaxxes including: chin fillers for chin width , wearing 4 inch lifts (making me 6'1'' after) wearing blue contacts, tanning beds, lifting weights and getting to low bodyfat, dyying eyebrows dark brown, latisse for eyelashes, medium length hairstyle, over 100 lays lifetime since looksmaxxing

This episodes poll is "Have u gotten laid off a dating app in the last 30 days?"

20 year old 5'1''


Matched on Tinder been chatting a few days over text before today where we met up, she came over to my place


LMFAO She is getting creepy killer vibes from me......... but nothing a chiseled jawline can't make her look past @Enigmatic93

Date Summary

She drove half an hour over to my apt. She is wearing black leggings, a low cut shirt showing her cleavage but with like a long sleeve shawl over it. We sit out on my couch in my front room, G eazy playlist playing from my computer speakers in the bedroom. We start talking about general life stuff, family, tv shows. She plays soccer in college, mentions how her team likes to go out and drink a lot yet she never has been drunk and ends up being the "parent" of the group and DD a lot. She grew up in a christian household, strong relationship with her father. But her parents aren't together she has a step mom ,but gets along great with her too. 3 little brothers.

We start talking about past relationships. She said she had 2 LTRs, she lost her virginity at 17 to her BF, claims the relationship was "toxic." (as always isn't it) She mentions some drama she had with a guy she knows. He is a 6'7'' basketball player at her college and he first tried to hit on her and she was into him, but when he hit on her HE had a GF and she was totally turned off by the fact that he said "well I can keep a secret if u can." Since then the basketball guy broke up with his gf and re tried to get with my Tinder Date and she knew he liked her and to make him jealous she created a Tinder so that he would see her on it and he'd get mad. But then she said they matched anyway on Tinder (wtf then that defeats the whole purpose dumb idiot.) She literally said that she was tempted to get with him because of his height, it made him really hot. But she told me she never ended up hooking up with him, and has no interest to (yeah right)

At this point I ask her if she wants a drink, she says no and looks at her phone. The mood at this point she is sitting far back on the couch on the opposite side as me, and she has not said any compliments to me or overt signs that she's into me, I actually cannot tell at this point if she is into me or what. In fact she is hardly laughing at any of my jokes, or at least only a little. She is perfectly pleasant but something is telling me she might just be running out the clock and will make an excuse to leave.

We continue talking about highschool experiences and she brings up that she didnt even kiss a guy till 17 and shes been a good girl most her life cause of her upbringing, but that she doesnt feel like she missed out on much. She didnt drink in high school or party much.She tells some story about petty drama between her circle of female friends. To sum the story up one girl had a chance with a guy and she rejected this particular guy so the other female friend took an interest in him. As soon as the friend saw her friend liked him she started to want him now. In other words women want men that other women want. Preselection theory.

I notice she has a tat on her wrist and ask her about it. She for the first time sits up and scoots towards me on the couch, and I scoot up too so that we are sitting cross legged facing each other and our knees are almost touching. This is the closest sitting we've been all night. She shows me the tat and I touch her arm while shes showing me. I also ask her about the pink streaks in her hair and run my hands through her hair while asking (not in a creepy way but playful way mind u.) At this point shes smiling and laughing more and I am starting to feel like she IS into me. I joke with her about how female hair dressers always cut wayy more than they say they will and she laughs and agrees.

I ask her to show me just how long her hair really is and she sits up to show how far down it goes down her back. I make a comment about how she looks short and she laughs and says "yeah I'm only 5'1'', how tall are you?" I respond 6'1'' and tell her to standup. I feel so fucking good wearing my 4 inch lifts in situations like this. I stand up and she stands up and laughs and says "wow yeaaa u are tall." she kinda looks up at me and smiles and looks back down. I look down at her and put my finger under her chin and pull her face back up to look at me and I lean in to kiss. We makeout for like 45 seconds and I am grabbing her ass and she puts her arms around me.

At this point we both end the kiss and smile at each other, however I STILL DON'T know if she actually was into me ,she wasn't very passionate in the kiss or with her hands, they were just parked on my lower back, not moving. She mighta felt like she HAD to kiss me since I initiated and she still will make an excuse at any second to leave. Thinking she might leave at this point I go for it and say, "hey wanna watch a movie?" and gesture to my bedroom. To my surprise she says yea sure.

