are braces good?

general grievious

general grievious

Jun 29, 2023
my teeth are fucked and i wanna get braces but ive heard they can fuck up my face, is it true?????
show teeth for accurate answer.

no braces dont ruin your face, they do pull backwards tho because they put constant pressure on your face, if you dont wear them too long, they wont have any negativs.

sometimes they expand your palate before braces - thats an huge dental looksmax.

as long as you dont use elastics bands you shouldnt be worried. camouflage orthodontics does ruin faces. do a bimax instead if you must to fix your teeth.

theoritacally even elastics are not so bad, if used right.
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show teeth for accurate answer.

no braces dont ruin your face, they do pull backwards tho because they put constant pressure on your face, if you dont wear them too long, they wont have any negativs.

sometimes they expand your palate before braces - thats an huge dental looksmax.

as long as you dont use elastics bands you shouldnt be worried. camouflage orthodontics does ruin faces. do a bimax instead if you must to fix your teeth.

theoritacally even elastics are not so bad, if used right.
How do elastic bands fuck up your face? Aren't they just used to pull teeth down/up?
How do elastic bands fuck up your face? Aren't they just used to pull teeth down/up?
what you think happens when you push and pull teeth?
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show teeth for accurate answer.

no braces dont ruin your face, they do pull backwards tho because they put constant pressure on your face, if you dont wear them too long, they wont have any negativs.

sometimes they expand your palate before braces - thats an huge dental looksmax.

as long as you dont use elastics bands you shouldnt be worried. camouflage orthodontics does ruin faces. do a bimax instead if you must to fix your teeth.

theoritacally even elastics are not so bad, if used right.
i have elastic bands. I guess im fucked
So if you pull teeth down can your face on that side be pulled down with it? And have one side look droopy or that it's falling?
how do you pull down?
how do you pull down?
When the teeth is too high up on the alveolar an orthodontist puts an elastic on a normal teeth on the gums which goes to the upper teeth to bring it down I think
If it’s only to fix your teeth it probably isn’t bad.
Braces are associated with ruining your face when used in situations like fixing an overbite, because elastics are also used and the goal is to push your maxilla backwards so it matchs your lower jaw. So now your whole face is recessed and you end up with a long and flat face but your bite is now aligned.

When “fixing” an overbite, elastics are attached to the canine tooth in the upper jaw and the molar in your lower jaw consequently pulling your maxilla.
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When “fixing” an overbite, elastics are attached to the canine tooth in the upper jaw and the molar in your lower jaw consequently pulling your maxilla.
I had this exact same elastic position for some time, am I fucked? I'm still a teen so can I reverse it in some way?
I had this exact same elastic position for some time, am I fucked? I'm still a teen so can I reverse it in some way?
For how long have you had it? Even if you already had it for some months now, if you stop using them they will revert to their original place. That’s why when you finish your elastic treatment they will give you a retainer to safeguard the position.

The problem with these orthodontists, is that instead of fixing the weak part (lower jaw) they make the strong part (upper jaw) also weak to match the lower jaw, when they can definitely do the opposite.

Also, is your maxilla recessed?
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Mewtards think they will destroy your face and make your jaws recede 5mm
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For how long have you had it? Even if you already had it for some months now, if you stop using them they will revert to their original place. That’s why when you finish your elastic treatment they will give you a retainer to safeguard the position.

The problem with these orthodontists, is that instead of fixing the weak part (lower jaw) they make the strong part (upper jaw) also weak to match the lower jaw, when they can definitely do the opposite.

Also, is your maxilla recessed?
I've had to use elastics since 2 years ago, however from what I remember when I went to the dentist to tighten my braces and see my progress each month, instead of properly wearing the elastics for most of the entire day each month I just wore them the day I tightened the braces and the day I went to the dentist usually because I was a rebel at that time. Sometimes I would kind of properly wear them though, and even though I didn't use them properly my dentist still tightened my braces so idk if that can fuck me up too?

This year I have been mostly properly wearing them although still missing a couple of days though.

Also, is your maxilla recessed?
I mostly used elastics on the left side of my face for some reason from what I remember, and on that side my face is noticeably flatter than my right side, however my jawline on that side seems to go "inward", like it goes further on the back than on my right side but is flatter on the front than my right side, it's like it grew "inward" for some reason.
Also it looks a bit like it's dropping on the left side, my jawline on the left is further down than on the right like if it's "falling".

My right side's maxilla still seems flat I think, but less than on the left.
Mewtards think they will destroy your face and make your jaws recede 5mm
If you have an overbite and the ‘solution’ is to pull your maxila backwards to match the bite of your lower jaw, then I don’t see why this wouldn’t recess your maxilla.

Of course at the end it depends how severe the overbite is and if the culprit is the maxilla (which it almost never is)if the overbite is not that significant it probably isn’t going to destroy your face or make you look recessed compared to extraction and etc.

But if teeth are the only problem here it probably won’t damage you in any way tbh.
my dentist still tightened my braces so idk if that can fuck me up too?
I’m pretty sure tightening braces alone dosen’t really change your jaw position.

