Are human getting more gl or uglier?

Uglier or gl

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Do you think girls have better bodies now?

Most girls have good ass + tits especially close to adult age jb
Idk tbh i feel like young girls today look better than young girls back then but women aged way better before
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more hypergamy more looks
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@Chadlite Rutherford @kjsbdfiusdf do you think the jews are really killing humans genetics or that our genes are improving?
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Damn @Chadlite Rutherford so you really ain't going to answer me cuz i told you im black yesterday
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Damn @Chadlite Rutherford so you really ain't going to answer me cuz i told you im black yesterday
I dont think people are getting uglier, there has always been ugly and beautiful people since the dawn of time, in fact people are extremely tall nowadays

The only problem is that people are just too fucking fat, people in the past were lean so men were much much better looking on average
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@Chadlite Rutherford @kjsbdfiusdf do you think the jews are really killing humans genetics or that our genes are improving?
people are getting more gl and taller but environment is making people uglier
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On average
Uglier, definitly. The industrial revolution changed human behavior. Everything in our lifestyle is diffrent then pre 1900s
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On average
Based on averages were getting uglier more obese people, sedentary lifestyle, addicted to phones cause need for glasses dropping smv. However zoomers are some of the tallest generations as of late which is attractive trait and are more self aware no longer seen as foggy to looksmax. Mixes bag really, on avg outlier imo
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Uglier, definitly. The industrial revolution changed human behavior. Everything in our lifestyle is diffrent then pre 1900s
True. Due to fast food obesity is much more prevalent, everything (including water!) being full of xenoestrogens and heavy metals makes men more estrogenic, soft foods cause our facial muscles to be much less developed, women eating shit during pregnancy and baby formulas being full of crap doesn't help either, etc. You get the memo.
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Imo the truth is somewhat in the middle and people here have already made some valid points.

Women are getting better-looking but men are getting more subhuman, let me explain why...

For the reasons outlined already, males are becoming less dimorphic:

- Exposure to pollution, plastics and chemicals that alter a man's hormonal profile. The effects of parabens, phthalates and pollutants are really understated. It's completely fcking over the average man. Infertility rates are surging and male penis sizes are shrinking. Prenatal and pubertal testosterone is significantly lower than 50 years. Prenatal T sets the foundations for androgen sensitivity = muscle mass, bone mass in the FACE. It's leading to an estrogenic profile in men.

- Malocclusion due to soft western diets. Humans have already adapted to our high refined carbs, high sugars, low meats shitty western diet. Palates are getting narrower, resulting in more dental problems.

- Mouth breathing due to pollution. Another by-product of pollution and increasing rates of allergies is more mouth-breathing, which as we know, leads to plenty of undesirable traits (flat midFACE and narrow jaw)

- Sedentary lifestyle = obesity = estrogenic hormonal profile

Devil's Advocate:

- Men are getting taller on average

- Men are becoming more self-aware of their looks due to Western culture and the importance of looking "pretty". More men are looksmaxxing.


Modern men have no bone mass in their FACES. They look nothing like the cro-magnon hunter-gatherer of the past. The average man looks like a soy boy...

On the other hand women:
- Benefit from an estrogenic hormonal profile. Their boobs get bigger and their features more feminine

- It doesn't matter if women mouth breathe. Recessed and forward-grown features are attractive for women regardless of their oral posture...

- Makeup is more sophisticated and cosmetics more effective than ever. Female frauding is reaching new ATHs every year.

To conclude:
Can we really blame women for being picky, aside from their core function as sexual selectors? Where are all the real men at? Srs. Will there be any men left in this world? More confused men with gender identity issues? Why do we see more androgynous men that have the characteristics of a woman? They talk like women, look like women, act like women and bear no resemblance to a real "man".

It goes so much deeper than aesthetics imo. Society is becoming gynocentric because men are becoming emasculated on both a psychological and physiological level. Men with low 2D:4D ratios (low prenatal T) are documented to be less assertive, less aggressive and less confident. What do you think this means for society? It's over... it's done. With the cuckery of men in the new generations, women are now dictating cultural trends and getting into positions of power. This allows them to inflict unlimited damage on pragmatic institutions that have established norms and conventions for centuries...

The infantilisation of men, the feminisation of men and the ugly exterior of men. Everything about men in today's world is wrong. It's done boyos. Pack it up...
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I think we are becoming more good looking than before for the following reasons:

1. Natural selection

The answer is partly within the premise - "good looking" will be defined by what is selected for. As long as we are selecting for looks, then whatever ends up happening will be deemed more good looking by our genetics long term.

2. 80/20 rule / hypergamy / internet & globalization / drop in marriage rate, more single moms

Women want to get the best man they can get. Chad is willing to fuck women way below his own SMV. More women get educations and work, and are as such less reliant on marrying a beta. This results in Chad spreading his genetics to more women, as they are more willing to get pregnant without commitment from Chad.

On top of this, back in the day before internet and SoMe, women would have to relate only to the men in her "circle" - now, she can thirst over men on tinder, online, TV shows, tiktok etc. Her standards will be through the roof, and she will get a lot of attention from men by posting something online, inflating her ego. As competition between men rises, she becomes less and less attracted to men of lower status because they are collectively acting more beta/simp in an effort to compete with Chad - which they of course can never do.

Cities being centralized and becoming larger also adds to this - if you live in a small bumfuk place, the SMV needed for a male to attract the best looking female is far lower than the SMV needed to attract the best looking female in Los Angeles or New York.
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Less healthy and intelligent so uglier overall
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only basic looksmaxxing like hairmaxxing, beardmaxxing, gymmaxxing etc
Every girl here in California has had plastic surgical intervention for their looks, from lip filler and botox to more hard surgeries. Wouldn't be possible 100 years ago.
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