Are human getting more gl or uglier?

Uglier or gl

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Deleted member 11053

Deleted member 11053

Nov 30, 2020
On average
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A lot of subhumans so I assume uglier
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lower T but more prettyboys tbh
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Reactions: Deleted member 12150, R@m@, TUSSELEIF and 2 others
Getting less masculinity less dom tbh
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Reactions: Deleted member 5180, Mrinfinityx and Deleted member 11053
Girls are getting fatter and uglier
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  • JFL
Reactions: BogdanYermakov, Deleted member 7785, Deleted member 5180 and 3 others
Also explain why you think humans are getting more gl or uglier
Far more uglier. But looksmaxing is extremely common now so you wont notice it so much. But the bonestructure of most humans is absolute garbage now. The reasons for this are modern toxins (plastics, heavy metals, vegetable oils, sugar, medication in water etc.) and extrem malnutrition (less than 1 pound of meat a day while you grow up).
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Reactions: ManzareK, Need2Ascend, Blue and 11 others
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More good looking, this is why:

-Women choose partner for their look more often than in the past, so better genetic

- more people is conscious about importance of look so more people looksmax nowadays

- more people getting surgery
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 5385, Yuya Moggershima, Blue and 9 others
Far more uglier. But looksmaxing is extremely common now so you wont notice it so much. But the bonestructure of most humans is absolute garbage now. The reasons for this are modern toxins (plastics, heavy metals, vegetable oils, sugar, medication in water etc.) and extrem malnutrition (less than 1 pound of meat a day while you grow up).
only basic looksmaxxing like hairmaxxing, beardmaxxing, gymmaxxing etc
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Far more uglier. But looksmaxing is extremely common now so you wont notice it so much. But the bonestructure of most humans is absolute garbage now. The reasons for this are modern toxins (plastics, heavy metals, vegetable oils, sugar, medication in water etc.) and extrem malnutrition (less than 1 pound of meat a day while you grow up).
Maybe humans are starting to adapt to the toxins
Agree but in term of looks what you think they looked better before?
hard to tell too much, I guess girls have always tried to looksmax, as they have always felt more pressured by society. But recently men have been more pressured due to the way society has developed
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Tbh if people's are getting more beautiful that mean @higgabigga theory on reincarnation is real
divergent evolution in both directions
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Reactions: Deleted member 5385, quakociaptockh and Deleted member 11053
average human is getting way uglier but the best looking are getting better
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  • Woah
Reactions: Blue, quakociaptockh and Deleted member 11053
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Reactions: Lux
Chads and stacies are better looking now than they were before then. We have better health and a better environment now.
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Reactions: Deleted member 12150, Deleted member 10367, gamma and 2 others
Why do you think this happens?

chad breeds with stacy -> best traits stay. But the average subhuman also keeps breeding and creates many many subhumans with a shit enviroment
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Reactions: Mrinfinityx, Deleted member 11053 and Lux
elites getting better looking through sexual selection while at the same time subhumans are breeding like never before
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More gl
Main selection criteria is now face since women don't need ugly betabux, thus ppl will get more gl for every generation.
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I feel like humans have better genetics but reaching your full genectic potential is harder
Far more uglier. But looksmaxing is extremely common now so you wont notice it so much. But the bonestructure of most humans is absolute garbage now. The reasons for this are modern toxins (plastics, heavy metals, vegetable oils, sugar, medication in water etc.) and extrem malnutrition (less than 1 pound of meat a day while you grow up).
U dont need specifically meat for protein intakes, keep coping


But u need iron and diverse amino acid intakes

And except make people eating insects it will be impossible for ecological purpose to allow people to eat 1 piece of meat a day, it is already insane with just some a week

Chad is born with DNA and dont need perfect nazi nutrition to become one, keep coping, normal intakes are enough


The height of human population is rising his peak actually

Endocrine disruptors are the main reasons of unhealty developements, diseases and cancer, this can affect receptors and endocrine production in all the body


