Are autistic or NT foids more Chad-hungry?

Are autistic or NT foids more Chad-hungry?

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Jun 11, 2021
Title. By Chad I mean someone with a PSL Chad (or high Chadlite) face.
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autistic foids are all chad chasing femcels
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@nathan @noobs @Iblamebloat4 why autistic foids?

@Enfant terrible @spdxer @virgin @vampmaxxer @noonespecial why NT foids?
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@lowtiernormiechad why NT
@Klasik616 why NT
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@Whatever why non-NT non autistic?
@nathan @noobs @Iblamebloat4 why autistic foids?

@Enfant terrible @spdxer @virgin @vampmaxxer @noonespecial why NT foids?
non nt women are rarer and alot of the times very weird sexually
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Reactions: BeanletMogger
non nt they spend more time indoors looking at chads. Also the lower the social standing of a women the more she wants chad.
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Reactions: BeanletMogger, twojei and rand anon
@Klasik616 why NT
Autistic foids desire but NT foids gets Chads easier because they have social circles and they get to fuck the good looking guys
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@nathan @noobs @Iblamebloat4 why autistic foids?

@Enfant terrible @spdxer @virgin @vampmaxxer @noonespecial why NT foids?
the autistic foids i know are way more hypergamous
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Reactions: BeanletMogger and Xangsane
non nt they spend more time indoors looking at chads.
Also the lower the social standing of a women the more she wants chad.
WDYM by low social standing and why?
Autistic foids desire but NT foids gets Chads easier because they have social circles and they get to fuck the good looking guys
Weird thing is that most NT social circles are 99% MTN-
nt foids are more outgoing and they're exposed to htn+ cock more often so they will be more hypergamous
and what about autistic foids
the autistic foids i know are way more hypergamous
In what way?
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Reactions: lowtiernormiechad and heightmaxxing
WDYM by low social standing and why?
Women care a lot about getting attention from other women. Autistic women might have more struggles fitting in so gets chad to compensate and make her self look high vaule
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  • Hmm...
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They all desire chads in the same measure from the moment they began to breathe into this existence..

  • Hmm...
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Women care a lot about getting attention from other women. Autistic women might have more struggles fitting in so gets chad to compensate and make her self look high vaule
Is that why they're more likely to be found on .com like that madison beer looking foid who admits she only wants chad?
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WDYM by low social standing and why?

Weird thing is that most NT social circles are 99% MTN-

and what about autistic foids

In what way?
this is cognitive behavioral therapy

i think since autistic people arent as easily distorted by emotional and social ques they see what really matters
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Reactions: Xangsane
this is cognitive behavioral therapy

i think since autistic people arent as easily distorted by emotional and social ques they what really matters
And they're more likely to be looking and analyzing model tier faces like that madison beer looking foid on .com?
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@sickdawgie why autistic
@sickdawgie why autistic
they are more analytical and self important it's decieving because they are more likely to have our interests video games etc, but they are full of themselves
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they are more analytical and self important it's decieving because they are more likely to have our interests video games etc, but they are full of themselves
are they or NT foids more likely to LTR a chad?
@rand anon Why?
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@twojei why autistic?
I guess because they may be more aware of male dynamics or shit?
Yes that is what I was thinking, you worded it well. NT foids are more likely to just live life, fall in love BE emotional. Autism makes u kinda less emotional right so point proven
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Reactions: Xangsane and Whatever
@rand anon Why?
Idk how NT is even winning the poll, it's def autistic foids. All the terminally online foids in blackpill and pinkpill spaces are autistic af and obsessed with chad

you mentioned Madison Beer in the thread, she's tera NT. Look at her "type", all oofy doofies and medium uglies :feelskek:
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Autistic foids are all waiting for a chad that doesn’t exist and they get the ick extremely easily. They stay single forever and die alone.
  • JFL
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Yes that is what I was thinking, you worded it well. NT foids are more likely to just live life, fall in love BE emotional.
IMO more NT foids fuck around even with NT normies then settle with some betabuxxer at the end. I believe autistic women are more likely to be chad hungry.
Autism makes u kinda less emotional right so point proven
I knew this one foid who was HTN but somehow ended with a high tier Chadlite boyfriend.
She wasn't NT.
My wife isn't the most NT either and she did say she had specific pheno/looks preferences in men
Agreed with them being less emotional. I mean most foids are Feeling types in MBTI (probably skews more Thinking for autistic foids) @chaddyboi66
Because autistic women have no filters of any kind, so they express more strongly their innate nature, which is obviously to want a chad.
And do you think since they might know male dynamics better they might be more manipulative to get chad?
Idk how NT is even winning the poll, it's def autistic foids.
That's what I think too, but I think a lot of people are again thinking about frat jocks who are usually bulky HTNs rather than legit Chads. What do you think?
All the terminally online foids in blackpill and pinkpill spaces are autistic af and obsessed with chad
and do you think they or NT foids are more likely to LTR chad and why?
you mentioned Madison Beer in the thread, she's tera NT. Look at her "type", all oofy doofies and medium uglies :feelskek:
I know, but I'm referring to a .com user who looks like Madison Beer
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Reactions: rand anon and chaddyboi66
Autistic foids are all waiting for a chad that doesn’t exist and they get the ick extremely easily.
Why do you think they get the ick much more easily than NT foids?
They stay single forever and die alone.
See this
IMO more NT foids fuck around even with NT normies then settle with some betabuxxer at the end. I believe autistic women are more likely to be chad hungry.

I knew this one foid who was HTN but somehow ended with a high tier Chadlite boyfriend.
She wasn't NT.
My wife isn't the most NT either and she did say she had specific pheno/looks preferences in men
Agreed with them being less emotional. I mean most foids are Feeling types in MBTI (probably skews more Thinking for autistic foids) @chaddyboi66
Autistic foids are all waiting for a chad that doesn’t exist and they get the ick extremely easily. They stay single forever and die alone.
Yes that is what I was thinking, you worded it well. NT foids are more likely to just live life, fall in love BE emotional. Autism makes u kinda less emotional right so point proven
Idk how NT is even winning the poll, it's def autistic foids. All the terminally online foids in blackpill and pinkpill spaces are autistic af and obsessed with chad

you mentioned Madison Beer in the thread, she's tera NT. Look at her "type", all oofy doofies and medium uglies :feelskek:
I also remember patrickbatman111 on TikTok who photoshopped her face onto a woman in a bride dress holding Francisco Lachowski's hand (she is a blackpill tiktoker)
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Women care a lot about getting attention from other women. Autistic women might have more struggles fitting in so gets chad to compensate and make her self look high vaule
I also remember patrickbatman111 on TikTok who photoshopped her face onto a woman in a bride dress holding Francisco Lachowski's hand (she is a blackpill tiktoker)
  • JFL
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And do you think since they might know male dynamics better they might be more manipulative to get chad?
To be honest, it's hard to say, but I think since autism makes people hate playing social games and such, they're probably more honest and upfront with their intentions.
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To be honest, it's hard to say, but I think since autism makes people hate playing social games and such, they're probably more honest and upfront with their intentions.
That's what I think too. For some reason I get on better with non-NT foids than NT foids
I knew this one foid who was HTN but somehow ended with a high tier Chadlite boyfriend.
She wasn't NT.
My wife isn't the most NT either and she did say she had specific pheno/looks preferences in men. I was rated mid tier chadlite.
Agreed with them being less emotional. I mean most foids are Feeling types in MBTI (probably skews more Thinking for autistic foids)
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