Compilation of Blackpill Part 2 (Megathread)

Here's part 2 of the worlds best compilation of truth/conspiracy/female nature/Blackpill etc. posts, videos and texts submitted and typed by various social media users across the planet.

Lately, i have noticed there has been reports of this forum to bad actors, as well as observable server downtime. For this reason, i think it may be beneficial to amalgamate high effort discussions and posts, so that if one day this forum goes bye bye, it could still be possible to reintroduce these posts and topics somewhere else. Feel free to copy-paste/archive these texts or add to this collection. Also, I apologize if I fail to source you or the original author in some texts. A lot of sourcing information is lost in translation. Let me know and i will edit in your credentials ASAP.


(Not my videos)

You've got a son to set a good example for. You've even got a partner/family it sounds like. It almost sounds like you've found yourself in a life wherein you've settled into roles that were carved out by Western religion. You've stuck around for your child. Youre in a monogamous relationship. You're doing what's expected of you in society. You have no concubines. You're eating fats and salts and sugars like only a king could imagine 1300 years ago.

But what if you challenged what was expected of you? What if you were FORCED to challenge what was expected of you? What if you were born with deformed nostril, 4'10" tall fully grown, and forced into an orphanage until you left at 18 without a dime to your name and an 11th grade education. What if every time you left your room to go shopping for food, other men looked at you with a judgemental teeny corner lip smile as if they saw right through your blank face into the sad, small, deformed man you feel inside? And you start to look back on all of your friendships and you realize how dependent they were on pity, or how some of your friends just kept you around because you made them feel superior? They even used you as a stepping stone to date many of the girls you cared about, the girls you wanted to date. And you look around and all you can see is the inherent competition in everything sold to us as good. You realize that most people would rate money before any other trait they're looking for in a partner. You look at the bullies that you used to make fun of for being arrogant, self assured, selfish, greedy and they all have children, girlfriends and wives. You turn on the news and the entire hour block is about minorities getting scholarships, and tax dollars going to free childcare for those who have sons and daughters of their own, and wars being waged over resources and land and people and money and assets. Bombings of elementary schools and churches over boarders and weapons trades. You turn on the TV and watch a documentary on lions and you watch a weak lion get murdered by a gigantic male lion. You turn off the TV, walk outside and go to pet your neighbor's dog, but it cowers like it always does, droops it's head and rolls over to expose it's neck and belly, an innate, instinctual submissive reaction programmed into what is essentially a machine that only knows a handful of tasks. You pick up a magazine on psychology on the picnic table outside and it's all about neurochemistry. "How sugar releases the same dopamine that sex and winning the lottery does!" And "studies show that people in love live longer!

You can find faith in the structure obtained by the rules and morals within the stories in the Bible before you find faith in the existence of the Bible's God. Once you have faith in the system of being that emerges from the stories of the bible, and you understand that it also means having faith in human decency, and contributing to that decency as an individual, by telling the truth, doing what is right and just and best for yourself and your family or for your community or doing what is best for your future family.. and you finally begin to understand that this is what the Bible calls "gods will" then you begin to understand accepting "gods will" as your own will. Once you understand that accepting "gods will" into you is synonymous with making sacrifices to better yourself and to better the world and for your family, then you can't help but have faith in the system you've just accepted into yourself. In that way, you accept god into yourself. You accept that motivation and excitement into yourself (the holy spirit) and once you've lived long enough to really marry doing what is right for yourself and for the world to the best of your ability, you begin to see it in others, and in the next generation, and the next.. and that's a slice of heaven. That's eternal life. You've joined something worth aligning yourself with that can never be entirely forgotten. Striving for the good.

Be careful of people who are so locked into systems of thought that they quote others more than they think themselves is all I'm getting at. Ideology is dangerous territory. Be careful of anyone that uses ideology to answer all questions. Thoughts have them, they don't have thoughts. You may have been programmed to coexist with someone whose utilizing ideology in this manner. All I'm suggesting is that you seek out partners that aren't inundated with such programming. Partners that filter moral ethical fiscal and general theoretical questions through a pragmatic approach, based on their own personal experiences, not through rigid ideological systems based deeply on power exchange.