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chad breeds with stacy -> best traits stay. But the average subhuman also keeps breeding and creates many many subhumans with a shit enviroment
Many elite couple create subhumans by genetic recombination, i see so many subhuman parents with top tier daughter or son, major cope

More good looking, this is why:

-Women choose partner for their look more often than in the past, so better genetic

- more people is conscious about importance of look so more people looksmax nowadays

- more people getting surgery
The 2 last points are legit, the first is cope

Dont forget the popularisation of photoshop, filters for photos and videos (frauding), make up and so
Many elite couple create subhumans by genetic recombination, i see so many subhuman parents with top tier daughter or son, major cope

View attachment 1059019

u dont know what the parents looked like in their prime. My dad is a 280lbs landwhale now with the worst posture ever who hasnt take care of himself serious for 20 years, but he was a fucking chad when 20 yo
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Reactions: Mrinfinityx
Chads and stacies are better looking now than they were before then. We have better health and a better environment now.
This. Also "Normie" in itself is a bit of a vague term, nowadays you're either ugly or gl.
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Reactions: Looks234 and Mrinfinityx
Humans ugly af, ded srs
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  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 7806 and Deleted member 11053
guys uglier, females more gl
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They looked better before you think?
Depends, in terms of bones? Yah probably, but their skin was shit and they died at 30.
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xenoestrogens and all the shit they are throwing in the water
they make guys less dimorphic and females more dimorphic
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xenoestrogens and all the shit they are throwing in the water
they make guys less dimorphic and females more dimorphic
Do you think humans today are born with better genetics tho?
Uglier, obesity rates are at an all time high, besides that, all the junk food people at is fucking up their faces as well, acne for example.
Besides that, the unhealthy lifestyle of many nowadays affects newborn babies as well, moms will eat like shit during pregnancy etc...
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Reactions: Blue and Deleted member 11053
Uglier, obesity rates are at an all time high, besides that, all the junk food people at is fucking up their faces as well, acne for example.
Besides that, the unhealthy lifestyle of many nowadays affects newborn babies as well, moms will eat like shit during pregnancy etc...
This can affect the genes?
More good looking, this is why:

-Women choose partner for their look more often than in the past, so better genetic

- more people is conscious about importance of look so more people looksmax nowadays

- more people getting surgery
I'd say facial attraction doesn't inherit very well. Since features that make someone good looking are often good looking only accounting for all other features, when you mix two good looking features it often creates a subhuman mess. Bunch of people I know that have subhuman parents but gigachad, and stacy + chad parents but subhuman.
This can affect the genes?
The expression of genes in an organism can be influenced by the environment, it could affect metabolism, hormones and some other things as well.
So you could have great genes and it still wouldn’t matter in a rotten environment.
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People in the West are fatter than ever before. After age 30, about 70-80% of men and women are overweight or obese in the US, for example. So, they are getting uglier.
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Reactions: Deleted member 11053 and TUSSELEIF
Uglier. Don’t be deceived by the amount of gl people on TikTok or Instagram, they get all the attention. Most people since the beginning of the modern period has gotten more recessed and uglier, and it’s just gonna continue. Not to mention people are getting fatter as well
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Reactions: Blue and Deleted member 11053
-Less testosterone,more soy boys
-But in return they are getting taller
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People in the West are fatter than ever before. After age 30, about 70-80% of men and women are overweight or obese in the US, for example. So, they are getting uglier.
Uglier. Don’t be deceived by the amount of gl people on TikTok or Instagram, they get all the attention. Most people since the beginning of the modern period has gotten more recessed and uglier, and it’s just gonna continue. Not to mention people are getting fatter as well
Do you think people today are born with worst genes compared to people back then?
On average
people are getting better nutrition so I assume better looking but it should be roughly the same
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Do you think girls have better bodies now?

Most girls have good ass + tits especially close to adult age jb
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Shoud have put does human have better genetics now than before as title. Causz it's water that we are getting on average uglier
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