If your jaw is drooping more in one side it may be that your jaw is slightly rotated in its x-axis. It’s quite clear that elastic have impacted your face and it may have caused it to be assymetrical. Idk if maybe they will also apply elastics to your other side or something, but you should definitely ask the orthodontists all of your thoughts and ask about how your face is flatter in one side and etc.

Also… is you dental midline asymmetrical?
IMG 6711

Or is it rotated in any way?
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I’m pretty sure tightening braces alone dosen’t really change your jaw position.

If your jaw is drooping more in one side it may be that your jaw is slightly rotated in its x-axis. It’s quite clear that elastic have impacted your face and it may have caused it to be assymetrical. Idk if maybe they will also apply elastics to your other side or something, but you should definitely ask the orthodontists all of your thoughts and ask about how your face is flatter in one side and etc.
The orthodontists I visited said assymetryes are "normal" and "everyone has them", they also started explaining how no one is perfectly symmetrical and blah blah. Closest my dentist said about this is that in the future I can rearrange the teeth bringing them more up or down or shaving them but that seems like just more shitty camouflage orthodontics.

Do you know why it could be rotated in the x-axis though?

Also… is you dental midline asymmetrical?
View attachment 2337453
Or is it rotated in any way?
Yeah, my lower teeth's middle line is a bit more on the right than it should be, idk if the problem is on the lower or upper teeth though but most likely on the lower I think. Pretty sure it was somewhat worse before.

Not sure if that's relevant but my lower teeth also "fall" a bit to the left side.
The orthodontists I visited said assymetryes are "normal" and "everyone has them", they also started explaining how no one is perfectly symmetrical and blah blah. Closest my dentist said about this is that in the future I can rearrange the teeth bringing them more up or down or shaving them but that seems like just more shitty camouflage orthodontics.

Do you know why it could be rotated in the x-axis though?

Yeah, my lower teeth's middle line is a bit more on the right than it should be, idk if the problem is on the lower or upper teeth though but most likely on the lower I think. Pretty sure it was somewhat worse before.

Not sure if that's relevant but my lower teeth also "fall" a bit to the left side.
Wait, are they pulling your maxilla backwards or downwards? Or both?
I guess your jaw can be drooping in one side because they only pulled down on one side of your face.
The thing is that they told you that nobody is symmetrical but they themselves made you more asymmetrical.
And if they are treating you, you should as well get your asymmetries fixed specially since these aren’t just slight asymmetries .
But most orthodontists are obsessed on the teeth and not on the whole harmony of the face. They can recess your face and extract multiple teeth but at the end they only care about the bite matching even if you ended up with a long flat face like the brother of my father and my sister. (In overbite cases at least)

Fortunately for me they never extracted any teeth and only expanded my palate.
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Wait, are they pulling your maxilla backwards or downwards? Or both?
I guess your jaw can be drooping in one side because they only pulled down on one side of your face.
The thing is that they told you that nobody is symmetrical but they themselves made you more asymmetrical.
And if they are treating you, you should as well get your asymmetries fixed specially since these aren’t just slight asymmetries .
But most orthodontists are obsessed on the teeth and not on the whole harmony of the face. They can recess your face and extract multiple teeth but at the end they only care about the bite matching even if you ended up with a long flat face like the brother of my father and my sister. (In overbite cases at least)

Fortunately for me they never extracted any teeth and only expanded my palate.
I've used the canine and molar elastic position, a molar and molar, and a few other ones.
Right now it's a second molar to second molar position which has the bracket on the opposite side of the upper molar to push it outwards (first time that happened).
All of these were on my left side with a few of them having another braces position on the right side for some time.

I'm not sure if the droopyness is all caused by these or not because on some photos I seem to already have some assymetry there when young but then again that might be just angles. I've noticed there was some change on my left eye for sure tho.

Also idk if that's relevant again, but on my left upper arch my teeth are more backwards than on the right, like my left canine sits further back than my right canine, could that have any correlation with my left side being more recessed or seeming "inwards"?

And dang, those orthodontists are either real assholes or really uninformed. How can they fuck up someone's face like that and not see a problem, do they even notice what they did? You come there to fix your bite problems and leave having even more problems they don't tell you about. I didn't want to have this man. If I could go back I'd just get an expander and not these fuck-up braces.

I'm going to the dentist tomorrow again, should I just get my braces off after all this time and not wear retainers in hopes of those problems fixing themselves, or are they not really fixable just with that?
I've used the canine and molar elastic position, a molar and molar, and a few other ones.
Right now it's a second molar to second molar position which has the bracket on the opposite side of the upper molar to push it outwards (first time that happened).
All of these were on my left side with a few of them having another braces position on the right side for some time.

I'm not sure if the droopyness is all caused by these or not because on some photos I seem to already have some assymetry there when young but then again that might be just angles. I've noticed there was some change on my left eye for sure tho.

Also idk if that's relevant again, but on my left upper arch my teeth are more backwards than on the right, like my left canine sits further back than my right canine, could that have any correlation with my left side being more recessed or seeming "inwards"?