1] Rules change. It is better to be grandfathered in.
2] I could amuse/bore you with anecdotes about the Florida FRS pension system (and how rule changes harmed people, or the same with the US Federal Employees Retirement System/FERS), but how much would these examples matter to you? Often we might float an idea to see if there is something that has been missed, but you missed nothing.
3] More philosophically though, do you have a particular inclination or gut feeling very often? How often is your particular inclination or gut feeling correct or incorrect? (about something on which you have an informed opinion) Can you trust your informed opinion? What is your track record of doing so?
4] Personally, my lifetime 'gut feeling' accuracy on issues and people is at about 80% correct, and > 98% correct during the last 5 years of my life, with regard to persons and organizations. Truly mainstream people are often inside the bubble, and they are followers, and often they have no informed opinion, and no inclination. They wander around a darkened room with ear plugs in, and mittens on. If this is the case then life is just a crapshoot where one usually assumes that ‘all is good’ or maybe the lumpenproletariat lives in perpetual fear and ignorance and they simply try to play the odds in order to try and lay it safe.
5] Would you rather have some mainstream analysis on the trending of pension policy, or would you rather consider/value the framework under which you make your decisions. One’s worldview, acknowledged as such, or blithely ignored as an article of faith, actually much much more important. An example: A member of my team overpaid 100k for his house thereabouts of 2007. I told him we were in a bubble and that the house was too expensive for his income. He then told me the metrics of salary to housing had ‘changed’. He was literally being no more than a parrot. I asked him ‘when did it change’, and ‘why did it change’, and since this was just mainstream PR, of course there were no answers. The actual truth is that unless there are circumstances (an international market, retiree or expat influx), the average house price can never exceed the average income for very long. It took he and his girlfriend/wife 5 years of reduced quality of life to save 80k, and it got flushed down the toilet completely due to his limited/mainstream perspective. He had access to thousands of pages and hundreds of hours of analysis, but not a minute of it made a difference, because his mainstream worldview ruined everything.
The remaining items are personal/philosophical, and are the big picture items behind #1-3.
6] I am a statistician and I keep track of my assessments, sometimes formally, or informally. (I don't have gut feelings about the stock market or exchange trading, that is fortune telling in my world, since I don't have an expert/informed opinion. Apparently George Soros does operate in this manner, in these venues, with rather obvious success.) With regard to people, I have never been shafted by any human I have interacted with where I did not have my "inclination/gut feeling/spidey senses" activated beforehand. Nowadays I trust my judgment completely, and the results are amazing, but sometimes this means I am a bit direct or curt.

The vast majority of men (and an even >% of women) were born 'followers' --- they took the 'blue pill', and they are unthinking mainstream droids who do not value liberty or independent thought. 90% of mainstream talk and thought is distraction, 90% of the time, and most people can be chided or bamboozled into about anything, as Stanley Milgram and Bob Altemeyer and dozens if not hundreds of other researchers have shown. Insights are often about being non-mainstream, but a person's mental framework is overwhelmingly genetic.

The vast majority of people (85-93%) are not coerced by ‘the group’, they are mainstream and they actively seek the security of ‘the group’, because they have no insight into life, no discipline, and no personality. This means most people are like ersatz humans, more like living zombies actually. We usually tend to think others are like ourselves just with some different education, experiences or progression of knowledge, but if one is non-mainstream or counter-culture, or a self-starter…. then nothing could be further from the truth.

Actual ‘non-mainstream/counter-culture’ persons withdraw support from the rotten portions of the main culture (poor quality, poor service, poor behaviour/responsibility)... and to me this means no Wells Fargo or Bank of America, no Walmart, no Budweiser, no to pesticides, no to most all chain stores and corporate food and a big no to slave made products and poorly made products, and no to a prestige car, and no to an unsustainable big status house in the suburbs…and a 'no' to the scam that is present day marriage. Further, since I live presently in the US, I buy US made items as a proactive choice when possible, and other quality and/or dependable/sustainable/organic products, and I put a little effort into it, since the unexamined life is literally not worth living. I have been doing this for 30 years. I follow no trend without compelling reasons or personal joy. 90% of my dollars are not spent in the manner of the average schmuck.

Let us consider the topic of seeing movies. The majority of people are mainstream, and another vast (and overlapping) majority go see idiotic movies. The Desire to see idiotic movies is an IQ issue and the Desire to see a mainstream film is a worldview issue. Both are overwhelmingly genetic and neither can be changed meaningfully. The outcome is bad movies. My coworker in #5 followed the mainstream trends on saving and house buying, and the outcome was wasting 80k as well as years in the prime of his life. He is just wired to make decisions that way.

Because maybe the creator didn't create it to be novel to the creator. The creator created it to be novel to the agents within. Now assume we are living in a psudo reality within the creator, but outside the boundaries of knowing determinism, outside the boundaries of knowing "god" or "the programmer" or "the program" right? Now assume that within the Creator's reality, this commune of individuals struggling with individualism and collectivism, never knowing determinism, never knowing omniscience, duality of personality with a single self, immortality, never knowing what it's like to be the start of all, the only known superpower, the only instance of limitlessness and omnipotence..

Could this be a rope outside itself, for a being of this nature? A chance to lend beings a break, from the pressure of what is. What if, the sum of all calculations determined that, despite how cruel it seems (to us) for a creator to create limited beings that will eventually meet the death of their individual selves, it was deemed benevolent? (More benevolent to allow it than to not?)

What if the creator calculated, that creating beings free from the knowledge of all things, whom could operate knowing the sensation of individual perspective, was a benevolent act?

What if our "minds" are organized in such a way that we would always find archetype, we would always create these same religions, in unlimited instances, because these stories are eternal archetypes of the story of the human mind, the human condition?

