Anyone taken a Bootcamp with or have dirt on pua, EVolution daily?

in a nutshell:buy my shit or be a loser forever and your genes will die.:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

seems like such a great caring coach.
nothing is worse than a ugly and delusional man

jesus christ he has no shame..

im fuck dead :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

just look at the title.
wtf does this have to do with looksmaxxing you fucking cuck
Bump this @Just inject .
muh reply was good, long time ago.
I don't have time/interest to go watch all those type of videos.

Any pua, dismissing looks importance, or downplaying it alot. I disagree by default. Pua's saying, game is more important then Looks, I call BS.

Being low inhib, is important as well. But being low inhib, is easier when you know you looks good/hot. Because low inhib, is eaiser when you get positive feedback loop, which happens when you look good.

For the rest. What is important enough to consider, besides looks:
1. Status (that dude also used that in video 1, where being in front of camera and saying know youtuber = status).
2. Money/wealth (that can help, in a beta buxxing type of way)
3. free-time & numbers-game. If always busy working, not having time to meet women, will deminish. Meeting enough new women is legit also. If you have like a 3% success-rate with women. If you only meet 30 new women per year, you will only have 1 new woman lay per year. If you meet 300 new women per year, you will have 9 new women lays per year.
4. Locationmaxxing (dude also does that, being in Colombia). If you life in Hilbilly-town of 3000 people; it's going to be hard. If the gender ratio is scewed (more young mone then young women) it's going to be hard. So location, matters alot also imo. Quantity and quality wise. In a way ist's also part of the numbers-game concept
5. Being social enough, low inhib enough. To meet enough new women, and having some convo skills. Basically part of the numbers-game concept, of being able to meet enough new women. Also being low inhib enough, to make things sexual helps. Don't wanna be only friendzone - social dude.

All the rest, is likely cope.
Those pua always over-analysing "what to say", is imo dumb shit. A women knows within seconds, if your are bangeable or not-bangeable.

Final note.
Each PUA, comes from the stand-point of what he experienced so far in his life. His life experience. I would factor that in, in the advice they give. Plenty PUA, that have success, can be oblivious to the reason of their success.
Like this dude. Model tier looks. Advises dudes, to not persue women, because women will chase you. Well, that is his life experience. But he is oblivious to the fact, that woman will chase him because he has almost model tier looks. While no woman will go chase after some normie looking dude, because it's dime a dosen for her:

Imagine, being this (normie-range) looking dude. And not "chasing" women. How much of a dating life will he have??

Now this PUA dude. Brenth Smith. When he is not "chasing" women. How much of a dating life will he have??

If even considering, following dating advise from a PUA maybe.
1. Pick a pua coach.; at your ow looks level;
2. Pick a PUA coach; that is coming from a similar Location/Culture/environment.
Becasue their advice, will be colored by that ALOT. And most don't even realize it.

He should call this the incel summit.

He barley posts anymore, and is losing subs:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
Still self promoting your shitty channel,noone cares cunt piss off.

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