Ancient Egyptians depicted themselves like East Africans

I think that why There are No civiliziation in sub saharahn africa.
axum, mali, ghana, songhay, somali sultanates, nubia etc.. try again dumbass
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biggest coper on this site award goes to @hairyballscel it was close to @africancel but you take the cake for sure.

keep we wuz coping you subhuman abused dog
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they looked more med/ than they do black, even the yu gi oh cartoons agree.
  • JFL
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View attachment 905641
they looked more med/ than they do black, even the yu gi oh cartoons agree.
why did meds constantly make a distinction between them, whilst comparing them to nubians/sudanese people
this is how meds(greeks) described the egyptians:

"And in saying that the dove was black, they indicate that the woman was Egyptian."

"It is certain that the natives of the country are black with the heat"


I can see the crew with their black limbs and white tunics (reference to egyptians)
- Aeschylus 500BCE

Too black a hue marks the coward as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians(nubians) and so does also too white a complexion as you may see from women, the complexion of courage is between the two.

Why are the Ethiopians and Egyptians bandy-legged? Is it because the bodies of living creatures become distorted by heat, like logs of wood when they become dry? The condition of their hair supports this theory; for it is curlier than that of other nations, and curliness is as it were crookedness of the hair.

the men of Egypt are mostly brown and black with a skinny and desiccated look.
Ammianus Marcellinus
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biggest coper on this site award goes to @hairyballscel it was close to @africancel but you take the cake for sure.

keep we wuz coping you subhuman abused dog
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  • JFL
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315C7138 42EB 4035 9BA1 ACB69F139F89

they were not mogadishu somalis those were the slaves and the later citizens
AEAC7741 7716 47FD 837D 3F73570649E7
lol i mog you to hell and back, keep coping you subhuman
@RealLooksmaxxer can vouch for me
indeed, not many people mog fag112 tbqh, very good looking guy. traditionally handsome too.
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  • JFL
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@tyronelite @Tyronecell @africancel guess you were true kangz after all, proud of you all
  • JFL
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biggest coper on this site award goes to @hairyballscel it was close to @africancel but you take the cake for sure.

keep we wuz coping you subhuman abused dog
What obama

The irony

" The present meta-analysis reveals relationships of small-to-moderate strength between (lower) cognitive ability and right-wing ideology and prejudice. These findings further enforce the call of Hodson and Busseri (2012) that “…cognitive abilities, particular in relationship to ideology, need to become increasingly focal to and integrated into existing literatures”
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  • JFL
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View attachment 905660

The irony

" The present meta-analysis reveals relationships of small-to-moderate strength between (lower) cognitive ability and right-wing ideology and prejudice. These findings further enforce the call of Hodson and Busseri (2012) that “…cognitive abilities, particular in relationship to ideology, need to become increasingly focal to and integrated into existing literatures”
  • JFL
Reactions: WadlowMaxxing and Deleted member 10104
keep crying for me, i have a tested 124 IQ
So what if Egyptians were Black?

You want a cookie or something?
  • +1
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there's like a 99% chance he mogs you unironically unless you're over 6 psl. he is genuine 6 psl, literally almost nothing wrong with his facial structure
ok idc he very likely mogs me to death, not really an accomplishment
  • JFL
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Shit thread, mummies have been analized genetically, they were first mostly european then they got nigger admixture and other admixtures and the 3rd world shithole arrived.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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lol i mog you to hell and back, keep coping you subhuman
@RealLooksmaxxer can vouch for me
keep crying for me, i have a tested 124 IQ
All you have did this thread is ugh and claim you mog everyone. Why are here? If your such a high IQ mogger. Think you claimed 6'0+ too.
View attachment 905641
they looked more med/ than they do black, even the yu gi oh cartoons agree.
The first sfcel rebuttal is fucking yugioh.

So what if Egyptians were Black?

You want a cookie or something?
Its not about wanting a cookie. Many people in this thread don't believe they were, so this is here to prove it.
  • JFL
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All you have did this thread is ugh and claim you mog everyone. Why are here? If your such a high IQ mogger. Think you claimed 6'0+ too.

The first sfcel rebuttal is fucking yugioh.

Its not about wanting a cookie. Many people in this thread don't believe they were, so this is here to prove it.
They were probably multiracial. I have seen white mummies.