And what if while we're all individually displaying free agency, we are impregnated by the Creator's multiplicity of selves? Could we then find solace in knowing that what we experience as individual consciousness, personality, is in fact a segregation of the nature of the creator, but within the bounds of limitation?

read the Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout (book link below). She gives great resources why sociopaths are in fact 4% of the general population. Most sociopaths are indolent, and sitting around drinking and making money is a great way for such people to make a living and pass the time, and addiction is very common in sociopaths, because without a conscience life merely degenerates into a series of games and power-plays.
It is true that only 1% of sociopaths are violent. However about 10% of all people are ‘high conflict personalities’ (book link below), and in addition to sociopaths, this would include those who are pathologically narcissistic. I have met people who are pathologically narcissistic and while they had a morality, it was rather easily relegated to the 'back seat' when their own priorities were 'on deck'. I have known, met and read interviews with the 'people who trade time with their body for money' crowd and they are overwhelmingly in these groups. If you include the pathologically narcissistic then we at well over 97.5%. or 2 standard deviations into the bargirl population.
There is no such thing as a sociopathic symptom. If you behave in an immoral fashion then you either have a conscience about that behavior or not. Whether that conscience is easily evaded or avoided (drowned with alcohol?) is another matter.

The vast majority of people (but not all) are shallow and have no interests. They only crave status and money. Also, women operate under a different moral system (perhaps socially dominated, or in a different potency than a mans) (Lawrence Kohlberg et al).

People that trade 'time with their body' for resources think they are doing a taxing and emotional job, so people offer them emotional generosity and respect. Also I never haggle about money, it is a binary outcome.
However I am no 'white night'. Sociopaths are 4% of the population but about 90% of the people doing this work are sociopaths. Overwhelmingly, you are being manipulated. A series of games and maneuvers and power plays is all a sociopath ever knows about living life. Know this and guard your wallet and your well being and your feelings and if necessary your heart.
Remember 1st grade, everybody was bigger than you. Most women have very limited power, always, and have to manage their concerns in other ways. Why do you think women in general are so obsessed with security.

Women frequently strive to "seem" capricious, but they are anything but, they are often cold and calculating when it comes to a life plan. In the last 10-15 years we have millions of men worldwide sharing their experiences, and this situation is so common that it is called 'monkey branching'. The monkey does not let go of one vine until it already has the next vine in its grasp. After all, something could happen, but once the trigger is pulled it seems to you like it just happened, but for her it has been planned for weeks or months or years. If you think otherwise about an instance, you are probably mistaken, and statistically, you are mistaken.
In the US, half of all women have a backup plan. Knowing how gold digging oriental women are, if they can do better than you, they will. There comes a point where they have aged and you are entangled and children are involved, but we are not talking about that point.
In the case of the movie My Thai Bride, she just filched Ted's money as her best option.

This post, written for the general public in the internet, was a great opportunity for me to get to know how this whole internet thing actually works. Being a teenager in the nineties (early millennial), I was still educated in the world before the internet. Back then, people took pride in differentiating from the "cattle" by reading a bit. There was a general understanding that the masses were ignorant. Anybody who took the time to break up with common sense and propose a different way to see something would take pride in being different. Nowadays the general internet user is weaponized to defend ideas everyone is used with, feels like justice to do their best to exterminate non-common-sense ideas by anonymously voting down and leaving angry comments that just state old moldy ideas like if they were reinventing the wheel. Someone went like "hey, you wrote 69 instead of 68, I'm not buying any of this crap". Or "Jimi didn't open for Pink, it was the other way around, I don't even want to debate you" (I'm paraphrasing), as if it changed anything about the jist of this text, when it really doesn't. As if it justified to discard the whole interpretation proposed as being imbecilic: that's what the general person wants to do in the first place, as fast as they can, reduce the brain usage, and put their anger out there. My turn to vent. I'm not saying my text is not wrong. I'm just saying the interpretation I propose here can be useful to someone as it is to me. I suppose the way the internet works is one of the boosting reasons why the world is going extreme right wing nowadays. Conservative ideas are easy, warm and welcoming. As usual, feast on them in the comments' sections here and everywhere. Have you got it yet?

90% of people who sell time with their body are sociopaths, and have no conscience. This does not mean they cannot be sensual or aesthetic, but from the research it almost always means they are selfish and indolent. Any other reality you put upon them is statistically mistaken.
This girl runs every time she can, which is often, as there is always some new chump to sweet talk. Running is even easier money than looking sexy and having sex, which is much easier than having some factory job, which is easier than getting an electrical engineering degree.
The idea of collective punishment and retroactive revenge is not even plausible, and is very unlikely. People focus on being a part of any group because they lack a personality. If being Indian/Jewish/Southern/Black/Gay is much more than a footnote to a person's existence then that person is really only an empty vessel seeking a port. 'Culture' is rubbish, there is only IQ, resilience, and a person's work ethic.... what you stuff into your mouth and what you clothe yourself with is/was the remnant of a former geographic necessity/availability. IQ is presently rated as 80% heritable, and it explains most everything about success and behaviour, statistically speaking people just have different traits. Some perticularly high IQ individuals and ethic groups for example, could be lacking in other areas that make a society complete and whole.

