Any of you brah’s spiritual?

i dont think u understand jnana yoga tbh. it's also called self-enquiry btw. its a process of discerning what is real from what isn't - and a way is by trying to find the source of the mind, the thinker of your thoughts.
The thinker of your thoughts is purusha, the thoughts are prakriti. Both are real.
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i realized from interacting with op that its not that easy to both accept non duality and continue to live in the material world - it makes sense both those cannot be true. which is why a true understanding of non-duality will only come when we realize the material world is the same as what we seek.

i can't lie i dont like talking about my spiritual practice and beliefs because people are all at very different levels of understanding.
For him it seems to be he hit a roadblock with non duality but non duality isn't something he can actually apply on a small level rather its a concept of a bigger picture. Its the imminent fate, the pre-determined, the future, the destiny. What I notice from some non dualists is that when they realize this they end up laying back and coping. The Quran shares this perspective however adds onto it, that you can control your reaction and that your reaction comes from your relationship with God aka spirit and mortality. In the grand scale then, the test of life is pretty linear, binary and simple. Every single small or big decision can either be right, or wrong. More right or more wrong is eliminated with the possibility to do the most right thing in all scenarios. That is if you follow the code of adherence wether it is divine law which is spiritual or if its regarding marriage, disputes, etc.

Take homosexuality for example. No one knew its long term effects on the population at the time, we know now today if we (this is very important) look in retrospect to all of history and all fallen civilizations. The cycles of civilizations falling, stages, degenracy, etc. At that time of writing either the Torah, or the Quran, or the New Testament, it couldn't have been possibly known that homosexuality being just a kink or sexual preference would have to be punished so harshly. It's very simple, this one guy wants to put his dick in an ass of a guy. He can have a family next to that (ancient greeks) so why would it be degenerate? But God being an all-seeing all-knowing being, He surely knows better for us whats ahead of us. So, if one is to be rational, he would follow such a divine law and purge homosexuals lest their cities and capitals fall. That is one instance to submitting to non-duality, killing someone for what they like seemed immoral at worst, and we see many pagan societies tolerating such perversions as evidence to this, however the abrahamic faiths have always been the most determined with eliminating homosexuals. Its beyond right and wrong, good and bad. The nature of non duality is hard to put into words in a world where it is a fundamental rule of the universe, however it is best described with the progression of time itself. A concept that extends beyond time and our own dimension. Something that both isn't, but ultimately is, the ultimate RIGHT thing to do.
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The thinker of your thoughts is purusha, the thoughts are prakriti. Both are real.
but these aren't things you realized yourself, you either read it somewhere or were told it by someone. jnana is the path of discerning truth from false using your intellect.
For him it seems to be he hit a roadblock with non duality but non duality isn't something he can actually apply on a small level rather its a concept of a bigger picture. Its the imminent fate, the pre-determined, the future, the destiny. What I notice from some non dualists is that when they realize this they end up laying back and coping. The Quran shares this perspective however adds onto it, that you can control your reaction and that your reaction comes from your relationship with God aka spirit and mortality. In the grand scale then, the test of life is pretty linear, binary and simple. Every single small or big decision can either be right, or wrong. More right or more wrong is eliminated with the possibility to do the most right thing in all scenarios. That is if you follow the code of adherence wether it is divine law which is spiritual or if its regarding marriage, disputes, etc.

Take homosexuality for example. No one knew its long term effects on the population at the time, we know now today if we (this is very important) look in retrospect to all of history and all fallen civilizations. The cycles of civilizations falling, stages, degenracy, etc. At that time of writing either the Torah, or the Quran, or the New Testament, it couldn't have been possibly known that homosexuality being just a kink or sexual preference would have to be punished so harshly. It's very simple, this one guy wants to put his dick in an ass of a guy. He can have a family next to that (ancient greeks) so why would it be degenerate? But God being an all-seeing all-knowing being, He surely knows better for us whats ahead of us. So, if one is to be rational, he would follow such a divine law and purge homosexuals lest their cities and capitals fall. That is one instance to submitting to non-duality, killing someone for what they like seemed immoral at worst, and we see many pagan societies tolerating such perversions as evidence to this, however the abrahamic faiths have always been the most determined with eliminating homosexuals. Its beyond right and wrong, good and bad. The nature of non duality is hard to put into words in a world where it is a fundamental rule of the universe, however it is best described with the progression of time itself. A concept that extends beyond time and our own dimension. Something that both isn't, but ultimately is, the ultimate RIGHT thing to do.
i read that twice no cap but i dont really get what you're trying to say in the second paragraph with homosexuality
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Used to be.
Wad very Buddhist
Before that, advaita Interested me
Now athiest?
Thoughts on Vedanta ?