We go into the bedroom and I turn on a movie and go to piss in my bathroom. When I return I see her sitting at the foot of my bed cross legged. I am face palming thinking "shit, she is very uncomfortable not wanting to lay down." I get on the bed and lay down on my back like a typical sleeping/watching tv position. We are still talking about whatever, and eventually she comes up to lay next to me. At this point she is laying pretty close to me, our legs are touching as we're laying there facing each other still laughing and making small talk about whatever. I make a joke about how bad we are at watching the movie and she laughs too while looking at me, and I say "o well i like distractions better" and I lean in and kiss her.

We are now full making out. My hands are fully on her ass while I'm making out with her, eventually claiming up into missionary position. All our clothes are still on but I am now hard af and I'm dry humping her with my cock sliding over her pants where her clit is. She starts moaning hard. I keep doing that while also fondling her boobs over her bra and kissing her neck. She is going wild, making moans and squirming. I pause take my shirt off. She lets out a "OMG" while putting her hand on my chest and running it down my abs (I have a good 4 pack with a little flab on my bottom 2.) She is looking at me with a glow on her face. I keep kissing and rubbing my cock up and down her clit over her pants. I whisper in her ear how hard she is making me and she responds with "u are making me so wet" and I grab her hand and put it down my pants but over my underwear on my cock. She moans when she grips it.

I pause again and take off my pants, leaving my cock poking thru my underwear and I see her staring at it. At this point I also tell her to sit up and I take her shirt and bra off. I am telling her she looks really sexy and has nice tits (they were ok in reality, probably B cups but her body was nice, not GREAT but nice.) I now only have my boxer/briefs on and she has her leggings on but is topless. I start kissing her up from her belly button to her tits and lick and suck her tits while in my other hand I have my cock in my hand and am rubbing it over her pants on her clit. She is going crazy squirming around and saying "OMG, OMG" She is now on her own free will touching my cock and rubbing it.

At this point I'm going for it so I start to try to take her pants off and she pulls my hands back and says no. I smirk and say it's ok relax and try again but she says "no no I'm not that easy." I just smile and go back to sucking her boobs and kissing her from the breast down to her belly button and start to go lower, and pull just the waist band part of the pants up to kiss just under them closer to her pussy. She is obviously enjoying it all and doesnt stop me from doing that. I figure I will try again. Again I sit up and try to take her pants off and she tells me "no, Amnesia, I'm not going to." I respond by slowly kissing her and sucking her nipples and kiss up towards her neck and ear and whisper "u know u would love to feel my hard cock inside u." She moans and breathes HARD from me just saying that.

So now I sit up the 3rd time and try to take her pants off and she says "no I can't, this is embarressing... I'm on my period." I smile and tell her " a little blood doesn't bother me." She laughs. I then start kissing her boobs down to her waist band again and this time I start to pull the waistband up again and am kissing her under her pants at the waist area. She loves it. I then move down OVER the pants but to where her clit is and am now licking her from over the pants on her clit. This drives her wild. She is going nuts with me basically eating her out with her pants on. Honestly I can't even describe the taste, it wasn't good at all, but not in a bad pussy way (ive tasted bad pussy) it was as if she played soccer or something in them and it tasted like a grass stain or dirt. Whatever I didn't give a fuck, shes getting so turned on I can feel her pussy moistness thru the leggings.

At this point not I move my tongue up from licking over her clit to now lifting the waist band again of her pants and start licking down towards her pussy till I am licking her bare pussy while holding up her waistband of her pants. She isnt stopping me at all but just going crazy. I am slowly but steadily licking her clit (at least as much as I can, this is a difficult position since her pants are still on and leggings are tight.)

At this point I start pulling her pants off again and she doesn't resist. I get her naked and I pull off my own underwear and expose my viagra and cialis fueled hard 7.25 inch cock in its glory, she grabs it and squeezes. I tell her to lay back down and I go back to eating her out now that shes naked it's normal. She does have a tampon in but I just am licking her clit until she cums, which didnt take that long. I tell her im going to pull out the tampon and I do and throw it in the garbage and start fucking her.

