Any deathnics who are happy about the Great Replacement; GTFIH for a quick trvthnvke.



May 3, 2024
Whites will always hold out. We won't go extinct.

TLDR: All races pale in modern societies compared to Whites. You cannot run anything and it won't work long term.

Ethnics cannot properly inherit our run our civilizations without running it into the ground. Just look at Liberia and South Africa. Liberia had a perfect base for niggers to build off on, yet they still fucked it up. South Africa was one of the most prosperous nations in Africa under apartheid and White rule, now look at it, it's literally a shithole with every single White person there on a flight to New Zealand or the U.K.

On July 26, 1847, the settlers issued a Declaration of Independence and promulgated a constitution. Based on the political principles of the United States Constitution, it established the independent Republic of Liberia. On August 24, Liberia adopted its 11-striped national flag. The United Kingdom was the first country to recognize Liberia's independence.The United States did not recognize Liberia until 1862, after the Southern states, which had strong political power in the American government, declared their secession and the formation of the Confederacy.

The leadership of the new nation consisted largely of the Americo-Liberians, who at the beginning established political and economic dominance in the coastal areas that the ACS had purchased; they maintained relations with the United States and contacts in developing these areas and the resulting trade. Their passage of the 1865 Ports of Entry Act prohibited foreign commerce with the inland tribes, ostensibly to "encourage the growth of civilized values" before such trade was allowed in the region.

African Americans depart for Liberia, 1896. The ACS sent its last emigrants to Liberia in 1904.
By 1877, the True Whig Party was the country's most powerful political entity. It was made up primarily of Americo-Liberians, who maintained social, economic and political dominance well into the 20th century, repeating patterns of European colonists in other nations in Africa. Competition for office was usually contained within the party; a party nomination virtually ensured election.

Pressure from the United Kingdom, which controlled Sierra Leone to the northwest, and France, with its interests in the north and east, led to a loss of Liberia's claims to extensive territories. Both Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast annexed territories. Liberia struggled to attract investment to develop infrastructure and a larger, industrial economy.

There was a decline in production of Liberian goods in the late 19th century, and the government struggled financially, resulting in indebtedness on a series of international loans

South Africa:

These images speak for themselves.

South Africa before:

South Africa after:

As for Arabs; I'll address this.

Arabs coping and seething under this thread will probably say: "Oh but what about muh great Arab civilizations! We did algebra and shit nigguh!!!!"

Just fucking lol.

point 1 on the "algebra" thing i see a lot of sandniggers spew:

Algebra was invented by Greeks, Babylonians, Indians, and Chinese. Al-Khwarizmi who was the father of algebra actually modified and translated the works of Greeks, Babylonians and Indians, and he was not an Arab, he was a Khwarizmian from Greater Persia.

Secondly, who gives a flying fuck about your "advanced civilizations"? They were in the past. We are talking about the present. At current, your race is a bunch of hormone-infested sexually frustrated monsters who fuck goats and run kebab shops in Europe. That's essentially all you've contributed to civilization in the past century.

You worship a rock and maintain a backwards religion where you stone woman to death for revealing their hair. The ONLY way you Arab cucks have made a decent society in the modern age was through foreign investment in oil. Which will btw, run out soon enough.

These two facts alone proves we won't go extinct superimposed on the existence of rural, far-right families. As I said before, a great example of this is Vargs Vikernes. He is a self-sufficient, Jewish-aware family man raising 8 kids on a rural farm in France. He's READY for the collapse.

You simply cannot properly run our civilizations. The only reason you are currently "replacing" us is due to White institutions and comforts that you rely off of to fuck so much and poop out so many niglets and sandniglets and whatever other terms for ethnics there are.

Once these are gone, it's game over. You'll die fighting over frozen falafels in the deserted parking lot of a Walmart while rural Whites hold out and wait for you to ultimately perish. You RELY on us to replace us. Do you see how this won't work long term?

I think a MASSIVE collapse of our civilizations will occur. But the White race ultimately won't perish. You will. We will survive.
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  • +1
  • JFL
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Ethnics (by that I mean all non-whites) have been running the show for most of human history. They started the industrial revolution (in England) but globalization led by Americunts will lead to their downfall. Anyway China and gooks are clearly next in line for multi-century dominance.