And dang, those orthodontists are either real assholes or really uninformed. How can they fuck up someone's face like that and not see a problem, do they even notice what they did? You come there to fix your bite problems and leave having even more problems they don't tell you about. I didn't want to have this man. If I could go back I'd just get an expander and not these fuck-up braces.

I'm going to the dentist tomorrow again, should I just get my braces off after all this time and not wear retainers in hopes of those problems fixing themselves, or are they not really fixable just with that?
I don’t think not wearing elastics will revert much of your face, it will only definitely revert the last changes left like the molar to second molar you are talking about, and I don’t think expanding your molar outward may be bad.

If one canine is more behind that the other then your upper jaw is rotated in its y-axis and that’s why one side of your face looks recessed (good you told me that)

Honestly you should tell them about this but also tell them what is left on the treatment because maybe there’s still some benefits you can receive. Tell them that your maxilla is rotated .
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I don’t think not wearing elastics will revert much of your face, it will only definitely revert the last changes left like the molar to second molar you are talking about, and I don’t think expanding your molar outward may be bad.
So there's no way to revert all the recession or bad changed that the braces caused? Would my left side still be "droopy"?

I didn't think expanding the molar outward was bad too but I'm kinda scared because it uses elastics, and idk if it could make that side even more droopy because of pushing teeth and bringing them up or down.

If one canine is more behind that the other then your upper jaw is rotated in its y-axis and that’s why one side of your face looks recessed (good you told me that)

Honestly you should tell them about this but also tell them what is left on the treatment because maybe there’s still some benefits you can receive. Tell them that your maxilla is rotated .
Woa so that's why it looks and feels like it's inward all this time. So is it not rotated in the x-axis too? How could it be fixed?

Guess I'll stay with the braces then, to be honest I'm not sure if my orthodontist would know about this or would just say some cope, would that be able to be fixed with braces?

(actually now that I think about it she should have known it was rotated wtf?)

What else should I tell her? I don't wanna stay deformed because of braces man
When if you had the droopiness from already a considerable time ago I don’t think it can be reverted by simple drooping the braces, as braces alone don’t affect the jaw that much, but the elastics do.

Just be clear and assertive towards your dentist and explain your reasoning, also tell her about your dental midline, if it’s too mild she probably won’t do anything but if it’s quite noticeable she will probably do if you insist. Since dental midline also affects the rest of the face.
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When if you had the droopiness from already a considerable time ago I don’t think it can be reverted by simple drooping the braces, as braces alone don’t affect the jaw that much, but the elastics do.

Just be clear and assertive towards your dentist and explain your reasoning, also tell her about your dental midline, if it’s too mild she probably won’t do anything but if it’s quite noticeable she will probably do if you insist. Since dental midline also affects the rest of the face.
Alright, thanks for all the help man, I was really confused about braces screwing with the rest of the face, you really helped me. Sorry for asking a lot here lol.

One last question if you know, would the rotation with the y-axis be able to be fixed with braces, or is there a better solution to it?
Alright, thanks for all the help man, I was really confused about braces screwing with the rest of the face, you really helped me. Sorry for asking a lot here lol.

One last question if you know, would the rotation with the y-axis be able to be fixed with braces, or is there a better solution to it?
Orthodontists does deal with this, by either surgery like Lefort 1 and braces other appliances for mild deformation but I’m not very informed in this.

You can also have Distraction Osteogenesis which slowly moves the maxilla to its desired location and orientation which is mainly used when the patient is still growing and the bones are not fully developed but it’s more complicated and there’s a whole head gear.

There’s also orthopedics which deals with bone deformities I don’t know if this can also be applied.

You can research more on your own and I’m glad I helped you, good luck bro.
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Orthodontists does deal with this, by either surgery like Lefort 1 and braces other appliances for mild deformation but I’m not very informed in this.

You can also have Distraction Osteogenesis which slowly moves the maxilla to its desired location and orientation which is mainly used when the patient is still growing and the bones are not fully developed but it’s more complicated and there’s a whole head gear.

There’s also orthopedics which deals with bone deformities I don’t know if this can also be applied.

You can research more on your own and I’m glad I helped you, good luck bro.
Thanks so much bro, you really helped me here. Hopefully gonna be able to undo the damage caused and work it out.
braces are VERY BAD
i got elastic braces to correct me teeth
and i got
1. a hooked nose (also thinner one)
2. Sceral show (one left eye has a bigger sceral show then the other)
3. nasiobol folds :((
show teeth for accurate answer.

no braces dont ruin your face, they do pull backwards tho because they put constant pressure on your face, if you dont wear them too long, they wont have any negativs.

sometimes they expand your palate before braces - thats an huge dental looksmax.

as long as you dont use elastics bands you shouldnt be worried. camouflage orthodontics does ruin faces. do a bimax instead if you must to fix your teeth.

theoritacally even elastics are not so bad, if used right.
lol I remeber having braces and they told me to wear bands. I knew something was up because it was giving me pain so I never wore the bands and lied to them. Saved my maxilla from being pulled back.
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The camera does not damage the face. If you have crowded teeth, your face will look better after braces. It may happen that the cheekbones come out. 3/4 of the cases I know benefited from support. The face became more attractive.

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