Are any of you actually Happy/satisfied? Content with life?



Aug 29, 2018
I’m envy people who even though they are in shitty circumstances can still at least find something that brings them some sort of happiness..

I legitimately can’t think of anything like that for me
Same here bro, I'm a white, tall (6 foot), reasonably attractive guy with a good home, have slept with 4 dozen women in my life, I'm athletic (fastest in my county) and have a few grand in the bank yet I feel terrible and like shit. Maybe we are just genetically depressed, it does exist.
Why would anyone here be happy? You think happy people obsess over their looks every day?
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Same here bro, I'm a white, tall (6 foot), reasonably attractive guy with a good home, have slept with 4 dozen women in my life, I'm athletic (fastest in my county) and have a few grand in the bank yet I feel terrible and like shit. Maybe we are just genetically depressed, it does exist.

Yeah even though your life experiences are way beyond my, we still both share similar struggles
I don't like to admit it but it got so bad I went on heroin for 2 years, anything to escape my horrible mindset. Been off it now for 2 weeks, it only makes things worse in the long run.
I don't like to admit it but it got so bad I went on heroin for 2 years, anything to escape my horrible mindset. Been off it now for 2 weeks, it only makes things worse in the long run.

You're probably vitamin D deficient
some of the richest and most powerful people in the world are depressed or have committed suicide, depression leaves no one untouched
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You're probably vitamin D deficient
I will definitely look into it now you mentioned it, I actually have vitamin D supplements but was in such a defeatist mindest that I thought it was just coping behaviour to even bother consuming them. I know people are going to say i'm a idiot but thats what happened, I guess I am just going to start taking them. I think my depression is more due to how I understand and interpret life and the people around me.
Had bad depression in my early 20's. Saw a psychologist. She told me that the absolute worst cases of depression she sees are not 21 yr old guys who don't think they're getting laid enough, but in fact successful guys who reach 40/50, have it all - the car, the house, the beautiful wife and kids, the expensive vacations - and when they realize that after all that, they're still not happy, it hits them like a freight train and they become suicidal. It's the feeling that everything you strived and worked for is actually bullshit that gets them. That's why it's important to follow your dreams and don't just settle for some easy path to prosperity in a shitty job you'll end up hating. And don't just get married and have kids because you think it's the "done thing." If all that shit doesn't seem like it's for you, then don't waste your life chasing it. The saddest two words in the English language are "what if."
Why would anyone here be happy? You think happy people obsess over their looks every day?
No because they are probably already happy due to being good looking. Its like idiots on the internet saying incels are virgins because they hate women and have negative attitudes. They are like that because they have no success with women, not the other way round.
Same here bro, I'm a white, tall (6 foot), reasonably attractive guy with a good home, have slept with 4 dozen women in my life, I'm athletic (fastest in my county) and have a few grand in the bank yet I feel terrible and like shit. Maybe we are just genetically depressed, it does exist.
I think you should get your testosterone levels checked. Depression is a symptom of low T and you seem to have a good life from what you said so unless there's something else bothering you I will assume it's genetics (low T).
The only happiness in my life comes from my waifus.

I very much doubt that most depressed people lead an actual healthy lifestyle
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I think you should get your testosterone levels checked. Depression is a symptom of low T and you seem to have a good life from what you said so unless there's something else bothering you I will assume it's genetics (low T).
will defo get T levels checked, but I have a high sex drive and stay lean easy so I don't think its low tbh
No man, I'm closer to suicide/ER
Maybe we are just genetically depressed, it does exist.
I feel like it's mindset too. I used to be depressed a lot despite great life, but sometimes I still feel depressed every once in a while
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tbh I feel like eating beans and rice but here in proud india we only eat tikka masala with peas pulao and mango chutney
Same here bro, I'm a white, tall (6 foot), reasonably attractive guy with a good home, have slept with 4 dozen women in my life, I'm athletic (fastest in my county) and have a few grand in the bank yet I feel terrible and like shit. Maybe we are just genetically depressed, it does exist.

Go see a psychologist you might have untreated psychopathology this isn't normal. Do a medical check up just in case too as other posters suggested could be some form of biological imbalance.

I don't like to admit it but it got so bad I went on heroin for 2 years, anything to escape my horrible mindset. Been off it now for 2 weeks, it only makes things worse in the long run.

Yeah you need help bro if you felt the compelled to escape your mental state through substances such as heroin.

PM if you have questions or would like to share some stuff with someone, I am an avid reader of anything relating to psychotherapy, went to therapy twice and I am blackpilled.
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I’m be honest here guys I was coming down from uppers and was losing my mind :feelspanties:
No, I hate myself and my life.
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No, every time I accomplish something I think about what I don't have and how others are better than me. I don't think I'll ever be happy.
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Well, more or less

I mean I'm satisfied with myself in a way I don't feel like "fuck me, I'm better off shotguning myself" because if it was the case then I would have already done so. But I need to be better. I push myself to work more, to get rid of this fucking gut, to hardmew so I grow a chin, to be fucking better than as many people as possible. If there's room for improvement, I will never be satisfied, which is a good thing because it shows determination and aptitude.

Also maybe a lot of people here feel depressed because they are going their own "blackpill destroyed me phase", phase which you all need to get over actively
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I am as experienced in life as the average 12 year old.
I have failed to reach the most basic milestones.
I’m pretty fucking depressed sometimes but my family just laugh it off. I think it’s something only blackpilled people will understand but then again if you’re purpose in life is to improve only your looks then you’ll never be at peace with your mind
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Go see a psychologist you might have untreated psychopathology this isn't normal. Do a medical check up just in case too as other posters suggested could be some form of biological imbalance.

Yeah you need help bro if you felt the compelled to escape your mental state through substances such as heroin.

PM if you have questions or would like to share some stuff with someone, I am an avid reader of anything relating to psychotherapy, went to therapy twice and I am blackpilled.
Thanks bro for the support. As someone mentioned before in reply to my statement, there are other things that are bothering me despite certain aspects of my life being pretty awesome. When I was 23 I had a particularly traumatic and humiliating experience which was so bad I don't even want to describe it (I wasn't raped or beaten up, it was something else, just in case your wondering). I guess we all have skeletons in our closet, and I intend on moving away from my current location to get away from all the negative associations/memories of the experience a couple of years down the road. My dad is also in prison for murder I should add, but he is coming out soon (4 years) which should elevate my mindset no doubt, but when you have to look after yourself from the age of 17 up until now (im 30) it does tend to take its toll on the mindset. Cheers anyway for your concern, thats what this site should be about, helping and supporting one another to reach our goals throughout strife and various issues.
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I feel like it's mindset too. I used to be depressed a lot despite great life, but sometimes I still feel depressed every once in a while
every day* no need to lie :feelsrope:
Ever since I stopped browsing these lookism sites I started to feel better.

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