I agree Arabs never did much and Persians were indeed high IQ. But had mogger empire from the birth of Islam till the Abbasid (anti-arab) revolution.
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ethnics on average make more money than white people.
these countries aren't importing people for no reason. there importing them because they work hard and to slow down population collapse
  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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Ethnics (by that I mean all non-whites) have been running the show for most of human history. They started the industrial revolution (in England) but globalization led by Americunts will lead to their downfall. Anyway China and gooks are clearly next in line for multi-century dominance.

I agree Arabs never did much and Persians were indeed high IQ. But had mogger empire from the birth of Islam till the Abbasid (anti-arab) revolution.
I already addressed this.

Take a look at every modern "country" run by non-Whites. It's an utter SHITHOLE. This alone should prove my point.

Every single society couldn't break through to the modern age. We did.

Whites achieved spaceflight. We literally landed on the moon. We have established hegemony over literally the entire world.

If this doesn't prove we are superior, I don't know what will. We are the only race capable of running and prospering modern-age societies.
  • +1
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Reactions: mog_or_be_mogged, borismonster, Part-Time Chad and 1 other person
ethnics on average make more money than white people.
these countries aren't importing people for no reason. there importing them because they work hard and to slow down population collapse
View attachment 2997659
America gets the cream of the crop in terms of immigration.

Meanwhile, European immigrants:
  • JFL
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I already addressed this.

Take a look at every modern "country" run by non-Whites. It's an utter SHITHOLE. This alone should prove my point.

Every single society couldn't break through to the modern age. We did.

Whites achieved spaceflight. We literally landed on the moon. We have established hegemony over literally the entire world.

If this doesn't prove we are superior, I don't know what will. We are the only race capable of running and prospering modern-age societies.
China is a shithole too. Buildings made out of play dough with a bunch of neon signs to look "le modern". In reality there are child sweatshops producing cotton shirts for Western children and workers getting caught in spin machines in factories and breaking every bone in their brittle chink body.
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So anything niggers touch turn to shit? Craaaaaaaaaaaazy man I'd never have expected Kangz to do that$!
  • JFL
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So anything niggers touch turn to shit? Craaaaaaaaaaaazy man I'd never have expected Kangz to do that$!
It's a water thread but I'm sick of stuck up deathnics on here being happy about the Great Replacement
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Reactions: finnished, mog_or_be_mogged, borismonster and 2 others
I already addressed this.

Take a look at every modern "country" run by non-Whites. It's an utter SHITHOLE. This alone should prove my point.

Every single society couldn't break through to the modern age. We did.

Whites achieved spaceflight. We literally landed on the moon. We have established hegemony over literally the entire world.

If this doesn't prove we are superior, I don't know what will. We are the only race capable of running and prospering modern-age societies.
Erm no one's thinking about Liberia or fucking South Africa when we say developed ethnics. Nor Pakistan or Egypt.

What about Qatar, Singapore, UAE, most cities in China mog tf out of the West (Chongqing) but they need to keep immigrants out tbh including whites. Countries like Bangladesh and Indonesia are developing rapidly filling the same trajectory. China was just farmland and fields just over half a century ago. UAE was just sand.

Don't forget Japan almost over took the US before it's eventually decline and stagflation. It's over for the West already.
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Erm no one's thinking about Liberia or fucking South Africa when we say developed ethnics. Nor Pakistan or Egypt.

What about Qatar, Singapore, UAE, most cities in China mog tf out of the West (Chongqing) but they need to keep immigrants out tbh including whites. Countries like Bangladesh and Indonesia are developing rapidly filling the same trajectory. China was just farmland and fields just over half a century ago. UAE was just sand.

Don't forget Japan almost over took the US before it's eventually decline and stagflation. It's over for the West already.
Arab countries in this list only got rich from fossil fuels uncovered by the British and invested in by Whites. Not really because of their own volition.

As for China, it's equally as a shithole to somewhere like Mumbai outside of a couple nice areas.

Keyword: "almost"
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Arab countries in this list only got rich from fossil fuels uncovered by the British and invested in by Whites. Not really because of their own volition.
That's not true for UAE. It makes up a small amount of their GDP, Many gulf arabs are very aware of this - they were from the beginning. It's called rentierism in political science. This is partly why they are trying to diversify their economies away from reliance on oil and natural gas.