We fuck on and off for the next 1.5 hours or so. I ask if she is on birth control and she says no. She never once protested when I was about to fuck her without a condom. She is telling me how unbelievable it feels and shes never shook so much before from sex. She LOVES when I go as deep as possible ( i mention this cause some women it hurts when I go as far as I can, but she LOVED it) As usual she enjoyed getting her hair grabbed, spanked, choked. The only mirror I have in my room is on my sliding closet door. I doggy style her and am facing the mirror watching myself doggy her and strike the Patrick Bateman pose. flex my bicep and run my hands thru my hair. I did it for the reps since she thought I was a serial killer anyway over text before we met.

Now at this point though my cock is actually getting a bit soft. I am fatigued from lack of sleep over the last week and cause this is now the 4th girl in 6days I have fucked while abusing cialis and viagra. I havent cum yet but tell her I need a break. We go back to cuddling and talking and I tell her my fake male stripper story about how I used to be a male stripper in Vegas. She laughs and she tells me that she is so shocked I am real, that I look like a model and is surprised I am not one or never did but that being a male stripper makes sense. She tells me she doesn't know why I find her attractive and that I am so much better looking than she is. She says my first Tinder profile picture looks unreal (its the one posted on here with me in the car with a hat and hoodie on.) For the next few minutes she basically flatters me, tells me how GL I am, I look like a human ken doll. While doing this she mentions how beautiful my eyes are ( I am wearing my blue contacts.) She tells me that if I match with any of her friends on Tinder to please not fuck them, and laughs.

I tell her my looks are nothing and that my brother is better looking, at least growing up. She doesnt believe me and wants to see a pic of him. I tell her how he walked into Hollister Clothing and was given a modeling job on the spot. (Me always bringing up my brother is really autistic, I dunno why I feel the need to keep doing it.) We ask each other some questions. She asks how many LTRs I had, she asks MY body count first and I tell her "35" even tho its over 100. She replies that she wants me to guess hers. I say 12, she says less, and I guess 8, and she says I am the 5th guy. She said shes never fucked a guy before on the first date and that not even on the 2nd or 3rd date, that shes only ever fucked guys shes known for a while before. I chuckle and tell her she put up a nice try saying no. She laughs and says "i really didnt think we ewre gunna have sex at all, I didnt even shave my pussy cause I told myself I wasnt gunna fuck him. But once u took ur shirt off it was too hard, you do everything so well, clearly u are more experienced than me but I love that."

I bring up that 6'7'' basketball player again and ask her if his height is attractive to women and she replies "of course." She makes a comment about if a guy is THAT tall that its hard for them to be unattractive no matter their face. She even said he sucked at basketball but girls still crushed on him cause of his height. I ask her if she has a type of guy. She replies with that height meme "when his height starts with a 6" (over for sub 6' cels) (EVEN THO REMEMBER SHES 5'1'' HERSELF.)

She tells me I will probably ghost her after this but hopes it's not a one time thing. I tell her naww, I won't ghost. (I prob will keep her on rotation) We start kissing again and I want to cum since I didnt from the first round so we fuck again and I cum on her chest. We cuddle and talk again for a bit .She compliments my body and looks and face again while running her hands through my hair. She makes a comment that when I went to the bathroom right as I was starting the movie she texted her friend "OMG he IS real!"

I ask her about Tinder and the guys on it. She says guys who take a pic with their dog as a first pic on TInder are losers. She says guys lie about their height a lot. She says when its a group pic its never the hot or tall one in the pic. She says shes been on Tinder for over 3 months but I am only the 3rd guy she met off it and she says she didnt fuck the other 2 guys before me. She says I could be big on TikTok if I had it doing dancing since she thinks I am a former stripper. She actually said she LIKED that I didnt ask for snap over Tinder but for her number since a lot of guys just want nudes when they ask for snap. She said she was excited to come over but expected a guy not as GL as his pics but she said I look like them.

She leaves maybe 10 minutes later, we make out one last time and she again says that she hopes I won't ghost her. She has to be home cause she told her parents she was just at a friends house. By the end of the sex session we both had blood all over our genitals and on my bed sheets cause her period.

