Analysing male archetypes - part 1 (MEGA THREAD)

Analysing male archetypes - part 1 (theory):blackpill:
By @thebuffdon690 :eek:


Class in session. Welcome back to another thread guys today we will be discussing the male archetypes spectrum in relation to attracting the opposite sex. I planned to release this thread in a few weeks but I know I will get busy with uni so I will just release this thread now and release the following parts in the coming months, alongside some other stuff too.

I really enjoy making these threads also it’s more of a hobby / pastime of mine than a chore, it doesn’t feel like rotting but ofc it still is unfortunately. Hopefully that can change in the future for us with the help of the knowledge I try to provide in these threads.

This thread was also inspired by @BucketCrab thread in BOTB, which I got the inspiration from. I will just be emulating the layout for it and adjusting it for all of these archetypes that I am about to discuss in this thread.

I believe this can help a lot of people here who are looksmaxxers but don't have a direction to head in for their looks outside of the basic stuff that is discussed in this forum. I will be discussing a total of 30 archetypes in this 3 part thread series, since I have nothing better to do than rot at home for the time being, however i will use this time wisely to research this stuff for mainly myself so that I know exactly which archetype to go for in the future and to help the members here figure this out to.

Its also important to note that some people can fit into multiple archetypes, since most of them are similar but tweaked slightly. However its important to analyse all of them to understand exactly which ones do well etc in specific avenues and which ones don't to gain an understanding of which one to go for.

also sticky threads mods?

Note: factors used below 👇 - harmony, dimorphism, body fat factors and miscellaneous.


1. Low trust dark triad

example: Ian Somerhalder

- most important factor: misc

- characteristics: more pale complexion, darker features in general, alluring smirk, darker eye colour (but light also works) higher dimorphism, more striking (maybe).

- male respect: ⬤⬤

moderate to lower levels of respect from men since men with dark triad traits may exhibit features that signal dominance or threat, such as intense eye contact or cold expressions. While these traits can attract attention, they may also reduce trustworthiness and approachability,
leading to lower respect among other men who value reliability in social interactions, particularly around women of course.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of female attention from younger age demographics, however older demographics will still give attention but just slightly less. You may receive attention however from lower class women just looking for a fling due to the combination of being low trust and dark triad at the same time, so go for this archetype if you want to succeed in that endeavour.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 3

- Theory:feelswat:: characterised by striking dark features, which usually stems from a high softmax score catering to misc features such as dark hair (which can be dyed), thick brows, long appealing lashes, more pale complexion or a tan its quite a broad range in terms of colouring.

This is also where eye colour is also quite subjective, since a lighter colour such as a striking green can contrast very well with darker features, however so can darker colours such as T50s, that can contrast very well with lighter features such as a more pale complexion.

- Best suited for: short term interactions across all age groups

2. low trust light triad

Example: Paul walker

- most important factor: misc

- characteristics: lighter features - lighter complexion, hooded/hunter eyes, lighter eye colour, lighter hair colour etc, striking.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of male respect than dark triad since they wont be on edge as much of you trying to steal their girl or something, but still cautious as it could happen the lighter features will still subconsciously mould their intuition to a more relaxed state of mind in this aspect, which can help if you want to double cross someone to rock this archetype. but its not necessary.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤

will usually have higher levels female attention than their dark triad counterparts since the light triad component fosters
higher levels of trust amongst older age groups, hence factoring in a larger variety of women that would be receptive to that particular element in the archetype. However this will not increase by too much since of course they are still low trust.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 5

- Theory:feelswat:: characterised by lighter features, whilst still maintaining the low trust element of their looks. misc plays the largest role and can be influenced heavily
to control for various light triad factors such as: hair colour which can be a lighter brown to blondish, a lighter eye colour preferably blue or light green, and of
course a lighter skin complexion, a fairer to light complexion such as pale or maybe a lighter porcelain e.g.

Higher collagen levels also help maintain the light triad aspect as it enhances natural beauty and youth which can enhance perceptions of trust and associative personality traits to attract younger - middle age demographics.

- Best suited for: short term fling which leads into an LTR across all age groups.

3. High trust dark triad
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Example: Siva Kaneswaran

- most important factor: harmony

- characteristics: higher harmony %, darker features as discussed above, less striking. Leaner face (to reveal high trust features).

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of male respect since the high trust component also applies to men on average, since they are also influenced
by perceived physical appearance character traits, but perhaps more subconsciously.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of attention across all age groups, assuming that the said person moulds into their looks as time goes on and starts to appeal to the older age demographics. tbh this kind of applies to every archetype too, but especially with high trust to maintain that foundational component for appeal.

This is a very good archetype to go for since (on average) the high trust component enables higher levels of trust obviously amongst women, whereas the dark triad component maintains that allure and mystery to entice them further into the relationship.

So essentially the high trust works as a catalyst to fuel the relationship, whereas the dark triad creates the foundation for the overall interest. Very good dual features which works extremely well in synergy for attraction.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 7.5

- Theory:feelswat:: characterised by darker features, similar to number 1, but of course with high trust appeal. This is why harmony is the most important metric in determining if someone can be placed within this archetype, as if your base isn't subject to qualities of trust and likeability from a women's perspective, then it will be very hard to emulate this through softmaxxing (not impossible though) and increasing your dimorphism or getting lean etc.

Its of course hard to quantify, but it is usually characterised (harmony part) by high harmony score (above 70%) as to look warm and normal, with fuller lips, a more attractive smile, bit more visible UEE, a lighter skin complexion with lighter eyes (not necessary though eyes can also
be darker) and very high levels of collagen which portrays youth - which is often associated with higher trust characteristics.

- Best suited for: short term which will transition to LTR which maintains long term across all age groups. LTR on its own as well. Marriage.

4. High trust light triad

Example: Vasilly Stepanov

- most important factor: harmony

- characteristics: same as above but with lighter features.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤⬤

moderate levels of male respect because the high trust factor again will make them trust you more and see you as less of a threat paired with the light triad features, but also they could feel you to be less masculine because of the double pairing. This should not be as much of an issue though as say a pretty boy archetype in terms of respect.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

similar but high levels of female attention across all age groups, since they will be enticed by the light triad features as it is more visually appealing but perhaps less stimulating for them then the dark triad one. Again the high trust will also maintain the LTR if thats your goal.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 8

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but obviously paired with light triad physical traits instead, so lighter hair colour, lighter eyes,
lighter complexion etc. This is great for LTR ofc for obvious reasons, so rock this archetype if you want that.

- Best suited for: normal short - LTR across all age groups.

5. Pretty boy - high trust, light triad

Example: young DiCaprio

- most important factor: harmony

- characteristics: softer features oriented for the pretty boy archetype - longer wavy styled hair, lighter features, less striking, a very lean face.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤

lower levels of male respect as they will feel you to be less masculine because of the triple pairing this time. So when rocking this archetype at any age its better to be cautious of your social groups as this will be more likely to occur.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤

similar but high levels of female attention across all age groups except the older ones, since they will again be enticed by the light triad features as it is more visually appealing but perhaps less stimulating for them then the dark triad one.

again the high trust will also maintain the LTR, but only for the first 2 age groups, you may have less attention across the older ones since they ofc don't prefer pretty boys as much when they age, although its still at 3 bars because depending on their situation if they need an LTR more, than the light triad high trust can act as a good commodity for fostering higher trust levels and commitment for them, but it really depends on their preferences.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 9

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but obviously paired with pretty boy physical traits instead, so same as above with the lighter hair colour, lighter eyes, lighter complexion etc. But also relatively less bone mass as to not look too intimidating and break away from the pretty boy league.

- Best suited for: LTR with younger age groups

6. Pretty boy - high trust, dark triad

Example: young Johnny Depp

- most important factor: harmony/misc

- characteristics: same as above but with darker features instead. longer lashes for appeal. Can rock jewellery also (although this is more suited for lower trust archetypes).

