Are autistic or NT foids more Chad-hungry?

Are autistic or NT foids more Chad-hungry?

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I also remember patrickbatman111 on TikTok who photoshopped her face onto a woman in a bride dress holding Francisco Lachowski's hand (she is a blackpill tiktoker)
i dont like woman
@Whatever why non-NT non autistic?

It’s simple, not having sex and relationships = not NT. That’s the ultimate NT min. And if it’s because of a choice, like hypergamous standardsceling, then even more so.

Because the NT thing for anyone to do is to get with their looksmatch or close enough and get on with life. NT women know this, that we’re not meant to go through life alone and women are actually even more poorly equipped to handle being a lonely standardscel than men are. And women also get nowhere near as much out of dating up based on looks as men do, NT women know this deep down and settle.

I know this full well, I know the mind of a hypergamous woman inside out and it’s not NT. My mom is not a Chad chaser, but no man has ever been good enough for her, she’s for sure non-NT and I blame my own non-NTness entirely on my parents.
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and do you think they or NT foids are more likely to LTR chad and why?
NT foids are more likely to ltr anyone, not just chad. Autist foids will just be pumped and dumped by chad
It’s simple, not having sex and relationships = not NT. That’s the ultimate NT min. And if it’s because of a choice, like hypergamous standardsceling, then even more so.

Because the NT thing for anyone to do is to get with their looksmatch or close enough and get on with life. NT women know this, that we’re not meant to go through life alone and women are actually even more poorly equipped to handle being a lonely standardscel than men are. And women also get nowhere near as much out of dating up based on looks as men do, NT women know this deep down and settle.
And non-NT women refuse to settle until they get chadlite/chad?
Now looking at it, almost all the women I knew in LTR with chadlite+ were somewhat nonNT
I know this full well, I know the mind of a hypergamous woman inside out and it’s not NT. My mom is not a Chad chaser, but no man has ever been good enough for her, she’s for sure non-NT and I blame my own non-NTness entirely on my parents.
and what looks level did your mom marry?

BTW is that fiona apple in your pfp?
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I prob should rephrase, NT foids are more likely to get into a ltr with anyone

thought you said they wanted him more
They do, but chad doesn’t want them as much as they do him, especially when he sees how aspie they are. Chad wants someone who’ll treat him good, is a good person, and someone NT that can mesh with his social circle. Autistic girls aren’t it
I prob should rephrase, NT foids are more likely to get into a ltr with anyone

They do, but chad doesn’t want them as much as they do him, especially when he sees how aspie they are. Chad wants someone who’ll treat him good, is a good person, and someone NT that can mesh with his social circle. Autistic girls aren’t it
Uh, no
Now looking at it, almost all the women I knew in LTR with chadlite+ were somewhat nonNT
Try the fuck again
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IMO more NT foids fuck around even with NT normies then settle with some betabuxxer at the end. I believe autistic women are more likely to be chad hungry.

I knew this one foid who was HTN but somehow ended with a high tier Chadlite boyfriend.
She wasn't NT.
My wife isn't the most NT either and she did say she had specific pheno/looks preferences in men
Agreed with them being less emotional. I mean most foids are Feeling types in MBTI (probably skews more Thinking for autistic foids)
@rand anon read this please
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yeah in india
Cali, so in a few yrs time def new India :feelskek::feelswhy:

@rand anon read this please
I did, guessing ur referring to ur experience as a chad. But aren’t u non NT, it makes sense that ur previous exes and Mrs. Xangsane are also non NT. I’d think most NT chads wouldn’t want an autist foid
Cali, so in a few yrs time def new India :feelskek::feelswhy:

I did, guessing ur referring to ur experience as a chad. But aren’t u non NT, it makes sense that ur previous exes and Mrs. Xangsane are also non NT. I’d think most NT chads wouldn’t want an autist foid
you're generalizing tbh, almost all the chads I knew were in LTRs with non NT foids (but not turboautist)
you're probably conflating them with tall frat HTN
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And non-NT women refuse to settle until they get chadlite/chad?
Now looking at it, almost all the women I knew in LTR with chadlite+ were somewhat nonNT

and what looks level did your mom marry?

BTW is that fiona apple in your pfp?

Yes, exactly. The refusal to settle, the willingness to miss out on sex and relationships, is completely non-NT for a woman and it makes them more non-NT the longer that they do that. And yes, I’ve known or met couples in which it’s a Chadlite+ and like a LTB or MTB and it’s just weird, the dynamic between them is weird and they have these weird vibes coming off of them. Even weirder than the other way around.

My parents were looksmatched, I’d say at least high HTN back in the day, and they’ve both aged very well. Since the divorce, my mom has had millionaires who look great for their age simping for her, but eventually blew each one off.