Redpills / Important Notes

-20 year old Tinder girl claims I'm the 5th body count ( I actually believe this since I told her my high number first making her prob comfortable saying a high number yet she didn't but it's me, Amnesia, of course I know women can lie at any time so grain of salt.)
- She said that the 6'7'' guy was hot just cause his height, even with an average face if ur that tall u will do well with girls
- Rarely meets with guys on Tinder, gets bored of the app and deletes it occasionally
- Preselection theory is confirmed. Women will pursue a man who is taken or when their friends start to like him
- She really did seem turned on by my BODY a lot when I took my shirt off she really liked what she saw.
- She said one of her friends/ soccer teammate approaches a lot of guys often, she confirmed women approach
- She mentions that she really liked the scruff look in the pics rather than how I was on the date (I was clean shaven on this date. So far all 4 girls in the last week I have banged say they have a preference for scruff)
- She said the oldest guy she has had sex with was 4 year difference than her (this excludes me, she thought i am 24)
- She said that she has friends who will hook up with guys JUST to make other guys jealous, for no reason else.
- She said I must get a lot of girls cause I have "good game" LOL @ equating good looks with good game
- Eye color pill, she literally stopped me mid speech to tell me how "beautiful" my eyes are (frauding with blue)
- Girls know what reverse searching images are
- She mentions she found this website and should be flattered my pics were posted on it with users wanting to look like me

- Just as a personal note I am very fatigued since I started this experiment. 4 girls in 6 days, constant messaging girls on all the dating apps I have trying to get ONE per day, girls are so flakey and will make plans and then leave u on read that day ur suppose to meet up. It's almost a full time job trying to set up these dates.

Look for my posts itt for additions I remember
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Also dnrd cuz too long.. just gonna assume its the usual autistic bs


Best Jew Claw GIFs | Gfycat
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  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
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Do you remember all of your lays tbh ?
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  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 51465, WeAreBoundless, Ryldoo IS COPING and 16 others
I got 2 rhinos and lower lid retraction surgery at 20 years
Thought you started looksmaxxing at 30? Didnt you say you started seriously slaying after 30?
When will netflix adapt all this good stories so I can know what happens on them?
  • JFL
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Didnt read tbh i dont want to rope today
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  • JFL
Reactions: Anchor_Ship, Patient A, Deleted member and 7 others
Thought you started looksmaxxing at 30? Didnt you say you started seriously slaying after 30?
No my surgeries were at 20. And I rotted for a decade after them with video games. I didnt try until I was 30 to get laid
  • JFL
  • Woah
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Attachments 31
your making me want to go er
  • JFL
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Reactions: TheBiggestIncelEver, prettyboyswag, Be_ConfidentBro and 12 others
No my surgeries were at 20. And I rotted for a decade after them with video games. I didnt try until I was 30 to get laid
Mirin honesty
I respect you more and more lately with these threads
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  • JFL
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i got hard reading this brb fapping
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: Ryldoo IS COPING, Anchor_Ship, Deleted member and 17 others
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There are better pics of her but at this point I am picking a pic where u can hardly see her for doxxing reasons. I just wanted to give u guys SOME sort of image of this girl while reading the story
she looks like a stacy tbh
  • Ugh..
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How much time do you spend on these
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4671
didnt read all of that but good thread
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 51465, Zygos4Life and Deleted member 4671
can’t accept heightpill this 5’1 girl only wants 6’0

@Amnesia how the fuck do you get away with wearing 4 inch lifts :lul:
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Reactions: deepfuckingvalue, fuckedupmanlet, Deleted member 12165 and 16 others
she found you on looksmax? LOLL
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Reactions: Anchor_Ship, fuckedupmanlet, Be_ConfidentBro and 1 other person
"G eazy playlist"

nigga its 2020
Tenor 38
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Reactions: deepfuckingvalue, zeshama, Anchor_Ship and 23 others
As a KHHV who's only watched porn his entire life, I used to think sex was a meme that only happened in porn studios. The fact that ppl like u actually have sex is honestly a huge shock to me
  • JFL
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: deepfuckingvalue, shalomnigga, zeshama and 27 others
  • JFL
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: Ryldoo IS COPING, Anchor_Ship, Deleted member 2729 and 14 others
can’t accept heightpill this 5’1 girl only wants 6’0