Women tend to fixate on emotion because it's how they're wired. It's a maternal instinct that governs their values, and it's important but it's not everything. There is a "female" nature and a "male" nature, and it is fundamentally rooted in biology.
To pretend that we're not part biological creatures whose psychological construction doesn't come with a long evolutionary history is to deny scientific truth. I understand that this truth is inconvenient for a lot of people, but inconvenience isn't a threshold of acceptance where truth is the foremost priority.
My SO and I have a wonderful and fulfilling relationship because we balance each other. She understands my "maleness" and tendency to be oriented towards understanding and resolving problems as a matter of subjects and objects (things), and I understand her "femaleness" and tendency to view the world through an emotive lens (feelings).
We work together very well to build a fuller picture. We're very open with each other about what we think and how we feel, and we work as a team. There's a balance between us that's very special.
If I weren't emotionally stable or I was preoccupied with feelings, we couldn't have the relationship we have because I couldn't provide the stability she needs. This is also true if she weren't an emotional person, because she couldn't provide the warmness that I need. We're great for each other not because we're the same, but because we're very different.
There's a balance to be had, I think.

We're permanently bound to our biology and there is no escaping it. Our genders - our sexes - have an irrefutable and irrevocable effect on our perceptions and values.
But that's not to say that everything we perceive or believe in is a simplistic expression of our sex. To understand the argument in these correlative/causative way is to grossly oversimplify the link between gender and personality.
Anyone who argues for or against the idea of biological gender in this way doesn't understand or appreciate that the world isn't a construction of simple labels with lines between them.

The idea that everything matters is an interesting one that has kept us from destroying ourselves for 2000+ years. Whether or not it is true is irrelevant to the fact that it has kept us from dissolving. Those societies that adopted that worldview, did better than the societies that did not.
A lot of the patrons of this forum that are young, and many don't understand that one book ignited the civilization of man. That book can be complete bullshit but the societies that adopted the book's lessons are the superpowers today. And now all tenants of that book are being attacked, questioned or dissolved. Boarders, property, sovereignty, public pragmatic debate, monogamy, marriage, merit, competition, respecting wise judgment, etc. It's all being chipped away.

I remember a quote to the effect "a woman is never more honest than when she says 'I love you' to a multi millionaire" I could not find this quote when googling, but nowadays I save such things. Let me revise this quote and add a comment "a woman is never more honest than when she says 'I am happy I chose you' to a millionaire"

Components to a relationship: sexual Desire, shared worldview, common interests, being polite & getting along, and having enough resources to conduct life (which translates into 'money'). Vastly different amounts of money are needed depending on female ambitions and expectations.

Love is a chemical cocktail in your brain. Love is also an emotional cocktail. Plutchik proposed the wheel of emotions in 1980 to illustrate the various relationships among emotions. Sexual Desire is not on this wheel because it is not an emotion. It is biological and instinctual. The right girl sexually is the girl who makes your dick hard. As I read in the answer to a question in the Playboy forum, 'not everything that is sexually exciting is healthy and in your best interest' (The guy had caught his wife cheating and was massively turned on) Plutchik wheel.

"Attraction isn't a choice"

By attraction we mean genuine Desire.

Sexuality is spontaneous chemical reaction between two parties, not a process of negotiation. .... A woman who wants to fuck you will find a way to fuck you. She will fly across the country, climb in through your second story bedroom window, fuck the shit out of you and wait patiently inside your closet if your wife comes home early from work.

The girl who tells you she needs to be comfortable and wants a relationship first is the same girl who will fuck the hot guy in the foam cannon party in Cancun on spring break just half an hour after meeting him.

You can get sex from money and when you are lucky you can purchase sexual performance that awesome and largely indistinguishable from Desire, but you can't obtain true sexual Desire based in money.

I believe most animals operate sexually on power exchange, to some degree. The rest [also] have embedded, instinctual sexual selection. (Like humans do, for the most part) and sexual selection is usually the role of the feminine. The male birds will always have sex with almost any female, but the female bird watches their mating dances and decides if they are worthy. In dogs, the females control sexual selection as well and they will not "submit" to weak male dogs, but the stronger males also play a part. So if a feminine male dog wondered into a pack of wolves and they are challenged physically by the other male dogs, to figure out if they can pull their weight and hunt and be useful, and they fail, they don't end up mating. It's the same with lions. In fact male lions will kill a male wondering into their pride; they'll even kill their own sons if they are particularly stressed, competition wise. When a bear wonders into another male bears territory, they bite at eachother's faces until, sometimes, one bear is left walking away with his lips hanging off his face. So things can get messy when men fail to pass down the hard truths about sexual selection and male competition. Not because other male humans will fight for women but because some men wake up to competition later in life and realize they haven't been playing the game. That can fuel resentment and sometimes even resentment of being itself.