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤

same as above essentially. it may even be worse since the dark triad paired with the pretty boy aspect is a deadly combo in this regard, since men will more likely to be wary of your presence due to the enticement your archetype gives off. Just watch 21 jump street with prime Depp its a good example of what to expect.

obviously this is a tv show but they specifically design the script in a way which matches johny depp's character archetype within the show, which is dark triad high trust pretty boy. He is constantly disrespected by dudes in his presence who fear he will take their girl or something, but also just his general looks.

He also gets with a dudes girlfriend in the second episode lol. This is what you can expect if you rock this “bad boy” archetype, or at least it’ll be easier.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤

similar but high levels of female attention across all age groups except the older ones, since they will not be enticed by the dark triad features as they have already dealt with those during their younger years. combined with the high trust this a deadly failo for this archetype in attracting older women, as they will just see you as a little boy instead of a man, even assuming if you age well. Most girls who simp for Depp as an example are a lot younger, we hardly ever see older women simping for him tbh.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 8

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but the reason I say that harmony and misc are equal in being the most important factor for this archetype is that you need the harmony for the high trust aspect as discussed before, but you can shape your misc features in a way which caters more towards the dark triad and pretty boy aspect, such as the way you style your hair, your hair colour, eye colour, with darker eyes being preferred, and a more pale - tan skin complexion.

This archetype is a lot more suited for guys who want to attract prime women but still maintain that LTR with them even after the initial interaction.

- Best suited for: short term which transitions into an LTR across younger age groups.

7. Pretty boy - low trust, dark triad

Example: Damian Kater

- most important factor: harmony / misc

- characteristics: same as discussed before with the dark triad and pretty boy stuff, but with lower trust features such as being more striking, rocking jewellery and a light stubble, essentially components which enhance your sex appeal.

- male respect: ⬤⬤

same as above, but lower since the low trust aspect will just make it way harder for men to trust you combined with everything else.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤

highest levels of female attention across the younger age groups, but virtually non-existent as they get older.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 4

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but with a few key differences. for those who want to attract prime women with no strings attached, this is the absolute best archetype you can go for. this is because the low trust paired with dark triad and pretty boy features makes for a lethal triple combo in terms of allure, mystery and attraction.

the low trust will entice them along with the dark triad, and the pretty boy aspect will make them more physically attracted to you, case point damian kater in his YT vids. Higher collagen levels are also necessary for the pretty boy factor. Alongside this, the reason kater is considered lower trust is because of his harmony, in that he looks relatively more striking compared to other pretty boys,

and I guess he squintmaxxes sometimes too, which you can pull off if done right. combine this with the ear jewellery and light stubble he rocks in his vids, makes him lower trust compared to the aforementioned archetypes.

- Best suited for: short term interactions across younger age groups.

8. Pretty boy - low trust, light triad

Example: Tom Hutch

- most important factor: harmony / misc

- characteristics: same as above but with lighter features. Hunter/hooded eyes over almond (although not necessary if everything else is considered lower trust also).

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤
same as above, but slightly more because of the light triad aspect.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤

not as much attention as the previous one but still very high across the younger age groups.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 4

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but with light triad features instead, as discussed before.

- Best suited for: Short term fling / interaction transitioning into normal - LTR across all age groups, if you desire for it to.

9. Robust pretty boy

Example: young Henry Cavill

- most important factor: dimorphism

- characteristics: higher dimorphism, pretty boy features as discussed above, irrespective of being light or dark triad and trust levels.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤⬤

moderate levels of respect due to the masculine element of having higher levels of dimorphism. and then being perceived as more friendly due to the pretty boy factor makes for a good combo in this regard.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤

relatively high levels of attention across all age groups. If we use Henry Cavill as an example, his younger self would
be most attractive to the 20-30 age group, and less to the 16-20 one although still high, since they usually prefer pretty
boys with less masculine traits compared to the older groups.

then as cavill got older he became much more masculine physically and shifted his attention to the older age groups with increasing levels of dimorphism. so this is ideal if you want a relatively stable level of attention across all age groups as you age, to pull this archetype off.

- perceived trust score: 6

- Theory: higher levels of dimorphism than a pretty boy, which is best suited for both short term and long term interactions.

- Best suited for: short term and long term interactions across all age groups (hook-ups and LTRs).


Thats it for part 1 thanks for reading! I spent ages editing this so a rep / comment would be appreciated!

Part 2 will come out quicker if there is enough hype for it, so let me know, also if you want to be added to the tags list lmk.

Thank U Reaction GIF by Mauro Gatti

[/🤫@coispet @yeeyeeslayer @moreroidsmoredates @Darktriad16 @Clavicular @Zenis @<6PSLcel @hopecel @0steotomy @blknswag @Charisma @Lynxress @plukee @noodlelover @optimisticzoomer @RaidenJTR @silencio @slavicpsycho @Xangsane @shieldzz @PseudoMaxxer @lestoa @King Solomon @JohnBaza @RaidenJTR @tombradylover @gigell @8incheer @smallman @Zeta @PsychoDsk @halloweed @N1666 @LegitUser @boss8055 @smoth @F36 @RealFlunkyFlamingo @mogre @ambi @OneTwoThree @wsada @Mewton @bululu_87 @imangazi2445 @truthhurts @Morpheus @ElTruecel @axttt_ @irkkedmulatto @Jonas2k7 @PeakIncels @manletmogger @Gengar @Suns9999 @mayomogger @Autismcel @Outerz14 @nathan @NorwoodAscender]


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  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Megfish21, GeneralSalami, AverageMoroccan and 28 others
It’s not about that, it’s about catering to your specific goals when it comes to dating / marriage or whatever.

You can pull off certain archetypes which will help you in certain fields etc
cant change archetype except doing roids/estrogen
cant change archetype except doing roids/estrogen
You can lol, just cater towards the archetype which suits your agenda the most

If you wanna be a pretty boy dark triad just rock wavy hair, get leaner, increase collagen etc and get darker features

Obviously a lot is genetic but assuming you have the genetic base for it ofc
  • +1
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates
it did'nt provide any useful applicable methods to improve one's looks
that's it
jfl it's mainly the coloring and sharpness of the features you don't know how to dye your hair and wear colored contact lenses decide if you wanna get jaw implants or not? it's not hard to know what do you need to do to achieve a certain look nothing is bad either with analysing this stuff the methods you need to achieve these archetypes are already in botb and well known
  • +1
Reactions: Thebuffdon
jfl it's mainly the coloring and sharpness of the features you don't know how to dye your hair and wear colored contact lenses decide if you wanna get jaw implants or not? it's not hard to know what do you need to do to achieve a certain look nothing is bad either with analysing this stuff the methods you need to achieve these archetypes are already in botb and well known
Bro thinks if everything isn’t about actual looksmaxxing it’s pointless lol. Shows how brainwashed they are Ngl.
  • +1
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates and ryuken
you have no clue what dark triad and light triad actually means and it shows
why is this pinned
  • +1
Reactions: truthhurts
you have no clue what dark triad and light triad actually means and it shows
why is this pinned
What does it mean then
  • +1
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates and truthhurts
you have no clue what dark triad and light triad actually means and it shows
why is this pinned
Dumbass ignoring ofc
  • +1
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates and truthhurts
Good thread :ogre:.
IMG 5726

What archetype belongs Dellisola in your opinion?
In the same category as Ian sommerhalder or Damian?
His eye area is very striking imo, he gives overall mafia type vibes:ogre:
  • Love it
Reactions: Thebuffdon
Good thread :ogre:.
View attachment 3188037
What archetype belongs Dellisola in your opinion?
In the same category as Ian sommerhalder or Damian?
His eye area is very striking imo, he gives overall mafia type vibes:ogre:
An archetype which is in part 2

I’m thinking of releasing it in offtopic since it’s more active this one didn’t get as much traction as my other 2 threads for some reason

Also maybe cuz this site is dying but still
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates and truthhurts
An archetype which is in part 2

I’m thinking of releasing it in offtopic since it’s more active this one didn’t get as much traction as my other 2 threads for some reason