I'd keep an eye out on Saudi into the future. Countries like the US could never pull off a project like the line in a few decades. Tbh my crticism is they should;ve done it far earlier but were mired in corruption.
As for China, it's equally as a shithole to somewhere like Mumbai outside of a couple nice areas.

Keyword: "almost"
Same could be said about the slums of Michigan and Louisiana. You sound like you havent travelled anywhere and get all your information from the internet.

I agree white countries are generally better. But you mainly mean western Europe and anglo world and these are on the decline.
Your concerns for the native European population is greatly appreciated, Indian👍🏻👍🏻
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  • JFL
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If you say so Ranjeet. We can identify as anything nowadays so no judgement.
As i've said time and time again,

The only Indian people on this forum are the people who accuse others of being apart of their dreaded race.
  • JFL
Reactions: mog_or_be_mogged, rand anon and Saint Casanova
As i've said time and time again,

The only Indian people on this forum are the people who accuse others of being apart of their dreaded race.
Indians are superior to Celts in every way. So sorry. I could only wish that I was Indian. India has the most beautiful women, food, hygiene, economic stability, geography ect ect.

I understand why you’re jealous.
  • JFL
Reactions: mog_or_be_mogged, widdi, pfl and 2 others
Indians are superior to Celts in every way. So sorry. I could only wish that I was Indian. India has the most beautiful women, food, hygiene, economic stability, geography ect ect.

I understand why you’re jealous.
At least you're honest about your true identity, bub.
  • JFL
Reactions: mog_or_be_mogged and Saint Casanova
It's literally USA having the dollar as the standard and unequal exchange economically,neocolonial economic loans and warfare etc

When BRICs rises to the top you vaccinated whites will starve AND die from your little vaccine
At least you're honest about your true identity, bub.
In all seriousness, Can I ask what’s the point of your ramblings ? You should be smart enough to understand that Europe is completely finished. Look at the state of London, Paris, Stockholm ect. Home policy, foreign policy/immigration, fiscal policy; it’s all fucked beyond repair.

It’s funny because the Arabs you attack have much better, cleaner, more functioning cities than Europe. I’m mainly talking about the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain ect. The richer ones. They also don’t tolerate blacks causing havoc like they do in Europe/ the west.
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TLDR. You SFcels are fighting a losing battle. The joos are eventually going to succeed and the popular/most dominant race will be ethniks/mutts
  • JFL
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In all seriousness, Can I ask what’s the point of your ramblings ? You should be smart enough to understand that Europe is completely finished. Look at the state of London, Paris, Stockholm ect. Home policy, foreign policy/immigration, fiscal policy; it’s all fucked beyond repair.

It’s funny because the Arabs you attack have much better, cleaner, more functioning cities than Europe. I’m mainly talking about the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain ect. The richer ones. They also don’t tolerate blacks causing havoc like they do in Europe/ the west.
Fuck that coward mindset.

Literally read my post. I BTFOed all this "muh cities being overrun by ethnics" bs.
Fuck that coward mindset.

Literally read my post. I BTFOed all this "muh cities being overrun by ethnics"
I don’t need to read anything because you clearly don’t understand who’s facilitating “ the great replacement”. Let’s just say they own everything ranging from the banks, to media to degenerate movements.

They want society to collapse. Open your eyes mate and try to understand that the ethnics you worry about are just tools.
I already addressed this.

Take a look at every modern "country" run by non-Whites. It's an utter SHITHOLE. This alone should prove my point.

Every single society couldn't break through to the modern age. We did.

Whites achieved spaceflight. We literally landed on the moon. We have established hegemony over literally the entire world.

If this doesn't prove we are superior, I don't know what will. We are the only race capable of running and prospering modern-age societies.
And the most delicious thing of all is that they can't blame "muh racism", because they had literally THOUSANDS of years to develop before they even saw a white person.
  • +1
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I don’t need to read anything because you clearly don’t understand who’s facilitating “ the great replacement”. Let’s just say they own everything ranging from the banks, to media to degenerate movements.

They want society to collapse. Open your eyes mate and try to understand that the ethnics you worry about are just tools.
We want society to collapse LMAO. It's legit the best way the White race can survive.

While deathnics, niggers and spics fight eachother to the death in our decayed societies, White rural communities will hold out and wait for them to die off.