Anthony eri ~Instead of making bold claims, present objective details about the allegations and their sources. This allows others to form their own informed opinions based on accurate information. If you believe an investigation is warranted, express your desire for a thorough and transparent process to hold individuals accountable for any wrongdoing. Instead of presenting conclusions as if they are undisputed facts, invite critical analysis of the available information and encourage thoughtful discussion of the potential implications. Responsible communication is crucial when discussing allegations and potential legal matters. By focusing on verifiable facts, respectful language, and accountability, we can contribute to a more informed and constructive public discourse.

What religion actually says is stone the bitch (for the purpose of deterring such behavior from achieving normality
lack of pair bonding, inability to sustain replacement level of reproduction, constant oursourcing of labor, leading to unstable ecology, chaotic social environment. religion has simply worked whereas secularism remains mostly experimental, and frankly, is beginning to show signs of being a failed inferior model

Conflicting nature of the animal body instinct to the mind/consciousness.
For ex, rape is totally normal in the animal kingdom. But for humans its unacceptable. Why is that? Because our minds and capability can operate transcendent from animal instincts and at a higher level hence why humans can reign over all animals on land despite being frail and weak.
Racism is motivated by a primal instinct. Its unfamiliarity. With that, a bunch of signals flare up such as flight or fight etc. This is why i think the tactics of racial propaganda are so nobrain but effective towards the majority. Think of black Hebrew Israelites who use the fantasy of "white people" torment, and the separation (gentiles), to reel in black spiritualists to racial prejudice using their very own unfamiliarity. Even the whole slavery thing and ill depiction of black colored traits was motivated because of the same coping mechanisms. To treat people like that you'd have to consider them ugly and low iq, different species etc. even if not. you have to arouse the seed of unfamiliarity. Botched-/cursory statistics work to do this too.
A NT person finds it hard to envision a different colored being as the same due to their superficial perspectives. Because of this, the mass of people run with propaganda and don't realize their own carnality, and how they are being used as an instrument of wickedness. They don't understand the animal selve, which is hard to do if you don't focus/operate for the higher intelligence, but instead mainly focus and operate on primal level and instinct. (theory) Its funny how we then build Ai to combat this, yet by doing so are also prone to further abandon our own operating system (mind). Eventually a divide happens and we end up slaves to our own creation.

It reminds me of the quote "If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn't" .. If people dont operate outside of that primal instinct and nurture that higher class of mind that determines it, then how can they be fully aware of the moral and mental precision of the animal nature. you cant see the ocean from the bottom of it.
These types of (npc) people are slaves to propaganda and all types of social dynamics and means without even having a clue.
I think the reason racism is normal is because average humans in modern times and perhaps even throughout history has never really focused past animal nature. Theres a lot of factors that makes this come to be. But this is a big problem and has been for a long time.

The people on incel forums categorized as toxic are actually statistically and logically not the archetypes you see involved or portrayed in crime statistics at all. Lets highlight two types of socially popular archetypes that women and people are more likely to be involved with today. Lets call them "Beta" and "alpha". The betas are more fashioned towards neurotypical (mentally-morally dull) behaviors, and often referred to as the cleanup crew. While the alphas are more fashioned with dark triad behaviors, and are freely polygamous, and considered the first movers or "first choice". The archetypes of people in incel forums are not under these classes of people, but a 3rd class, non participants. These are the people who get no women, who are not well liked, and thus are not primarily involved in bad behavioral statistics. What we see going on with the shaming of "incels" is just a simple case of bullying. The scapegoats of those classes of men who are prolific in life, are the "non participants". The people you think are represent the majority of mens evils (the ones you say are complaining about "pussy") are not the correct pool of people at all
If you know a thing or two about human nature, its that toxic (carnal) traits are more prone to being passed down due to circumstances. Humanity and the body/mind system is prone to carnality, and traits of carnality is often synonymous to traits of wickedness to human morals.
The socially-influenced human behavior we see today with mate picking is usually carnal. Think of how women will pick a guy with more resources over a guy with more of a head mentally and morally to reproduce with. The animal nature cares about survival, not moral standards. And for most people, this animal nature is whats identified with and passed on. Same with how (due to circumstance) the breeding pool of men, abandon their higher morals and mental capability to do things like chase mates, gather resources, and whatnot, hence why i highlight that even the "beta" class of people can be observed to be part of the pool of participants/popular archetypes. Carnal traits lead generations and are passed down. And these are not traits that typically form with people who speak up about these very issues (what you consider complaining).
You know why humanity gets worst and worst morally through generations? Because the bad people are the ones surviving and living. You know the people who are not likely to reproduce? Incels. Good people (mentally and morally precise). People who dont get girls. This is my next point. In reality the people who are non participants are a very small pool of people. The normies you see in redpill or in everyday who learn a thing or two about Blackpill reality are not part of this group. They are neurotypical and part of the pool of archetypes that primarily succeed. The people who truly get no women, get no women. Theres no prolific statistics about them being reprobate to women, theres no wars, no crime that exceed the other class of people. These are non participants. In matter of fact, id argue that your rant is actually towards those first movers who are dark triad and get first pick. But your wrong to say these are the 90%. They are the top 20-10-5%. Your next focus would probably be those neurotypical males.
In a way you would be right to say eliminating 90% would be beneficial, its just that your focus is extremely off. Eliminating the people who express free speech would be like eliminating all of the good people left. People create these spaces of rant as a form of therapy, otherwise you will really be seeing more crime. And the people on these types of male forums expressing and communicating valid and non delusional experiences/injustices are not losers, they are honest. And usually not part of the pool of people you refer are doing the bad to society.
My last point is that biological men are rare. I wont go too much into detail, but honestly i think if we pool up actual men, we'd lose most, if not all, the entire population of males. If we consider the behavioral and genetic traits that are desired after by women and society, the pool of actual men who embody those characteristics dwindles even further.

