appeal of kpop proves that women dont care about dick size

Unless you're on the extreme ends of dick - too big or too small, you'll be fine
it's good to know you are redpilled on this stuff bro. I try to help religious guys out and show them the truth, but many think I am lying or some shit lol. Even on tiktok everyday I see muslim girls crying about their ex and shit.

Just makes me mad thinking how much suffering I went through balancing the morality of my actions with Islam and how much shit I went through trying to figure out what was right or wrong. In the end I made a decision which was painful, but I don't regret since I no longer live a lie.

These hoejabis on the other hand, they don't care about islam. They don't feel guilt, they don't feel anything, they never had that fucking pain of trying to balance shit, or the pain of growing less religious (I was V religious before). I had realised that at that point, these hoejabis disrespect islam more than me. I only left because I thought it was shameful I was going to claim muslim all the while doing haram shit. These people don't care and will happily tarnish the name of the religion
yeah im glad i know about this shit because otherwise id be deluding myself all along, like i always tried to look for the best in people but i realize its a futile exercise. yeah i know why they think youre lying, its cuz they cant accept reality. fuck em if they dont wanna listen lol. you should keep sending me those tiktok on islamic bitches crying bout their exes, would love to see it.

yeah youre right about those bitches man, definitely. i understand why you left islam for that reason but tbh you could have stuck to it, at the end of the day its all about your intentions. name of islam has already been ruined in the west
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yeah im glad i know about this shit because otherwise id be deluding myself all along, like i always tried to look for the best in people but i realize its a futile exercise. yeah i know why they think youre lying, its cuz they cant accept reality. fuck em if they dont wanna listen lol. you should keep sending me those tiktok on islamic bitches crying bout their exes, would love to see it.

yeah youre right about those bitches man, definitely. i understand why you left islam for that reason but tbh you could have stuck to it, at the end of the day its all about your intentions. name of islam has already been ruined in the west
It broke me mentally man. I was going to be an imam when I was younger, went to mosque every weekend, and would pray so often. Once I saw this shit, it fucking broke me. These very people were the people judging me, telling me what to do, giving me shit 24/7. I got tired of it and snapped.

I see so much shit like this daily man, I try not to be mean or evil. But something within me boils with full rage when I see how muslim men are getting abused
  • So Sad
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bhai, I'm not going to bullshit. But I did tell you before this shit would happen. Talking to girls over text is meaningless, you need to acc date them. Sounds like the classic case of betabux.

Your brother should divorce in all honesty, I'd never tolerate a woman being that rude to my family. Reminds me of my cousin's wife - cousin is a baldcel retard btw. Your brother is (no offence) most likely desperate and this is his first relationship, it's puppy-love. The rose tinted glasses will come off and he will see her for what she truly is. By then it'll be too late, they bought a house together, his finances tied to hers, etc

She's had a relationship before 100%, otherwise she'd be super attached and nice to your brother. She's not got that puppy love. OVER
yeah you did but you also said that their relationship was organic because they were dating each other before marrying but that shit was just a lie, man. she was larping hard af. her true colors came out after marrying.

yep i wholeheartedly agree, he should divorce her but hes too much in love or some weird bullshit. it pisses me off that hes more loyal to a bitch whos given him a lot of stress than his own parents. seriously man, if i had a wife and she disrespected my family like that i would have divorced her immediately. i will not allow that shit but hey im not interested in relationships now. and im low-key glad i got rejected by the girl i liked because well shes also from the west and although stricter than most, ive noticed all islamic women in the west have the same mentality.

i asked my brother if she was a virgin or not before they met and he said she says she was a virgin and she lost it to him and that he is her sexual partner only. i asked how do you know this? and he said because he asked her. he said he believes her. he said she is proud of maintaining her virginity until marriage. but what puzzles me is when we were out in the streets once, she looked random dudes straight in the eye? not with feelings of lust or anything. but you expect a degree of shyness from women, even if they only had 1 sexual partner. plus my brother said she was tight when they had sex. but i dont want to falsely accuse her but personally i dont believe my brother is her first sexual partner because like you say, shes the opposite of attached (threatened to divorce four months into the marriage because my brother didnt have a house and didnt give her money despite taking her to hotels and whatnot and even on a vacation. a vacation she initially had paid for but then she said that her mother said not to do that because my brother did nothing for her so my brother ended up having to pay for the birthday gift that she was gonna give him. fucking cunts, man)
  • +1
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It broke me mentally man. I was going to be an imam when I was younger, went to mosque every weekend, and would pray so often. Once I saw this shit, it fucking broke me. These very people were the people judging me, telling me what to do, giving me shit 24/7. I got tired of it and snapped.