And yes, it’s Fiona Apple 😍

IMG 3047
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Yes, exactly. The refusal to settle, the willingness to miss out on sex and relationships, is completely non-NT for a woman and it makes them more non-NT the longer that they do that.
my wife lost her virginity at almost 27 but she's muzzie
And yes, I’ve known or met couples in which it’s a Chadlite+
Wait even a CHAD?
and like a LTB or MTB and it’s just weird, the dynamic between them is weird and they have these weird vibes coming off of them.
WDYM weird vibes, it's like
the woman only wanted Chadlite+ and he's autistic or he's not into her or?
Even weirder than the other way around.
Why would you say it's even weirder than the other way around (Stacylite/Stacy with LTN/MTN)?
My parents were looksmatched, I’d say at least high HTN back in the day, and they’ve both aged very well.
Glad to hear it.
Since the divorce, my mom has had millionaires who look great for their age simping for her, but eventually blew each one off.
In the good way or the bad way?
And yes, it’s Fiona Apple 😍

View attachment 3046287
Could tell JFL
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ETHINC LTB's And White MTB's are most Chad Chasing.
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Autist non nt girls spend all day rotting on wattpad, ao3, and random forums thirsting over tall, lean, huge dicked, perfect chads.
They're way more chad hungry on average imo
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You are so fucking brown. There is no "NT" foids, there is no "autistic" foids. ALL FOIDS ARE THE SAME AND THEY ARE ALL GIGACHADSEXUAL.
  • Hmm...
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ETHINC LTB's And White MTB's are most Chad Chasing.
Autist non nt girls spend all day rotting on wattpad, ao3, and random forums thirsting over tall, lean, huge dicked, perfect chads.
They're way more chad hungry on average imo
I mean:
MO more NT foids fuck around even with NT normies then settle with some betabuxxer at the end. I believe autistic women are more likely to be chad hungry. They’re much more autistic about their preferences and hard headed

I knew this one foid who was HTN but somehow ended with a high tier Chadlite boyfriend.
She wasn't NT.
My wife isn't the most NT either and she did say she had specific pheno/looks preferences in men.
Does this surprise you?

You are so fucking brown. There is no "NT" foids, there is no "autistic" foids. ALL FOIDS ARE THE SAME AND THEY ARE ALL GIGACHADSEXUAL.
Meme answer
They get dickmatized waay more than NT girls. An autistic engineer type could get fucked by Chad as his fwb fuck toy a few times and she’ll spend the rest of her 20’s single waiting for a guy like that to settle for her

They’re the type to cry themselves to sleep after watching anime and fucking themselves half a dozen times
I had a couple of borderline non-nt girls who were the ones who most put me on a pedestal
my wife lost her virginity at almost 27 but she's muzzie

Wait even a CHAD?

WDYM weird vibes, it's like
the woman only wanted Chadlite+ and he's autistic or he's not into her or?

Why would you say it's even weirder than the other way around (Stacylite/Stacy with LTN/MTN)?

Glad to hear it.

In the good way or the bad way?

Could tell JFL

Ya, I really don't picture Muslim women as being femcel or having ridiculous standards in a non-NT way. I picture them as having big families and a lot of support from the men in their family right up until they get married. That support can keep a young woman or really anyone in good shape mentally. It's in this gap between adolescence and marriage, usually after college in the woman's mid 20s and she's alone in a new area, is when she can turn hypergamous to the point of ending up a female rotter and becoming less NT. I picture a woman like this as living alone with not much family support, not much of a social life, just working some job and swiping left on guys on Bumble and Hinge every night. That's not NT.

For the mismatched couples I've seen, not a legit Chad, since my idea of a Chad is the full package of face, hair, height, frame, everything and I actually almost never see guys like that. But I can think of 3 recent couples I've seen where the guy was significantly better looking than the girl and they were all weird:

First was HTN 6'0" Nordic looking guy with LTB borderline subhuman SEA foid. Like below average by SEA standards. If this guy just had to run JBW, ok, but at least try to get a normal looking one, this foid had this mile long completely downwards grown horseface and just seemed so skanky. This was at the grocery store, they were behind me in line and laughing at me while I was paying. And I was like WTF, usually zoomers and zoomer couples act really respectful towards me, but only when they're looksmatched I guess.

Second was, a few months ago I was snowshoeing in the mountains. And this couple around my age came by on skis. And the guy (HTN, maybe Chadlite) stopped and we chatted for a bit about the conditions on the mountain and stuff. His girlfriend was this LTB horsefaced mouthbreather looking foid, like Mike Mew's worst nightmare, they were phenotype matched but his face was great and her's was gross. There's this pattern where girls with super compact or short faces respond really well to me, but horsefaced and even tallfaced foids have always hated me. This foid wouldn't even look at me or participate in the conversation, she just stood there staring at the ground and mouthbreathing. Come to think of it, ya, that's a very non-NT foid with a Chadlite.

The third was this couple I was riding a hotel shuttle bus with. They were a bit older and married. The guy was like 6'4" and good looking white South African and the foid was dumpy LTB. The foid was like "heeee's from South Africa" in this weird bragging tone, like she had gone off to some exotic land on a safari and came back with a trophy Chadlite. The guy just sat there staring out the window tuned out, like he was miserable, like he was either depressed or autistic.

In all of these couples, there were no PDA, no chemistry, they seemed more like 2 separate people than a happy couple. When I see the opposite, LTN or MTN with HTB or Stacylite, it's the opposite, they're PDAing in public and sometimes all over each other. Which is a big reason why I became convinced of that, it's better for the guy to date up, I just see happier couples that way, whatever it took to get there. There's also money and status, NT, low inhib to explain how a guy can date up but none of that is that important for foids, so why they're even together makes less sense.
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yes cuz look the girls who like wade wilson, low iq foid

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