Interesting how you highlighted anthropomorphism in other religions,
Just to fail seeing/addressing the carnality and anthropomorphism in Christianity (particularly with how they treat "jesus"). Very well done as a tactic to recruit people to Christianity, but also "one eyed" as it shows bias to not addressing the elephant in the room.
The bible is not Christian. All religions are created as a derivative of truths, philosophies, and collections of articles of the information regarding "god". To box in truth under a religion is doing it injustice (though i get why its done sometimes).
Though, id expect every islamic raised person worth their salt to already have read the bible (and vise versa), as they are all derivatives from the source manuscripts. Generally, the depth of a persons understanding is more dependent/influenced by how interested they are at something. If you care more about religion than the truths of god, then you will learn more about religion than the truths of god. If you care more about truths of god then religion, then you will learn more about truths of god than religion regardless If after the fact, those truths you understand so happen to align more with a specific religion. The hierarchy is already established. In this way religion will always be flawed against truth.
For example, i met people who by their own analytics predicted the influence and ultimanium of the tech industry without identifying or being part of any group. His information at a later time was fashioned and highly similar to predictions and prophesies spoken of in biblical works. Though, i get why its done. His is a rare case. People need direction and a strong foundation of truth. This is what religion is intended to assist at doing.

Just because your a health professional does not mean you should be anywhere near politics and decision making for people. This is best done with people who cultivate strong mental and moral precision.

For example, the one done damage to (the victim), is the only one who can authorize forgiveness or not. Not a third party. The victim also does not have to forgive them if the debt is not paid either. If the victim decides to forgive, then its a good thing from the victim , but is still deserving compensation/ debt settlement (perhaps from a third party), and if the victim does not decide to forgive and take a eye for an eye, then it is normal and just. The law operates at the middle just level. It is a court of settling debts.

People don't have this flatline anymore. They don't operate on this just level or want to consider it(debts). They think forgiveness is some normal thing. As if, someone decides to forgive that means debt is settled. They downplay "forgiveness" and theres flaws to doing this. The majority are either operating from below a "do what you want done to you " moral precision level, or like the guy in the video, treating forgiveness as a replacement for settlement of just(fair) debt. This hurts the good people who do forgive, the normal people who do deserve debts, and also provides an environment where the majority who operate below baseline can thrive.

What does "standing on business" means, could you explain?

It basically means someone who is "about their money." Synonymous to; a strong drive to successfully tackle and maintain financially favorable endeavors and situations.

Its basically one of those behavioral suggestions that NT people are imprinted socially through popular personas. The usual consequence is a popularization of avarice-like behaviors.

I like to think there are a series of major choices a person makes in life that decides what you stand for and who you are . Recognizing and deciding such decisions is the key . Intellect or knowledge doesn't necessarily apply to those, rather your relationship with higher intellect.

Karma is real but its misunderstood.

Karma is like a cycle. Its both good and bad for everyone. This is perhaps why people call karma a "bitch". It refers to the system of causality and cause and effect. For every action in this reality its a positive and negative outcome (due to our state of being).

For example, a person who gives a hungry homeless person in need food does a objective good to the homeless person, and eventually to himself. Though, even though he did a good thing, he immediately faced a disadvantage financially or resource wise (he lost out on giving away food).

He faced a negative reaction to his action immediately, yet eventually his good deed will come back to him, whether its in a metaphysical way, the homeless man paying his debt, someone watching the man and thinking they should also do good(which leads to chain reaction of people doing more good, increasing the odds of him running across good actions done to him knowingly or unknowingly) aka more people doing good because of his actions, or the homeless person thinking to treat people better, or to do better because of the kindness he was shown etc. Eventually the nature of what he done will come back to the good man! Even if at the very least, its comfort in death knowing he did good deeds.

Think of karma as a clock timer. You turn it one way, and it begins its tick off to the opposite side.

Likewise, a thief also faces the same system of karma. He goes in Walmart and steals from the registers and whatnot. Lets say he got away and made a bunch of money, or he fulfilled his thrill etc. His karma started off on a positive charge, and is ticking to the latter. His debt of "karma" will be paid in a variety of ways, whether its through self repentance(self sacrifice), the store closing and eventually making it harder for him to buy things he needs, his behavior influencing other peoples behavior and or promoting thief's who will eventually suck him dry one day. As as touted in the last example for the good man, if at least, perhaps metaphysical or a strong and crippling unease at eventual death.