The Reconquista didn't happen in a day. It took time.
  • JFL
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I really dont give a shit if whites die out but either way it will never happen europe will be become nazi or right wing and send back all of us immigrants before that happens.
  • +1
Reactions: 6ft4
Whites will always hold out. We won't go extinct.

TLDR: All races pale in modern societies compared to Whites. You cannot run anything and it won't work long term.

Ethnics cannot properly inherit our run our civilizations without running it into the ground. Just look at Liberia and South Africa. Liberia had a perfect base for niggers to build off on, yet they still fucked it up. South Africa was one of the most prosperous nations in Africa under apartheid and White rule, now look at it, it's literally a shithole with every single White person there on a flight to New Zealand or the U.K.

On July 26, 1847, the settlers issued a Declaration of Independence and promulgated a constitution. Based on the political principles of the United States Constitution, it established the independent Republic of Liberia. On August 24, Liberia adopted its 11-striped national flag. The United Kingdom was the first country to recognize Liberia's independence.The United States did not recognize Liberia until 1862, after the Southern states, which had strong political power in the American government, declared their secession and the formation of the Confederacy.

The leadership of the new nation consisted largely of the Americo-Liberians, who at the beginning established political and economic dominance in the coastal areas that the ACS had purchased; they maintained relations with the United States and contacts in developing these areas and the resulting trade. Their passage of the 1865 Ports of Entry Act prohibited foreign commerce with the inland tribes, ostensibly to "encourage the growth of civilized values" before such trade was allowed in the region.

African Americans depart for Liberia, 1896. The ACS sent its last emigrants to Liberia in 1904.
By 1877, the True Whig Party was the country's most powerful political entity. It was made up primarily of Americo-Liberians, who maintained social, economic and political dominance well into the 20th century, repeating patterns of European colonists in other nations in Africa. Competition for office was usually contained within the party; a party nomination virtually ensured election.

Pressure from the United Kingdom, which controlled Sierra Leone to the northwest, and France, with its interests in the north and east, led to a loss of Liberia's claims to extensive territories. Both Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast annexed territories. Liberia struggled to attract investment to develop infrastructure and a larger, industrial economy.

There was a decline in production of Liberian goods in the late 19th century, and the government struggled financially, resulting in indebtedness on a series of international loans

South Africa:

These images speak for themselves.

South Africa before:
View attachment 2997626

South Africa after:
View attachment 2997625

As for Arabs; I'll address this.

Arabs coping and seething under this thread will probably say: "Oh but what about muh great Arab civilizations! We did algebra and shit nigguh!!!!"

Just fucking lol.

point 1 on the "algebra" thing i see a lot of sandniggers spew:

Algebra was invented by Greeks, Babylonians, Indians, and Chinese. Al-Khwarizmi who was the father of algebra actually modified and translated the works of Greeks, Babylonians and Indians, and he was not an Arab, he was a Khwarizmian from Greater Persia.

Secondly, who gives a flying fuck about your "advanced civilizations"? They were in the past. We are talking about the present. At current, your race is a bunch of hormone-infested sexually frustrated monsters who fuck goats and run kebab shops in Europe. That's essentially all you've contributed to civilization in the past century.

You worship a rock and maintain a backwards religion where you stone woman to death for revealing their hair. The ONLY way you Arab cucks have made a decent society in the modern age was through foreign investment in oil. Which will btw, run out soon enough.

These two facts alone proves we won't go extinct superimposed on the existence of rural, far-right families. As I said before, a great example of this is Vargs Vikernes. He is a self-sufficient, Jewish-aware family man raising 8 kids on a rural farm in France. He's READY for the collapse.

You simply cannot properly run our civilizations. The only reason you are currently "replacing" us is due to White institutions and comforts that you rely off of to fuck so much and poop out so many niglets and sandniglets and whatever other terms for ethnics there are.

Once these are gone, it's game over. You'll die fighting over frozen falafels in the deserted parking lot of a Walmart while rural Whites hold out and wait for you to ultimately perish. You RELY on us to replace us. Do you see how this won't work long term?

I think a MASSIVE collapse of our civilizations will occur. But the White race ultimately won't perish. You will. We will survive.
I don't think anyone who is a functioning member of society even thinks about it tbh
I don't think anyone who is a functioning member of society even thinks about it tbh
Which is why society will collapse with White far-righters arising from the ashes of it
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We want society to collapse LMAO. It's legit the best way the White race can survive.