Also maybe cuz this site is dying but still
Yh I also didn’t get the notification tbh. Maybe it’s because u done the taggings in spoilers:feelswat:.
Looking forward to read ur second part bhai.
Keep up the great work:Comfy:
  • Love it
Reactions: Thebuffdon
Yh I also didn’t get the notification tbh. Maybe it’s because u done the taggings in spoilers:feelswat:.
Looking forward to read ur second part bhai.
Keep up the great work:Comfy:
Damn yeh it’s probably that, was wondering why it was low tbh

Thx yeh it won’t be releasing for a long time cuz I’m gonna try and set up a yt channel to advertise my facial calculator

Also too busy with final year uni as well
  • +1
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates and truthhurts
  • Love it
Reactions: Thebuffdon
Keep us updated about ur YouTube channel bhai:ogre:

Wish u nothing but the best. Hope u pass uni as the best student🙏🙏:feelsokman:
Much love bro

Same with you

One of the best users here Ngl. I hope you get with the gigastacy of your dreams 💀
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates and truthhurts
Much love bro

Same with you

One of the best users here Ngl. I hope you get with the gigastacy of your dreams 💀
Appreciate it bhai. Same goes to you. :love:🙏🙏🙏.
Hope u get a terrastacy:ogre:
  • Love it
Reactions: Thebuffdon
Analysing male archetypes - part 1 (theory):blackpill:
By @thebuffdon690 :eek:


Class in session. Welcome back to another thread guys today we will be discussing the male archetypes spectrum in relation to attracting the opposite sex. I planned to release this thread in a few weeks but I know I will get busy with uni so I will just release this thread now and release the following parts in the coming months, alongside some other stuff too.

I really enjoy making these threads also it’s more of a hobby / pastime of mine than a chore, it doesn’t feel like rotting but ofc it still is unfortunately. Hopefully that can change in the future for us with the help of the knowledge I try to provide in these threads.

This thread was also inspired by @BucketCrab thread in BOTB, which I got the inspiration from. I will just be emulating the layout for it and adjusting it for all of these archetypes that I am about to discuss in this thread.

I believe this can help a lot of people here who are looksmaxxers but don't have a direction to head in for their looks outside of the basic stuff that is discussed in this forum. I will be discussing a total of 30 archetypes in this 3 part thread series, since I have nothing better to do than rot at home for the time being, however i will use this time wisely to research this stuff for mainly myself so that I know exactly which archetype to go for in the future and to help the members here figure this out to.

Its also important to note that some people can fit into multiple archetypes, since most of them are similar but tweaked slightly. However its important to analyse all of them to understand exactly which ones do well etc in specific avenues and which ones don't to gain an understanding of which one to go for.

also sticky threads mods?

Note: factors used below 👇 - harmony, dimorphism, body fat factors and miscellaneous.


1. Low trust dark triad
View attachment 3177808
example: Ian Somerhalder

- most important factor: misc

- characteristics: more pale complexion, darker features in general, alluring smirk, darker eye colour (but light also works) higher dimorphism, more striking (maybe).

- male respect: ⬤⬤

moderate to lower levels of respect from men since men with dark triad traits may exhibit features that signal dominance or threat, such as intense eye contact or cold expressions. While these traits can attract attention, they may also reduce trustworthiness and approachability,
leading to lower respect among other men who value reliability in social interactions, particularly around women of course.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of female attention from younger age demographics, however older demographics will still give attention but just slightly less. You may receive attention however from lower class women just looking for a fling due to the combination of being low trust and dark triad at the same time, so go for this archetype if you want to succeed in that endeavour.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 3

- Theory:feelswat:: characterised by striking dark features, which usually stems from a high softmax score catering to misc features such as dark hair (which can be dyed), thick brows, long appealing lashes, more pale complexion or a tan its quite a broad range in terms of colouring.

This is also where eye colour is also quite subjective, since a lighter colour such as a striking green can contrast very well with darker features, however so can darker colours such as T50s, that can contrast very well with lighter features such as a more pale complexion.

- Best suited for: short term interactions across all age groups

2. low trust light triad
View attachment 3177851
Example: Paul walker

- most important factor: misc

- characteristics: lighter features - lighter complexion, hooded/hunter eyes, lighter eye colour, lighter hair colour etc, striking.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of male respect than dark triad since they wont be on edge as much of you trying to steal their girl or something, but still cautious as it could happen the lighter features will still subconsciously mould their intuition to a more relaxed state of mind in this aspect, which can help if you want to double cross someone to rock this archetype. but its not necessary.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤

will usually have higher levels female attention than their dark triad counterparts since the light triad component fosters
higher levels of trust amongst older age groups, hence factoring in a larger variety of women that would be receptive to that particular element in the archetype. However this will not increase by too much since of course they are still low trust.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 5

- Theory:feelswat:: characterised by lighter features, whilst still maintaining the low trust element of their looks. misc plays the largest role and can be influenced heavily
to control for various light triad factors such as: hair colour which can be a lighter brown to blondish, a lighter eye colour preferably blue or light green, and of
course a lighter skin complexion, a fairer to light complexion such as pale or maybe a lighter porcelain e.g.

Higher collagen levels also help maintain the light triad aspect as it enhances natural beauty and youth which can enhance perceptions of trust and associative personality traits to attract younger - middle age demographics.

- Best suited for: short term fling which leads into an LTR across all age groups.

3. High trust dark triad
View attachment 3177898
Example: Siva Kaneswaran

- most important factor: harmony

- characteristics: higher harmony %, darker features as discussed above, less striking. Leaner face (to reveal high trust features).

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of male respect since the high trust component also applies to men on average, since they are also influenced
by perceived physical appearance character traits, but perhaps more subconsciously.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of attention across all age groups, assuming that the said person moulds into their looks as time goes on and starts to appeal to the older age demographics. tbh this kind of applies to every archetype too, but especially with high trust to maintain that foundational component for appeal.

This is a very good archetype to go for since (on average) the high trust component enables higher levels of trust obviously amongst women, whereas the dark triad component maintains that allure and mystery to entice them further into the relationship.

So essentially the high trust works as a catalyst to fuel the relationship, whereas the dark triad creates the foundation for the overall interest. Very good dual features which works extremely well in synergy for attraction.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 7.5

- Theory:feelswat:: characterised by darker features, similar to number 1, but of course with high trust appeal. This is why harmony is the most important metric in determining if someone can be placed within this archetype, as if your base isn't subject to qualities of trust and likeability from a women's perspective, then it will be very hard to emulate this through softmaxxing (not impossible though) and increasing your dimorphism or getting lean etc.

Its of course hard to quantify, but it is usually characterised (harmony part) by high harmony score (above 70%) as to look warm and normal, with fuller lips, a more attractive smile, bit more visible UEE, a lighter skin complexion with lighter eyes (not necessary though eyes can also
be darker) and very high levels of collagen which portrays youth - which is often associated with higher trust characteristics.

- Best suited for: short term which will transition to LTR which maintains long term across all age groups. LTR on its own as well. Marriage.

4. High trust light triad
View attachment 3177919
Example: Vasilly Stepanov

- most important factor: harmony

- characteristics: same as above but with lighter features.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤⬤

moderate levels of male respect because the high trust factor again will make them trust you more and see you as less of a threat paired with the light triad features, but also they could feel you to be less masculine because of the double pairing. This should not be as much of an issue though as say a pretty boy archetype in terms of respect.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

similar but high levels of female attention across all age groups, since they will be enticed by the light triad features as it is more visually appealing but perhaps less stimulating for them then the dark triad one. Again the high trust will also maintain the LTR if thats your goal.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 8

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but obviously paired with light triad physical traits instead, so lighter hair colour, lighter eyes,
lighter complexion etc. This is great for LTR ofc for obvious reasons, so rock this archetype if you want that.

- Best suited for: normal short - LTR across all age groups.

