Anyone got results from jelqing?


Deleted member 1100

Feb 23, 2019
How many inches did you gain? How long? What was your routine?
oh au ouh ah ah ouch oh oh ah peepee hurt
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17cm to 18 cm in 2 months, didnt try for girth, It was tilted to the left Its more straight now(side jelq). Didnt do them every day using coconut oil and olive oil, it helps with hair growth applied overnight it may as well help with dong (broscience dont trust it) but even if it doesnt it helps with lubrication
working out your dick sucks men. im scared of fucking it up and i end up jerking it everytime after i jelq

also its hard to maintain 70% hardness (they recommend it) when it feels good
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I remember someone recently making a thread on how he got great results from it, not sure who though.
17cm to 18 cm in 2 months, didnt try for girth, It was tilted to the left Its more straight now(side jelq). Didnt do them every day using coconut oil and olive oil, it helps with hair growth applied overnight it may as well help with dong (broscience dont trust it) but even if it doesnt it helps with lubrication

Are you sure you measured from the same spot? 1cm in 2 months would be a dream for me tbh
I use baby oil tbh. Using coconut oil for my hair only
I remember someone recently making a thread on how he got great results from it, not sure who though.

Do you remember how was the title more or less?
Are you sure you measured from the same spot? 1cm in 2 months would be a dream for me tbh
I use baby oil tbh. Using coconut oil for my hair only

Do you remember how was the title more or less?
same time of day(morning), same type of measuring technique. I do jelq untill it hurts tho, thinking stretching will be more intense. some veins started poping out on purple part, stopped bcoz got scared
Lmao 1 cm? That could literally you measuring wrong jfl @ this cope
same time of day(morning), same type of measuring technique. I do jelq untill it hurts tho, thinking stretching will be more intense. some veins started poping out on purple part, stopped bcoz got scared

Lol, I already injured mine 3 times. First it completely shut down and I was unable to get an erection for 1-2 hours, I legit thought I'd fucked up everything and wouldn't be able to get an erection anymore. Second time got thrombosis near the head (I still have but it only appears if I force too much while jelqing, it only goes away after months, legit dead vein). Last time got a bit of bruise.

I've just researched more and apparently the first gains come from stretching the suspensories ligaments, I thought it was just about stretching the dick. I'll slowly add BTC Stretch to my routine, being as careful as possible to not fuck things up.

You only did normal stretches?
Lmao 1 cm? That could literally you measuring wrong jfl @ this cope

On the same conditions, hardly, 5mm, sure, but one full cm of deviation without noticing it is almost impossible
Lol, I already injured mine 3 times. First it completely shut down and I was unable to get an erection for 1-2 hours, I legit thought I'd fucked up everything and wouldn't be able to get an erection anymore. Second time got thrombosis near the head (I still have but it only appears if I force too much while jelqing, it only goes away after months, legit dead vein). Last time got a bit of bruise.

I've just researched more and apparently the first gains come from stretching the suspensories ligaments, I thought it was just about stretching the dick. I'll slowly add BTC Stretch to my routine, being as careful as possible to not fuck things up.

You only did normal stretches?
I did only side jelqinq (dunno about proper stuff but i Just tried to streth it more to the right) Never had issues with girth, I have 14.5 and can safely say that is too much for smaller girls, thinking that if you are around 25+ it may help to get it bigger. be aware that too big of penis takes too much blood out of the brain and can cause headaches or even blackouts
how do you nkow if you are 80 percent erect?
how do you nkow if you are 80 percent erect?

If my dick is almost as big as when it's in full erection but it's hanging down I assume it's around 80%
honestly how do you jelq
can you send me ur routine?

Now I'll start doing:

5 minutes warm up (get a big cup with warm water and shove your dick in it, way better than having warm cloth to warm up, it's annoying af)
60 jelqs (Because of the injures that I had, especially the thrombosis vein I had to drop the numbers and build slowly my way up back to +200)
5 minutes BTC stretch (non-consecutive in the beginning to not fuck things up, and going up till 15min in 2-3 months)
20-30 seconds of normal penis stretches throughout the day (This is what makes my thrombosis vein pop up, so I can't do a whole session of normal stretches otherwise I'll have to rest for days for that shit to "fade away", it will only really fade away after months)
5 minutes warm down (aka, cold shower because I'm not bothered to shove my dick on warm water again)

5-6 times a week (I recommend doing small sessions every day tbh, easier to become a habit and to adapt. Start doing 40 jelqs + 5 minutes on the first week, and go increasing slowly every week, 60 on the next week + 6 minutes... this will avoid you getting injures that will make you stop for two weeks and have to start everything again from ground zero)
honestly how do you jelq
No bro only angry white men jelq
gained about .8 inches after doing it for a year
my method is top secret tho
probably gained some mm, not sure if it was real gains or just improved my erection quality

lost them now, will probably go back to just stretching alone, using lube everytime to jelq is annoying af
If it really worked all that well, we'd all know by now. I'm sure it works to some degree, but probably doesn't add all that much length. Not worth mutilating your dick over unless it's micro size.
Why fix your dick when your face is holding you back
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