Are Blacks Genetically Lower Iq Than Other Races?

You are an idiot. jfl all of your shitty points can be disproven by a baboon
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1973 and Insecure03
You know nothing about genetics , the general black population and malnourishment
i think you live in a 99% indian country tbh
just shut up,
You know nothing about genetics , the general black population and malnourishment
i think you live in a 99% indian country tbh
just shut up,
you're right maybe I read more posts on looksmax and stormfront to learn about the black population

I'm in the greatest fucking country in the world LOL @ your ethnic romanian ass for thinking I'm a curry
you're right maybe I read more posts on looksmax and stormfront to learn about the black population

I'm in the greatest fucking country in the world LOL @ your ethnic romanian ass for thinking I'm a curry
You dont know about anything
you think blacks eat chicken only but i m the stormfrontcel
you are a fucking subhuman cheto eating loser kys
  • +1
Reactions: Good_Little_Goy
You dont know about anything
you think blacks eat chicken only but i m the stormfrontcel
you are a fucking subhuman cheto eating loser kys
Imagine having the appetite to eat anything
imagine having 13k posts and still not ascending
fried chicken is trad soul food retard. stay in the east where you belong. don't bring your shit IQ to lower the average of my superior country
Imagine having the appetite to eat anything
imagine having 13k posts and still not ascending
fried chicken is trad soul food retard. stay in the east where you belong. don't bring your shit IQ to lower the average of my superior country
You are an utter retard bug eating cuck
you have literally negative iq levels you are the dumbest user ive ever met
slit ur wrists peanut headcel
your whole life is worthless
i mog you with 13k posts because you are a recessed fucking subhuman dog
  • +1
Reactions: Good_Little_Goy

At around 27:32 I did the same test and got 131. is shit lol

what does that video prove? Hikaru is a dumbass that gets raging after losing chess to online players, High IQ isn't even need to become a chess GM(proven)

I guess you live up to your name, MR africancel
  • Ugh..
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 1973, Deleted member 6273 and goat2x
what does that video prove? Hikaru is a dumbass that gets raging after losing chess to online players, High IQ isn't even need to become a chess GM(proven)

I guess you live up to your name, MR africancel
there is no way that xqc gets more than him
and some commenters
chess requires some kind of above average intelligence (if you are top)
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1973
chess requires some kind of above average intelligence (if you are top)

Hikaru did some memory tests and he was shit at it too, he is only good at remembering chess moves because that's what he has been doing all his life(3 decades)

Either way, blacks are indeed retarded, Hikaru Nakamura would probably become a god-like figure in Africa if he wanted to
  • JFL
Reactions: goat2x
You are an utter retard bug eating cuck
you have literally negative iq levels you are the dumbest user ive ever met
slit ur wrists peanut headcel
your whole life is worthless
i mog you with 13k posts because you are a recessed fucking subhuman dog
I am literally never wrong about anything.

Look at the way you post and think. Bro you're on this site 24/7. The damage done to your brain from PSL bullshit is obvious in the way you interact. There's no way the brain can ever recover from that. But I'm sure you already know you're a lost cause
I am literally never wrong about anything.

Look at the way you post and think. Bro you're on this site 24/7. The damage done to your brain from PSL bullshit is obvious in the way you interact. There's no way the brain can ever recover from that. But I'm sure you already know you're a lost cause
you are right about all blacks eating only fried chicken diet lol
you are right about all blacks growing up in bad parenthood lol
you are a fucking dumbass 9 year old user your brain has been stunted because your peers used to bully you lik ethe subhuman you are
you are right about all blacks eating only fried chicken diet lol
you are right about all blacks growing up in bad parenthood lol
you are a fucking dumbass 9 year old user your brain has been stunted because your peers used to bully you lik ethe subhuman you are
your reading comprehension is shit. tbh thats typical in a psl user: you read what you want to, you see what you want to fit into your brainwashed ideology.

blacks have a worse diet and more health problems cus of their shitty food. imagine being so stupid you can't recognize hyperbole. blacks grow up in worse households. I never said 'all' fuckface. these are just stats that represent the majority you braindead moron. stop karma whoring like a fucking redditor soyfaggot and read some actual academic literature instead of polluting your already impaired brain with more bullshit.

is ethnic bully victim your go-to? you say that in every other post. u projecting, brah?
your reading comprehension is shit. tbh thats typical in a psl user: you read what you want to, you see what want to fit into your brainwashed ideology.

