Are most posters all bark and no bite (regarding plastic surgery/weight loss)?



Jun 1, 2019
I've been lurking for quite a while on these forums and it seems that most of the posters are all bark and no bite.

Many posters are recommended to get plastic surgery or lose weight (lower body fat %) to looksmax like a male model.
However, I hardly see any post plastic surgery photos on the forum.

Does this mean that most posters never end up getting plastic surgery or putting in real effort to looksmax?
Is it because of the cost?
I personally don't think cost is an issue because if you seriously believed in looksmaxing to be the road to happiness, where else would you spend money on?
Are they just masochists who like to be criticised about their looks just for the sake of it?

I personally think those who use the excuse that surgery is dangerous and permanent to be absurd. If you feel like your looks are holding you back from your true potential and worth, you have nothing to lose. If you don't succeed, go for more surgery or just LIE DOWN AND ROT. If you think your friends or family will not approve, then just cut ties with them. You can always get new friends and family after you looksmax. In fact, it will be much easier. Also family that is based on attraction and love is much stronger than that based on blood.


Is it the case that those who end up getting plastic surgery to looksmax succeed in ascending and never bother to come back to these forums (as they view us as losers)?


N.B. I personally have had multiple plastic surgeries and still trying to ascend. I think I am on my way there. It is just that fully recovering from surgeries takes quite a bit of time (due to the swelling) and I have to space out the surgeries during holidays and annual breaks so I don't turn up to work all swollen and bruised. Even though I haven't ascended yet (so I cannot experience any tangible material benefits), each surgery gives me a little bit more hope and happiness when I think I'm getting a step closer to ascending.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
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I've been lurking for quite a while on these forums and it seems that most of the posters are all bark and no bite.

Many posters are recommended to get plastic surgery or lose weight (lower body fat %) to looksmax like a male model.
However, I hardly see any post plastic surgery photos on the forum.

Does this mean that most posters never end up getting plastic surgery or putting in real effort to looksmax?
Is it because of the cost?
I personally don't think cost is an issue because if you seriously believed in looksmaxing to be the road to happiness, where else would you spend money on?
Are they just masochists who like to be criticised about their looks just for the sake of it?

I personally think those who use the excuse that surgery is dangerous and permanent to be absurd. If you feel like your looks are holding you back from your true potential and worth, you have nothing to lose. If you don't succeed, go for more surgery or just LIE DOWN AND ROT. If you think your friends or family will not approve, then just cut ties with them. You can always get new friends and family after you looksmax. In fact, it will be much easier. Also family that is based on attraction and love is much stronger than that based on blood.


Is it the case that those who end up getting plastic surgery to looksmax succeed in ascending and never bother to come back to these forums (as they view us as losers)?


N.B. I personally have had multiple plastic surgeries and still trying to ascend. I think I am on my way there. It is just that fully recovering from surgeries takes quite a bit of time (due to the swelling) and I have to space out the surgeries during holidays and annual breaks so I don't turn up to work all swollen and bruised. Even though I haven't ascended yet (so I cannot experience any tangible material benefits), each surgery gives me a little bit more hope and happiness when I think I'm getting a step closer to ascending.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
motivational post brah. sadly yea sometimes people will rave about getting plastic surgery/LL surgery done and they never get around to it. it’s more than likely a money issue because who wouldn’t pay a couple hundred thousand to be a 6’4 god amongst men
I have the same feeling. Im planning to get a surgery and when I do I will post before and after. But that will take months to plan, do and recover. meanwhile I’ll keep posting other stuff on the site, thats why its rare to find post surgery posts.
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I myself am planning rhino for next year just need a couple of months of wagecelling. But yeah barely anyone here has enough money for getting actual surgery and almost all other forms of looksmaxing has already been discussed. So this is more of a LDAR, rating, incel discussion type site.
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Damn, what plastic surgeries have you had? I remember you posting your pics like a month ago and it seems like you're wasting your money if that's the result, but obviously you didn't post pics of you before surgery, and you didnt state what surgeries you had, ironically enough.
getting rhino next year when i have time and the money, this summer getting tear troughs and non surgical nose job with dr zack ally, which will last until the rhino
Most are are teenagers or ppl who LDAR and NEETbux or just bitch about being subhuman and do nothing. You're gonna have to search other forums for more before and after photos. Not many here ngl.
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Most are are teenagers or ppl who LDAR and NEETbux or just bitch about being subhuman and do nothing. You're gonna have to search other forums for more before and after photos. Not many here ngl.
Damn, what plastic surgeries have you had? I remember you posting your pics like a month ago and it seems like you're wasting your money if that's the result, but obviously you didn't post pics of you before surgery, and you didnt state what surgeries you had, ironically enough.

I've had upper and lower blepharoplasty, medial and lateral epicanthoplasty, rhinoplasty, cheekbone reduction and buccal fat removal.
The problem is that I was hideous to start with and people made fun of my appearance of a regular basis.

Also because Asian eyes anatomy and non-Asian eye anatomy differs in multiple ways, it takes multiple surgeries to get a non-Asian double eyelid. Also there isn't many plastic surgeons who shave the orbital bones either (Asian and Caucasians have different orbital bone shape).

The photo you saw when I last posted was when I had sagging of the cheeks after cheekbone reduction (which is a possible complication and can be remedied by facelift or liposuction around the nasolabial folds). I originally had wide cheekbones which increased my Quasimodo status.

I'm working on getting the eyes and sagging cheeks fixed before I move on to jaw surgery to have that angular jaw.

I don't mind wasting money anyways since I have a professional job and make quite a lot of money.
Unfortunately, being in a highly respected profession and earning decent money does jack shit to attract girls. Hence, the only girls who interacted with me were out of pity or had no choice because I paid them.

P.S. I don't have any photos before surgery as I try to destroy all evidence of my previous ugliness. Also having those photos around is pretty stupid, like having your nude photos on your phone (but much worse since people view you as a crazy person addicted to plastic surgery).
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Din red but woof.
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Most users are young and cant afford it yet (including me)
Most are are teenagers or ppl who LDAR and NEETbux or just bitch about being subhuman and do nothing. You're gonna have to search other forums for more before and after photos. Not many here ngl.

Where do all the facecels hang out when they get older and have a job which pays?
Do they suddenly spontaneously grow out of the facecel rut?

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