5. Pretty boy - high trust, light triad
View attachment 3177931
Example: young DiCaprio

- most important factor: harmony

- characteristics: softer features oriented for the pretty boy archetype - longer wavy styled hair, lighter features, less striking, a very lean face.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤

lower levels of male respect as they will feel you to be less masculine because of the triple pairing this time. So when rocking this archetype at any age its better to be cautious of your social groups as this will be more likely to occur.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤

similar but high levels of female attention across all age groups except the older ones, since they will again be enticed by the light triad features as it is more visually appealing but perhaps less stimulating for them then the dark triad one.

again the high trust will also maintain the LTR, but only for the first 2 age groups, you may have less attention across the older ones since they ofc don't prefer pretty boys as much when they age, although its still at 3 bars because depending on their situation if they need an LTR more, than the light triad high trust can act as a good commodity for fostering higher trust levels and commitment for them, but it really depends on their preferences.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 9

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but obviously paired with pretty boy physical traits instead, so same as above with the lighter hair colour, lighter eyes, lighter complexion etc. But also relatively less bone mass as to not look too intimidating and break away from the pretty boy league.

- Best suited for: LTR with younger age groups

6. Pretty boy - high trust, dark triad
View attachment 3177958
Example: young Johnny Depp

- most important factor: harmony/misc

- characteristics: same as above but with darker features instead. longer lashes for appeal. Can rock jewellery also (although this is more suited for lower trust archetypes).

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤

same as above essentially. it may even be worse since the dark triad paired with the pretty boy aspect is a deadly combo in this regard, since men will more likely to be wary of your presence due to the enticement your archetype gives off. Just watch 21 jump street with prime Depp its a good example of what to expect.

obviously this is a tv show but they specifically design the script in a way which matches johny depp's character archetype within the show, which is dark triad high trust pretty boy. He is constantly disrespected by dudes in his presence who fear he will take their girl or something, but also just his general looks.

He also gets with a dudes girlfriend in the second episode lol. This is what you can expect if you rock this “bad boy” archetype, or at least it’ll be easier.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤

similar but high levels of female attention across all age groups except the older ones, since they will not be enticed by the dark triad features as they have already dealt with those during their younger years. combined with the high trust this a deadly failo for this archetype in attracting older women, as they will just see you as a little boy instead of a man, even assuming if you age well. Most girls who simp for Depp as an example are a lot younger, we hardly ever see older women simping for him tbh.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 8

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but the reason I say that harmony and misc are equal in being the most important factor for this archetype is that you need the harmony for the high trust aspect as discussed before, but you can shape your misc features in a way which caters more towards the dark triad and pretty boy aspect, such as the way you style your hair, your hair colour, eye colour, with darker eyes being preferred, and a more pale - tan skin complexion.

This archetype is a lot more suited for guys who want to attract prime women but still maintain that LTR with them even after the initial interaction.

- Best suited for: short term which transitions into an LTR across younger age groups.

7. Pretty boy - low trust, dark triad
View attachment 3177993
Example: Damian Kater

- most important factor: harmony / misc

- characteristics: same as discussed before with the dark triad and pretty boy stuff, but with lower trust features such as being more striking, rocking jewellery and a light stubble, essentially components which enhance your sex appeal.

- male respect: ⬤⬤

same as above, but lower since the low trust aspect will just make it way harder for men to trust you combined with everything else.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤

highest levels of female attention across the younger age groups, but virtually non-existent as they get older.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 4

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but with a few key differences. for those who want to attract prime women with no strings attached, this is the absolute best archetype you can go for. this is because the low trust paired with dark triad and pretty boy features makes for a lethal triple combo in terms of allure, mystery and attraction.

the low trust will entice them along with the dark triad, and the pretty boy aspect will make them more physically attracted to you, case point damian kater in his YT vids. Higher collagen levels are also necessary for the pretty boy factor. Alongside this, the reason kater is considered lower trust is because of his harmony, in that he looks relatively more striking compared to other pretty boys,

and I guess he squintmaxxes sometimes too, which you can pull off if done right. combine this with the ear jewellery and light stubble he rocks in his vids, makes him lower trust compared to the aforementioned archetypes.

- Best suited for: short term interactions across younger age groups.

8. Pretty boy - low trust, light triad
View attachment 3178007
Example: Tom Hutch

- most important factor: harmony / misc

- characteristics: same as above but with lighter features. Hunter/hooded eyes over almond (although not necessary if everything else is considered lower trust also).

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤
same as above, but slightly more because of the light triad aspect.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤

not as much attention as the previous one but still very high across the younger age groups.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 4

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but with light triad features instead, as discussed before.

- Best suited for: Short term fling / interaction transitioning into normal - LTR across all age groups, if you desire for it to.

9. Robust pretty boy
View attachment 3178339
Example: young Henry Cavill

- most important factor: dimorphism

- characteristics: higher dimorphism, pretty boy features as discussed above, irrespective of being light or dark triad and trust levels.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤⬤

moderate levels of respect due to the masculine element of having higher levels of dimorphism. and then being perceived as more friendly due to the pretty boy factor makes for a good combo in this regard.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤

relatively high levels of attention across all age groups. If we use Henry Cavill as an example, his younger self would
be most attractive to the 20-30 age group, and less to the 16-20 one although still high, since they usually prefer pretty
boys with less masculine traits compared to the older groups.

then as cavill got older he became much more masculine physically and shifted his attention to the older age groups with increasing levels of dimorphism. so this is ideal if you want a relatively stable level of attention across all age groups as you age, to pull this archetype off.

- perceived trust score: 6

- Theory: higher levels of dimorphism than a pretty boy, which is best suited for both short term and long term interactions.

- Best suited for: short term and long term interactions across all age groups (hook-ups and LTRs).


Thats it for part 1 thanks for reading! I spent ages editing this so a rep / comment would be appreciated!

Part 2 will come out quicker if there is enough hype for it, so let me know, also if you want to be added to the tags list lmk.

Thank U Reaction GIF by Mauro Gatti

[/🤫@coispet @yeeyeeslayer @moreroidsmoredates @Darktriad16 @Clavicular @Zenis @<6PSLcel @hopecel @0steotomy @blknswag @Charisma @Lynxress @plukee @noodlelover @optimisticzoomer @RaidenJTR @silencio @slavicpsycho @Xangsane @shieldzz @PseudoMaxxer @lestoa @King Solomon @JohnBaza @RaidenJTR @tombradylover @gigell @8incheer @smallman @Zeta @PsychoDsk @halloweed @N1666 @LegitUser @boss8055 @smoth @F36 @RealFlunkyFlamingo @mogre @ambi @OneTwoThree @wsada @Mewton @bululu_87 @imangazi2445 @truthhurts @Morpheus @ElTruecel @axttt_ @irkkedmulatto @Jonas2k7 @PeakIncels @manletmogger @Gengar @Suns9999 @mayomogger @Autismcel @Outerz14 @nathan @NorwoodAscender]
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Thebuffdon
BOTB worthy tbh
  • JFL
  • Love it
  • Hmm...
Reactions: princeof316, hopecel and Thebuffdon
Dumbass ignoring ofc
dark triad means machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. You can't look "dark triad" and "high trust" at the same time, they are polar opposites of one another, same thing as "light triad" and "low trust".
Your thinking of dark and light triad as coloring .i.e dark coloring = dark triad and vice versa which it IS NOT
dark triad means machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. You can't look "dark triad" and "high trust" at the same time, they are polar opposites of one another, same thing as "light triad" and "low trust".
Your thinking of dark and light triad as coloring .i.e dark coloring = dark triad and vice versa which it IS NOT
I already know it’s referring to personality traits, and I can tell you clearly didn’t read my thread.

I literally showed you how it is possible to look dark triad and be perceived as high trust at the same time. Just cuz you possess dark triad personality traits also doesn’t mean you can’t be high trust at the same time. You are just less likely to be perceived that way.

And it’s mainly about perception not personality, otherwise my entire thread would be based on personality and not looks lmao which it clearly isn’t
  • +1
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates
I already know it’s referring to personality traits, and I can tell you clearly didn’t read my thread.

I literally showed you how it is possible to look dark triad and be perceived as high trust at the same time. Just cuz you possess dark triad personality traits also doesn’t mean you can’t be high trust at the same time. You are just less likely to be perceived that way.