How do you know something is good? Well, there's a meaning behind the word "treat others the way you want to be treated". Ultimately it depends on if someone is aware of goodwill or not, but there is a objective "good and bad" for us humans. I believe.

I've noticed that undeserved women don't feel shy or high inhib around "Chadlite" at all, they literally think that that's the level of a man that they deserve and they have 0 problems meeting with him and getting fucked. They don't at any point feel that they are beneath Chad while on the other hand they will reject hundreds of normies and subhumans on their level, and they would laugh at them. The good guys get absolutely decimated. They really think that they are on the same level as Chad, they feel complete entitlement to him.

Cuck society. I am seeing good seeds dumpster dive and fucking utter ltbs and subhumans on a daily basis and of course millions of normies and subhumans giving everything for free to foids. Women are wonderful effect is a real phenomenon. Every single man regardless of his looks level is at a simp state in todays society, so nowonder the bible says the end of days will be ruled by a harlot spirit or "nature".

While your brain is rotten and high inhib from all of the negative reinforcement that you received being a man, or being a "good guy", foids below your looks level are having their degenerate adventures with 0 anxiety in their dating playfield. Dating is a playfield for them, they never receive negative reinforcement in their life, and their brain chemistry literally resembles confident man more than the brain chemistry of actual faggot man today. This leads to that form of masculinized femininity or the "harlot"

You have to actually be interested in the subject you are researching about.
Talent is interest. The reason talent manifests is because the more interested in something you are, the more you repeat the motion of research about it. Your mind inside the human body framework also works via muscle memory just like ejaculation, repetitive physical labor, exercise. So if you want to memorize something, you need to repeat it until the patterns start to become familiar.
This process you describe as going back and rereading parts you read before (despite not remembering) is part of the process of memory and retention. The reason interest is important is because without being interested, you will fall short on this process. Like getting bored of repeating, and lack of dopergenic reward function via learning.
Of course you can sort of try to keep your interest level by breaking down your learning and setting goals. So if your doing some normie slave nonsense your not interested in, id suggest to set goals for yourself. And reward yourself for completing them. This is why people who are promised careers after study succeed the studies. This is why degrees are given and titles in college. Set your own goals and reward yourself for it. Weather its a daily goal, a achievement based one, or a skill level standard.

Nobody should advocate or even remotely make suicide seem attractive as the blood of a person may go on your own conscious, but lets be honest. Theres no biblical/spiritual structure or verse that directly claims suicide will lead to hell. In matter of fact, most cases and troupes of enlightenment constantly share similarities to "self death", whether it be death of the flesh (death of carnality), or death of old ways etc. I even vaguely recall a old biblical book explicitly noting how a person committed suicide specifically to avoid further corruption. The suicide=hell troupe is a social human behavior of using the fear of death to help curb recklessness. I am in no way saying this is wrong to do, i just think its better to explain what it really is instead of continue to push the false narratives, as if a alive human can verify that claim. The concept of a "being" or structure such as "god" judging, or allocating a person strictly based on "if they committed suicide", instead of "what exactly did the person do during their time" is ridiculous. A being such as "god" would not require anything by definition thus theres nothing for it to lose. There is no loss. For starters, to such a being. everything is as if it was already done. Our deaths would be our loss and ours only as time is a factor that matters to us. How one can only repent and prepare for death if they were alive, and likewise potentially profit after death by doing good deeds. This is the meaning of the phrase "this life is ours". Anyways, suicide is risky because it removes that natural innocence of "our time ran out". Death in itself is the most important event of a human being. So everything should be done with this in mind. Perhaps this is why the "fear of god" is claimed to be the beginning of wisdom by old Abrahamic religious persons. As, it would be smart to move through life in this apprehensive tone, Because at least if you end up dying, you can very have a trail of positivity and rightousness(Motivated by non recklessness and apprehensiveness) to hopefully karmatically impact the mystery after death.

Because your supposed to sort of introduce your kid to the idea of a moral compass. This is supposed to happen young though, which is unfortunate, because most parents are far to late into protecting their child from this sort of influence. It should happen at 4-10yo. After puberty, leave your child to be.
This only works when you have the logical mental and moral precision to explain to the daughter/son why those behaviors are objectively bad for them to do in the first place. Not subjective or based on emotional bias, carnality, or attachment to kindred. For example, sleeping around. See, if more parents were blackpilled and incel pilled themselves, they would already have taught their daughter about hypergamy, preselection and most importantly pair bonding. So then when their daughter grows up and decides to sleep around, its through her own self and moral compass via early learning that will she be able to understand why seeping around is bad. Whats true will always remain true, and she will eventually see her behavior for what it is. There would be no need for someone elses discipline as her moral compass will ring, and she will face the negative consequences of her own actions. Self discipline will occur. When she hits the wall and wonders why shes so emotionally dead romantically, or whatever consequence happens, it will be proper and healthy discipline.
Boomers and a lot of the past generation in my opinion did it wrong. They had no information base. Part of the reason was likely the nuclear family work schedule, and the daycares we call school that teaches the bare minimum. discipline without proper teaching occurred. Now your daughter wont know about pair bonding, and raised in the culture of one night stands and whatnot. The consequences will more likely be ignored and things will eventually spiral more out of control. the ways of the past look hypocritical. thats because it was.

