Andrew Tate's popularity is actually a blackpill



Jan 2, 2019
Mainstream media and government spend decades brainwashing everybody with its progressive and feminist propaganda, and literally all it took to spawn a generation of macho-redpiller types was one dude with money/cars and a ripped physique making tiktok & youtube videos.

What this shows is, is that normies don't choose messages; they choose PEOPLE aka 'Chads/Stacies'. It literally doesn't matter how far out there or stupid your so-called message/ideology is insofar as you check the boxes of things normies aspire to (good looks, fame, money, etc.). This is how it's possible for scammers like Tate to spew out a bunch of nonsense that's literally the inverse of all the bluepill dogma and still get billions of views, yet nobody cares about the legion of incel blackpiller personalities because nobody wants to associate with ugly people.

The wider implications of this are actually pretty horrifying; consider what this means for politics and just society in general: Normies will never give a shit about how smart or deep your ideas are if you have look failos, but they will suck the dick of braindead 50 IQ chimps if they check the right looks halo boxes. Merit is literally irrelevant.

Idiocracy isn't 'becoming' real life, IT ALWAYS WAS. It's just more blatant enough because 'muh democracy'.
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  • +1
Reactions: Primalsplit, gonion wanter, scrunchables and 4 others
its because no matter how hard you brainwash ppl know some things are bs
its because no matter how hard you brainwash ppl know some things are bs
You're missing the point of my post.

Normies don't actually believe anything. They're just these feeble little NPCs who will ape whatever it is that 'successful' (aka rich and beautiful) people are doing. The government can blast feminist propaganda 24/7 but if all the rich Chads are a bunch of macho redpillers it won't mean shit because normies will just try to copy that instead.

Basically the whole concept of 'having the best/wisest ideas' is a waste of time because it doesn't fucking matter unless you 'check the boxes'.
  • +1
Reactions: Primalsplit, gonion wanter, scrunchables and 1 other person
You're missing the point of my post.

Normies don't actually believe anything. They're just these feeble little NPCs who will ape whatever it is that 'successful' (aka rich and beautiful) people are doing. The government can blast feminist propaganda 24/7 but if all the rich Chads are a bunch of macho redpillers it won't mean shit because normies will just try to copy that instead.

Basically the whole concept of 'having the best/wisest ideas' is a waste of time because it doesn't fucking matter unless you 'check the boxes'.
ik its a meme here but i acc didnt read your original post
  • JFL
Reactions: scrunchables and Gaygymmaxx
But I thought Andrew tate was not considered that good looking.

He looks unique, memorable and tough though
Young people like Tate because he exemplifies the opposite of the brainwashing

You are saying his message is irrelevant when it’s exactly the opposite, it was his message and the fact he so openly defied and embodied the propaganda which is why he was so popular

So yes blackpill is partially true here but if Tate was spewing gay feminist bluepill propaganda like everything else no one would have taken him seriously

His material success only further validated his message

But yes Idiocracy is happening however this Is kind of irrelevant. You won’t be here in 100 years let alone 500. What do you care if it all goes to shit?

It probably won’t end up that way anyway. Smart Individuals no matter how small in frequency will coalesce to create their own societies. You can’t really have a society run by idiots unless you eliminate all the intelligent people. Intelligent people will not allow themselves to be run by idiots forever. Even in our current society, chances are there are very intelligent groups who are responsible for its degeneration but are themselves shielded from it. The long term trend for humanity is against degeneration but you may still experience a lot of it in your lifetime anyway.
Young people like Tate because he exemplifies the opposite of the brainwashing
lol no he's just some rich fag with a ripped body that's appealing to the lowest common denominator with his pseudo-masculinity bullshit.
You won’t be here in 100 years let alone 500. What do you care if it all goes to shit?
Things will go to shit literally in the next 5-15 years...
  • +1
Reactions: scrunchables
lol no he's just some rich fag with a ripped body that's appealing to the lowest common denominator with his pseudo-masculinity bullshit.
Yeah that’s the point you fucking idiot

Things will go to shit literally in the next 5-15 years...
and if they don’t, it will be because of men like Andrew Tate who are almost single handledly responsible for making the red pill viral which subsequently made right wing politics appealing to the youth

You sit here typing gay essays complaining to people who already agree with you, while the world around you goes to shit

Yet you are going to talk shit on someone like Tate who woke up millions of young men and told them they don’t have to submit to the gynocracy

Absolutely laughable
You're missing the point of my post.

Normies don't actually believe anything. They're just these feeble little NPCs who will ape whatever it is that 'successful' (aka rich and beautiful) people are doing. The government can blast feminist propaganda 24/7 but if all the rich Chads are a bunch of macho redpillers it won't mean shit because normies will just try to copy that instead.

Basically the whole concept of 'having the best/wisest ideas' is a waste of time because it doesn't fucking matter unless you 'check the boxes'.
Which is why the celebrities are controlled. They are a type of modern clergy class. The ideas they present are not their real individualistic ideas.

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