And it’s mainly about perception not personality, otherwise my entire thread would be based on personality and not looks lmao which it clearly isn’t
of course im talking about looks, looking "dark triad" means giving people the impression of the dark triad personality traits .i.e you look psychopathic and narcissistic
4392725 46825727 EB32 46D1 9BAC 8AF752BC3CB4

JFL at your proof, from the eye test alone would you say this guy is psychopathic?
Jeffrey dahmer 115

Dahmers even with characteristics in your "light triad" section is still "dark triad" because you look at him and you know hes going to try and fucking kill you
of course im talking about looks, looking "dark triad" means giving people the impression of the dark triad personality traits .i.e you look psychopathic and narcissistic
View attachment 3192578
JFL at your proof, from the eye test alone would you say this guy is psychopathic?
View attachment 3192596
Dahmers even with characteristics in your "light triad" section is still "dark triad" because you look at him and you know hes going to try and fucking kill you
You clearly don’t understand

Giving the impression of those personality traits requires you to possess dark triad physical characteristics to begin with, now how else are you going to give off that impression without possessing said physical traits I mentioned?

We are only isolating the high trust variable as of now, once you add that in the dark triad character traits are perceived as being more friendly, which was the whole point of me making this thread to begin with, you can combine archetypes which would shape your overall perception from women as opposed to just possessing one of those character traits alone, such as being only dark triad which would give the impression of those personality traits associated with it.

And again I can easily characterise dahmer as being light triad low trust, he isn’t dark triad low trust because he doesn’t possess dark triad physical traits. A women or man isn’t instantly going to know that he’s trying to kill them lmao, especially when that’s the ENTIRE POINT behind his archetype, that they aren’t supposed to know he’s trying to kill them, otherwise he wouldn’t be a very good killer.

He probably understood these theories and used them to his advantage. You can tell he’s clearly trying to appear light triad as much as he can since it helps with overall friendliness and approachability from his victims . I mean JFL at not understanding this knowledge.
  • +1
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates
@coispet @moreroidsmoredates @Darktriad16 @Zenis @<6PSLcel @hopecel @0steotomy @blknswag @Charisma @Lynxress @plukee @noodlelover @optimisticzoomer @RaidenJTR @silencio @slavicpsycho @shieldzz @PseudoMaxxer @lestoa @King Solomon @JohnBaza @RaidenJTR @tombradylover @gigell @8incheer @smallman @Zeta @PsychoDsk @halloweed @N1666 @LegitUser @boss8055 @smoth @F36 @mogre @ambi @OneTwoThree @wsada @Mewton @bululu_87 @imangazi2445 @ElTruecel @irkkedmulatto @Jonas2k7 @PeakIncels @manletmogger @Suns9999 @mayomogger @Autismcel @Outerz14 @nathan @NorwoodAscender

(Doing tags again because they don’t work in spoilers for some reason).
  • +1
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates
@coispet @moreroidsmoredates @Darktriad16 @Zenis @<6PSLcel @hopecel @0steotomy @blknswag @Charisma @Lynxress @plukee @noodlelover @optimisticzoomer @RaidenJTR @silencio @slavicpsycho @shieldzz @PseudoMaxxer @lestoa @King Solomon @JohnBaza @RaidenJTR @tombradylover @gigell @8incheer @smallman @Zeta @PsychoDsk @halloweed @N1666 @LegitUser @boss8055 @smoth @F36 @mogre @ambi @OneTwoThree @wsada @Mewton @bululu_87 @imangazi2445 @ElTruecel @irkkedmulatto @Jonas2k7 @PeakIncels @manletmogger @Suns9999 @mayomogger @Autismcel @Outerz14 @nathan @NorwoodAscender

(Doing tags again because they don’t work in spoilers for some reason).
shit thread + negative post-to-rep ratio + you're Jeffrey + you'll get banned by the jewmods for mass-tagging :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
  • So Sad
Reactions: Thebuffdon
shit thread + negative post-to-rep ratio + you're Jeffrey + you'll get banned by the jewmods for mass-tagging :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
I thought we were friends lol
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates, princeof316, Deleted member 87612 and 1 other person
@iloveboobs @sinss @Schizotypalcel

Think it’ll benefit all of you
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  • JFL
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates, princeof316, Schizotypalcel and 1 other person
Analysing male archetypes - part 1 (theory):blackpill:
By @thebuffdon690 :eek:


Class in session. Welcome back to another thread guys today we will be discussing the male archetypes spectrum in relation to attracting the opposite sex. I planned to release this thread in a few weeks but I know I will get busy with uni so I will just release this thread now and release the following parts in the coming months, alongside some other stuff too.

I really enjoy making these threads also it’s more of a hobby / pastime of mine than a chore, it doesn’t feel like rotting but ofc it still is unfortunately. Hopefully that can change in the future for us with the help of the knowledge I try to provide in these threads.

This thread was also inspired by @BucketCrab thread in BOTB, which I got the inspiration from. I will just be emulating the layout for it and adjusting it for all of these archetypes that I am about to discuss in this thread.

I believe this can help a lot of people here who are looksmaxxers but don't have a direction to head in for their looks outside of the basic stuff that is discussed in this forum. I will be discussing a total of 30 archetypes in this 3 part thread series, since I have nothing better to do than rot at home for the time being, however i will use this time wisely to research this stuff for mainly myself so that I know exactly which archetype to go for in the future and to help the members here figure this out to.

Its also important to note that some people can fit into multiple archetypes, since most of them are similar but tweaked slightly. However its important to analyse all of them to understand exactly which ones do well etc in specific avenues and which ones don't to gain an understanding of which one to go for.

also sticky threads mods?

Note: factors used below 👇 - harmony, dimorphism, body fat factors and miscellaneous.


1. Low trust dark triad
View attachment 3177808
example: Ian Somerhalder

- most important factor: misc

- characteristics: more pale complexion, darker features in general, alluring smirk, darker eye colour (but light also works) higher dimorphism, more striking (maybe).

- male respect: ⬤⬤

moderate to lower levels of respect from men since men with dark triad traits may exhibit features that signal dominance or threat, such as intense eye contact or cold expressions. While these traits can attract attention, they may also reduce trustworthiness and approachability,
leading to lower respect among other men who value reliability in social interactions, particularly around women of course.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of female attention from younger age demographics, however older demographics will still give attention but just slightly less. You may receive attention however from lower class women just looking for a fling due to the combination of being low trust and dark triad at the same time, so go for this archetype if you want to succeed in that endeavour.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 3

- Theory:feelswat:: characterised by striking dark features, which usually stems from a high softmax score catering to misc features such as dark hair (which can be dyed), thick brows, long appealing lashes, more pale complexion or a tan its quite a broad range in terms of colouring.

This is also where eye colour is also quite subjective, since a lighter colour such as a striking green can contrast very well with darker features, however so can darker colours such as T50s, that can contrast very well with lighter features such as a more pale complexion.

- Best suited for: short term interactions across all age groups

2. low trust light triad
View attachment 3177851
Example: Paul walker

- most important factor: misc

- characteristics: lighter features - lighter complexion, hooded/hunter eyes, lighter eye colour, lighter hair colour etc, striking.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of male respect than dark triad since they wont be on edge as much of you trying to steal their girl or something, but still cautious as it could happen the lighter features will still subconsciously mould their intuition to a more relaxed state of mind in this aspect, which can help if you want to double cross someone to rock this archetype. but its not necessary.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤

will usually have higher levels female attention than their dark triad counterparts since the light triad component fosters
higher levels of trust amongst older age groups, hence factoring in a larger variety of women that would be receptive to that particular element in the archetype. However this will not increase by too much since of course they are still low trust.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 5

- Theory:feelswat:: characterised by lighter features, whilst still maintaining the low trust element of their looks. misc plays the largest role and can be influenced heavily
to control for various light triad factors such as: hair colour which can be a lighter brown to blondish, a lighter eye colour preferably blue or light green, and of
course a lighter skin complexion, a fairer to light complexion such as pale or maybe a lighter porcelain e.g.