While deathnics, niggers and spics fight eachother to the death in our decayed societies, White rural communities will hold out and wait for them to die off.

The Reconquista didn't happen in a day. It took time.
Or whites will be put in concentration like camps/ forced to live in tiny pods eating cockroaches like Klaus wants.

There won’t be any rural communities. Maybe your scenario will happen if Russia and China destroy the west in WW3.
Or whites will be out in concentration like camps/ forced to live in tiny pods eating cockroaches like Klaus wants.

There won’t be any rural communities. Maybe your scenario will happen if Russia and China destroy the west in WW3.

"There won't be any rural communities"
Society will collapse. The Jews are greedy fucks (as we all know) and will eventually run themselves into the ground with their Operation Make Europe Brown plan since they'll be strung up in the streets just like any urban Whites will as well, simply because deathnics can't make a distinction.
  • JFL
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"There won't be any rural communities"
Society will collapse. The Jews are greedy fucks (as we all know) and will eventually run themselves into the ground with their Operation Make Europe Brown plan since they'll be strung up in the streets just like any urban Whites will as well, simply because deathnics can't make a distinction.
Out of all fucked up things Jews are, stupid is NOT one of them. They’re extremely clever, cunning and psychopathic people. Do you think they’ll just let themselves get “strung up”

You have to understand that they were planning this for 100s of years!
Out of all fucked up things Jews are, stupid is NOT one of them. They’re extremely clever, cunning and psychopathic people. Do you think they’ll just let themselves get “strung up”

You have to understand that they were planning this for 100s of years!
Extremely cunning people who are VERY short-sighted. They do not think long-term.
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The jews will use populations like curries to kill all Muslims and Christian nations if they get the chance. Hindus have grievances with both groups (especially muslims) and are all too willing to be slave soldiers in order to do it.
The jews will use populations like curries to kill all Muslims and Christian nations if they get the chance. Hindus have grievances with both groups (especially muslims) and are all too willing to be slave soldiers in order to do it.
Pajeets are evil
stop blaming ethnics for your problems. as long as you keep cucking to jews whites will be fucked. address the real problem
stop blaming ethnics for your problems. as long as you keep cucking to jews whites will be fucked. address the real problem
Both are the issue lol
Both are the issue lol
No you can’t open the border and get mad at ethnics for coming in. it’s like leaving ur door open and getting mad at flies for coming in to escape the heat during the summer.

if you had politicians that were firm about closing the border ethnics would never be in your countries, blame the ppl who’s letting them in
No you can’t open the border and get mad at ethnics for coming in. it’s like leaving ur door open and getting mad at flies for coming in to escape the heat during the summer.

if you had politicians that were firm about closing the border ethnics would never be in your countries, blame the ppl who’s letting them in
Oh I’m sorry. I’ll just be amicable and sorry for the poor ethnics who rape and kill my people enmasse everyday because the Jews invited them in or some shit like that.

Just because they are being controlled by another source doesn’t excuse their behavior. You can hate Jews and immigrants.
My country is good, I'm vibing 😌
holy fuck i dont give a shit about you cumskins and the great niggerplacement
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Oh I’m sorry. I’ll just be amicable and sorry for the poor ethnics who rape and kill my people enmasse everyday because the Jews invited them in or some shit like that.

Just because they are being controlled by another source doesn’t excuse their behavior. You can hate Jews and immigrants.
fair point but i see a lot of these anti immigration ppl on social media and in europe and they always seem to never say anything about jews and in many cases are pro israel. its retarded
fair point but i see a lot of these anti immigration ppl on social media and in europe and they always seem to never say anything about jews and in many cases are pro israel. its retarded
Well yes because the mainstream right is controlled by Jews mostly lol, of course it will be favorable to them in public
holy fuck i dont give a shit about you cumskins and the great niggerplacement
You will give a shit once your oil revenue runs out and it’s back to the sand huts Abdul
East asia can survive without immigration cumskin countries cant
East asia can survive without immigration cumskin countries cant
This claim only holds up if you pull facts out of your ass because the East is fucked as well population wise bud

Look at China and Korea’s projections lil bro

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