Thoughts on gurus like Mooji ?

Samkhya seems like its goal is also moksha , identifying with purusha , consciousness/observer, instead of with prakriti , energy/matter/thoughts
i read that twice no cap but i dont really get what you're trying to say in the second paragraph with homosexuality
Putting the knowledge of non duality into practice, you would do it with full trust in the higher transcended deity
Thoughts on Vedanta ?

Thoughts on gurus like Mooji ?

Samkhya seems like its goal is also moksha , identifying with purusha , consciousness/observer, instead of with prakriti , energy/matter/thoughts
Vedanta is low iq. Mooji, I can’t remember if it was his vid or him that said it but he (or someone similar) basically said the soul reincarnates into the people you’ve effected in life. It’s a cute thought but that’s it, not only is it not true but imagine if you wanted some rest, what do you do, stop effecting people? No, this is where Samkhya is actually intelligent. Vedanta says all is one, Samkhya says all is “potentially” one. It’s not about “not identifying” imo, it’s about making purusha and prakriti one. Pretty big difference because you have to delve into the world and sort things out, they are really two, but you have to make them one. So you are not your body, but through your body you gain liberation.
Vedanta is low iq. Mooji, I can’t remember if it was his vid or him that said it but he (or someone similar) basically said the soul reincarnates into the people you’ve effected in life. It’s a cute thought but that’s it, not only is it not true but imagine if you wanted some rest, what do you do, stop effecting people? No, this is where Samkhya is actually intelligent. Vedanta says all is one, Samkhya says all is “potentially” one. It’s not about “not identifying” imo, it’s about making purusha and prakriti one. Pretty big difference because you have to delve into the world and sort things out, they are really two, but you have to make them one. So you are not your body, but through your body you gain liberation.

They are two sides of the same coin … and both strive for the same end goal. All comes down to the snake and the rope.
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Thx for the money making advice
Now athiest?
Mostly yeah.
Irreligious yeah. And don't believe in the existence of God, God's, and an afterlife,, or continuance of life after death. Since I don't see any proof for any of them
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They are two sides of the same coin … and both strive for the same end goal. All comes down to the snake and the rope.
Well if you don’t get the difference just use the rope
spirituality is for the weak. for females and faggots. either believe in a real religion or don't believe in one at all. i have more respect for atheists than spirtualfags.

spirituality is for the weak. for females and faggots. either believe in a real religion or don't believe in one at all. i have more respect for atheists than spirtualfags.

You genuinely call someone gay then link a family guy video
im to ugly for that
One heroic dose of psilocybin gave me more spiritual insight than any book I've read. To simply think is vain, since our mind is a mere result of impulses based on stimuli to your brain.

To connect with your true plain of existence you need to experience it. The self is merely grammatical, human consciousness does not exist, it is purely based on...can you guess it? Experiences.

If you think a certain way because you read it in a book, that's not a true step in your journey. In the end, that's what life is about, discovering yourself through your experiences, hence why everyone is different, thus dwelling on past conclusions from other people's paths is a pure waste of your time in this planet.
One heroic dose of psilocybin gave me more spiritual insight than any book I've read. To simply think is vain, since our mind is a mere result of impulses based on stimuli to your brain.

To connect with your true plain of existence you need to experience it. The self is merely grammatical, human consciousness does not exist, it is purely based on...can you guess it? Experiences.

If you think a certain way because you read it in a book, that's not a true step in your journey. In the end, that's what life is about, discovering yourself through your experiences, hence why everyone is different, thus dwelling on past conclusions from other people's paths is a pure waste of your time in this planet.
Drugs just prove that your mind will take the form of a substance placed in your bloodstream, not really “eye opening” in the right ways. Yes people experience oneness and feel like god, but that’s the effect of the drugs. Spiritual reasoning comes from knowing what to do with you body you have permanently.