Higher collagen levels also help maintain the light triad aspect as it enhances natural beauty and youth which can enhance perceptions of trust and associative personality traits to attract younger - middle age demographics.

- Best suited for: short term fling which leads into an LTR across all age groups.

3. High trust dark triad
View attachment 3177898
Example: Siva Kaneswaran

- most important factor: harmony

- characteristics: higher harmony %, darker features as discussed above, less striking. Leaner face (to reveal high trust features).

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of male respect since the high trust component also applies to men on average, since they are also influenced
by perceived physical appearance character traits, but perhaps more subconsciously.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of attention across all age groups, assuming that the said person moulds into their looks as time goes on and starts to appeal to the older age demographics. tbh this kind of applies to every archetype too, but especially with high trust to maintain that foundational component for appeal.

This is a very good archetype to go for since (on average) the high trust component enables higher levels of trust obviously amongst women, whereas the dark triad component maintains that allure and mystery to entice them further into the relationship.

So essentially the high trust works as a catalyst to fuel the relationship, whereas the dark triad creates the foundation for the overall interest. Very good dual features which works extremely well in synergy for attraction.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 7.5

- Theory:feelswat:: characterised by darker features, similar to number 1, but of course with high trust appeal. This is why harmony is the most important metric in determining if someone can be placed within this archetype, as if your base isn't subject to qualities of trust and likeability from a women's perspective, then it will be very hard to emulate this through softmaxxing (not impossible though) and increasing your dimorphism or getting lean etc.

Its of course hard to quantify, but it is usually characterised (harmony part) by high harmony score (above 70%) as to look warm and normal, with fuller lips, a more attractive smile, bit more visible UEE, a lighter skin complexion with lighter eyes (not necessary though eyes can also
be darker) and very high levels of collagen which portrays youth - which is often associated with higher trust characteristics.

- Best suited for: short term which will transition to LTR which maintains long term across all age groups. LTR on its own as well. Marriage.

4. High trust light triad
View attachment 3177919
Example: Vasilly Stepanov

- most important factor: harmony

- characteristics: same as above but with lighter features.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤⬤

moderate levels of male respect because the high trust factor again will make them trust you more and see you as less of a threat paired with the light triad features, but also they could feel you to be less masculine because of the double pairing. This should not be as much of an issue though as say a pretty boy archetype in terms of respect.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

similar but high levels of female attention across all age groups, since they will be enticed by the light triad features as it is more visually appealing but perhaps less stimulating for them then the dark triad one. Again the high trust will also maintain the LTR if thats your goal.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 8

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but obviously paired with light triad physical traits instead, so lighter hair colour, lighter eyes,
lighter complexion etc. This is great for LTR ofc for obvious reasons, so rock this archetype if you want that.

- Best suited for: normal short - LTR across all age groups.

5. Pretty boy - high trust, light triad
View attachment 3177931
Example: young DiCaprio

- most important factor: harmony

- characteristics: softer features oriented for the pretty boy archetype - longer wavy styled hair, lighter features, less striking, a very lean face.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤

lower levels of male respect as they will feel you to be less masculine because of the triple pairing this time. So when rocking this archetype at any age its better to be cautious of your social groups as this will be more likely to occur.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤

similar but high levels of female attention across all age groups except the older ones, since they will again be enticed by the light triad features as it is more visually appealing but perhaps less stimulating for them then the dark triad one.

again the high trust will also maintain the LTR, but only for the first 2 age groups, you may have less attention across the older ones since they ofc don't prefer pretty boys as much when they age, although its still at 3 bars because depending on their situation if they need an LTR more, than the light triad high trust can act as a good commodity for fostering higher trust levels and commitment for them, but it really depends on their preferences.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 9

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but obviously paired with pretty boy physical traits instead, so same as above with the lighter hair colour, lighter eyes, lighter complexion etc. But also relatively less bone mass as to not look too intimidating and break away from the pretty boy league.

- Best suited for: LTR with younger age groups

6. Pretty boy - high trust, dark triad
View attachment 3177958
Example: young Johnny Depp

- most important factor: harmony/misc

- characteristics: same as above but with darker features instead. longer lashes for appeal. Can rock jewellery also (although this is more suited for lower trust archetypes).

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤

same as above essentially. it may even be worse since the dark triad paired with the pretty boy aspect is a deadly combo in this regard, since men will more likely to be wary of your presence due to the enticement your archetype gives off. Just watch 21 jump street with prime Depp its a good example of what to expect.

obviously this is a tv show but they specifically design the script in a way which matches johny depp's character archetype within the show, which is dark triad high trust pretty boy. He is constantly disrespected by dudes in his presence who fear he will take their girl or something, but also just his general looks.

He also gets with a dudes girlfriend in the second episode lol. This is what you can expect if you rock this “bad boy” archetype, or at least it’ll be easier.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤

similar but high levels of female attention across all age groups except the older ones, since they will not be enticed by the dark triad features as they have already dealt with those during their younger years. combined with the high trust this a deadly failo for this archetype in attracting older women, as they will just see you as a little boy instead of a man, even assuming if you age well. Most girls who simp for Depp as an example are a lot younger, we hardly ever see older women simping for him tbh.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 8

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but the reason I say that harmony and misc are equal in being the most important factor for this archetype is that you need the harmony for the high trust aspect as discussed before, but you can shape your misc features in a way which caters more towards the dark triad and pretty boy aspect, such as the way you style your hair, your hair colour, eye colour, with darker eyes being preferred, and a more pale - tan skin complexion.

This archetype is a lot more suited for guys who want to attract prime women but still maintain that LTR with them even after the initial interaction.

- Best suited for: short term which transitions into an LTR across younger age groups.

7. Pretty boy - low trust, dark triad
View attachment 3177993
Example: Damian Kater

- most important factor: harmony / misc

- characteristics: same as discussed before with the dark triad and pretty boy stuff, but with lower trust features such as being more striking, rocking jewellery and a light stubble, essentially components which enhance your sex appeal.

- male respect: ⬤⬤

same as above, but lower since the low trust aspect will just make it way harder for men to trust you combined with everything else.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤

highest levels of female attention across the younger age groups, but virtually non-existent as they get older.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 4

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but with a few key differences. for those who want to attract prime women with no strings attached, this is the absolute best archetype you can go for. this is because the low trust paired with dark triad and pretty boy features makes for a lethal triple combo in terms of allure, mystery and attraction.

the low trust will entice them along with the dark triad, and the pretty boy aspect will make them more physically attracted to you, case point damian kater in his YT vids. Higher collagen levels are also necessary for the pretty boy factor. Alongside this, the reason kater is considered lower trust is because of his harmony, in that he looks relatively more striking compared to other pretty boys,

and I guess he squintmaxxes sometimes too, which you can pull off if done right. combine this with the ear jewellery and light stubble he rocks in his vids, makes him lower trust compared to the aforementioned archetypes.

- Best suited for: short term interactions across younger age groups.

8. Pretty boy - low trust, light triad
View attachment 3178007
Example: Tom Hutch

- most important factor: harmony / misc

- characteristics: same as above but with lighter features. Hunter/hooded eyes over almond (although not necessary if everything else is considered lower trust also).

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤
same as above, but slightly more because of the light triad aspect.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤

not as much attention as the previous one but still very high across the younger age groups.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 4

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but with light triad features instead, as discussed before.

- Best suited for: Short term fling / interaction transitioning into normal - LTR across all age groups, if you desire for it to.

9. Robust pretty boy
View attachment 3178339
Example: young Henry Cavill

- most important factor: dimorphism

- characteristics: higher dimorphism, pretty boy features as discussed above, irrespective of being light or dark triad and trust levels.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤⬤

moderate levels of respect due to the masculine element of having higher levels of dimorphism. and then being perceived as more friendly due to the pretty boy factor makes for a good combo in this regard.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤

relatively high levels of attention across all age groups. If we use Henry Cavill as an example, his younger self would
be most attractive to the 20-30 age group, and less to the 16-20 one although still high, since they usually prefer pretty
boys with less masculine traits compared to the older groups.

then as cavill got older he became much more masculine physically and shifted his attention to the older age groups with increasing levels of dimorphism. so this is ideal if you want a relatively stable level of attention across all age groups as you age, to pull this archetype off.

