Approach test: how to test your potential



mod. Username: Lorsss
Sep 19, 2018
what is your likehood of not being rejected by a non-fat, non-deformed girl? 20 percent? 10 percent? 5 percent?
unless you are a deformed subhuman, you have a small amount of sexual market value, which is proportional to your likehood of not being rejected. This is why mismatched couples exist.


in Statistics the law of large numbers expresses that if you have a chance of 10% of not being rejected, after hitting on 100 girls, you will probably find 10 who do not reject you.

now let's talk about my situation: all the girls in my social circles are not interested in me, Tinder gives me the middle finger and I could never try a cold approach on the street like PUAs do because it does not work below 7 PSL.

my desperate attempt could consist in trying to approach girls in a club, in fact before getting blackpilled I was pretty confident and I used to approach girls there without fear, but I got always rejected. Now I look better because of looksmaxing, but I am much insicure about my appearance so i cannot approach girls anymore.

clubs are terrible places where a brutal competition between men occurs, however some things become simpler because:
> girls are often drunk and this means they have less requirements.
> all girls there are single and want to be approached (by non subhumans of course)

so this is my plan to slay a non-fat girl for the first time in my life:
> use every temporary looksmaxing method: eyebrow makeup, hollow cheeks makeup, 4cm shoe lifts with boots, blue contacts, shoulder pads
> in order to test the law of large numbers, I need to approach a large number of foids. In order to accomplish this without getting depressed after the first rejection, I need to take propanolol, a drug capable of removing 100% of your inhibitions.

if I cannot slay in this condition, I will probably retire from social life and moneymax until I can afford further surgeries
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Make threads in how

Narcyminn for all above/avarage users here and Whitemaxxx for Indians...
Probly 80-90%
Whitemaxxx for Indians...
have you already read this thread?
sincerely I don't know what surgeries can turn the indian bones into white ones, maybe a rhyno to lose the ethnic nose?
  • JFL
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Does propanolol really lower inhibition considerably ?
Does propanolol really lower inhibition considerably ?
I recently asked a bunch of top psychologists to tell me what blows their mind , and one of the responses I received really freaked me out.

According to scientific research, one psychologist told me, human fears are at least partly erasable. All it takes is a single pill.

The latest evidence of that phenomenon comes from a study published in December 2015 by researchers at the University of Amsterdam.

For the study , the researchers recruited 45 women who reported being afraid of spiders. All the women were asked to open a jar with a baby tarantula inside, touch the spider, let it walk on their bare hands, and report how frightened they felt. They were allowed to stop the procedure at any point — and none of the participants ended up getting to the point where they touched the spider.

Next, some of the women were given a pill containing the drug propranolol, while the rest were given a placebo. Propranolol is a beta-blocker, which means it blocks the hormone adrenaline. (None of the women knew what pill they were consuming.)

Four days later, all the participants returned to the lab. Some were asked to touch the tarantula again and report how frightened they felt; others weren't.

Sure enough, all the women who'd taken propranolol were able to touch the tarantula, and reported being less afraid. On the other hand, none of the women who'd taken the placebo were able to touch the spider as instructed. And the women who'd taken the propranolol without touching the spider reported being just as fearful as they were before.

The really scary part? Even one year later , these effects persisted.

In other words, propranolol plus being re-exposed to the tarantula seemed to reduce the women's fear of spiders.

That's likely because propranolol blocks a chemical in the brain that facilitates learning, meaning it disrupts the process of "memory reconsolidation," or the way a memory is stored after it's retrieved.

This study builds on previous research on rats , which found that there's a brief window of time during memory reconsolidation when memories can be altered.
  • +1
Reactions: Arkantos and 6'4 looksmaxxxer
have you already read this thread?
sincerely I don't know what surgeries can turn the indian bones into white ones, maybe a rhyno to lose the ethnic nose?
Reincarnationplasty , I heard Eppley is probably gonna start doing them soon
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: CopeAndRope, NoBodyWorld, Arkantos and 2 others
have you already read this thread?
sincerely I don't know what surgeries can turn the indian bones into white ones, maybe a rhyno to lose the ethnic nose?

Yeah i just not thought too much before making the comment (I was laughing asf because the forum is full of Indians hating themselves) whatever
I think Indians have another trait that i don't see to much in other people, that is very UEE...
Reincarnationplasty , I heard Eppley is probably gonna start doing them soon

No! that's wrong, he make first a customized shotgun implant....
  • +1
Reactions: NoBodyWorld
Yeah i just not thought too much before making the comment (I was laughing asf because the forum is full of Indians hating themselves) whatever
I think Indians have another trait that i don't see to much in other people, that is very UEE...

No! that's wrong, he make first a customized shotgun implant....
theese bollywood stars wood look white if they had a white nose.
can a rhyno give them a white nose?
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Reactions: Deleted member 2227
How are you going to apply the makeup without being spot on by foids?
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Propranolol is great for inhibition, but it's certainly not a cure-all. I still stack it with a couple drinks in order to deal with anticipation anxiety.
  • +1
Reactions: Lorsss
I've seen pics of you but what are your stats? What's your height?
what is your likehood of not being rejected by a non-fat, non-deformed girl? 20 percent? 10 percent? 5 percent?
in Statistics the law of large numbers expresses that if you have a chance of 10% of not being rejected, after hitting on 100 girls, you will probably find 10 who do not reject you.
Field tested. 10 years ago. 500+ women
It was around 10% for me, to get something toucheable off chatting up a random women during daytime. With touchable, I mean: a date, a drink, a telephone number/email/etc.. I was and am, normie tier level in face and body with good height.

I lived by the numbers-game concept, around that time.

(p.s. I wasn't so aggressive as I see nowadays on Youtube with guys chatting up random women in the daytime. Like how they go stand/jump in front of women to stop them. I was not like that, I always gave them alot of easy room to leave/continue walking their own line. I was like, If a woman doesn't feel compelled on the 1st look to stop for you,to at least give you a chance, it won't go nowhere anyways.So, I really don't understand these guys, making women stop by "jumping/standing" in front of them. It's actually much better, and good way to test her initial interest (women likely decide within seconds, if you are fuckable according to their taste) inyou, and deems you fuckable. She will stop walking and come over to you a bit even, if you ask her something in daytime.
  • +1
Reactions: Lorsss
Make threads in how

Narcyminn for all above/avarage users here and Whitemaxxx for Indians...
Nah mate. Those types pf threads are shit

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