Are Moroccan women the prettiest on average?

:dafuckfeels:your just digging yourself a hole here buddy… :feelstastyman:

You realise in Christianity eating food with blood is not permitted right? Yes it’s completely forbidden (many Christian’s unfortunately don’t know this today but yes we’re steak is forbidden because drinking blood is forbidden)

So we have the same rules… what’s your point? As for the blood and flesh of the lamb of God that’s to become a part of god so he can work through us, notice how what we drink is WINE and what we eat is BREAD just like in the temple of Melkizidek…. But your a brainlet :feelsuhh: so obvs you wouldn’t know so thanks for proving my point and that Christianity is the true predecessor to ancient Judaism
Thanks for admitting your god which dwells in thick darkness has his top angels being reptilian jinn,it took a long time for your monkey ass to admit this but thank you because I always win
As I told you Mudlsime Islam has SERAPHIMS AS WELL LMFAO 🤣 STUPID IDIOT. All you have done is show that Islams god is Satan and that god of Christy is god of Abraham thanks for proving your gods the devil and mines the one true god YHWH

I SHOWED YOU YHWH is what the Jews were told by GOD HIS NAME WAS ARE YOU STUPID? (Well obvs you are).


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:dafuckfeels:your just digging yourself a hole here buddy… :feelstastyman:

You realise in Christianity eating food with blood is not permitted right? Yes it’s completely forbidden (many Christian’s unfortunately don’t know this today but yes we’re steak is forbidden because drinking blood is forbidden)

So we have the same rules… what’s your point? As for the blood and flesh of the lamb of God that’s to become a part of god so he can work through us, notice how what we drink is WINE and what we eat is BREAD just like in the temple of Melkizidek…. But your a brainlet :feelsuhh: so obvs you wouldn’t know so thanks for proving my point and that Christianity is the true predecessor to ancient Judaism
Did you read the link?or are you this braindead?if you read the link you will leave Christianity because Hebrews tells a bold faced lie in regard to atonement
Did you read the link?or are you this braindead?if you read the link you will leave Christianity because Hebrews tells a bold faced lie in regard to atonement
I read the link…. You failed :hnghn: get fucked Christianity is prophesied and we meet all the prophesies. Islam is a false pagan heathen religion where you worship Mo the pedo

The Jews before the destruction of the 2nd temple in 72AD used to sacrifice bulls and other livestock to god for atonement… this was how god forgave your sins.

Modern Judaism is a response to most Jews becoming CHRISTIANS. And that’s why it is a 6th century religion and Christianity is actually closer and older and why it shares more in common with ancient Jewish traditions than the reactive modern rabbinical Judaism but you wouldn’t know that because your an retard which kissed the black stone 😘.

We Christians get atonement by praying for forgiveness we don’t need do anything else but pray and god forgives us. Nothing more nothing less. You know nothing about Christianity we drink the wine and blood as it allows us to become one with god via Theosis not for repentance :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh: you’d know this if you knew anything about Christianity because your an dumbass
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I read the link…. You failed :hnghn: get fucked Christianity is prophesied and we meet all the prophesies. Islam is a false pagan heathen religion where you worship Mo the pedo

The Jews before the destruction of the 2nd temple in 72AD used to sacrifice bulls and other livestock to god for atonement… this was how god forgave your sins.

Modern Judaism is a response to most Jews becoming CHRISTIANS. And that’s why it is a 6th century religion and Christianity is actually closer and older and why it shares more in common with ancient Jewish traditions than the reactive modern rabbinical Judaism but you wouldn’t know that because your an retard which kissed the black stone 😘.

We Christians get atonement by praying for forgiveness we don’t need do anything else but pray and god forgives us. Nothing more nothing less. You know nothing about Christianity we drink the wine and blood as it allows us to become one with god via Theosis not for repentance :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh: you’d know this if you knew anything about Christianity because your an dumbass
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Blood could only atone for unintentional sins
I've been getting likes from Moroccan women on Muslim app and they're all HTB and up but only the ones that don't wear hijab,I guess it's just universal foid nature to show off their beauty if they have it
Algerian and egyptian are above morroccans
Blood could only atone for unintentional sins
Blood from animals sure and god didn’t want this so he sent his only begotten Son for he so loved the world and he named his son “Yeshuah” which means “salvation of God”. Through god the eternal sacrifice we no longer need to give bulls and livestock as that’s been closed the death of Christ means we all have him as our ticket for salvation eternally. "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6).

Most Jews end up becoming atheist or becoming Christian for a reason. Modern Judaism is a meme made to explain why they never followed Jesus when it’s obvious Jesus was the Messiah

Jesus came as a way to bridge the gap between gentile and Jew and make us all one family as humans as it states in Matthew 3:17”And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
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Yes yes yes! Must be protected at all costs before word gets out.

@MaghrebGator @wsada @JohnBaza you should close all borders and go ER on foreigners before this gets out of hand. Except me, I'm an exception 😊
Autism Awareness GIF
No, it's Ukrainian or Russian women.
Yes yes yes! Must be protected at all costs before word gets out.

@MaghrebGator @wsada @JohnBaza you should close all borders and go ER on foreigners before this gets out of hand. Except me, I'm an exception 😊
Bros definitely Pakistani
Apparently their whores. Claim to be 99% muslim but will literally fuck an ugly manlet euro cuck for a visa. I'd say less religious Muslims from albania and turkey aren't even that whorish
  • Ugh..
Reactions: emeraldglass
Maghrebi Arabic sucks. I can’t understand a single thing a Moroccan says
  • JFL
Reactions: Htobrother
No you're just horny
  • +1
Reactions: datboijj and Htobrother
Ok and? If gods angels take the form of serpents punish those who displease him so be it that doesn’t disprove or weaken my point you idiot both Jews and Christian’s (TRUE ABRAHAMIC FOLLOWERS) belive this is the case

And it turns out Muslims also belive in Seraphim’s :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: ohhh hard 4 u

Your “ALLAHHHHHHHAAAA” isn’t god of Abraham. YHWH is the god that appeared to Abraham and Moses and many others. BUT ofc your gonna bring up the Canaanite connection when that connection is a bastardisation that the Canaanite’s later picked up lol :ROFLMAO: you failed though nice try buddy good try son

I didn't come here to defend @yandex99 but I've seen you say "jews and christians" as if they were united so here you go:
I could have married one from marroco
I didn't come here to defend @yandex99 but I've seen you say "jews and christians" as if they were united so here you go:

When I say Jews and Christian’s I’m referring to the Old Testament. I’m well aware of what Jews think of Christian’s this doesn’t detract from the fact that we have far more in common with eachother than Muslims do with us even if Jews are uninformed or don’t wanna admit it. After all us Christian’s literally use the same book as Jews the differnce is we have the New Testament and Jews have the make belief uninspired book called the Talmud which isn’t a holy book btw

Anywyas in regards to what the Mudslime is saying I’m accurate to use Jews here as the term seraphim is an Hebrew word and from the Old Testament which Jews follow and I to back up my claim as to how the angel has alwyas been with god will use the Jews to prove my point

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