- perceived trust score: 6

- Theory: higher levels of dimorphism than a pretty boy, which is best suited for both short term and long term interactions.

- Best suited for: short term and long term interactions across all age groups (hook-ups and LTRs).


Thats it for part 1 thanks for reading! I spent ages editing this so a rep / comment would be appreciated!

Part 2 will come out quicker if there is enough hype for it, so let me know, also if you want to be added to the tags list lmk.

Thank U Reaction GIF by Mauro Gatti

[/🤫@coispet @yeeyeeslayer @moreroidsmoredates @Darktriad16 @Clavicular @Zenis @<6PSLcel @hopecel @0steotomy @blknswag @Charisma @Lynxress @plukee @noodlelover @optimisticzoomer @RaidenJTR @silencio @slavicpsycho @Xangsane @shieldzz @PseudoMaxxer @lestoa @King Solomon @JohnBaza @RaidenJTR @tombradylover @gigell @8incheer @smallman @Zeta @PsychoDsk @halloweed @N1666 @LegitUser @boss8055 @smoth @F36 @RealFlunkyFlamingo @mogre @ambi @OneTwoThree @wsada @Mewton @bululu_87 @imangazi2445 @truthhurts @Morpheus @ElTruecel @axttt_ @irkkedmulatto @Jonas2k7 @PeakIncels @manletmogger @Gengar @Suns9999 @mayomogger @Autismcel @Outerz14 @nathan @NorwoodAscender]
great thread read every molecule. pls add to tag list bhai
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  • Love it
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very high effort thread and very gay too
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never saw this, good thread
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Analysing male archetypes - part 1 (theory):blackpill:
By @thebuffdon690 :eek:


Class in session. Welcome back to another thread guys today we will be discussing the male archetypes spectrum in relation to attracting the opposite sex. I planned to release this thread in a few weeks but I know I will get busy with uni so I will just release this thread now and release the following parts in the coming months, alongside some other stuff too.

I really enjoy making these threads also it’s more of a hobby / pastime of mine than a chore, it doesn’t feel like rotting but ofc it still is unfortunately. Hopefully that can change in the future for us with the help of the knowledge I try to provide in these threads.

This thread was also inspired by @BucketCrab thread in BOTB, which I got the inspiration from. I will just be emulating the layout for it and adjusting it for all of these archetypes that I am about to discuss in this thread.

I believe this can help a lot of people here who are looksmaxxers but don't have a direction to head in for their looks outside of the basic stuff that is discussed in this forum. I will be discussing a total of 30 archetypes in this 3 part thread series, since I have nothing better to do than rot at home for the time being, however i will use this time wisely to research this stuff for mainly myself so that I know exactly which archetype to go for in the future and to help the members here figure this out to.

Its also important to note that some people can fit into multiple archetypes, since most of them are similar but tweaked slightly. However its important to analyse all of them to understand exactly which ones do well etc in specific avenues and which ones don't to gain an understanding of which one to go for.

also sticky threads mods?

Note: factors used below 👇 - harmony, dimorphism, body fat factors and miscellaneous.


1. Low trust dark triad
View attachment 3177808
example: Ian Somerhalder

- most important factor: misc

- characteristics: more pale complexion, darker features in general, alluring smirk, darker eye colour (but light also works) higher dimorphism, more striking (maybe).

- male respect: ⬤⬤

moderate to lower levels of respect from men since men with dark triad traits may exhibit features that signal dominance or threat, such as intense eye contact or cold expressions. While these traits can attract attention, they may also reduce trustworthiness and approachability,
leading to lower respect among other men who value reliability in social interactions, particularly around women of course.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of female attention from younger age demographics, however older demographics will still give attention but just slightly less. You may receive attention however from lower class women just looking for a fling due to the combination of being low trust and dark triad at the same time, so go for this archetype if you want to succeed in that endeavour.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 3

- Theory:feelswat:: characterised by striking dark features, which usually stems from a high softmax score catering to misc features such as dark hair (which can be dyed), thick brows, long appealing lashes, more pale complexion or a tan its quite a broad range in terms of colouring.

This is also where eye colour is also quite subjective, since a lighter colour such as a striking green can contrast very well with darker features, however so can darker colours such as T50s, that can contrast very well with lighter features such as a more pale complexion.

- Best suited for: short term interactions across all age groups

2. low trust light triad
View attachment 3177851
Example: Paul walker

- most important factor: misc

- characteristics: lighter features - lighter complexion, hooded/hunter eyes, lighter eye colour, lighter hair colour etc, striking.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of male respect than dark triad since they wont be on edge as much of you trying to steal their girl or something, but still cautious as it could happen the lighter features will still subconsciously mould their intuition to a more relaxed state of mind in this aspect, which can help if you want to double cross someone to rock this archetype. but its not necessary.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤

will usually have higher levels female attention than their dark triad counterparts since the light triad component fosters
higher levels of trust amongst older age groups, hence factoring in a larger variety of women that would be receptive to that particular element in the archetype. However this will not increase by too much since of course they are still low trust.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 5

- Theory:feelswat:: characterised by lighter features, whilst still maintaining the low trust element of their looks. misc plays the largest role and can be influenced heavily
to control for various light triad factors such as: hair colour which can be a lighter brown to blondish, a lighter eye colour preferably blue or light green, and of
course a lighter skin complexion, a fairer to light complexion such as pale or maybe a lighter porcelain e.g.

Higher collagen levels also help maintain the light triad aspect as it enhances natural beauty and youth which can enhance perceptions of trust and associative personality traits to attract younger - middle age demographics.

- Best suited for: short term fling which leads into an LTR across all age groups.

3. High trust dark triad
View attachment 3177898
Example: Siva Kaneswaran

- most important factor: harmony

- characteristics: higher harmony %, darker features as discussed above, less striking. Leaner face (to reveal high trust features).

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of male respect since the high trust component also applies to men on average, since they are also influenced
by perceived physical appearance character traits, but perhaps more subconsciously.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

higher levels of attention across all age groups, assuming that the said person moulds into their looks as time goes on and starts to appeal to the older age demographics. tbh this kind of applies to every archetype too, but especially with high trust to maintain that foundational component for appeal.

This is a very good archetype to go for since (on average) the high trust component enables higher levels of trust obviously amongst women, whereas the dark triad component maintains that allure and mystery to entice them further into the relationship.

So essentially the high trust works as a catalyst to fuel the relationship, whereas the dark triad creates the foundation for the overall interest. Very good dual features which works extremely well in synergy for attraction.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 7.5

- Theory:feelswat:: characterised by darker features, similar to number 1, but of course with high trust appeal. This is why harmony is the most important metric in determining if someone can be placed within this archetype, as if your base isn't subject to qualities of trust and likeability from a women's perspective, then it will be very hard to emulate this through softmaxxing (not impossible though) and increasing your dimorphism or getting lean etc.

Its of course hard to quantify, but it is usually characterised (harmony part) by high harmony score (above 70%) as to look warm and normal, with fuller lips, a more attractive smile, bit more visible UEE, a lighter skin complexion with lighter eyes (not necessary though eyes can also
be darker) and very high levels of collagen which portrays youth - which is often associated with higher trust characteristics.

- Best suited for: short term which will transition to LTR which maintains long term across all age groups. LTR on its own as well. Marriage.

4. High trust light triad
View attachment 3177919
Example: Vasilly Stepanov

- most important factor: harmony

- characteristics: same as above but with lighter features.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤⬤

moderate levels of male respect because the high trust factor again will make them trust you more and see you as less of a threat paired with the light triad features, but also they could feel you to be less masculine because of the double pairing. This should not be as much of an issue though as say a pretty boy archetype in terms of respect.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

similar but high levels of female attention across all age groups, since they will be enticed by the light triad features as it is more visually appealing but perhaps less stimulating for them then the dark triad one. Again the high trust will also maintain the LTR if thats your goal.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 8

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but obviously paired with light triad physical traits instead, so lighter hair colour, lighter eyes,
lighter complexion etc. This is great for LTR ofc for obvious reasons, so rock this archetype if you want that.