The carousel is nothing more than the name given to the period of time that women are inconsequentially guided by hypergamic instinct, accumulating casual partners, almost always the outstanding ones, in which it is also pre-selected by others, thus being led to fight in a war of egos, and their own ego is at its peak, as they are not capable of having the slightest emotional responsibility, which they themselves will demand later.

It can be said that this is her period of sexual adventures and free from responsibilities, the carousel phase lasts from her initiation, until when her appearance or another factor [having become a single mother] compromises her not to the point of not being able to remain in the casual sexual market, but have the ability to compete on equal terms with other prettier women for a serious, long-term relationship.

The stage when she gets tired of boys and starts looking for a “real man”, usually someone who she herself wouldn’t have cared about when she was “young and immature”. And when the whistle blows at 45 in the second half, she tends to demand the same emotional responsibility that she never had.

Which is quite hypocritical.

The merry-go-round starts earlier and earlier due to cultural encouragement and influence.

A girl who tries the merry-go-round will tend to influence others so that the other girl no longer has more attractiveness for a serious relationship than her. Under the discourse that freedom is being reckless and living only for your instincts.

This contributes to increasingly depraved behavior across the board. And it is this “freedom to rotate” that creates characters like Chads
(who greatly benefit from this system fucking lots and lots of women, while in the past they probably would marry and settle for one girl), Normies (who most of the times get cucked by this system or get to fuck some bitches) and Incels (who don't fuck at all).

In addition to women, chads, more popular guys (status), holders of strong emotions (criminals and shit), and old people from the boat (boomers with money) also participate in the carousel.

While the normie good boy, full of dreams of starting a family, is excluded from the irresponsible spree that his future wife is participating in right now. And even so, she runs the almost certain risk of cucking the normie when boredom hits her, as she is used to having several partners.

The only way for a normie to have a history that doesn't even come close to the history of the options that will await him later is for him to join in fucking prostitutes.

The carousel is relentless and brutal.

Social media such as Instagram, Tinder, TikTok, among others, play a fundamental role in the functioning of the carousel.

And in the end, what culture does is push men more and more towards structural cuckism, where they are ignored by all in their youth, and when they finally gain the "advantage" they pay the bills and take responsability that aren't theirs.

Understanding this helps many to oppose the gender role imposed on the average man, the path after that is many, some will try to become chads, other will go crazy, some others will go to the waifuism, solitude... Or forums like these lm

EVER WONDER HOW A PIXEL FROM A SCREEN IS MADE? Sometimes you dont realize how intricate simple things are. If you were in control of a undeveloped nation without internet, and you and your nation was all thats left of society, would you know how to make a TV screen?

Display Panel Manufacturing:

Substrate Preparation: Usually, glass substrates are prepared, cleaned, and coated with thin layers of materials to enhance conductivity and transparency.

Photolithography: The display's pixel patterns are defined using photolithography, a process that involves projecting a pattern onto the substrate and chemically treating it to create the desired structures.

Deposition and Etching: Thin film layers of materials such as amorphous silicon and metal oxides are deposited onto the substrate. Chemical and physical processes are then used to etch away unwanted materials.

Color Filters and TFTs: Additional layers, including color filters and thin-film transistors (TFTs), are added to create a full-color and controllable pixel matrix.

Electronic Component Integration:

Semiconductor Fabrication: Integrated circuits (ICs) that control various functions of the TV, including image processing, are manufactured on silicon wafers using advanced semiconductor fabrication techniques.

Connectors and Ports: Ports like HDMI, USB, and others are integrated into the TV during the manufacturing process. This involves attaching the connectors to the main circuit board.


PCB Assembly: The different electronic components, including the display panel and circuit boards, are assembled onto a printed circuit board (PCB). Surface mount technology (SMT) is often used for precise and compact component placement.

Wiring and Interconnections: Wires and connectors are used to establish electrical connections between components on the PCB.

Enclosure: The assembled components are placed within the TV's enclosure, which is designed to house and protect the internal components while providing a sleek and functional design.

Quality Control and Testing:

Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing is conducted to ensure the functionality and quality of each TV. This includes checks for display performance, audio output, connectivity, and other features.

Calibration: The display is calibrated to meet industry standards for color accuracy and image quality.

Packaging and Shipping:

Packaging: The finished TVs are carefully packaged to prevent damage during transportation.

Distribution: The TVs are then shipped to retailers or directly to consumers.

noone reading ts tard
high iq user
wow so high iq theories

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