The engineer behind the pyramids were probably white though.
  • +1
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Don't care im descendant of slavic warriors from the marshes
Every nig cope with muh egyptians and shiet lol
you still haven't disproved a single thing i said, post memes while i post peer reviewed studies
  • +1
Reactions: Adolf Hipster, WadlowMaxxing and TheChosenChad
you still haven't disproved a single thing i said, post memes while i post peer reviewed studies
Dont care lol. The mainstream will never accept Egypt as anything near nig so keep coping.
  • +1
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Dont care lol. The mainstream will never accept Egypt as anything near nig so keep coping.
mainstream egyptologists accept ancient egyptians were significantly african, and that the ancient egyptian culture developed within a north east african cultural complex, ancient egyptians being viewed as africans is becoming more and more accepted as time goes by, cope harder
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Shut up shitnigger
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what a well thought out rebuttal!! :soy:
I don't care to rebute or disprove anything, I don't even care wether it's true. All I know is ur a shitnigger 💋
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  • JFL
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mainstream egyptologists accept ancient egyptians were significantly african, and that the ancient egyptian culture developed within a north east african cultural complex, ancient egyptians being viewed as africans is becoming more and more accepted as time goes by, cope harder
I am not coping nig. I could care less about Egypt if it wasn’t some nig lying to himself and to the forum to feel good about their lack of history and culture.
Last edited:
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wasn’t some nigger lying to himself and to the forum to feel good about their lack of history and culture.
Fact is niggers in sub saharan are the Most backward race on the planet still Hunter gatherers while whites are colonizing space. Keep coping with muh egyptians lol
ur dumb asf, no point in arguing with u, africans were among the first to leave the hunter gatherer stage and enter farming

jfl euros didnt even independently create agriculture btw, ur inferiority complex is showing
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  • JFL
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ur dumb asf, no point in arguing with u, africans were among the first to leave the hunter gatherer stage and enter farming

jfl euros didnt even independently create agriculture btw, ur inferiority complex is showing
When the coping is strong.
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Gooks are superior though. How can you look down on something Thats above you you shitskin pajeet?

bruh if this you, your more shitskin than me

@Biggdink break this mans cope
  • JFL
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bruh if this you, your more shitskin than me

@Biggdink break this mans cope
Thats not even me you low IQ aboriginal nigger.

Your are not worth my time so dont text me
  • JFL
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@JamesDoakes let these we wuz copers cope, egypt is all they can cope with. even when they cant even claim it lmao.

they will never compare or even come close to asian/european advancements.
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Thats not even me you low IQ aboriginal nigger.

Your are not worth my time so dont text me
Man listen you look Indian mixed with chink so stop being a self hater and accept your roots .
I can also tell that you’re barely 5’4, most curries/pakis in Canada are actually taller than you, imagine looking down on someone who are half a feet above you lmao

@brbbrah how tall do you think he is ?
  • JFL
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This study ended all "debate" around the genetics of Ancient Egyptians
"The ancient DNA data revealed a high level of affinity between the ancient inhabitants of Abusir el-Meleq and modern populations from the Near East and the Levant."
41467 2017 Article BFncomms15694 Fig4 HTML
  • +1
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Man listen you look Indian mixed with chink so stop being a self hater and accept your roots .
I can also tell that you’re barely 5’4, most curries/pakis in Canada are actually taller than you, imagine looking down on someone who are half a feet above you lmao

@brbbrah how tall do you think he is ?
caged bro
  • JFL
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Jfl even the whites that brag about their IQ have brought nothing but memes. They have refuted nothing and resorted the insults when their reality is questioned. Really shows the mindset of the average sfcel.
Just another white worshiping Asian. Zero pride in them self's. This retard even thinks he's white jfl.
Cope abo nigger. I am 100 times whiter than you will ever be.

Dont forget Aryans came from Central Asia.
Embarrassing tbh.
Gooks are superior though. How can you look down on something Thats above you you shitskin pajeet? Lol

Your dirty father dipped your head in too much cow dung it seems. Lmao
Superior? Your women don't even want to be with you jfl. Pajeets maybe looked down up but i have even heard of Asian women fucking them over you guys jfl.

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