blacks have a worse diet and more health problems of their shitty food. imagine being so stupid you can't recognize hyperbole. blacks grow up in worse households. I never said 'all' fuckface. these are just stats that represent the majority you braindead moron. stop karma whoring like a fucking redditor soyfaggot and read some actual academic literature instead of polluting your already impaired brain with more bullshit.

is ethnic bully victim your go-to? you say that in every other post. u projecting, brah?
dn read
kill yourself you ethnic barn dweller
stop coping with your 10 iq
or i will rape your disguisting whore mom at gunpoint
your reading comprehension is shit. tbh thats typical in a psl user: you read what you want to, you see what you want to fit into your brainwashed ideology.

blacks have a worse diet and more health problems cus of their shitty food. imagine being so stupid you can't recognize hyperbole. blacks grow up in worse households. I never said 'all' fuckface. these are just stats that represent the majority you braindead moron. stop karma whoring like a fucking redditor soyfaggot and read some actual academic literature instead of polluting your already impaired brain with more bullshit.

is ethnic bully victim your go-to? you say that in every other post. u projecting, brah?
you dont know shit about genetics
eating a little bit worse food wont cause your brain to be stunted this much
you are 10 iq
dn read
kill yourself you ethnic barn dweller
stop coping with your 10 iq
or i will rape your disguisting whore mom at gunpoint
they wouldn't let your creep ass into my chad country bruv
your chad country is getting raped by ethnic kill yourself you sissy beta male
your too far gone. you should get off a looksmaxing site and just rot on with the other truecels
your too far gone. you should get off a looksmaxing site and just rot on with the other truecels
atleast its one began for me
not like you
you have been bullied in all of your childhood because you are a truecel with a baboon iq
you are your parents worst night mare
an ugly degenerate subhuman
when you write about strangers online you're actually talking about yourself :cry:

it's never been over for me. i ascended in the 6th grade and all of high school and college

now i bang methead stacies
The argument against this is that IQ tests are culturally influenced and are not a good indicator for intelligence on a global scale.
Don't really have a strong stance on either side personally, however.
  • +1
Reactions: goat2x
when you write about strangers online you're actually talking about yourself :cry:

it's never been over for me. i ascended in the 6th grade and all of high school and college

now i bang methead stacies
you only bang your socks you disguisting self harming subhuman dog
stop acting high iq when in reality you are stunted from all the bug eating that chads told you to do
you are a submassive little bitch no suprise that your whore mom is getting raped while you cry in the corner like a fag
When you look at statistics regarding IQ and race, you always have to look out for selection bias in the study. When only the smartest people from any country go to another country they obviously will outperform the native population. You could also import the 5 smartest aboriginals to Iceland and then do an IQ study in regard to race and surprisingly enough you come to the conclusion that aboriginals are the smartest race on average (damn it can't be genetics, so it has to be that juice kangaroo meat). But why compare blacks to whites? Go to the extremes to prove the point. Let's compare aboriginals to Ashkenazi jews. 20% of all Nobel prizes have been awarded to a group of people who make up only 0.2% of the world's population (probably even less if you only count the Askenazi jews and not other jews). And those people didn't exactly have an easy history either. Now compare them to aboriginals. 29% percent of the Australian prison population is Aboriginal despite only making up for 3% percent of the population (a factor of almost 10, in the USA the factor for blacks is around 3 for comparison). The numbers would probably be even higher if they didn't treat them with kid gloves and if the law enforcement was better in those reservations). Aboriginal Kids (mostly mixed) have to write songs in which they try to tell them that sniffing on petrol isn't a good thing.

I have read somewhere that a problem in Australia is that Aboriginals sleep on the warm street during the night and therefore frequently get hit by cars (don't know if true). If someone tries to tell you that all of this is just environment he is beyond retarded.

If this was true white researchers wouldn't find Asian's & Jews the highest IQ. Multiple studies have shown IQ is the best preditctor of life success doesn't descriminate based on race.
  • +1
Reactions: Good_Little_Goy and goat2x
what does that video prove? Hikaru is a dumbass that gets raging after losing chess to online players, High IQ isn't even need to become a chess GM(proven)

I guess you live up to your name, MR africancel

what does that video prove? Hikaru is a dumbass that gets raging after losing chess to online players, High IQ isn't even need to become a chess GM(proven)

I guess you live up to your name, MR africancel

I mean high iq is not required but is an advantage if practice time is held constant much like any other cognitive skill. At least that's what makes sense intuitively.