@Amnesia how the fuck do you get away with wearing 4 inch lifts :lul:
He is probably 5'10 with the lifts but claims 6
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6.7 basketball player with a 5.1 girl :kys:
  • JFL
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  • So Sad
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Those threads are very insightful tbh. It's also brutal that at just 5'1 she still wants 6ft plus dudes.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, Deleted member, Lihito and 11 others
He is probably 5'10 with the lifts but claims 6
he is 5’9 something without and with frauds 6’1

i honestly don’t know how he gets away with that even with shoes and 1 inch i feel way taller and can notice a big difference when taking them off
  • +1
Reactions: prettyboyswag, Zygos4Life and Deleted member 4645
Utter disgusting retard foid. Damn bitch can't even wrap around the fact and look into the details even after finding the site. It's over for this sub midget with fetish of being kidnapped. Fuck u midget, if u ever see ur self posted here.
  • JFL
Reactions: TheBiggestIncelEver, Anchor_Ship, fuckedupmanlet and 6 others

Shes reading and sending her friends all your Part 1-4 rn mate..
PS how DARE she call this website wierd, that BITCH!!!
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  • +1
Reactions: deepfuckingvalue, TheBiggestIncelEver, AlexanderTheGreat11 and 42 others
whats an NT playlist?
depends on the girls bro
im repping popsmoke and shit but that would just scare them away lol
for girls you cant go wrong w
drake weekend and postmalone normie type shit
@PYT thoughts?
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Lifefuel cause "only" 5 guys
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: Ryldoo IS COPING, NarcyChadlite, Mouthbreath and 1 other person
you got massive PTSD from your brother btw
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he is 5’9 something without and with frauds 6’1

i honestly don’t know how he gets away with that even with shoes and 1 inch i feel way taller and can notice a big difference when taking them off

I think it's just the circumstances overriding her shallowness without her even realizing.

For a 5'1 girl, 5'9 is objectively tall, and once her focus was brought from height to face/body, it was hard for her to register that Amnesia lost a few inches in height lol.

She's technically so short that 5'9 and 6'1 both look tall to her.
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  • +1
Reactions: Traxanas, fuckedupmanlet and JizzFarmer
No my surgeries were at 20. And I rotted for a decade after them with video games. I didnt try until I was 30 to get laid
When did u lose virginity?
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Good story, very fascinating. I also mirin your lower third, what did you do to get such a killer lower third? Would make my day if you respond forum chad
  • JFL
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I think it's just the circumstances overriding her shallowness without her even realizing.

For a 5'1 girl, 5'9 is objectively tall, and once her focus was brought from height to face/body, it was hard for her to register that Amnesia lost a few inches in height lol, she's basically so short that 5'9 and 6'1 look equally tall to her.
4 inches is so much difference though. 1, maybe 2 is doable but 4?? she has to notice unless he keeps his shoes on

do you do that amnesia
  • +1
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What's your real exact height?
I'm talking barefoot, non-frauded rounded to the nearest centimeter/half-inch.
4 inches is so much difference though. 1, maybe 2 is doable but 4?? she has to notice unless he keeps his shoes on

do you do that amnesia

Of course I keep my shoes on at all times, and have elevator slippers too. Only take em off when on the bed

What's your real exact height?
I'm talking barefoot, non-frauded rounded to the nearest centimeter/half-inch.
morning height 5'9'' and a half
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4 inches is so much difference though. 1, maybe 2 is doable but 4?? she has to notice unless he keeps his shoes on

do you do that amnesia
he fucks with a timberland on LOL
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Reactions: shalomnigga, Ryldoo IS COPING, Anchor_Ship and 22 others
tbh I get hard when the sex part comes, so fucking cucked jfl

also need to stop reading these threads so my cortisol production doesn't go into overdrive because of these heightpills ffs
  • JFL
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Reactions: TheBiggestIncelEver, shalomnigga, Ryldoo IS COPING and 19 others
Of course I keep my shoes on at all times, and have elevator slippers too. Only take em off when on the bed

morning height 5'9'' and a half
How the fuck do you fraud 4 inches in slippers, let alone shoes?
depends on the girls bro
im repping popsmoke and shit but that would just scare them away lol
for girls you cant go wrong w
drake weekend and postmalone normie type shit
@PYT thoughts?
  • JFL
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How the fuck do you fraud 4 inches in slippers, let alone shoes?
Yeah I honestly don't get it.
Where I live you could get called out for frauding 2cm (not even a full inch).
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your brother is a model... so you clearly had a good foundation too before looksmaxing.
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  • Hmm...
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