- Best suited for: normal short - LTR across all age groups.

5. Pretty boy - high trust, light triad
View attachment 3177931
Example: young DiCaprio

- most important factor: harmony

- characteristics: softer features oriented for the pretty boy archetype - longer wavy styled hair, lighter features, less striking, a very lean face.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤

lower levels of male respect as they will feel you to be less masculine because of the triple pairing this time. So when rocking this archetype at any age its better to be cautious of your social groups as this will be more likely to occur.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤

similar but high levels of female attention across all age groups except the older ones, since they will again be enticed by the light triad features as it is more visually appealing but perhaps less stimulating for them then the dark triad one.

again the high trust will also maintain the LTR, but only for the first 2 age groups, you may have less attention across the older ones since they ofc don't prefer pretty boys as much when they age, although its still at 3 bars because depending on their situation if they need an LTR more, than the light triad high trust can act as a good commodity for fostering higher trust levels and commitment for them, but it really depends on their preferences.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 9

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but obviously paired with pretty boy physical traits instead, so same as above with the lighter hair colour, lighter eyes, lighter complexion etc. But also relatively less bone mass as to not look too intimidating and break away from the pretty boy league.

- Best suited for: LTR with younger age groups

6. Pretty boy - high trust, dark triad
View attachment 3177958
Example: young Johnny Depp

- most important factor: harmony/misc

- characteristics: same as above but with darker features instead. longer lashes for appeal. Can rock jewellery also (although this is more suited for lower trust archetypes).

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤

same as above essentially. it may even be worse since the dark triad paired with the pretty boy aspect is a deadly combo in this regard, since men will more likely to be wary of your presence due to the enticement your archetype gives off. Just watch 21 jump street with prime Depp its a good example of what to expect.

obviously this is a tv show but they specifically design the script in a way which matches johny depp's character archetype within the show, which is dark triad high trust pretty boy. He is constantly disrespected by dudes in his presence who fear he will take their girl or something, but also just his general looks.

He also gets with a dudes girlfriend in the second episode lol. This is what you can expect if you rock this “bad boy” archetype, or at least it’ll be easier.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤

similar but high levels of female attention across all age groups except the older ones, since they will not be enticed by the dark triad features as they have already dealt with those during their younger years. combined with the high trust this a deadly failo for this archetype in attracting older women, as they will just see you as a little boy instead of a man, even assuming if you age well. Most girls who simp for Depp as an example are a lot younger, we hardly ever see older women simping for him tbh.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 8

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but the reason I say that harmony and misc are equal in being the most important factor for this archetype is that you need the harmony for the high trust aspect as discussed before, but you can shape your misc features in a way which caters more towards the dark triad and pretty boy aspect, such as the way you style your hair, your hair colour, eye colour, with darker eyes being preferred, and a more pale - tan skin complexion.

This archetype is a lot more suited for guys who want to attract prime women but still maintain that LTR with them even after the initial interaction.

- Best suited for: short term which transitions into an LTR across younger age groups.

7. Pretty boy - low trust, dark triad
View attachment 3177993
Example: Damian Kater

- most important factor: harmony / misc

- characteristics: same as discussed before with the dark triad and pretty boy stuff, but with lower trust features such as being more striking, rocking jewellery and a light stubble, essentially components which enhance your sex appeal.

- male respect: ⬤⬤

same as above, but lower since the low trust aspect will just make it way harder for men to trust you combined with everything else.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤

highest levels of female attention across the younger age groups, but virtually non-existent as they get older.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 4

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but with a few key differences. for those who want to attract prime women with no strings attached, this is the absolute best archetype you can go for. this is because the low trust paired with dark triad and pretty boy features makes for a lethal triple combo in terms of allure, mystery and attraction.

the low trust will entice them along with the dark triad, and the pretty boy aspect will make them more physically attracted to you, case point damian kater in his YT vids. Higher collagen levels are also necessary for the pretty boy factor. Alongside this, the reason kater is considered lower trust is because of his harmony, in that he looks relatively more striking compared to other pretty boys,

and I guess he squintmaxxes sometimes too, which you can pull off if done right. combine this with the ear jewellery and light stubble he rocks in his vids, makes him lower trust compared to the aforementioned archetypes.

- Best suited for: short term interactions across younger age groups.

8. Pretty boy - low trust, light triad
View attachment 3178007
Example: Tom Hutch

- most important factor: harmony / misc

- characteristics: same as above but with lighter features. Hunter/hooded eyes over almond (although not necessary if everything else is considered lower trust also).

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤
same as above, but slightly more because of the light triad aspect.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤

not as much attention as the previous one but still very high across the younger age groups.

- perceived trust score (for LTR): 4

- Theory:feelswat:: same as above but with light triad features instead, as discussed before.

- Best suited for: Short term fling / interaction transitioning into normal - LTR across all age groups, if you desire for it to.

9. Robust pretty boy
View attachment 3178339
Example: young Henry Cavill

- most important factor: dimorphism

- characteristics: higher dimorphism, pretty boy features as discussed above, irrespective of being light or dark triad and trust levels.

- male respect: ⬤⬤⬤⬤

moderate levels of respect due to the masculine element of having higher levels of dimorphism. and then being perceived as more friendly due to the pretty boy factor makes for a good combo in this regard.

- female attention: (16-20) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(20-30) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤
(30-40+) - ⬤⬤⬤⬤

relatively high levels of attention across all age groups. If we use Henry Cavill as an example, his younger self would
be most attractive to the 20-30 age group, and less to the 16-20 one although still high, since they usually prefer pretty
boys with less masculine traits compared to the older groups.

then as cavill got older he became much more masculine physically and shifted his attention to the older age groups with increasing levels of dimorphism. so this is ideal if you want a relatively stable level of attention across all age groups as you age, to pull this archetype off.

- perceived trust score: 6

- Theory: higher levels of dimorphism than a pretty boy, which is best suited for both short term and long term interactions.

- Best suited for: short term and long term interactions across all age groups (hook-ups and LTRs).


Thats it for part 1 thanks for reading! I spent ages editing this so a rep / comment would be appreciated!

Part 2 will come out quicker if there is enough hype for it, so let me know, also if you want to be added to the tags list lmk.

Thank U Reaction GIF by Mauro Gatti

[/🤫@coispet @yeeyeeslayer @moreroidsmoredates @Darktriad16 @Clavicular @Zenis @<6PSLcel @hopecel @0steotomy @blknswag @Charisma @Lynxress @plukee @noodlelover @optimisticzoomer @RaidenJTR @silencio @slavicpsycho @Xangsane @shieldzz @PseudoMaxxer @lestoa @King Solomon @JohnBaza @RaidenJTR @tombradylover @gigell @8incheer @smallman @Zeta @PsychoDsk @halloweed @N1666 @LegitUser @boss8055 @smoth @F36 @RealFlunkyFlamingo @mogre @ambi @OneTwoThree @wsada @Mewton @bululu_87 @imangazi2445 @truthhurts @Morpheus @ElTruecel @axttt_ @irkkedmulatto @Jonas2k7 @PeakIncels @manletmogger @Gengar @Suns9999 @mayomogger @Autismcel @Outerz14 @nathan @NorwoodAscender]
this thread makes me ashamed for even being on this forum, you tiktokcel autists have maxxed out my cringe tolerance
  • JFL
Reactions: Thebuffdon
Very good thread OP and under which archetype do i belong?
  • +1
Reactions: Thebuffdon
Very good thread OP and under which archetype do i belong?
u need to decide for yourself by the list. also im releasing new parts soon so u may be on that list also
  • +1
Reactions: AverageMoroccan
damian kater i love him so much🥺🥺
  • JFL
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im prob pretty boy low trust dark triad
  • +1
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What’s my pheno? I don’t know lmao

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