Hikaru is ranked no. 18 in the world and has gone all the way upto no.2 it's not crazy to assume from this that he will be somewhat intelligent.
  • +1
Reactions: goat2x
you only bang your socks you disguisting self harming subhuman dog
stop acting high iq when in reality you are stunted from all the bug eating that chads told you to do
you are a submassive little bitch no suprise that your whore mom is getting raped while you cry in the corner like a fag
jfc did that actually happen to you? They made you eat bugs? The worse I've done was pull a autistic kids pants down and pin him down on an ant hill
jfc did that actually happen to you? They made you eat bugs? The worse I've done was pull a autistic kids pants down and pin him down on an ant hill
keep begging for mercy with these aspie replies
you are a bullied dog forever i am superior to you incel fucking subhuman
go er or shut the fuck up you malnourished fucking cuck
  • +1
Reactions: Good_Little_Goy
keep begging for mercy with these aspie replies
you are a bullied dog forever i am superior to you incel fucking subhuman
go er or shut the fuck up you malnourished fucking cuck
aight I'm almost convinced this entire account is a bot. are you just that much of a programmed ape?
Genetics. Thread.

We are all aware of the massive problems with racism, fascism, and so-called "race realism" these days. In order to protect people from falling into this bigoted nonsense ("muh bell curve"), I figured it would be helpful to compile a list of high-quality sources for refuting racist myths and pseudo-science. As always, the sources are listed at the end.

"White People Are the Most Intelligent!"

Over the last few decades, numerous studies have been conducted debunking the idea that there is a genetic IQ gap between whites and non-whites. We will now go over some of them.

In 1959, German biologist Klaus Eyferth published a study in the journal Vita Humana (Human Development), which studied the IQ of white and mixed-race children in post-war West Germany. The mothers were all white German women, while the fathers were white and black members of the US occupying forces. The mothers were matched for socio-economic status, and the children were tested for their IQ. The results were as follows:


As is clearly observable, this study (which is commonly known as the "Eyferth Study") found no statistically significant difference between white and mixed-race children. The majority of researchers, including James Flynn (the researcher who discovered the Flynn Effect), Richard E. Nisbett, and Nathan Brody, feel that this study supports the conclusion that racial gaps in IQ are mostly or wholly environmental in origin. However, since many "race-realists" dismiss this study on the grounds that it only included men who had qualified for military service, we should look at a number of more recent studies on the matter, to make things clearer.

One useful study was published in the journal Child Development in 1972. This experiment studied black, white, and mixed-race children raised in British long-stay residential nurseries, subjecting them to three different tests of cognitive ability. Two out of three tests found "no significant difference" between the various groups, while one test found "significantly higher" scores for non-whites. One wonders whether the racists would accept this as evidence of black superiority (I think we know the answer).

Another important study was published in the journal Developmental Psychology in 1986. The author observed that black and interracial children raised by white parents had a significantly higher mean IQ score than age-matched children raised by black parents (117 vs 104), and argued that differences in early socialization explained this gap. Nisbett et. al's 2012 review found that these differences in socialization "were large enough to account for virtually the entire Black–White gap in IQ," lending more credence to the environmental argument.

Rushton and Jensen (two leading figures of scientific racism in the USA) attempted to dispute the 1986 study by arguing that the children were surveyed before adolescence, and therefore the results were unreliable; however, subsequent research (such as this work by Richard Nisbett, published in 2009) found that there is virtually no gap in heritability between ages 7 and 17, and therefore, this argument falls apart.

An aforementioned 2012 paper by Richard Nisbett (co-authored with James Flynn and other leaders in the field), published in the American Psychologist, reviewed numerous studies conducted over the past decades, finding that the evidence "fails to support a genetic hypothesis.” The authors instead argue for an environmental explanation of the racial IQ gap.

In addition, a 2017 study in the Journal of Intelligence examined trans-racial adoptions, finding that "there is no consistent IQ difference between Black adoptees raised by Whites and White adoptees raised by Whites." This supports the "nil hypothesis" (i.e. "that adoptees of different races have similar IQs when raised in the same environment"), indicating that there is no genetic IQ gap between races.

In the book IQ and Human Intelligence, Nicholas Mackintosh of Cambridge University surveyed various studies on the topic of race and IQ (including many of those previously mentioned), finding their results to be entirely compatible with a 100% environmental explanation of racial IQ gaps, with no significant evidence found for a genetic difference.