I see so much shit like this daily man, I try not to be mean or evil. But something within me boils with full rage when I see how muslim men are getting abused
i understand where you are coming from and i completely sympathize with you, that sounds awful but i can relate a hundred percent to feeling disheartened by the actions of your peers. honestly i would have become an atheist too if i only had to look at the community but i know that shit in the end does not matter because as long as i dont do the shit they do then thats fine. its hard af to do but you can do it. islam isnt represented by the people following it. thats why terms like "extreme islam" or "moderate islam" or "liberal islam" are all copes, theres only 1 islam, no matter what its followers do or say.
  • +1
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yeah you did but you also said that their relationship was organic because they were dating each other before marrying but that shit was just a lie, man. she was larping hard af. her true colors came out after marrying.

yep i wholeheartedly agree, he should divorce her but hes too much in love or some weird bullshit. it pisses me off that hes more loyal to a bitch whos given him a lot of stress than his own parents. seriously man, if i had a wife and she disrespected my family like that i would have divorced her immediately. i will not allow that shit but hey im not interested in relationships now. and im low-key glad i got rejected by the girl i liked because well shes also from the west and although stricter than most, ive noticed all islamic women in the west have the same mentality.

i asked my brother if she was a virgin or not before they met and he said she says she was a virgin and she lost it to him and that he is her sexual partner only. i asked how do you know this? and he said because he asked her. he said he believes her. he said she is proud of maintaining her virginity until marriage. but what puzzles me is when we were out in the streets once, she looked random dudes straight in the eye? not with feelings of lust or anything. but you expect a degree of shyness from women, even if they only had 1 sexual partner. plus my brother said she was tight when they had sex. but i dont want to falsely accuse her but personally i dont believe my brother is her first sexual partner because like you say, shes the opposite of attached (threatened to divorce four months into the marriage because my brother didnt have a house and didnt give her money despite taking her to hotels and whatnot and even on a vacation. a vacation she initially had paid for but then she said that her mother said not to do that because my brother did nothing for her so my brother ended up having to pay for the birthday gift that she was gonna give him. fucking cunts, man)
I said it was organic because you were describing it in a way that it sounded like it. My initial hunch was true I guess.

If she didn't bleed during their first sexual encounter, she's not a virgin. Being tight means nothing. She 100% isn't a virgin trust me, she just sees your brother as a walking ATM and not a partner.
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if she was hot yeah but she aint shit, she is just ok looking, plus her skin complexion is disgusting, she has darker spots on her face, its gross
Over, that seems gross
  • +1
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Unless you're on the extreme ends of dick - too big or too small, you'll be fine
average size to above average size (slightly) is ideal
i understand where you are coming from and i completely sympathize with you, that sounds awful but i can relate a hundred percent to feeling disheartened by the actions of your peers. honestly i would have become an atheist too if i only had to look at the community but i know that shit in the end does not matter because as long as i dont do the shit they do then thats fine. its hard af to do but you can do it. islam isnt represented by the people following it. thats why terms like "extreme islam" or "moderate islam" or "liberal islam" are all copes, theres only 1 islam, no matter what its followers do or say.
Yeah man, I try to tell other muslims my struggles and they think I am some sort of liar. You are right bro, there is only 1 islam
  • +1
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I said it was organic because you were describing it in a way that it sounded like it. My initial hunch was true I guess.