Learning from someone who derives knowledge purely from drugs is a quick way to a dark spiritual path filled with half correct half completely wrong reasonings behind experiences.
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You genuinely call someone gay then link a family guy video
I've meditated every day for years and taken lots of psychedelics. It's all bullshit.
I've meditated every day for years and taken lots of psychedelics. It's all bullshit.
Lol, why wouldn’t you stop after meditating for a few weeks if it didn’t work? It worked for me when I used to do it.
Lol, why wouldn’t you stop after meditating for a few weeks if it didn’t work? It worked for me when I used to do it.

Well, I know that it takes longer than a few weeks for a lot of stuff to work. But I'm not saying meditation doesn't work. I'm just saying spirituality is bogus.
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Well, I know that it takes longer than a few weeks for a lot of stuff to work. But I'm not saying meditation doesn't work. I'm just saying spirituality is bogus.
Yeah I agree, I don’t believe in god like at all, I used to for awhile and then realized it’s bs through more thinking and contemplation. Way way happier not believing in god also btw, seemed cool and exciting at first but it’s actually bad for the mind and your happiness eventually. It messed with my head believing a bunch of spiritual sus.
Drugs just prove that your mind will take the form of a substance placed in your bloodstream, not really “eye opening” in the right ways. Yes people experience oneness and feel like god, but that’s the effect of the drugs. Spiritual reasoning comes from knowing what to do with you body you have permanently.
That is exactly my point. The mind, being so malleable, loses all status as a "real" entity. If taking a random poison developed by a fungus through evolution gives me intense visions of a realm to us unknown, can we really care about anything else the mind sees and feels? "We" don't even exist, after all.
Learning from someone who derives knowledge purely from drugs is a quick way to a dark spiritual path filled with half correct half completely wrong reasonings behind experiences.
I don't think there are any "wrong" reasonings behind experiences, any belief you hold to be true will have its own value within, since the real development stems from the experience itself.

Mr.Robot is a great show btw
That is exactly my point. The mind, being so malleable, loses all status as a "real" entity.
No the mind is malleable but it’s very real. The conjunction between this “malleable” substance and matter is what makes up your mind. It doesn’t make it not real it’s just another substance. All you did with drugs is prove that this malleable substance exists and will take on a form that you give it.
If taking a random poison developed by a fungus through evolution gives me intense visions of a realm to us unknown, can we really care about anything else the mind sees and feels? "We" don't even exist, after all.
No we still exist. We exist as the conjunction between the malleable substance and the fungus. How does this prove you don’t exist exactly? Because you can evolve and change when subject to a random poison?
I don't think there are any "wrong" reasonings behind experiences, any belief you hold to be true will have its own value within, since the real development stems from the experience itself.
Anything you believe will be taken on by this malleable substance, so if you believe the world is flat this substance will look for things that prove this. But the substance itself is real and the things it is attracted to.
Mr.Robot is a great show btw
Super high iq show too. One of my favourites. The boys is good too if you want to take a break from thinking and just watch some good content ahha.
No the mind is malleable but it’s very real. The conjunction between this “malleable” substance and matter is what makes up your mind. It doesn’t make it not real it’s just another substance. All you did with drugs is prove that this malleable substance exists and will take on a form that you give it.

No we still exist. We exist as the conjunction between the malleable substance and the fungus. How does this prove you don’t exist exactly? Because you can evolve and change when subject to a random poison?
The fact that it's so malleable proves how unreliable it is to trust anything we feel, kinda like the evil demon theory. If taking one substance "unlocks" unreal realms of thought, then who's to say our normal plain of conscience isn't false as well? I apologise if this sounds incoherent but this type of experience is hard to put into words.

Since our mind is simply a product of stimuli, and considering it's also capable of producing false stimuli, either by mistake or by design, then how can we really say our thoughts are real, or even "ours"?
Super high iq show too. One of my favourites. The boys is good too if you want to take a break from thinking and just watch some good content ahha.
Ending got me geeked for a few minutes, I'm rewatching it currently and it feels like a different show, so much foreshadowing.
Spirituality is hindu dindu scam.
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