Mackintosh's book also explores other common racialist arguments, such as old "whites have larger brains" line. He explains that there is no evidence to support a difference in IQ based on brain sizes; for example, he points out that men and women have gaps in average brain size, without an observable difference in average IQ's. This is corroborated by other experts, such as Nisbett et. al's 2012 review of the research on the topic.

A study published in the journal World Archaeology in 2006 thoroughly debunks Rushton's claim that prehistoric whites were smarter than prehistoric blacks due to evolution. As it states:

In 2005, Nisbett published an article in the journal Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, directly responding to Rushton and Jenson. He rips apart their various claims, stating that they "ignore or misinterpret most of the evidence of greatest relevance to the question of heritability of the Black-White IQ gap." Nisbett analyzes the research on race and IQ, and concludes that "the evidence most relevant to the question indicates that the genetic contribution to the Black-White IQ gap is nil."

In short, decades of research have debunked the notion that whites and non-whites have a genetic difference in intelligence.

Racial Bias and the Criminal Justice System

There is significant evidence that the criminal justice system in the United States (including, but not limited to, the police and courts) are biased against black people. To begin with, black Americans are more likely to be killed by the police while unarmed than are white people. A 2016 study from the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found the following:

A 2018 study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, found the following:

A 2020 study in the journal Social Psychology and Personality Research, which employed a "crime rate–correcting benchmark" (thus accounting for differences in crime rates), found "strong and statistically reliable anti-Black racial disparity in police killings of unarmed civilians."

Black people are more likely to be arrested than whites for crimes which both commit at similar rates. For example, a report from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) found that "Despite roughly equal usage rates, Blacks are 3.73 times more likely than whites to be arrested for marijuana."

Research has also found that non-whites receive harsher penalties than whites do for the same crimes. For example, a report from the United States Sentencing Commission found that blacks receive sentences which are, on average, 20% longer than whites for the same exact crime.

A 2011 study from the Sentencing Project has also found that only approx. 60% of the gap in racial imprisonment disparity can be explained by differing crime rates, meaning that approx. 40% is due to other factors, including racial bias.

"Non-Whites Commit More Crime Than Whites!"

Decades of research has found that, while there is a measured difference in crime rates among racial groups, this can be explained by socioeconomic factors, as well as discrimination in the criminal justice system. No compelling evidence has been found for a racial difference in crime rates when socioeconomic class is taken into account. The Oxford Handbook of Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration summarizes these points quite well.

A study published in the journal Social Forces in 1996 examined Columbus, Ohio, concluding that "differences in structural disadvantage account for black-white differences in crime across communities." In other words, the racial gap in crime rates can be explained by structural inequalities in material circumstances.

A study published in the journal Criminology in 2003 found that social and environmental differences accounted for the gap in crime rates among racial groups, not some inherent tendency among any race.

"Immigrants/Refugees Are Criminals!"

Research consistently finds that immigrants (both legal and undocumented) commit fewer crimes than native-born citizens. Even the right-wing Cato Institute has published multiple reports supporting this conclusion, as has the Sentencing Project.

The United States Census Bureau published a report confirming that native-born citizens are more likely to be convicted of a crime than immigrants (regardless of legal status). This was discussed in a 2015 report from the American Immigration Council.

The Cato Institute also published a report finding no evidence to support the claims that refugees are more likely to commit violent crime or terror attacks, noting that nobody (refugee or non-refugee) from the nations on the Trump travel ban list had ever been involved in a terror attack of any kind. Their research also concluded:

In other words, the research shows that refugees and immigrants do not commit more crime than native-born citizens.


Racism and "race realism" are cancers, which have been given an undeserved chance to reemerge in recent years. As such, it is essential that we all be well-informed on these issues, so that we may fight back against racist nonsense. Study this information carefully, and be prepared to deploy it when necessary.


  • Ugh..
Reactions: goat2x
If you think grades or the school system has anything to do with intelligence, then you're even lower iq.
If you think grades or the school system has anything to do with intelligence, then you're even lower iq.
You are an idiot
math and iq is somewhat correalted
and also i posted an iq map too
you just wanted to sound smart did you?
You are an idiot
math and iq is somewhat correalted
and also i posted an iq map too
you just wanted to sound smart did you?
Iq test is only thing that matters anything else doesn't. Math is just memorizing formulas that don't matter
  • JFL
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  • So Sad
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