If she didn't bleed during their first sexual encounter, she's not a virgin. Being tight means nothing. She 100% isn't a virgin trust me, she just sees your brother as a walking ATM and not a partner.
yeah but people say that bleeding isnt indicator of losing virginity, and i think thats true. besides even a whore can bleed during sex if you dont prep her up enough, so women can fool guys into thinking theyre virgins just cuz theres some blood coming from their pussy lol. and yes being tight means nothing, i agree. i didnt wanna say it to him though. after a period of not having sex it can go back to being tight. plus some bitches are naturally tight. i agree she sees him more as an atm. my brother earns 1500 a month and he spent 2000 in one month. she recently became an aunt and basically got my brother to give 500 euros to his brother in law, thats 1/3rd of his loan and yet she complained that he was being greedy. audacity of the cunt i swear.
  • +1
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Yeah man, I try to tell other muslims my struggles and they think I am some sort of liar. You are right bro, there is only 1 islam
they call you a liar because they dont want their bubbles burst. if they knew how things were really like theyd probably rope or become atheist too. and im glad you agree with what i said brother. im sure others would have coped with that. btw im gonna read your thread now, the one you tagged me in, and then im gonna write my thread and tag you.
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yeah but people say that bleeding isnt indicator of losing virginity, and i think thats true. besides even a whore can bleed during sex if you dont prep her up enough, so women can fool guys into thinking theyre virgins just cuz theres some blood coming from their pussy lol. and yes being tight means nothing, i agree. i didnt wanna say it to him though. after a period of not having sex it can go back to being tight. plus some bitches are naturally tight. i agree she sees him more as an atm. my brother earns 1500 a month and he spent 2000 in one month. she recently became an aunt and basically got my brother to give 500 euros to his brother in law, thats 1/3rd of his loan and yet she complained that he was being greedy. audacity of the cunt i swear.
That's so fucked up man, your brother is too bluepilled at this point. He shouldn't ruin his finances for a woman, if she liked him, she'd not do this shit to him. Ffs, reading your story makes me feel bad man. I grew up poor too so I know what money struggle is like. Fuck that bitch
they call you a liar because they dont want their bubbles burst. if they knew how things were really like theyd probably rope or become atheist too. and im glad you agree with what i said brother. im sure others would have coped with that. btw im gonna read your thread now, the one you tagged me in, and then im gonna write my thread and tag you.
Ofc man, I still think there is 1 islam and shit. And yeah man will be good reading yours
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  • JFL
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That's so fucked up man, your brother is too bluepilled at this point. He shouldn't ruin his finances for a woman, if she liked him, she'd not do this shit to him. Ffs, reading your story makes me feel bad man. I grew up poor too so I know what money struggle is like. Fuck that bitch

Ofc man, I still think there is 1 islam and shit. And yeah man will be good reading yours
yes its def beyond fucked up and i think its also his own fault. and youre right, my mother even took money from me to give it to my brothers wife like for eid and stuff, without my permission. i obviously have said no if asked lol. yeah shes a cunt. everyone i told her about says what a cunt she is. my female friend even said she understands now why women in pakistan get acid attacked :feelskek:
  • JFL
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  • Woah
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basically she has a toxic attitude towards my parents, threatened my brother with a divorce early on in the marriage (4 months in) which made him feel hopeless (she wanted to move in together but in amsterdam and not in rotterdam) but my brother finally found a house and recently moved in like three weeks ago and she tries to stop him from visiting us, plus my brother gave my mother the spare keys to their house and his wife was bitching about this, told my brother she doesnt trust my mom with the keys if they go on their third honeymoon this year, they already went to two different countries since getting married and yet she pretends she hasnt had a honeymoon yet. claims to want to keep her marriage islamically only yet she incorporates the honeymoon concept even though islam does not have such a thing. she also refused to partake in a cultural tradition even though she said she would at first, then changed her mind to "as long as its not a hindu tradition", found out it wasnt then i told my brother to tell her and she said i will not do it. fucking hypocrite. she also didnt want to sleep over at our house even though my mother really wanted it. she emotionally blackmailed my brother a few times. she says my parents are greedy because they couldnt contribute to their house much. which is fucking stupid because we live off of one income only while she has three incomes; her mothers, her fathers and her brothers. her parents are divorced. her mom is a fuckin bitch too. i once baked a cake and then after she tasted it she said "my daughter does it better" like no shit you little gremlin cunt, she has more experience. my brother's wife also falsely accused my mother of not making breakfast for two when she came over once with her mother but only one which was my brother's mother-in-law which is false because my mother made breakfast for two. then my mother was taken aback from hearing that so she called her mother and then she said "you didnt make breakfast for my daughter" fucking lying cunts. she also argues a lot with my brother over text over dumb shit. my brother told me she cried last week because she felt alone when my brother was visiting us but the bitch herself is the one who decides not to tag along when my brother visits. even my parents are unhappy with her but they say my brothers happiness is important to them so they dont mind if they are treated like shit by their daugher-in-law as long as she makes their son happy. and i think my brother is a faggot in his own right for giving more importance to his bitch of a wife whos given him a lot of stress already rather than giving importance to his parents. what would you do in this situation? like he isnt even married for a year and so much drama already. theres more things to talk about but this is getting too long already. im glad im single man, not even joking. turns out a lot of islamic women are this way. id rather get my dick sucked by a woman i pay.
Fuck that whore.
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Fuck that whore.
thanks brother. i didnt even tell the worst parts. btw, i forgot to add regarding the last part; she told my brother that even if she goes to amsterdam to visit her mother that my brother should just stay at their home and not visit his parents because as a man he should be able to be alone in his own house. toxic bitch man.
K-pop is a meme. Ricecels have 0 smv and that’s without most normie girls being blackpilled on Asian dick size
Most of those girls dont know how bad a small dick feels either
Muh kpop just go outside
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